a ee = ton THE HAILEYBURIAN Page Three THURSDAY, AUGUST 30, 1951 33rd Annual Meet of N.O.H.A. on September 29th Secretary's Notice Sent Out to All Club, Executives, Referees and Others The thirty-third annual meet- ing of the Northern Ontario Hoc- key Association wil be held in the Empire Hotel, North Bay, on September 29th, 1951, at 2.00 p.m. sharp. Each club is requested to notify the Secretary of the Assohiation not later than Saturday, Septem- ber 15th,, the names of delegates and to name the voting delegate. Clubs having resolutions and amendments to the Constitution etc., to place before the annual meeting must have same in hands of the secretary on or before Sat- urday, September 15th. Nominations for offices, includ- ing the Executive, must be made in writing by a club or an officer of the association, such nomina- tions to reach the hands of the secretary on or before Saturday, September 15th. No one shall be nominated for more than one of- fice. Each club is required to pay their entry fees before or at the annual meeting. The N.O.H.A. secretary is L. Miller, Noranda, Que. Champ. Swimming Calibre A youthful ambition _ finally reached fulfillment on Sunday. when two young Haileybury swimmers took off from Daw- son's Point--objective Haileybury wharf, Claud Proulx, 21,. clever and well qualified swimming instruc- tor, and Ethel Toombs, a 17-year- old girl, made the attempt. Although battling high seas, a stiff off-shore breeze, which blew them off-course, as well as chilly water temperature, the swimmers gave an expert showing of grit and endurance. Ethel Toombs finished the three-and-a-half to four - mile pull without undue fatigue or ex~ haustion, but Claud Proulx had to be assisted, while just two hundred yards from shore. NOTES se NORTH DISPLAY MOB ANGER OF THE Violence against'a Baptist pas- in LaSarre last Saturday, reminiscent of displays of mob anger last fall in the same town, appeared today to be forerunner of a more violent demonstration day after tomorrow when the pastor, Leslie G. Barnhart of No- randa promises to return. The incident took place at the same time as another Baptist pas- tor, Lorne Heron of Noranda and a missionary, Howard Kill- ick, were being arrested in Val d'Or for an infraction ofa by-law TRAVEL RELAXED AND CAREFREE EXHIBITION AUGUST 24 TO SEPTEMBER 8 FARE ANo one-HALF FOR THE ROUND TRIP Good going Thursday, August 23 to Saturday, September 8, inclusive. Return limit -- September 12 Full information from any agent. which prohibits any action liable to obstruct traffic--Rouyn-No- randa Press. Se AFRICAN MISSIONARY Miss Muriel Langley, a former resident of Cobalt, home on fur- lough from a mission field in the Congo, was guest of Rev. G. L. Stebner and Mrs. OStebner at the Baptist parsonage for a couple of days last week. She addresseda meeting in the Cobalt Baptist Church on Thursday night, and spoke in Haileybury on Friday evening, giving an illustrated lec- ture on her work in Africa|--Co- balt Concentrates. ear ees POLIO PATIENTS Three cases of polio have been reported in New Likseard during the past ten days. The first, Mrs: Stan Villneff, is the only one who has suffered paralysis from the attacks, and she will be taken to Toronto as soon as space in the hospital there can be arranged. her mother, Mrs. Ellis, said Tues- day. The second patient was Mrs. Johnny Silverthorne, who is re- ported as having a very light at- tack, with no paralysis, and the third is Herbie Vilneff, young son of the first patient, who also has no sign of paralysis. Dr. E. R. Harris of Kirkland Lake, MOH for the district, told The Speaker on Monday that 75% of the cases in Ontario were non- paralytic- -- Temniskaming Speak er. a NEW ROAD, FERRY, PLAN The bad spot on No. 11 east from Smooth Rock Falls is to be replaced by a brand new road. Division highways engineer M. N. McEwen states that the Kli- mack Construction Co. of Swas- tika hasbeen given the contract. Tenders were originally called for re-building the road between the town and "Big Joe's" Corner, a- bout 13 miles, but it has now been decided to cut across country northwest from the Corner. This will eliminate some of the jogs as well as saving about two miles of road, and will by-pass Union- ville street--Cochrane Post. ee STAG PARTY'S HORSEY END Ever see horses, instead of pink elephants ? It happened t'other night to a Ferguson street chap who at- tended a stag party for a groom- to-be. The party over, the Ferguson streeter went home in a friend's car. To use the common phrase- ology, "he wasnt feelin'g any pain." Near his home, he suddenly piped up: "Hey! There's some horses on our front lawn." "Aw, you're tight--go on to bed and sleep it off', answered one of his fellow corousers. The Ferguson streeter walked from the street corner to his house. Sure enough, on the front lawn were three horses, diligent- ly eating grass. Seems they belonged to a tra- velling rodeo, and had wandered away from their berths at Memo rial Stadium.--North Bay Nug- get. NEW ROAD TO CLIFF Mines Minister W. S. Gemmell, Sudbury's MPP, announced to- day that the $325,000 tender of Muskoka Construction Company has been accepted for the con- struction and grading of the new Gemmell Highway from Sudbury to Copper Cliff. The cabinet minister said that clearance must be arranged with the International Nickel Company whose property the highway will traverse, and the CPR whose. right-of-way will be banked be- fore the work can begin.--Sud- bury Daily Star. BER tes BRINGS OWN CABIN CRUISER Since the tourist season got under way this year, local resi- dents have become occustomed to seeing strange sights as far as watercraft being brought in by visitors is concerned. But the strangest by far was seen on Sunday, when one enter- prising American brought along a cabin cruiser on a trailer and launched in in the river here.--Chapleau Post. bargain opportunities for the cau- tious shopper. 80 to 90 cents a lb., roast beef at 60 to 65; veal steak 90c, roast veal 65c; pork chops 60c for untrim- med, 70 for trimmed; roast pork ranged from 45 to 65c. Beef liv- er brought 50 to 55c; pork liver 40 to 45c a lb. -- Kirkland Lake Northern News. = NEW STOP and his wife SIGNS teed BRISK MARKET TRADE The public works department, Business was reported brisk by Timmins, went into action on a stall-holders at Kirkland Lake big scale this week by setting up market. In the meat section a more than 80 new stop signs. The wide range of prices provided planned planting of the poles was one to speed up traffic and reduce the number of accidents in town. It was a co-operative venture under the direction of town engi- neers and the Timmins police de- partment.--Timmins Press. Beefsteak sold at Temiskaming Construction Limited MINING PLANTS ENGINEERS and GENERAL CONTRACTORS _ CONCRETE WORK Oo P.O. Box 997 Head Office HAILEYBURY, ONT. Phone 517 NORTHERN ONTARIO A Wonderful Week of ENTERTAINMENT and INFORMATION about the NORTH 3 The KIWANIS CLUB and the Y's MEN'S CLUB of Timmins, presents the SECOND ANNUAL EXHIBITION "BIGGER and BETTER" McINTYRE COMMUNITY BUILDING and GROUNDS, Schumacher SEPT. 13-19, ' | BIG TOP FOLLIES of 1951 PRINCE EL KIGORDO AND HIS LIONS MURRAY'S DOG AND PONY SHOW FIFI. THE CLOWN; The GIBBARD SISTERS, Dancers and Contorionists ELAIN SCHEAFFER, in Baton Spinning BUDDY HERRICK, Juggler and Acrobat BIG BEVY OF BEAUTIFUL GIRLS BUDDY ANDREWS, Master of Ceremonies ee EE eT AMAZING AGRICULTURAL SHOW BOTeH DAYS INCLUSIVE The North will again show its superiority in the produc- tion o f Seed Grains, Vegetables and Honey. Hundreds , of quality exhibits, sponsored by the Agriculture Com- mittee of the Porcupine Chamber of Commerce. $500.00 in prizes, with Specials by the Ontario Northland Railway for the best Potatoes in show; best Red Clover Seed; Best Field Grain; Best Spring Wheat. Over SOME OTHER FEATURES: MINES RESCUE TEAMS from Falconbridge, Kirkland Lake and the Porcupine to compete. MECHANICAL MUCKING CONTEST; Fire Fighting Demonstration RADIO INTERVIEWS AND BROADCASTS HARD ROCK DRILLING COOKING SCHOOL Display of Northern Arts and Crafts FORESTRY DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT Hundreds of Exhibits of FOOD PRODUCTS, Household Appliances and MANUFACTING DISPLAYS BEAUTY CONTEST Perfect reproduction to scale. Seven Years to complete. CONTESTS GALORE! - BIG PRIZES FAMOUS MINIATURE CIRCUS Greatest in Midways $100.00; To Crown Miss NORTHERN Ontario. First prize, week's holiday in Ber- muda, all expenses paid; Second, third, $50.00 Beauty Contest, Baby Shows, Freckle Face Contest, Spelling Bees, Child- ren's Tug-of-War, Decorated Bicycles, Casting, Table Tennis, Etc., Etc. 'Ls RTE. Nii s ee" ss $50.00 Door Prize Each Night! REDUCED RAILWAY FARES on all Lines in Ontario and Quebec. For Information or Entry Forms, write: NORTHERN ONTARIO EXHIBITION, 59 Cedar Street, North, Timmins, Bolloon Busting, Bait and Fly Model Shows of Canada, biggest and best Midway in Canada, to come here from the east in its own train, bringing literally carloads of thrilling rides, novelties & sensations Fireworks Every Night 38 ADMISSION: Adults, 25c; Children under 16 years, 15c Phone 2462