Page Six TRE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1951 Local and Personal VY VY YY YY Novelty Fair has some nice toys on hand for the small fry. Miss Sandra Timmins is spend- ing the summer with her aunt in Simcoe. Mrs. Clayton Playford, Charl- ton, has been visiting her aunt Mrs, A. Swanson, Miss Kathleen Hicks of Oak- wood is a guest of Miss Gwen Bonney this week, Mrs. Frank McFarlane return- ed home aiter visiting Toronto and Sault Ste Marie. Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Galbraith ot Trenton are visiting Mr. and Mrs, R. F, Thornton, Mr. Paul Burnett is home for his holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, Burnett... Miss Shirley Clark is spending the summer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Garbutt.. Miss Margaret Weston, Toronto is home for a visit with her moth- er, Mrs. R. W. Weston. Adam Keddie of South Porcu- pine visited friends and relatives in Haileybury last week, Mr. and Mrs. J. Gorrie, Toron- to are visiting Mr. Gorrie' parents Mr. and Mrs, D. A..Gorrie. Mrs. C. R. Hart has sold her home here and left last week to take up residence in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Goodhand of North Bay, renewed acquaint- ances in Haileybury last week. Mr. and Mrs, Yannizzi and Shir- ley of Toronto, are visiting Mrs. Yannizzis mother, Mrs. Weiss. Miss Patsy Strong of Kirkland Lake visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H, F. Strong, last week, M. S. Boyd returned recently from a holiday trip to Carleton Place and other Ottawa Valley points. Mrs. R. W. Smale and son, Ron- ald, of London, Ont., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Garbutt, Mrs. N. Morissette returned this week from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. Hitchfeld in - Montreal. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cooke (nee Wilma ies] in Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, a son, John Allan. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Piche have returned home after spending a holiday in Southern Ontario and at Kirkland Lake. Mrs. James McCurdy and child- rey Kirkland Lake, have been in town the past two weeks visiting relatives and friends, Mrs. Wm. Baxter, who has been visiting in town for a few weeks, returned last week to her home in Niagara Falls, Ont. Douglas Gorrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gorrie, Timmins, is holi- daying with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D, A. Gorrie. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooke and family of Geraldton, visited Mr. Cooke's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cooke here last week. The Misses Hunter and Tracey from St. Michael's Hospital staff in Toronto, were guests at Hotel Haileybury last week. Miss Carolyn Marcella of Tim- mins is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blair and other relatives. Canon Goodier attended the dedication of Archdeacon Neville Clarke as Suffragan Bishop of Moosonee on Sunday. Tea hostesses at the Golf Club for August 15th will be: Mrs. J. NOTICE! In the Mattet of the Mechanics' Lien Act and Chapter 227, Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1950,and in the matter of George Sadler, Mechanic, and Earle Shepherd TAKE NOTICE that I intend to sell vy public auction on Friday, the 17th instant, at 3.30 o'clock DST one motor car delivered by you to me for repairs, unless the said repairs and storge are sooner paid. The amount claimed for repairs is $600.00 and the amount claimed for storge is $250.00. DATED at Cobalt, this 8th day of Augusr, A.D, 1951. 21-1c- "GEORGE SADLER" M. Shouldice, Mrs. W. H. Due rel] and Miss Jennie Low. Mrs. Fred Bradley and son Neil, of Brantford, are home fora visit with Mrs. Bradley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Mclsaac. Mr. and Mrs, Cocker, Port Cre- dit, and Miss Walace of Mont- real have been in town, guests of Mr, and Mrs, Alf. Humphreys. BORN--At Misericordia Hospi- tal, on August 2nd, 1951, to Mr. and Mrs, John Renaud, a daugh- ter, sister for Paul and Louis. Mr, and Mrs, Cyrus Elkins of Jamaica, B.W.lI., visited at the home of Mr. Elkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Elkins last week. Drop in and eer around and at the same time give the Curling Club Building Fund a boost, at the Novelty Fair in Hotel Hailey- bury. Mrs. W. J. Turner and sons Robin and Christopher, Toronto are home for a visit to Mrs. Tur- ner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. H. F. Strong. Mr, and Mrs. H. R. Thornton Toronto, have returned home af- ter spending a holiday with their son, R. F. Thornton and Mrs. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs, D. Storye and Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson have re- turned to their homes in Toronto after spending a, holiday with Mr B. V. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs, M, J. Chesser and son, Hugh, were up to visit Mr. Chesser's mother, Mrs. A. H. Chesser over the week-end from Falconbridge. Miss Marjorie Tulloch, nurse- in-training, returned to Kitchener last week after spending her holi- days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Tulloch. Mr. and Mrs. R. Dixon and Nancy of Peterboro( spent their holidays in Haileybury ,visiting Mrs. Dixons sister' Mrs. V. Dine- sen and Mr, Dinesen, Mr. and Mrs. Duddy, accompa- nied by Mr, and Mrs. Denys Mor- iarty, all of Windsor, visited with relatives and friends recently in Cobalt and Haileybury. Miss M. G. C. Bonney, Mrs. G. George and Mrs, D, E. Suther- land motored to Lindsay for the |Condensed Ads| FOR SALE--Walnut bedroom furniture, con- sisting of large dresser, three-mircrored dressing table, 2 chairs, 2 bedside tables, three-quarter metal walnut bed with spring and mattress; also desk table walnut finish, 1 oak bureau, 2 floor lamps. Mrs. S. S. Forneri, 54 Georgina Ave. Box 58. 22t.t HELP WANTED--Girl for general house work; must be fond of children, Apply Mrs. M. C, Gardner, Phone 255. 22-1-c FOR SALE--Kroehler Davenport and Chair; 2 black chrome chairs, airfoam seats; small ivory Westinghouse radio, Phone 317. 22-1* FOR SALE--Comfortable Home, centrally lo- cated, Apply to E. M. McCuaig, Registered Broker, Phone 135, Haileybury. 22-tf FOR SALE--Modern Kitchen Cabinet, white, reasonable. Telephone 216, 22-1-* HELP WANTED--Responsible young man wanted for Hotel desk. Apply dae Ha eybury, Haileybury, Ont. 2-t.f. week-end. They were accompa- nied as far as Bracebridge by Mrs. Enid Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farmer mo- tored to Toronto over the past week-end. Their daughter, Mrs. Howard Hutt, and son, Barry, ac- companied them home and will spend a holiday here. Mrs. T. D. Ratchford, Sudbury, arrived in town for a holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Mosher. Mr. Ratchford accom- panied her here, but returned home Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Bellin of Buffalo, N.Y., who have been visiting Mrs. Bellin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thuerck for the past week, returned home, after renewing acquaintances in town, Miss Audrey Thuerck of Al- bany, N.Y.,, is visiting her par- ents, Mr .and Mrs. W. C, Thuerck for ten days. She was accompa- nied by Mr. Sam Spielman of New York City, Among recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Childs were Mr. and Mrs, G, L. Childs of Kingston, Mrs. J. Croaks of Galetta, and Mr. and Mrs, V. H. Childs and family of Kingston Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Douglas and Patsy, Toronto, stopped over in Haileybury for a few days to re- new old acquaintances on their way to camp Anima Nipissing. where they will spend their holi- days, Mr. and Mrs. E. R.. Pomeroy and two small daughters, of Lan- sing, Mich., are visiting Mrs, Po- meroy's parents, Mr, and Mrs, D Russell, Cobalt, and Mr. Pome- roy's uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. J.T. Leishman, Main street. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamothe had as their guests over the week-end Mr. Lamothe's mother, Mrs. J. A. Lamothe of Swastika, and his brother, Ray; also Mr. Lamothe's uncle, Mr. M. aerial of Oshawa who is vacationing with his sister Mrs. J. A. Lamothe. Mrs. K. Welsh and two daugh- ters returned by motor after spending two weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Augi of To- ronto, who drove them up and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Millross. Mrs. Geo. Raupp of Buffalo, N. Y., is spending a few days with her brother, W. C. Thuerck and Mrs. Thuerck. She was accom- panied by Mr. Walter Ronk of Buffalo, a brother-in-law of Mr. Thuerck, Mr and Mrs. Henry Robb and sons, Don and Bill of Brantford and Mrs, Robb's mother, Mrs. McWilliams, Galt, have returned home after spending a holiday at Millar's Cabins. Mrs. McWill- iams is an old Haileybury resi dent. Tommy Beasley and Burney Smith, accompanied the Gordon log drive around Lady Evelyn Lake and Montreal River on a combined holiday and work trip while they were stationed tempo- rarily at Rose Point. Their moth- ers flew in to visit them. They reported a wonderful time. Migratory Bird Regulations (Continued from Page 1) coys within 100 yards of another flock of decoys; or to leave de- coys in the water of Hamilton Bay during hours in which shoot- ing is prohibited. No person residing more than 25 miles from James Bay shall hunt migratory game birds in the Province of Ontario within five miles of the shore of James Bay from the Ontario-Quebec inter- provincial boundary to the east bank of the eastern mouth of the Harricanaw River or from the north bank of the northern mouth of the Albany River to Cape Hen- rietta Maria. Your Blueberries--all you consignment. References: F. G. Lister 86 Front St. E. Blueberries FOR HIGHEST PRICES ;. SHIP YOUR BLUEBERRIES TO LISTER'S at good prices Our established outlets are willing to pay Top Prices for well-filled baskets. Over quarter century on Toronto Whole- sale Fruit Market. Shipping tags sent free on request. Bank of Montreal Toronto, Ont. AND PROMPT RETURNS can send us--can be sold Ship to us on & Co. Limited Phone EL6151 EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard SLAB WOOD--Dry, Stove Lengths; a or load lots, $4.00 per cord F.O.B. K. Lytle Phone. 19-4* FOR SALE--One Peterborough Skiff, 15 feet long, one year old, in perfect condition. Ap- ply to D. Hargrave, Phone 551, Hailey- bury. 19-1-* FOR SALE--1950 Pontiac 4-door Sedan, with hydromatic, radio, air condition; mileage 18,000. 'Half cash, balance 12 months. Apply R. J. Fleming, Haileybury. 13-tf FOR SALE--1947 Maple Leaf 2-ton stake truck. Apply P. M. Fleming Limited. 13-t.f. FOR RENT--Vacuum Cleaner, floor polisher, by the day. Apply Beattty Washer Store, CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar SLABS HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. "SO YOUNG, SO BAD" Adult LAST SHOWING TONIGHT: Catherine McLeod Entertainment, Paul Henreid, FRIDAY - SATURDAY Double with RED SKELTON Added A FRIDAY IS Watch the Birdie Daring Caballero with DUNCAN RENALDO CARTOON This Week's Offers are: 1st, $300.00; 2nd, $300.00; 3rd, $45.00 AUGUST 10th and 11th Feature ARLENE DAHL ttraction LEO CARRILLO PHOTO-NITE Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442B _ MON., TUES., Adult Entertainment No Way Out with RICHARD WIDMARK CARTOON and NEWS AUGUST 13th and 14th LINDA DARNELL WED., THURS. with JANE POWELL VOICES OF VENICE I ee ee MATING WED., at 2 p.m. _ Two Weeks With Love AUGUST 15th and 16th RICARDO MONTALBAN CARTOON and NEWS WEDDING BELLS S ABRAHAM--JOINER Christ's Church, Englehart gayly decorated with eladiolii and sweet peas was the scene of a pretty summer wedding on Mon- day, August 6th, at 3.00 p.m., when Mary Ethel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Joiner be- came the bride of Norman Mich- ael, son of Mrs. N. Abraham and the late Mr. Abraham. Rev. E. Darlington officiated. The bride, given in marriage by her father, Harry Joiner, wore a princess style gown of embroider- ed nylon marquisette and carried red roses, Jean Lyons acted as maid of honor, wearing a gown of soft blue taffeta with net overskirt and matching halo. Vera Gilkes was bridesmaid, wearing a gown of yellow taffeta with net overt skirt and matching halo. Vicky Gilkes acted as flower girl, wear- ing a gown of pink taffeta with matching halo, All carried hou- quets of pink roses. The bride's mother received in anavy crepe with white accessor- ies and a corsage of pink carna- = For Prompt Service Call UNION TAXI Phones 88 and 235 LAST TIMES TODAY 'THE GREAT CARUSO' MARIO LANZA FRL SAT., AUG. 10, 11 TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL Technicolor Jeanne Crain, Jean Peters Added Attraction Passage West (in Technicolor) John Payne, Dennis O'Keefe, Arleen Whelan SPORTS REEBE After Sunday Midnight MON. TUE., AUG. 13, 14 SOUTHSIDE 1-1000 Don Defore, Andrea King Added Attraction "COVER UP" William Bendix, Dennis O'Keefe, Barbara Britton Also: LATEST NEWS, WED. THUR. AUG, 15, 16 THE MATING SEASON GENE TIERNEY JOHN LUND Added "THE JACKPOT" James Stewart Barbara Hale _ Attraction EXTRA! TURPIN - ROBINSON FIGHT PICTURES tions, The grooms' mother wore a black print with dark accessories and wore a corsage of pink car- nations. Assisting the groom were Ed Young as best man and Jim Join- er as 'usher. A wedding supper was held at the home of tbe groom, with a dance in the Legion hall, Hailey- bury in the evening. After a short honeymoon the couple will reside in Haileybury. Those attending town were; Mr. and Mrs. Y. Begg, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. F Assal, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hagan; Miss Edna Abraham, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. J. Youdell, Toronto; from out-of- Mr. and Mrs. J. P. eae Virgin- iatown; Mr, and Mrs. A, Sad- ler, Temagami; Mrs. sy Killens Dr. J. S. Ledwell PHYSICIAN - SURGEON 23 Brewster Street Office hours: 2-5, 7-8 p.m Except Wednesday and Sunday By Appointment: Phone 65 FRI, SAT., AUG. 10, 11 § FATHER'S} LITTLE DIVIDEND} SPENCER TRACY JOAN BENNETT ELIZABETH TAYLOR Latest News and Short Subjects. After Sunday Midnight 9 MON. TUE., AUG. 13, 14 § THE MATING SEASON Tierney, John Lund andj helms Ritter Gene Added Attraction "THE JACKPOT" James Stewart. Barbara Hale ------E X TRA !--------_-- TURPIN - ROBINSON FIGHT PICTURES WED. THUR. AUG, 15, 16% 7 cmb Mountain SUSAN HAYWARD fwitn RORY CALHOUN - Barbara: Bates - Gene Locthat akoetet oy HENRY oy LAMAR TROT wd ALEXANDER KNOX Added Attraction® SANTA FE" (Color by Technicolor) Randolph Scott Janice Carter Plus: COLORED CARTOO.