Page Four TBE HAV Eaves U Ry AUN THURSDAY, SEPT. 20th, 1951 Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Fleming spent a few days in Ottawa this week, Mrs. H. G. Pickard has return- ed from a trip to Banff and Lake Louise. Mrs. C.F.Tuer is visiting hex daughter,Mrs. Don Britton, in Ottawa, Mrs, N. J. McAulay is spend- ing a few weeks in Toronto with her sister, Mrs. J. C.Boyd. Mrs. N, J. Blanchette left Fri- day evening on'a trip,to Toronto Ottawa and other points. Mr. and Mrs. C. F.Lowery re- turned from a holiday trip spent in Quebec City and Gaspe. The dates of the C.W.L. bazaar to be held at the Holy Cross parish hall with be Oct. 26th and 2t7h. George Smith let Tuesday for Toronto, where he will continue his studies at Toronto University. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foster of Timmins are visiting Mr. Foster's parents, Mr, an-dMrs, M. J. Fos- ter. Peter Fancy left last Saturday for Kingston, where he will con- tinue his studies at Queen's Uni- versity. Burney Smith, who has been in Toronto taking treatment at To- ronto General Hospital, has re- turned home, Wes Smith left last night for Toronto and the, Tulloch farm near Orangeville, where he will spend a hoiday. The W.A. of the United Church will hold a rummage sale on Fri- day evening, starting at 7.30, Oc- tober 12th in the church basement Miss Sandra Timmins has re- turned home after spending the past two months visiting her aunts in Simcoe. St. Paul's W.A. are holding their Fall rummage sale in the parish hall, Friday, October 5th, at 9.05 in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mawhin- ney of Sudbury visited friends in Haileybury this week. They are former local residents. Mrs, H. A. Kingsmill returned from Limberlost Lodge, where she has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Devlin. Miss Glenna Tulloch left for Kitchener Sunday where she will start her training for a nurse. He1 mother motored down with her. Mr. and Mrs, Bert Elliott and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell motored up from North Bay last Sunday to { CHURCHES Albert Gospel Hall Corner Albert St. and Georgina Ave. SUNDAY Sunday School, 2p .m. Breaking of Bread--11 a.m. Gospel Meeting--7 p.m. THURSDAY Ladies' Prayer Meeting--3 p.m Public Bible Reading and Prayer Meeting--8 p.m. The Baptist Church PASTOR--REV. G. L. STEBNER 2.30--Sunday School. 3.15--Service in Song and Sermon. Pentecostal Assembly RORKE AVENUE Sunday School-- 10.00 a.m. Morning Worship--11.00 a.m. Evangelistic Service--8.00 p.m. Prayer Meeting,--Wed., 8 p.m. Young People's Meeting--Fri., 8 p.m. St. Paul's Church Holy Communion--8.30 p.m. Morning Prayer--1l1 a.m. Evensong--7.30 p.m. ST. GEORGE'S, NORTH COBALT 3.45 p.m.--Evensong. The United Church Minister--Rev. L. B. Smith, B.A., B.D. HAILEYBURY Public Worship--11.00 a.m. Sunday School--Girls 9-14 and Boys, 9 and 10 meet at 10.15 a.m. All others at 11.00 a.m. NORTH COBALT Public Worship--7.30 p.m. The Salvation Army Lieuts. Ralph Ingleby and Charles Broughton Sunday Morning Meeting--11.00 a.m. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Salvation Meeting--7.00 p.m., Cobalt Sunday School, Cobalt--2.45 p.m, "vember. offer condolences to the Leishman family. A meeting o fthe Ladies' Sec- tion of the Golf Club will be held on Friday, 8 p.m., at tne nome uf Mrs. Russell Murphy. All mem- bers are invited. Mr. Grant Guest motored to Sault Ste Marie last week, where he joined Mrs. Guest, who hag been visiting there, and they re- turned home Friday. Mrs. R.C. Lyon, who has been in Toronto for some weeks, visiting her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Jeffreys, has returned home, s Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boswell and family of Simcoe are spend- ing a holiday with Mrs. Boswell's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Timmins, Mrs, M. J. Dolan and children Ronnie and Sandra, left last Thursday for Bronte, Ont., where they are building a new home and will live there in the future. The Women's Association of the United Church plan their an- nual baaar for Saturday, Novem- ber 24th, the last Saturday in No- Remember the date The -W.M.S. of the United Church will hold a tea and bake sale in the United Church base- ment on Wednesday, Sept. 26th from 3 to 6 p.m. Keep the date open, Mr. and Mrs. James Brough of Timmins and Mr, Paddy Brough visited Mrs. C. Brough in town and she accompanied them to Shawville, Que., and other Otta- wa Valley points. BORN--Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allard, formerly of Haileybury are the proud parents of a son. born at Grace Hospital, Ottawa on Sept. 15th, 1951. A brother for Rosaline and Carol. Mr. and Mrs, Heber Wark and daughter, Mary, Lou, of Port El- gin, and Mrs, A. Palmer of Owen Sound, spent a day or two with Mr, and Mrs. Wes Smith. They were motoring to Alberta. John Seymour and _ Jerry Brown will leave tonight (Thurs- day) for Toronto, where they will attend Toronto University. This will be Jerrys' last year, and best wishes of the town go with him. Mrs. Murray Gregg and little daughter, Peggy, who have been staying with Mrs. Greggs' moth- jer Mrs. L, H. Ferguson, leave on Saturday to join Mr. Gregg in Timmins, where they will make their home in future. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Norcross, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Elkins and Mrs. Frank Vannier spent last Sunday in North Bay, where the Norcross' went to visit their dau- hter, Patricia, who is attending St. Mary's Academy, Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Foster over this week-end are Mrs.Foster's sister- in-law, Mrs. W. E. Ward, Detroit ; Mrs. Foster's sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs, J, Boucher, Sarnia, and their daughter, Mrs. Bob Wellington, Corunna, Ont. Condensed Ads| WANTED--Young Man or Lady for Office work, No experience necessary but must have some high school education. Apply by mail only to N. Morissette Diamond Drilling Limited. 28-1-c NOTICE--Hemstitehing and Picot Edging done. Mrs, A.Hallworth, corner of Rorke Ave. and Albert St. Phone 113, 28-3* FORSALE--Ladies' CCM Bicycle, with Ber- muda basket, Phone 309. 28-1-* FOUND--Ladies' Glasses, blue rim, black leather case, Phone 543. 28-1-c FOR SALE--Walnut Dresser and Dressing Table, and Man's Coon Coat. Phone 127. 28-t.f. FOR SALE--One Medium-sized Wood-Coal Stove. Mrs, A. Palmer, Elliott St., Phone 492A. 28-1-* HOUSE FOR SALE--At reasonable price. Call for appointment. Phone 553A, 28-1* FOR SALE--Cook Stove, good condition, with water front ready to hook up, Stove pipes and bax stove; 2 jacks; also 'Fawcett Oil Burner, large, brand new, with 250-gal- lon tank. Phone 231-W. Mrs, W. J. Reardon, Lake Shore Road, near Sunny- side. Call between five and seven. 27-2-* WANTED--Two Men to work at the Cas- ket Manufacturing, in the old Curling Rink. Apply Cobalt Manufacturing Co. 27-3-* WANTED--Man for General Work. Perma- nent position. Apply Hotel Haileybury, Haileybury. 25-t.£. FOR SALE--Comfortable Home, centrally lo- cated. Apply to E. M. McCuaig, Registered Broker, Phone 135, Haileybury. 22-tf HELP WANTED--Responsible young man wanted for Hotel desk. Apply Hotel Hail- eybury, Haileybury, Ont. 22-t.f. FOR RENT--Vacuum Cleaner, floor polisher, by the day. Apply Beattty Washer Store, Mr. Don Gardner made a re- turn business trip by air to Ed- monton recently. Mrs. Don Gard- ner and children, Donnie and Al- len, who have been visiting Mrs. Gardner's mother, Mrs. W. E, Ross, Edmonton, for a few months, have returned home. Mrs. F.F. Bruno returned home to Montreal after spending the summer with her daughter, Mrs. Fred Thompson and Mr. Thomp- son. Mrs. Thompson accompa- nied her home and will visit with her daughters, Yvonne and Pat who are in Montreal at present. Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Simpson of Agincourt, formerly of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs, Simp- son's brother and sister-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Ken Boyce, at Up- per Notch, Montreal River. They also visited Mr .and Mrs. D. E. Sutherland and other friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Lietchford of Cochrane visited Mrs, Lietch- ford's mother, Mrs. C. Brough last week. They then went to Toronto to visit Mr. Lietchford's parents, and would also visit in Peterboro, They were accompa- nied from here by Mrs. A. P. Macdonnell. Friends of the late J. T. Leish- man who attended his funeral on Monday were: Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Sutherland, Mr. Bert Andrews Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Dunfield of Kirkland Lake, Mrs. Chas. Neal of Englehart, and Messrs, Jack Granger and Mort Fellman of the North Bay Nugget. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dobbins attended the Chapell- Mulligan wedding in North Bay last week The bride was the former Mau- Receccccccseccc ecco c ccc cee reen Mulligan, daughter of Mrs. . Maurice, and the late Maurice Mulligan. Mr. Dobbins was her godfather and had the honor of "giving the bride away'. Mr. Merv, Stoughton, North Bay representative of the Brant- ford Roofing Co. donated the tro- phy in the Hill-Clark-Francis competition which was won by Walter Chatwin of New Liskeard which we omitted to mention in the story of the tourney held here the previous Saturday, Sunday. George Taylor Hardware 50th Anniversary Dinner (Continued from Page 1) Northshore of the St. Lawrence and Newfoundland in the éast, to the Northwest Territories in the West, has grown from a staff, or- iginally father and son, to a total personnel of 260 employees. Concurrent with the commemo- ration of the first half-century of service to the dealer trade, the mining, lumbering and construc- tion industries in the North, the company has commenced the pub- lication of an employee bulletin "Serving the North." The spirit of "co-operation unceasingly fos- tered throughout the company, will continue to echo in the mon- thly employees' magazine, quite appropriately named "Serving the North"',to typify the guiding spirit animating the company in all its dealings,ynamely a service organ- ization that is a direct liaison be- tween the manufacturer and the ultimate consumer. Haileyburian Want Ads Will Bring Results OBITUARY Oe cece ceccccccoccescccccsecc® RUSSELL FERGUSON The funeral of the late Russell Ferguson took place last Friday September 14th, 1951, at Matta- wa, from the funeral chapel in that town. The late Mr. Ferguson suffered a heart attack last week while prospecting in the bush near Gar- den River, about 15 miles from Sault Ste Marie. He was born in Mattawa in 1886, a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. P. A, Ferguson, and spent many years in Haileybury, al- thouhg he left here about eigh- teen years ago. He is survived by one sister, Lorena (Mrs. Harold Boyson of Houston, Texas), two brothers Colin in British Columhia, and Clifford of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. H. Ferguson and Mrs. L. H. Ferguson of Haileybury attended the funeral at Mattawa. The terrain in which Mr. Fer- guson succumbed was very rug- ged and a bulldozer and canoe were required to bring his body out. ALICE I. FISHER The following death notice was taken from a Toronto paper: FISHER, ALICE I.--On Satur- dey, Sept. 15th, 1951, at the Beth- esda Hospita, Lansing, Alice I. McGuire, beloved wife of How- § ard Fisher and mother of Joyce M., sister of Joseph M. of Toron- to, John Anthony of Lindsay, and & Mrs. Ray McCauley (Theresa) of § Kirkland Lake. At the chapel of -- SHELLS HUNTERS! Are You ready | for the Big Season? We {% have a good supply of N} BE SURE YOUR HEATING PROBLEMS are solved before Winter arrives. HEATER and TANK We Have a Good Selection of RECORDS SPECIAL 49c on all THREE Speeds Invest in a SPACE Robt. Poppleton ~ Hardware P.- Wm. Fleming Electric F. MAIN STREET Phone 72 for Prompt Service HAILEYBURY EZ EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. "ROYAL WEDDING" Fred Astaire, Jane Powell with DENNIS MORGAN CARTOON. LAST SHOWING TONIGHT: FRIDAY - SATURDAY ; Double Pretty Baby ---- Added Attraction ---- Rio Grande Patrol with TIM HOLT, JANE NIGH SPECIAL--Latest TURPIN--ROBINSON Fight Pictures FRIDAY IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Offers are: 1st, $300.00; 2nd, $300.00; 03rd, $135.00 SEPT 21st and 22nd Feature BETSY DRAKE MON., TUES., with DEBORAH KERR, Cartoon and News King Solomon's Mines MATINEE Monday at 4.15 p.m. SEPT. 24th and 25th STEWART GRANGER WED., THURS. with JOSEPH COTTEN, Leon Errol Short Walk Softly Stranger SEPT. 26th and 27th VALLI Cartoon and News CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar SLABS Phone 349 HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. Eri., sat, Sept. 21, 22 | MARK of the | RENEGADE Technicolor RICARDO MONTALBAN CYD CHARISSE Added Attraction "QUEBEC" Technicolor John Barrymore Jr, Corinne Calvet § MON., TUES., SEPT. 24, 25 THE FROGMEN Richard Widmark Dana Andrews Added Attraction "STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" Bing Crosby, Bob Hope 1 Plus NEWS and CARTOON WED., THUR., SEPT. 26, 27 REBECCA LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE Added Attraction ----Adult Entertainment---- "INSIDE THE WALLS OF FOLSOM PRISON" Steve Cochran © David Brian . Mirley S. Bedford, 159 Eglinton Ave. W., at Lascelles Blvd. Fu- neral Tuesday. at 9 a.m. at St. Johns' Church, Albion, Ont., for requiem Mass at 10 a.m., inter- ment in St. Johns Cemetery." Mrs. Fisher, who, before her marriage was Alice McGuire, lived in Haileybury for many years asa young girl, and old friends who remember her lively sense of humor will be saddened by her passing. Catch That Psychosis! Physicians warn that one person out of 20 at some time suffers from a form of mental illness severe enough to require hospitalization Early treatment offers great hope for recovery Learn the symptoms of mental illness by read- ing 'Catch That Psychosis Early" in this Sun- day's (Sept. 23) issue of The American Week- ly EXCLUSIVELY with Detroit Sunday Times, Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard =: Ontario Phones 442 and 442B Sept. 21, 22 THE FROGMEN RICHARD WIDMARK, DANA ANDREWS B Fri., Sat., fH Added Attraction "STAR SPANGLED RHYTHM" e Bing Crosby," Bob Hope § ' Dorothy Lamour Plus NEWS and CARTOON E After Sunday Midnight @ MON., TUES., SEPT. 24, 25 ff REBECCA LAURENCE OLIVIER JOAN FONTAINE Adult Entertainment---- 43 "INSIDE THE WALLS : OF FOLSOM PRISON" 2 Steve Cochran David Brian Selected Short Subjects & WED., THUR., SEPT. 26, 27 B and co-starring Fe] A DOROTHY SHAY the Park Avenue Hillbillie fo er A UNIVERSAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE N Added Attraction "HEART OF THE ROCKIES" Roy Rogers Penny Edwards COLORED CARTOON my ese ee a ee