The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 10 Apr 1952, p. 4

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Page Four TA EH | d P ao they enjoyed seeing Mr. and Mrs. Loca an erSdiidi Walter Young and Mr. and Mrs. Pel Ff "vvvvvvvyvy G. F. Summers, former residents Mrs, W. Garbutt is home after=2! Haileybury. visiting friends in Orillia . The Salvation Army, Hailey- Mr. George Byles left last week bury, will hold special Easter on a business trip to the North- Veek rRNA sca Sera "ai ae | 4 : s west Territories. April th and continuing unti April 18th. Following jis the Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Corking progtam: April 14th and 15th, at of Toronto, were in town for a 8 0'clock--Captain A. Robinson few days this week. Kirkland Lake; Messages illus- trated by artistry. April 16th, at 8 o'clock--Mrs A. James, New Liskeard. April 17th and 18th--- Lieut. I. D. Fife, New Liskeard A public invitation is extended. NO PERMITS FOR CATTLE Miss Dorothy Hartley and Miss Gwen Bonny left today on a holiday trip to New Yorr. Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Fleming and Miss Claire Cotnam returned home from Florida last week. Permits for the importation of cattle, other ruminants and swine from England and Scotland will not be issued until further notice. This additional barricade to keep the virus of foot and mouth disease out of Canada was announced last week by the fed- eral Department ef Agrinilture There have been no cases since March 8th and by March 13th, all infected animals and contacts have been destroyed. Flying Officer Wm. Scott, Mrs. Scott and children of North Bay were in town for the week-end. Mrs. F. W. Thompson, Miss Yvonne and Miss Pat Thompson are spending-the Easter holiday in New York. The St. Paul's W.A. will holda Spring rummage sale in. the par- ish hall on Friday, May 2nd, at 9 in the morning. ROYAL JOURNEY Miss Pat Quinn and Miss Gladys. Murphy of Cobalt are fly "Royal Journey", which was ing to New York on Saturday for shown at the Strand Theatre the Easter week. last month is a triumph for the National Film Board. From the historic city of Quebec westward the camera has unfolded the breathtaking beauty of this vast Dominion, be it warm autumn colors or deep snows. As the motorcade passed, saw not only a Queen--we -saw an attractive girl obviously sen- sitive--in a strange land unde- ereat tension. That her smile re- mained sincere, that her expres- sion remained kind, and that she lived through the thing at all, 1s to our mind, tremendous testi- mony to the stuff of which Bri- tish rulers are made. If our hearts were won, which they were, our considered admiration was no less captured. STEEL NICKELS "Have you seen one of the 1952 five-cent coins yet?" "The new nickels ?" "Yes--but they're not nickel. They're made of steel, Stelco steel made in Hamilton." It's true, folks. We're in the An evening rummage sale will money business now. be held by the Women's Associa-_ It's all Canadian. money, tov. tion of the United Church on Starting with iron ore delivered Friday, May 9th, at 7.30 p.m. in at the Stelco docks, it is made in- the Sunday School Room of the to steelat Hamilton works. Then Church. it is rolled and plated by other Se Canadian companies, and, sent to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fife of Bing- the Royal Canadian Mint tobe ham Chutes, Powassan are spend- made into coins. ing the Easter holidays at the home of Msr. Fife's parents, Mr. Fife's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Richardson. Dr, O. J. C. Runnalls and Mrs. Runnalls and their son, David were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Runnalls. Mrs. E. M. McCuaig ana her brother, A. L. Throop, returned home last week from a holiday trip to Mexico and Florida. Mrs, D. E. Sutherland left to day to spend a week or so with her daughter, Mrs. D. A. Fawcett and Mr. Fawcett in Lindsay. we The St. Paul's Altar Guild will hold a spring tea and baby table at the home of Mrs. H. L. Slaght Brewster street on Saturday April 19th, from 3.00 to 6.00 p.m. Mrs. rFank McFarlane and Miss Katherine Uren left Wed- nesday for Toronto, where they will join Mr. McFarlane and spend the Easter holiday in De- troit. 150 tons of-badly needed nickel for the deenfce program. Today's military requirements for nickel are exceeding the entire availabie supply in the free world. Asa re sult, civilian use is being +-mmed to an absolute minimum: Mrs. Jean Libby and "Mrs. Al- berta Clow attended the district meeting of the Rebekah's at Kirkland Lake on Saturday last They went as re presentatives of Northern Light Rebekah Lodge Mrs. Maud Cragg also attended as a visitor. More than one quarter of all those gainfully occupied in New- foundland earn their living from fishing, hunting and trapping. The monthly meeting of the University Club was held at the home. of Miss Jean Grant on Tues-day night. Mrs. W.R. Ram- say, Miss Fuller and Mrs. Turn- bull spoke to the members on 'Condensed Ads, LOST--Gold Wrist Watch. Reward. Phone 5 sake ; The United Nations" anda 364 5-t.f.c discussion. followed. FOR SALE--Baby Carriage. Grey chrome trim._ Phone 469 5-lec FOR SALE-- Teen-age Girl's Bicycle. Phone Mrs. Fred Leroux of Vancqu- 309. 5-1-c ver, BC, was in town last week- LOST--A Green Parker Pen 7 Pleace phone end visiting with her aunt, Miss 281-0. Bole G. M. Jemmett. Mrs. Leroux, FOR SALEHouse with two lots on Florence who is on the staff of the Univer- Ge Ried living room, dining room~ with sity of British Columbia, alone ae modern kitchen, three bedrooms, fe ath, sunporch and good basement with east to attend the eighth annual furnace. Immediate occupation. $1,500.00 convention and exhibition of the -- down. Balance on easy terms. Phone. 408. Canadian Restaurant Association 5-t.t-e $1.00 TRIAL OFFER--Twenty-five de luxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue included, The Medico Agency, Box 12+ Terminal A, Toronto, Ont. 5-12-c HELP WANTED--Girl for general house- in the Automotive Building ,on April 7th, 8th and 9th. Mr. and Mrs, James Elkins, who have been spending the work. Must be fond of children. ~ Good winter months with their son,Gor- --_W8*S for the right person. Phone ge Bete Ie, ; "th komt ny Wanuindinis ar aived Ome O05 rea ateren geacealnneeSeroiay Wednesday. Mrs. Elkins' friends and plain cooking. Phone 6. Mrs. A. J will be happy to learn that al- Murphy: 4-t.f.c though she will not be able to WANTED--Part time Stenographer. Apply Department of Labor, Court House, Hail- eybury. Phone 202 3-4-* FOR SALE--Large Spring Chickens for walk for some time, her progress has been satisfactory since breaking her leg and she is able to : Easter. Orders should be placed NOW. take a few steps with help. Fred Chapman. Phone 623W. 3-1-c SRT LET US teach you how to run a home kinder- Mr. and Mrs. A. W Sanderson garten. Write to Canadian Kindergarten returned home last week-end _lstiteee- Winnipeg, Manitot 20s ne lid 3 WE CAN help you -prepare for ra Service from a five week holi ay trip to examinations. Write for information tc Palm Beach and St. Petersburg. M.C.C. Civil Service Schools, Winnipeg, Florida . They were accompanied _ Man. 30-25-c LEARN TYPING, Shorthand, Accounting, and other business subjects at home. For Particulars write to M.C.C Schools, Winni- peg, Manitoba. 30-25-c omthetrip by Mr. and Mrs. N, B. Strong, former Haileybury resi- dents, While in St, Petersburg | Use of steel is releasing about ¢ AILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 10th, 1952 Eleecececececcecee sees to Elk Lake, OBITUAR Y } Gowganda silver area, was under > Sea construction and, in 1913. a joint ELIE CARON undertaking by the Abitibi Pow- er and Paper Company, McDoug- The death occurred on Weanes- @!! and McCluskey and the Com- day, April 2nd of Elie Garonsn mission completed a branch from his fiftieth year. © Mr Caron haq Porquis Junction to Iroquois farmed on the West Road for the Falls, the latter name having past forty years, been expropriated trom rne junc- Mr. Caron is survived by his tion point. This was to serve the widow, the former Cecile God- great Abitibi Mill then mairé, whom he married fourteen COUStruction. years ago; one daughter, Mar- The war years delayed further garet, twin. boys, Lucien and extension but, in 1921, the railway Andre, all at home, and_a sister began to probe farther north, A Mrs. Blanche LaFletr, and one seventy-mile stretch was cone brother, Victor Caron of Hailey- structed to Fraserdale to make Bury. possible the construction of the under The funeral service was held Abitibi Canyon hydro - electric on Saturday, April Sth, from the power develpoment. Due to the Holy Cross Church, Haileybury failure of the contractor, this work was completed by the Com- mission, Ontario Northland Raves Celebrates Fiftieth Birthday In 1923, the increasing import ance of the Kirkland Lake gold mining area and the development of the great copper-gold Horne property at Noranda,Quebec made railway connection essential, This branch from Swastika, Mileage 165, was carried out under the Nipissing Central federal charter because the crossing of a pro- vincial boundary was involved Despite prolonged obstruction by the Quebec Government, the line was completed to Noranda by Ortober 15th, 1927 In 1924, a branch, since aban- (Continued from Page One) This party followed the old De Troyes route of 1686. when he went to attack Moose Factory from Lake Temiskaming through Lake Abitibi to the Abitibi River and so down the Moose. This ex. ploration roughly determined the location of any future railway and Mr. Wilson noted the pre- sence of lignite and gypsum de- posits and found favorable indica. tions of oil. In. 1911, Sydney C. Ells confirm: ed Mr. Sullivan's opinion as to the designed to serve the than seventy-five lives, in Cocn- people of the Nor rane in 1910, 1911 and 916, a the whole line from New Liskeard to Cochrane and Matheson in 1916, with the of two hundred and fifty lives at Haileybury in 1922, when tually the whole town was w out. There had been triumph unceasing progress as well, thing daunted the people and ashes were hardly cold before towns were rebuilding. had been Cobalt, Gowganda, I der Lake, the Porcupine, K land Lake and Noranda pourir flood metals to the capital city of ronto, a tribute of wealth wt dwarfed the fabled riches of Indies. centred of There precious and essential It was a story of opti- mism, perseverance ana idom- itable courage on the part of the thland and the peoples' railway made it possible. The rough beginnings were shap- on ed by efficient transportation into loss a highly civilized community of and interests and the rugged North vif- was converted into the finest area iped in Canada in which to live and and work. No- the the long FOR SALE! Fine property, 100 foot frontage, bedrooms, den, sunroom, large ,oom, dining room and kitchen, two ar- irk- ng a three livin; rooms; Insulated, oil heating. hardwo To- | floors, oak trim throughout . Garage : - $13,000.00. Apply E. M. M nich ff CUAIG, Real Estate Broker, Box 304, the f yaiteybury, Ontario. ROOFING, ALTERATIONS, Ackroyd-and Son CARPENTER WORK Phone 140 H. W. Brown, 1 Rorke Ave. ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service New Liskeard Phones 442 and 442B best route ofr a railway and, in doned, was run from a point Ontario CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar Phone 349 HAILEYBURY FUEL co. south of+ Cobalt to the rich silver field in South Lorrain and in successive stages between 1928 and 1932, H. F. McLean complet- ed the northern extension to tide- water at Moosonee, giving On- tario an ocean port. The "last" P< euwas Onivenvon sc) sloth J => 1912, J. G. McMillan made an ex- tensive examination of the estu- ary of the Moose River while Y, R. (Pete) Mahear, chief location officer for the railway, made a de. tailed reconnaissance of the route and prepared estimates of cost. This was also a notable year in 3 Nipissing Central Railway, in by the- Hon. Mr. Justice Latch- the railway's history because the ford, who 30 years before, as Min- electric line constructed a year ister of Public Works, had turned or two before between Cobalt and the "first sod" at North Bay, 440 New Liskeard, was then purchas- miles to the south. ed by the Commission. Its chief Much had happened in those value proved to rest in its charter thirty years, There had been tra- which had been issued by the gey of epic proportions in the Federal government. disastrous firse in the Porcupine In 1912, a branch from Earlton jin 1911, with the loss of moee UPPER CANADA COLLEGE TORONTO (Founded 1829) UPPER SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOLARSHIPS up to $1500.00 For boys entering grades IX -- XII. Applications to be received on or before 18 April, 1952. PREPARATORY SCHOOL BURSARIES ae 5 up to $650.00 For boys of eight to twelve years of age. Examinations in April. For full particulars apply to the Principal, Rev. C. W. Sowby, M.A., D.D., Upper Canada College, Toronto 12. 6s WANTED CLERK-TREASURER for the Town of Haileybury Applicants should have experience in Municipal! work. Apply in writing to N. J. McAtlcay, Chair- man, Finance Committee, Town of Haileybury. THEATRE NewLiskeard EMPIR Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. single bill. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m LAST TIMES TODAY "MISTER 880" Burt Lancester, Dorothy McGuire FRIDAY - SATURDAY APRIL 1th and 12th Texas Rangers with GEORGE MONTGOMERY, GALE STORM Three Stooges and Cartoon FRIDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Offers are: Ist, $300.00; 2nd, $75.00 MON., TUES., APRIL 14th and 15th After Sun. Midnite Show at 12.05 ' The Frogmen - with RICHARD WIDMARK, DANA ANDREWS Cartoon and News Matinee Monday at 2.00 p.m. WED - THURS. APRIL 16th and 17th The Kid From Texas with AUDIE MURPHY _ GALE STORM Sugar Chile Robinson Band, Cartoon News. Mat. Wed, 2. p.m. CLASSIC FRI., SAT., APRIL 11, 1 MR. BELVEDERE RINGS THE BELL CLIFTON WEBB JOANNE DRU -- HUGH MARLOWE Added "MY FRIEND FLICKA' Technicolor Preston Foster, Roddy Me Dowell, Rita Johnson ANNE OF THE INDIES Technicolor JEAN PETERS, LOUIS JOURDAN, DEBRA PAGET HERBERT MARSHALL "THE BIG GUSHER Preston Foster, Wayne, Mor ris, Dorothy Patrick Plus: Musical Memories GOLDEN GIRL (Technicolor) MITZI GAYNOR, DENNIS DAY DALT ROBERTSON Added Attraction "MUTINY" (Technicolor) Mark Stevens, Angela Lans- bury, Patric Knowles Plus: COLORED CARTOON Attraction News and Colored Cartoon After Sunday Midnight MON., TUES., APRIL 14, 15 Added Attraction WED., THUR., APRIL 16, 17 TOMORROW iS} ANOTHER DAY RUTH ROMAN STEVE COCHRAN 2 --Added Attraction-- "SLAUGHTER TRAIL" (in color) Brian Donlevy, Gig Young Virginia Grey } Plus COLORED CARTOON : GRO SSSA SET SR = Ty MON., TUES., APRIL 14, 15 MR. BELVEDERE RINGS THE BELL CLIFTON WEBB JOANNE DRU 4 Added Attraction "MY FRIEND FLICKA" |(Color by Technicolor) Preston Foster, Roddy McDowell Plus NEWS and CARTOON i WED., THUR., APRIL 16, 17 ANNE OF THE INDIES Technicolor JEAN PETERS, LOUIS JOURDAN, DEBRA PAGET HERBERT MARSHALL : Added Attraction "THE BIG GUSHER Preston Foster, Wayne Morris : Plus > Musical Memories

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