Page Four Local and Personal Avon Cosmetics are again available in Haileybury. Phone 442. 13-4-c The Haileybury Ladies' Curl- ing Club will hold a tea and bake sale on Saturday, June 16th. Harold Glassford is in town this week from Ottawa for a visit with his father, S. H. Glassford. Mr. Leo Cyr, former Hailey- burian, was in town this week | from Kirkland Lake, visiting with friends. Mrs, S, J. Keyes of Ottawa is in town for a visit with her sister, Mrs, J. A. C. Crawford, and Dr. Crawtogd. Mr. "Rusty" Smith, from Cas- immet Lake, is home for a visit with his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Wes. Smith, There is no better winter sport than curling. You can help to promote it by the purchase of a share in the club's project. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schneider were in town from Sudbury this week to visit Mr. Schneider's father, Mr. Geo, Schnieder, Mr. and Mrs, H. A. O'Hara of Jackson, Mich., are in town fora visit with Mr. O'Hara's brother, Mr. John O'Hara, and family. Mrs. Wm. Baxter of Niagara Falls is visiting her sistr, Mrs. Eva Poppleton, and other rela- tives and friends in Haileybury. Miss Jean McConnell, a recent graduate of Sick Children's Hos- pital, Toronto, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Smith Tea hostesses at the Haileybury Golf Club for Wednesday, June 13th, are: Mrs, Pringle, convenor, Mrs. Cockshutt, Mrs. Bond and Mrs. Jenkins. Mr. and family were inSaultSte Ma- rie at the week-end for a visit with Mrs. Smallman's grand- mother, Mrs. R. Patterson, who was 90 years old on ASunday. Under the direction of Mrs. Dalton Dean and assisted by members of the Women's Asso- ciation, a salad supper was held in the basement of the United Church on Tuesday, June 5th. There was a good turnout and the W.A, wishes to thank all the will- ing workers whose combined ef- forts made the evening so suc- cessful, A B-26 aircraft, landing at 100 miles an hour, skids approximate- ly 150 feet per second when the brakes are applied. The Haileybury Curling Club needs 60 more people to subscribe fo rone share of stock each, to reach the objective and assure a new rink for next winter. ROOFING, ALTERATIONS, CARPENTER WORK Phone 140 H. W. Brown, 1 Rorke Ave. For Prompt Service Call UNION TAXI Phones 88 and 235 and Mrs. S. G. Smallman | OBITUARY Norah Elizabeth Byrne Wiley Norah Elizabeth Wiley, wife of Douglas R. Wiley of 445 Gordon Ayenue, Peterborough, died in St. Joseph's Hospital in that city on Tuesday, May 29th after a pro- longed illness. She was 30 years of age. Born in Haileybury and chris- tned Norah Elizabeth, she was the beloved daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Byrne, 220 Dunvegan Road, Toronto. She leaves her husband and three children, Douglas Jo- seph, 4, Elizabeth Anne, 2, and Donald Gerard, aged two months. As well as her parents she also leaves three sisters, Mrs. Joseph Heffernan (Mary) of Guelph, Mrs. Helen Conlin of Toronto and Miss Dorothy Byrne of New York city, and three brothers, J. C. Byrne of Toronto, Norman W., of Edmonton and Robert hy of Kirkland Lake. Norah attended St. Mary's Aca- demy, Haileybury, and graduated from Loretto Abbey, Armour Heights, Toronto, later attending the Ontario College of Arts, She was a talented artist. Norah had many friends both in her home city and Peterbor- ough. where she was widely ad- mired as a gracious and charm- ing hostess. She was a member of St, Peter's Cathedral, Peter- borough and was on the auxiliary Oi Si ~Joseph's Hospital in that cit The body rested at the family residence until Thursday morning and was taken to St. Peter's Ca- thedral where requiem Mass was sung by Rt. Rev. Msgr. Butler. Following the Mass the body was taken to the home of her parents at 220 Dunvegan Road, Toronto, where it rested until Saturday Morning, thence to Holy Rosary Church, where a solemn requiem Mass was song by pastor, Rev. Fr, Thomas MacDonald. _ Inter- Gondeused Ads FOR SALE--1950 Pontiac 4-door Sedan, with hydromatic, radio, air condition; mileage 18,000. 'Half cash, balance 12 months. Apply R. J. Fleming, Haileybury. 13-tf£ FOR SALE--1947 Maple Leaf 2-ton stake truck. Apply P. M. Fleming Limited. 13-t.f. MECHANIC WANTED--Should have mec- anic's papers, be able to weld and do gen- eral repair work. Apply P. M. Fleming Limited, Haileybury, Ont. 13-l-c DESIRABLE HOUSE For Sale--Apply Mrs. J. E. McCuaig, Phone 135. 13-tf. FOR SALE--Man"s C.C.M. Bicycle, in good condition; with rack and basket. $25.00. Phone 135. --I13-t.f. FOR SALE--New G.E. Portable Combination battery and electric radio; reasonable. Tele- phone 304. 13-1l-c FOR SALE--One table model Rangette; hardly used. One drop-leaf Kitchen table. One Buffet. Phone 223 Evenings. 13-1* CAR FOR SALE--1950 Austin; easy on gas, comfortable. Tel- ephone 456. 13-4-* Young Lady Wishes Employment on a steady shift basis; store or office. Apply Haileyburian. FOR SALE--Two small cabins at Mowatt's Landing, Montreal River; will be sold for price of material in them. Phone 62, Hail- eybury. 12-2-c FOR SALE--Modern seven-roomed house, with garage and good garden; immediate possession. 82 Russell St., Haileybury 12-1-c TBE oo A eaay, BiG 1 ACN THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1951 iment was in AMount Hope Cem- 4 bride; Wm. Bagshaw and Robert High cost of railroading: Tt etery, Toronto. Hannah. needs $36,000,000 annually to re- Don Fairbairn to Review Work of Weekly Editors CBC coverage of the annual meeting of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association--to be held in Montreal June 7, 8, 9-- will include a_ special Trans- Canada network broadcast from 9.45-10.00 a.m. on Sunday, June 10th, with Don Fairbairn review- ing the work of the convention and interviewing some of the weekly editors. A few minutes after this special show (that is, starting at 10.03 a.m.) Don will give his regular broadcast of Neighborly News from the Ontario and Quebec Weeklies, from the CBC's Mont- real studios, Will Receive Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Clyve Runnalls, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Runnalls of Haileybury receives the degree of Doctor of Philosophy on Friday, June 8th, at the University of Toronto, During the past two years he has been doing research on tita- nium on Cornica and Wallberg Fellowship. Dr, and Mrs. Runnalls and son, David, will make their home in Deep River. Dr. Runnalls has ac- cepted a position with the Nation- al Research Council and will be employed at their Chalk River atomic plant. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Runnalls are in Toronto attending the gradua- tion exercises. A new curling rink would add greatly to the attractions of this community, and the club's drive for the sale of shares is proceed- ing. WEDDING BELLS WEDDELL--FLEMING A pretty double-ring wedding took place in St. Pauls Church here yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Jean Margaret Fleming, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C .E. Fleming, became the bride of Donald Warren Weddell son of Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Wed- - dell of Osoyoos, B.C., and a grad- uate of the Provincial Institute of Mining here. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Canon Cyril Goodier; Mrs. S. Atkinson, organist of the church, played the wedding music and Miss Jo-Anne Elton sang "Because". The pretty blonde bride wore a dress of white net, with bodice of lace, a tulle veil, and carried a shower bouquet of red roses, She was given in marriage by her father. Her maid of honor was Miss Ruth McDonald, who wore yellow taffeta, with halo hat to match and carried a shower bou- quet of pink roses, Bridesmaids were Miss Shirley Soucie, wearing green taffeta, with short cape and a halo of nylon net, and Miss Joan Thorne, who wore mauve taffeta with ny- "lon cape and halo. The junior bridesmaid was the bride's sister, Beverley, who was gowned in pink taffeta with nylin net cape, gloves and halo. All bridesmaids carried bouquets of a variety of flowers in pastel shades. Two little flower girls, Jacqueline and Gloria Jean Adams, dressed in blue taffeta with bonnets to match, carried crocheted baskets of garden flowers. The bridegroom was supported by a friend of long standing, Dan- ny Goodwin, and the ushers were Robert Fleming, brother of the EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST SHOWING TONIGHT: "BLACK ROSE" (Technicolor) Tyrone Power, Orson Welles FRIDAY - SATURDAY Double Kill the with WILLIAM BENDIX CARTOON. This Week's Offers: ---- Added Attraction ---- Captive Girl with Johnny Weissmuller, Buster Crabbe FRIDAY IS PHOTO-NITE 1st, $300.00; JUNE 8th and 9th Feature Umpire UNA MERKEL 2nd, $300.00; 3rd, $240.00 MON., TUES., with GREGORY PECK, March of Time and News The Gunfighter Matinee Monday at 4.15 p.m. JUNE 11th and 12th HELEN WESTCOTT WED., THURS. with DIANNA LYNN Peggy Travel Talk, Cartoon and New JUNE 13th and 14th CHARLES COBURN s. Matinee Wed. at 4.15 p.m, FOR SALE--House on Ferguson Ave., oppo- site Convent. Those interested call 381, or write Box 281, Haileybury. 12-tf WANTED--Young man or woman with journalistic ambitions, to work on news- paper. Enquire at Haileyburian Office. TRUCK FOR SALE--1947 Mercury Cab and Chassis; new motor and D.P. axle. Shell Service Station, Haileybury, Phone 190. 5-t.f. WANTED--Woman who can do plain cook- ing. Apply to Mrs. A. J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 4-tf 21-DAY SPECIAL LOWCSSFARES *fasto' QUEBEC (EAST OF MEGANTIC, LEVIS, DIAMOND) MARITIMES Enjoy a sea- cooled vaca- tion "Down East" this year. WOMAN WANTED for Housekeeping-- Live in or out; good wages. Phone 483. 3-t.f. FOR RENT--Vacuum Cleaner, floor polisher, by the day. Apply Beattty Washer Store, CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar SLABS HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. Ackroyd and Son holiday fares give you a 21- day limit with stopovers per- mitted, Effective JUNE 18 to SEPTEMBER 3 inclusive Consult your nearest Railway agent. natn fe ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : "Ontario Phones 442 and 442B Family 'Garden Party" Things are buzzing, as Dad and his "gardening crew' swing into action with mower and rake, shears and trowels Even Towser wants to do his share! When the family makes a hobby of their garden, they enjoy a pleasant sense of relaxation and well-being. They reap the benefits of healthful exercise in the good fresh ait. It's another Canadian Way to Good Health! BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED BRADING'S 0 OTTAWA AND WINDSOR At the reception held in the bride's home and attended by the elder guests, Mrs. Fleming, moth- er of the bride, wore a dress of navy sheer and a corsage of talis- man roses. She was assisted by her daughter, Mrs. Phil. Maloney of Matachewan, and Mrs, Leslie Fleming of North Bay, aunt of the bride. Also assisting were Miss Rita Humphreys, Mrs. Weiss and Mrs. K. Trowhill. In the even- ing a reception and dance were held in the Legion hall for the wedding party and their younger § guests. Mr. and Mrs. Weddell left later for Toronto, from where they expected to travel by air to Nica- rague, in Central America, wher: Mr. Weddell is employed by a mining company, For travelling, Mrs, Weddell wore a suit of navy blue gabardine with pink hat and accessories. NV "Nant Ads. Bring Results! Fri, Sat., June 8th, 9th BONNIE PRINCE CHARLIE (Technicolor) Starring DAVID NIVEN Added Attraction "GHOST CHASERS" The Bowery Boys Mon., Tues., June 11, 12 THE MILKMAN Donald O'Connor, Jimmie Durante Added Attraction "OH! SUSANNAH" (in Color) Rod Cameron, Adrian Booth Forrest Tucker /\ J) 10) 13, 1D) SUB @IR AWS) Wed., Thur,, June 13, 14 EYES HAVE NEVER BELIELD ITS EQUAL! , Spectacle Beyond Belief] Starring Tea KERR STEWART GRANGER with RICHARD CARLSON THOUSANDS OF WILD ANIMALS IN FRENZIED STAMPEDE! ONE OF THE MOST STARTLING SCENES EVER FILMED! | Tom & Jerry Cartoon in color (in Color) +E TED, | place worn-out locomotives and rollmg stock on the C.P.R. VETERANS' TAXI Phone 448 DAY and NIGHT '--Special ADDED Feature--f | "THE M.G.M. STORY" | 8 Plus: Fri, Sat., June 8th, 9th THE MILKMAN | Donald O'Connor, Jimmie Durante Added "OH! SUSANNAH" (in color) Rod Cameron, Adrian Booth Forrest Tucker Attraction Plus "Hollywood Brevities" and Latest News Mon., Tues., June 11, 12 EYES HAVE NEVER BEHELD ITS EQUAL! Spectacle Beyond Belief! /3 YEARS "IN THE MAKING! Starring STEWART GRANGER, with RICHARD CARLSON THOUSANDS OF WILD ANIMALS IM FRENZIED STAMPEDE! ij ONE OF THE MOST STARTLING SCENES EVER FILMED! | ==4 TOM & JERRY CARTOON (in color) Two Complete Showings Nightly, 7 and 9 p,m, Wed., Thur., June 13, 14 1000 7echwulolpe THRILLS 08-6-M's BIG. BRILLIANT, BELL- RINGING MUSICAL\ M-G-M reser A75 FRED ASTAIRE JANE powkl Spoyel Mellen co Mornay PETER LANEORD SARAH CHURCHILL * KEENAN Tie COLOR CARTOON