Taher HAILEY BUKIAN THURSDAY, MARCH 20th, 1952 Page Four aa : Lucal and Personal W's. Peticus nin St. Patrick's Night Successful. Mr. B. V. Harrison was in town for the week-end, Over 150 persons turned out to enjoy the St. Patrick's card party at Holy Cross parish hall under Flying Officer Wm. Scott was the auspices of the C.W.L. on in town fora few days last week Monday. Mrs. D.. Hogan and Mrs. Bert Mrs. Sterling Kallies of Hamil- Dans delighted the audience sing- ton, is visiting her mother, Mrs. ing Irish songs and a trio com N. J. McAulay. posed of Mrs. J. Boudreau at the piano, Mr. White of Cobalt the Judge J. B. and Mrs. Robinson drum and Mr. Campbell of New have returned from a holiday trip Liskeard the guitar topped off the to the Southern States. musical entertainment. A deli- cious lunch with tea and coffee Mrs. R. A. Murphy, Mrs. J. H. was served. Murphy and Mrs. Terence Smith | a dies' bridge winners: are in Toronto this week. lst, Mrs. A. Thibb; 2nd, Mrs. *, del dice; 3rd, Mrs. W. Gor- Mr. and Mrs. A. W: Stollery cae ate, Sea Me: : and Master Gordon Stollery are visiting in Toronto this week. Men's Bridge Winners--Ist, J. S. Blair; 2nd, H. G. Burnette; 3rd amt 5. Ri Mrs. Ruth Miskimins returned = Rouse, Buchrenwanners on1se to her home in Toronto after vis- yj... Sauve; La- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. }a;¢¢; 3rd, Charles Burdix. 2nd, Mrs. Mrs. Denomme. Men's Euchre winners--Ist, -V. St. Louis* 2nd, A. Gravel; 3rd; H Mrs. H. E. Cawley has return- yjjjeneuve. ed from Noranda where she was oor prize of $5.00 was won by visiting with her son, Murray, and )jrs. McLauchlan, Mrs. Cawley. Se THE BOOK NOOK Mr. and Mrs. H. Millross have received a telegram frm their son, Fred, in Rio de Janiero, saying that he will be home, after an ab- "Hudson's Bay Trader" In this personal diary of a year spent at a Hudson's Bay Com- pany fur trading post in Baffin's Mrs. Gordon Armstrong and Land, Lord Tweedsmuir, son of children, of Windsor, are visiting Canada's former Governor-Gen- with Mrs. ArAmstrong's parents. eral has written a vivid first hand Mr. and Mrs. Fred Austin. Mr. description of the life led by fur Armstrong was here for the traders, trappers, hunters and Es- week-end, kimos. From 1938 to 1939, he worked Mr. Clayton McAulay stopped in the far North and was so com- over at the week-end to see his pletely cut off from the outside aunt, Mrs. N. J. McAulay Sr. He world that he knew nothing of was on his way from Toronto and such historic and momentous was accompanied by Mrs. Marie events as Munich and the German Legris, who was returning home march into Czechoslovakia. to Timmins, having spent thepast But the fur trader's country did two months in Toronto. Mrs. Le- not lack adventure, excitement gris is the former Marie Gibbons and some danger. It was a world and lived in Haileybury for a of its own where a man had to number of years before the fire. be self reliant. As the author ie shows, mere knowledge of trad- In reply to queries as to "where ing was not enough. At different can we obtain the maple syrup times, the fur trader must be a mentioned in last week's issue', naturalist and a linguist; a hunt- we wish to advise readers that if er and a trapper; a marksman they will drive exaetly-300 miles and a navigator. by the speedometer from th¢ This enthralling travel book bottom of Browning street due and exciting adventure story fol- west, turn left, emerge from the lows the high literary tradition of right-hand side of the car, and the author's father, John Buchan. walk twenty paces, they willseea Thus, it was particularly appro- tree--there is no necessity to get priate that, after the author had into a flap--the surrounding area joined the Canadian Army, it was has all been staked. But the free- John Buchan who discovered the ly flowing liquid that makes this manuscript of the diary and had syrup is free to anyone who is jt typed. He used much of the sap enough to make the trip! material in it to give him the au- ae ae thentic background and the local color for -his last novel "Sick Heart River". The eegiiet monthly meeting 'Hudsons' Bay Trader" is illus- of Northern Light Rebekahs trated by more than 80 photo- was held on Tuesday evening in graphs, most of which were taken the Masonic Hall, with Mrs. R by the author. Dinesen, Noble Grand presiding. Owing to so manyeother meet- ings on hand that evening, the at- sence of three years. REBEKAH MEETING In glancing through the recently published list of books most in demand in the Toronto apa) < «Public Libraries, it is interesting to note that tendance wasn't as large as de of the list of twelve, seven are in circulation in sired. the local Library, and two more are on order. Many items of business came Those available are: up for discussion and settled. Renny's Daughters--Mazo de la Roche. There was an invitation from The Cruel Sead ones cat Le Lakeside Rebekah Lodge to at- deh sat ae oie A eae! pe tend thir regular meeting in New The Caine Mutiny--Herman Wouk. Liskeard, April 3rd. The Spoils of Time--Philip Gibbs. At the next meeting, March nd on order nase ee 25th, Sear 1B Hickie, district My Cousin Rachel--du Maurier. ; 5 e With All My Heart--Barnes deputy president, is makin her yi) popular are: official visit to our Lodge and all -- ¢, Much to Record--Will Bird members are especially request- Local Rag--Cormack » ed to be present. Storm Centre--Standish Joy Street--Keyes Man Born of Woman--Ronald Road to Bithynia--Slaughter The High Calling--Streer. Tempest-Tost--Robertson-Davies Return to Paradlise--Mishener The Troubled Air--irwin Shaw Great Oaks--Ben Ames Williams Lise Lillywhite--Margery Sharpe Golden Fury--Marian Castle The Glad Summer--Farnol Hear This Woman--Pinchor Lucy Carmichael--Kennedy God's Men--Pearl Buck The Foundling.--Spellman. The Provincials--Cornish The Troubled Air--IArwin ShAaw At Sundown, the Tiger--Ethel Mannin and others "too numerous to mention". --MRS. L. TEARE Mistakes in type are a printer's nightmare and the Globe and Mail is no exception this week. Reviewing the new book "Storm Centre" the writer states that the mystery focuses upon Diana May- nard, an extremely beautful and clever girl. Also she has been blessed or cursed with an extra dose of sex appeal. Her charm is such she seems able to extract men without consciously making any effort", Rev. Father Lafleur Honored The annual programme held by the pupils of Holy Cross school in the parish hall on Sunday night March 9, was a splendid success. Over 500 were in attendance. It was a parish feast this year. First of all, in honor ofRev. Father Lafleur, whose birthday and priesthood anniversary are both this month. Secondly it was in honor of the parents of the parish whom we often have been comple- led to neglect on Mothers' and Fathers' Day through press oi examinations. Guests enjoyed a splendid pro- gram of entertainment consisting of twenty-five numbers. Pupils of all grades were among the performers. To all who contributed in any way to make this entertainment a success, the teachers of the school offer their sincere thanks. * ROTARY OBSERVES 24TH ANNIVERSARY i} i OBITUARY MARTIN HANTSKE which was formed on March 14, at the piano. tion of an Irish hdt was made to Darry Hogan. The Haileybury Rotary Club formed the ceremony gracefully. Avspecial presenta- Max Whitby per- 1928, observedsits twenty-fourth CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar SLABS Phone 349 HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. The death occurred on Sunday, anniversary at their regular March 16th, 1952, of Martin juncheon meeting on St. Patrick's Hantske in his eighty-second year day. The guest -seeaker, Mr. | Mr. Hantske came to Canada Reginald Unwin, who was presi- from Germany about sixty-four dent of the organization from years ago and arrived in Hailey- 1933 to 1933, came down from bury in 1904, where he has had Kirkland Lake for the occasion. his home ever since. He was a He related the history of the bricklayer. and stone mason by trade. club here and in other countries 5 7 he has visited. Since its incep- He is survived by his wife, the tion, the club has had twenty-four former Louisa Jonus, whom he presidents, fourteen of whom are married in Pembroke; one daugh- <¢¢j]} active members. ter, Mrs. C. Enright of Toronto; Miss T. Brezinski of Cobalt and three sons, Herbert, of Tim- entertained the Rotarians, singing mins, Alfred of Timmins and 4 pumber of Irish songs, and was Leonard of Vancouver. accompanied by Miss E, Maher The funeral service was held Ee Wednesday afternoon at 3 p.m. from the Tulloch Funeral Chape! The pallbearers were Mr. John Creighton, Mr. Albert Speicher and Mr. Thos. Hibbert of Hailey- bury and Mr. N. McLeod of Co- balt. During his long residence here Mr. Hantske endeared himself to all classes for his quiet, friendly manner, and his interest in sport. Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns ss ee teens Service. 20th, 1953, Presi- aes New Liskeard Ontario Phones 442 and 442B By January dent Truman will have been Pres ident of the United States for | seven. years, nine months and eight days. Since Jackson, only four presidents, Grant, Cleve- land, Wilson and Roosevelt have served longer terms. ROOFING, ALTERATIONS, CARPENTER WORK Phone 140 H. W. Brown, 1 Rorke Ave. Fri., Sat., March 21, 22 SMOKY | -------- FRED MacMURRAY ANNE BAXTER Robt. Poppleton Hardware P.- Wm. Fleming Electrie Added Attraction SEE Hitler Killed in Shame Murder After F. MAIN STREET Phone 72 for Prompt Service HAILEYBURY . Wild Wine Party "THE MAGIC FACE" Tomorrow is the F Be ready for Summer by NOW! We have a full lir CLEARANCE 4 é Starring LUTHE DLER irst Day of Spring I IER ADLEI starting your Housecleaning Plus NEWS and CARTOON ne of all your Painting needs. After Sunday Midnight Mon., Tue., March 24, 25 --Adult Entertainment: Stock Wall Papers at 25% Discount while it lasts. APPLIANCES Come in and see our G.E. and Stoves. HANDY MAN TOOLS and McClary Refrigerators. "THE CUP A Special on Household Claw Hammers Plastic Handle Screw Drivers, all sizes Starring James Cagney ae Added Attraction 50c each. PURPLE HEART DIARY Starring Francis Langford Also: Hollywood Memories EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6. single bill. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m 30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "CASABLANCA" -- Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman Condensed Ads Canada's Governor-General, His eee E aT Ee pean Excellency the Rt. Hon. Vincent WANTED TO RENT--A house in the town Massey, lei (C H., has accepted of Haileybury., possession as soon as, possible. the appointment of Chief 2am Const. F. B. Grabowski, O.P.P. Haileybury of Canada. or Phone 304. 1-2-* FOR SALE--Six-Room House in North Co- Canadian Boy Scout member- 'fait. Phone 553W, Haileybury. 1-1-* ship reached 128,760 by the end of FOR SALE--Beautiful location on Lake Shore 1951, an increase of 11,000 over Road. Eight Room House with insulated the 1950 "total. Included are porch. Modern, well-kept home, For fur- 70,348 Wolf Cubs, 42,636 Boy ther r particulars phone 478. 2-tf-c Scouts, 614 Scouts,~ 794 Lone FOR SALE--1931 Model "A" FORD Coupe Scout Covered-in bor Reconditioned motor. s, 2,426 Rover Scouts, 81 PbS Hara! 12s Rover Sea Scouts and 11,861 dult lead WANTED--Man for general work in hotel. adult leaders. Appy Hotel Haileybury. Al-tf. Eight Canadians are planning LET US teach you how to run a home kinder- to attend the First World Scout- ##tten.--_ Write to Canadian Kindergarten ers' Indaba, the equivalent Wea Institute, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 30-25-c Jamboree for Scouts, at) Gilwell WE CAN help you prepare for" Civil mad FRIDAY - SATURDAY with GENE EVANS Laurel and Hardy This Weeks' Oeffrs are: The Steel Helmet FRIDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE Ist, $300.00; 2nd, $200.00; 3rd, 630.00 MARCH 2lst and 22nd STEVE BRODIE Short and Cartoon MON., TUES., with KENNETH TOBY The Thing Musical Short and News. Matinee MARCH 24th and 25th ENTIRELY IN GLORIOUS MARGARET SHERIDAN Monday at 4.15 p.m. WED - THURS. The Last Outpost with RONALD REAGAN, Short, Cartoon and News NEW _ COLOR MARCH 26th and 27th RHONDA FLEMING examinations. Write for Park, near London, England, next _ M.C.C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg, July 15th to 24th. To date, 16 Mas. ~~ : countries have promised to send LEARN TYPING, Shorthand, Accounting, representatives to the unique ene basness wae Bbsia eae ~ camp gathering, peg, Manitoba. 30-25-¢ 30-25-c- COMING -- MARCH 3lst and APRIL Ist Royal Journey (in Color) ROBERT CUMMINGS ISTRAND THEATRE| = Wed, Tue, Mar, 26, 27 A FULL-LENGTH --Added Attraction-- THE FIRST TIME Also; POPEYE Cartoon '4 LASSI (cOBALr Fri., Sat., March 21, 22 -- Adult Entertainment---- THE RACKET ROBERT MITCHUM LIZABETH SCOTT ROBERT RYAN Added Attraction "THE MAN WITH MY FACE" Barry Nelson Carole Matthews PLEASE NOTE--This pro- gram will be replaced at the Saturday Matinee by; "THE BISCUIT EATER" SERIAL and CARTOON Mies Tie, Match nea Tue., March 24, 25 SMOKY (Technicolor) FRED MacMURRAY ANNE BAXTER Added Attraction "THE MAGIC FACE" Starring Luther Adler Also: CARTOON & NEWS Wed,, Thur., Mar. 26, 27 -- Adult Entertainment---- COME FILL 1] COME FILL THE CUP Starring James Cagney Added Attraction PURPLE HEART DIARY Starring Francis Langford Also: Hollywood Memories NOW you can see Princess _ Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh CLOSE UP in the first complete pictorial story of their tour of FEATURE BARBARA HALE