THURS., DECEMBER 13th, 1951 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page Three Curling Club company should not be granted These season tickets are for Gets All Set For Aciive Season Committees Appointed, Rink Manager Secured and Fees Confirmed An executive meeting of the Haileybury-Cobalt Curling Cluk was held in Hotel Haileybury on Wednesday evening last. The ex- ecutive is composed of the fol- lowing members: President, W V.Fleming; Vice-president, John A. MacArthur; secretary-«,¢asur- er, H: A. Doran; executive, J. Ed- die McDonough, Lorne Umphrey Ronald Morissette~and Harry E Ramey. The following committees were appointed : Draw Committee--Lorne Um- phrey, chairman; Heber Briden Fred Austin, Ronald Morissette, and Harry Ramey. Ice Committee -- Fred Austin chairman; J. E. McDonough and C. J. Donegan. Membership Committee--Con- nie Vachon, chairman; Dr .Max Back, Gordon Lee and Harry Ramey. Prize Committee--Donald Rus- sell, chairman; Fred W- Thomp- son, J. M. Shouldice. Entertainment Committee-- J E- McDonough, chairman; M. S Boyd, J. F. McDonald, Orville Hughes and Max Whitby. Umpire--Taylor Pipe. John A. MacArthur was ap- pointed rink manager for the en- suing year and his duties com- menced on Monday of this week in order to have ice at the earliest possible date. It was decided that there would not be any change in the member- ship fees this year and they will remain the same as last year ex- cept for the two-dollar penalty that has been added, and are as follows: Ist year curler, $13.00; non-resident curler, $13.00; resi- dent members after the first year $18.00; students, $8.00; associated member, $7.00. A discount of twe dollars will be allowed if dues are paid on or before Tannary 31, 1952. An Associated member is not an active curler but one who takes a great deal of interest in the club and is able to enjoy the same prvileges as the other club members. INDIAN MAID PAYS JAILBREAKING FINE OF FIFTY DOLLARS Magistrate S, Atkinson fined Dorothy Turner, 22-year-old In- dian girl from Temagami $50.00 and costs when she appeared in Wolice rea nere at the weekend, e slightly built young lad had been arrested heneend Taken to Cobalt, where she managed to break out of jail cell by removing a ventilator grill, making a hole fourteen by eighteen inches and squeezing through it to a grocery store next door. She unlatched the store door and walked out, and later surrendered to the po- lice in Temagami. oO Gold was first discovered in the Cariboo area of British Columbia in 1859. In 1860 the famous Cari- boo gold rush was on. ~ ROOFING, ALTERATIONS, CARPENTER WORK Phone 140 H. W. Brown, 1 Rorke Ave. For Prompt Service Call UNION TAXI : Phones 88 and 235 Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury Dr. J. S. Ledwell PHYSICIAN - SURGEON 23 Brewster Street Office hours: 2-5, 7-8 p.m. Except Wednesday and Sunday By Appointment: Phone 65 New Liskeard those from Haileybury and Cobalt who have joined the club there Acting and singing go hand in hand, says Alan Mills of Montreal, who proves his point by impersonating the heroine of one of the ditties he sings over the CBC. Mills wrote this one himself and it's a favorites with his listeners this season-- all about an old lady who swallowed a my, a spider that came to catch it, and so on down the line ending up with a horse. It fits right in with the Mills theory that "every song tells a story". CURLING RINK NEWS For the next ten days a lot of volunteers are needed for nights and week-ends to get the Club rooms finished inside. Come on, boys, bring your hammers and we wil endeavor to have someone each night to show you what is to be done.. John MacArthur is at the rink every day and is about ready to start making ice. OAR The curling is in full swing in these days* and report the ice in excellent condi- tion and some keen games played. OF NOTES se NORTH Shelve Sulphas Plant Plan? Plans for a Noranda Mines Ltd. sulphur-iron plant may have tobe shelved if mine costs continue to rise, according to a statement made by Noranda Mines general manager, R. V. Porritt- pointed out increased costs, along with the higher costs proposed in Judge Georges Heon's section of arbitration board report, might mean a drastic cut in the amount of low grade ore that could be mined at a profit: He also Speaking of the sulphur-iron project, he reported there were 100,000,000 could be used by such a plant, but that it averaged only 0.5 per cent ore.--Rouyn-Noranda Press tons reserve which Sesta s Small Percentage Protest Members of the Ontario Muni- cipal Board in Chapleau on Tues- day afternoon against the proposed increase in rates of the Chapleau Telephone System, could not have been very to hear appeals favourably impressed with the turnout at the hearing. Of 73 sub- scribers who affixed their signa- tures to a petition against the proposed increase, only three showed up at the hearing to pre- sent their views. The main poin: of argument was reported as be- ing that considering poor service over the years at theoldrate, the C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard the authority for a raise just be- cause- they have improved the service within the past few months.--Chapleau Post. Low in the Census Sad, sad news for the north Although Liskeard has increas- ed its population, Temiskaming has lost 1193 residents since the census was last taken in 1941. According to figures released "recently by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Temiskaming's pop- ulation, which was over the 50,- 000 mark in 1941, has dropped to 49,411. Interested persons find this condition slightly baffling, but surmise that the exodus must be from unpopular centres like Kirk- land Lake--TemiskamingSpeak- er. ad Low Hockey Prices The Kap. Hockey Association is waging war on high prices- The association does not believe in charging all the traffic will bear, so they have adopted the following plan: Season tickets will be sold for one dollar. This will entitle the purchaser to nine entrances intc the arena and 18 games of regu- lation time hockey, as each night or Sunday afternoon there will be two games played. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lillie Morrison, deceased. ~ All persons having claims against the estate of the above named deceased, late of the town of Haileybury, in the District. of Temiska- ming, who died on the 26th day of Septem- ber, A.D. 1951, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of January, 1952. After that date the estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. DATED at Haileybury this 27th day of November, 1951. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS CORPORATION, Bay and Melinda Streets, Toronto, Ontario, Executor. R. D. CUMMING, K.C., Haileybury, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executor. 39-3 NOTICE Ontario Northland Railway Indications point to a heavy volume of Christmas holiday pas- senger traffic. Sleeping car accommodation will be ata premium. To avoid disappointment it is suggested patrons make their reservation: as far in advance as possible with the Local Agent. R. P. C. McLEOD, H. H. PHILLIBS. Traffic Manager . Gen. Frt. and Pass. Aat. North Bay, Ont. TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.20 a.m. 4.15 p.m. 11.45 p.m., STANDARD TIME $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-3 psssssetstessssasesesstiesiicisssstisesttsosessistessstssete Give the Family a Rest THIS WEEK-END DINE in the QUIET, RESTFUL Surroundings of Hotel Haileybury Good Food Cooked to Your Taste Courteous Efficient Service Dinner Served 12 to 1.30 6 to 8 We cater to Weddings and Parties, both small and large! Tables may be Reserved Telephone 100 You will Enjoy "SONGS TO REMEMBER" EVERY SATURDAY CJKL 4.15 p.m. juvenile games only. Admission prices for an individual game are 25 cents for adults and 10 cents for children--Kapuskasing Tri- bune. th ie ree Santa Claus Coming We don't know who is respon- sible, but we suspect that the boys and girls of Cobalt had a hand in changing plans so that Santa Claus WILL visit the Sil- ver City during his pre-Christmas tour of the Northland. Last week it was announced that there would be no parade this year, but goaded by shrill cries from the children, representatives from the town of Cobalt and the townships of Coleman and Bucke with the Cobalt Businessmen's Executive completed arrange- ments for a parade and made sure that Santa Claus would make his annual appearance, The children are happy, and parents have all lost that haggard look.--Cobalt Concentrates, ae ee Magistrate's Appointment Official information is still lack- ing as to whether or not Mr. Marcel Leger has been appointed district magistrate. From sources which would ordinarily be consid- ed sufficiently authentic there is information that the appointment has been made, but no official statement has been received here from Queen's Park. The December Ist issue of the Government's news sheet lists a number of appointments under the Attorney-General's Depart- ment, but does not mention the local post.--Cochrane Northlanc Post. Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDWINTER EXAMINATIONS GB FEBRUARY, 1952 Applications and fees must reach the Conservatory not later than JAN. 10, 1952 135 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO 28, ONT. Refrigerators, Electric Ranges, Ironers Radios, Lamps, Clocks, Irons, Sunbeam Shavers etc. Our shipment of CCM SKATES has arrived Also Sleighs, Toboggans, Hockey Sticks, etc. Come and choose your TOYS early, while we have a good variety A PERFECT INEXPENSIVE CHRISTMAS GIFT-- RECORDS and ALBUM Robt. Poppleton Hardware MAIN STREET P.-F. Phone 72 for Prompt Service Wm. Fleming Electric HAILEYBURY FIRST STEP Left foot moves forward slowly. Hold ball with two hands until right arm starts back in a pendulum swing. SECOND STEP As right foot comes forward, arm swings straight back to a oint slightly above waistline. dy leans emaats THIRD STEP Left foot slides forward, body lowers, straight arm Af comes down, close to body. i Eyes on point of aim. il BEFORE RELEASE Ball about 6" above floor. Arm swings through until ball is slightly ahead of bowler's left foot before * being released. Send for "Better Bowling" FREE Helpful instructions and illustrations, Brepaced by bowling experts! Also con- tains space for personal and team records, how to handi- cap, etc. Write for your free booklet to? BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED t a Bowling Dept, TORONTO AFTER RELEASE Release ball smoothly, with- our jerking the body off balance. Straight right arm follows through in full, easy Sweep. , most popular pastimes, another the Canadian Way. FOLLOW THROUGH You get better speed and direction if your follow- through is done in perfect balance, both feet on floor, eyes focused on point of aim. | Better Bowling for You Bowling combines good fun with good exercise--and the ff better you bowl, the more you enjoy it. It's one of Canada's | means to Good Health, Remember, practice will lead to better bowling scores if i you know proper bowling form and stick with it until the a fundamentals are mastered. Tear out this ad as a reminder i to send for free booklet, "Better Bowling". BRADINGS BRADING BREWERIES LIMITED OTTAWA AND WINDSOR