Hage F Four TAE HAILEYSBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 22nd.- 1952 oGal add Personal Mrs. H. L. Slaght left Sunday evening for a holiday in Toronto Miss Laura McKay is holiday- ing in Southern Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. George Byles and family are presently spending a few days in Toronto, Mrs. Ralph Berry returned home irom 'Toronto this week where she has beew visiting. Constable and Mrs. V. Clive re- turned home at the week-end aiter visiting relatives in Toronto. Mrs. C. F: Tuer is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Brit- tain and Mr, Brittain in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. M- Mc[vor from Matheson, spent last week-end with Mrs. Mclvor's father, I. A. Lytle. The executive of the Haileybury Golf Club held the opening tea at the club on Wednesday after- noon. Marcelle Fournier, a pupil at St. Mary's Academy won the ham which was drawn for at the Holy Cros School. Mr. and Mrs. S. McDonald oi Ottawa, are visiting with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McDonald Mrs: Ab 'Dickson, who spent the winter in South Porcupine, has returned home and will re- main here for the summer. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Ian D. MacDiarmid (nee Florence Mutch) on Wednesday, May 21st, at Misericordia Hospital, a son. Enthusiastic golfers will open the season on Saturday afternoon when a mixed two-ball foursome event will get underway at 1.30 p.m. Mrs. Ron Morissette and child- ren, Mary Anne and Francis, are visiting Mrs. Morissette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Corregan in Toronto, Mrs. Fred Austin arrived home last week-end after spending the past few weeks with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Bruce Jones and Mr. Jones in Kingston. Mrs. Allen Cooke and son, John, returned to their home in Toron- to on Tuesday after visiting with Mrs. Cooke's parents, Dr. W. R. and Mrs. Somerville. Mrs. Fred Bradley and son, Neil: of Brantford, who have been visiting Mrs. Bradley's father, Mr. Neil McIsaac and Mrs. Mclsaac, returned home this week. Mr, Gilbert Labine, accompan- ied by his daughter-and Mrs. Huard and Mr. J. M. Botsford, arrived in town on Monday. Tues- day, Mr. Labine and Mr. utsford continued on to Timmins by car on a business trip. Among Northern boys who ar- rived this week on the west coast and who will report to Toronto, London and Kingston before go- ing on rotation leave are Pte. V. R. O'Brien of Haileybury and Spr. G. Amm of New Liskeard. The grand prize for the lucky winner at the next Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Bingo to be held on Tuesday, June 3rd, will be $85.00, Miss Kay McGinley won the $10 door prize this week, but eee was a breathless hush during the playing of the last game for $80, this week, not broken by joyous "Bingo" and so the money accu- mulates, 'Herbert Hoover Forecasts Future Our only living ex-President sees a bright future for America--if we remember the les- sons of the past. Read "We Have Just Be- gun to Dream"' by former President Hoover in this coming Sunday's (May 25) issue-of the NEW Color Gravure American Weekly, ex- clusively with Detroit Sunday Times. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF~THE ESTATE OF ARTHUR JAMES MURPHY, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Arthur James Murphy, late of the Town of Haileybury in the District of Temiskaming, Lumberman, deceased, who died on or abovt the 31st day of July, 1951, are hereby notified to send particulars of the same to the under- Signed on or before the 25th day of June, 1952, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to the claims of which the undersigned then shall have notice, and the undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. = Dated at Haileybury, Ontario, day of May, 1952. R. A. MURPHY, J. H. MURPHY and C..P. TUER, Executors, c/o C. F. Tuer, Solicitor, Haileybury, Ontario, this 20th Wirector Urges Support ror Com/'unity Conceri Mrs. J.A.H. Joyal, who has act- ed on the board of Directors for Community Concerts since the as- sociation was first organized five years ago in Lemiskaming at- tended the recent appearance of the \Lavalee-Smith Singers. here, and in the interest of good music ior this district, regardless of who may sponsor it, has issued the fol- lowmg appeal; "the Lavalee-Smith Singers,a specially well-trained group oi singers, gave Haileybury one of the Reet concerts ever given in this North Country, The group is composed of six ladies and six men, each of whom is an adequate and gifted artist. Their director, Mr Jean Charbonneau of Mont- real, has a perfect technique pecu- liar to himself and was pleasing to see. It has meant a great ef- fort that is not ordinariily had, to produce such an ensemble of 12 voices. We can feel the work and the attention of the group to have achieved such perfection. The "Pater Noster" of Lizt opens the program and the choir sings it with a religious tone almost of prayer which convinces the audi- ence of the success of the rest of the program. The group moves the listeners to prolonged and enthusiastic applause. Many left the hall with words of praise and with a feeling that we should have more of this fine music in our North Country, where we have everything but music: "I take this opportunity to re- mind you of this Community Concert Association campaign, which is now on, If we wish to have good music--if we wish to encourage @ur young girls and boys to appreciate what is finest in art--why not join hands with Ville Marie, Cobalt and New Lis- keard and makethis year's mem- bership one of our best. Where- ever you are, if there is a concert given by Community Concerts, yot® may use your ticket. Everyone needs good perfor- mances. With all the leisure time we have now: why not make ita duty to pas a very enjoyable even- ing with your family and friends. Let us get together and make sure that the campaign, which is now on, is a sell-out success and assure Temiskaming of good mu- sic for years to come." C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard condensed Ads| Hee e OBITUARY Peete cere e eee ett MURRAY B. DAVIS Word was received yesterday of the sudden death of Murray B. Davis, son of Mrs. A. B. Davis of Haileybury. * Only re- cently Mrs. Davis had returned from Hamilton, where she had spent several months with her son. Murray, as he was popularly known among his many associ- ates in Haileybury started his career with the Brewers' Ware- housing Company Ltd. in Hait- eybury and after serving for some time he was moved to the audit and supervision staff at Toronto and after the division of the pro- vince into districts, he was pro- moted to regional superintendent with headquarters at Belleville. His genial personality won him many friends and he was there hut a short time when he was hon- ored with the presidency of the Kinsmen Club. He had alway taken an active interest in civic community and service club work. In February of this year, he Was promoted to a higher post in ine organization and has been a resident ot Hamilton since that ume, A shocked community extend their sympathy to his family in their untimely loss. Mrs. B. Beaudry After a lengthy illness, the death of Mrs. B. Beaudry occur- red on Luesday, May 20th, in the Misericordia Hospital. Born in Chicoutimin, Quebec, Mrs. Beau- dry, the former Blanche Reinz was in her fifty-fifth year and had been a resident of Haileybury for thirty-five years, The funeral was held on Wednes- day at Holy Cross Church with Rev, Father Arsonneault officiat- ing and he was assisted by Father Robitaille and Father Mailotte. The pallbearers were D. G: Ho- gan, H. Boyer, Jos. Savoie, ~Neil Fleming, M. Hunt and H. Ville- neuve. Mrs. Beaudry is survived by her two daughters, Madeline (Mrs. Frank Hammond of Haileybury, and Margaret (Mrs. John Sulphur 9022222222 22222452.82555 055550022222 22222 LLLLLLLDDAAL EXTRA CASH PRIZES FOR THIS WEEK ONLY! ENTER CONTEST NOW! will be awarded to lucky contestants -- names will be pulblished in this paper. can qualify. Monday, May 26th, Only this week's contestants Entries postmarked later than midnight will not be considered for these Cash Prizes ABRAHAM'S STORE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAA See the new TEE SHIRTS at THE EVELYN SHOPPE "tops" Lovely SUMMER DRESSES Smart New BATHING SUITS Cole of California for Holiday Week-End. The new upper story in Summer Fashion News and really in colourful casual wear and for Golfing SUN VALLEY SPORTSMAN & JANTZEN TEE SHIRTS and Peaked Caps to match. Also Pedal Pushers, in knee length and the new longer length Multicolored SANDALS and MOCCASINS in pale blue, tan and red: in Jantzen, Catalina and} THE SHOPPE in cottons, nylons and Linens. | the No FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT--Also Ice Box For Sale. 32 Probyn St., Phone 44.. WANTED--Waitress for the Blue Line Tea Room. Apply within. 11-t.f.c FOR SALE--General Electric Washing Ma- chine with pump drain, Phone 198. 11-1-c FOR SALE--Baby Carriage in good condi- tion. New foundation. Elliott Street. Phone 234, 11-1-* FOR SALE--Lot overlooking Lake on Rorke Ave. 00d location. Call 2119, Cobalt, or write ex 57, North Cobalt. 11-l-c ity "an 'beach eect medium alae color. Call 2119, Cobalt, or "write Box 57, North Cobalt. 11-l-c. TO RENT--Furnished Apartment to rent from July 1st to August 30th. Apply in writing to Box 113. 10-2* FOR SALE--Nice Bungalow, corner Meridian and Marcella. Call J. Belanger 151 day- __time or apply at the house after 5 p.m. FOR SALE--Six-room House and ten lota. Fourth St., Haileybury. Apply to Mrs. Poppleton, Lake Shore Rd. 10-3-* GIRL WANTED for General Duties. Mata- banick Hotel. 9-tfc FOR SALE--1951 Austin, 4-door sedan. Phone 606 after 5 p.m. 9-2-6 WANTED--Reliable Girl or Woman for Gen- eral Housework. Phone 176. EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8,15 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "PASSAGE WEST" with John Wayne and Arlene Whalen ¢ FRIDAY - SATURDAY CARTOON. with Joe This Week's Offers: Where Danger Lives with ROBERT MITCHUM FAITH DOMERGUE Second Hit Yanks Ahoy FRIDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE MAY 23rd and 24th Sawyer, William Tracy Ist, $300.00; 2nd, $165.00; HOUSE FOR SALE--Apply_to E. M. Mc- Cuaig, Registered Broker, Phone 135. 6-t.f.-c FOR SALEHouse with two lots on Florence St. Large living room, dining room with fireplace, modern kitchen, three bedrooms, bath, sunporch and good basement with furnace. Immediate occupation. $1,500.00 down. Balance on easy terms. Phone 408. 5-t.t.-c $1.00 TRIAL OFFER--Twenty-five de luxe personal requirements. Latest catalogue | included. The Medico Agency, Box 124. Terminal A, Toronto, Ont. WANTED--Woman for general housekeeping and plain cooking. .Phone 6. Mrs. A. J. Murphy. 4-t.fc - 5-12-c., MON., TUES., - The Whistle at Eaton Falls with LLOYD BRIDGES, Short, Cartoon and News MAY 26th and 27th DOROTHY GJSH~ WED - THURS. swith PIER ANGELT- Teresa ~ = "CARTOON and NEWS" MAY 28th and 29th JOHN ERICSON Sof Haileybury) and two sons, Philip of Burlington, and Fred of Haileybury, Mrs. Beaudry was predeceased by her husband who was killed after amotor accident at Belleterre a couple of years ago. Among those who came from out-of-town to attend the service were Miss Grace Larocque and Mr. Charlie LaFebvre of Ville Marie. The sympathy of the entire community is with the family in their sad loss. Cad of IT hanks We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neigh- bors for their sympathy and kindnesses extend- ed during our recent sad loss of our Mother. Mrs, B. Beaudry. THE FAMILY. Dr. John Joyal Is Awarded Scholarship Dr. J. A.H. and Mrs. Joyal re- ceived the happy news this week that their son, Dr. John Joyal has _ received a scholarship which en- titles him to a year's study at the John Hopkin's Hospital in Balti- more, Maryland, U.S.A. Dr. Joyal has just completed a CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar Phone 349 HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. Fri., Sat.. May 23, 24 ee ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON'S +. pee TREASURE 7 iG LOST CANYON S77 ior ®Y TECHMICOLOR wiet ROSEMARY De CAMP + TOMMY IVO Added CRAZY OVER HORSES with The Bowery Boys Attraction Plus News and Cartoon GARR Oy After Sunday Midnight four-year course specializing in Urology at the Hotel Dieu in Montreal. After a short visit te Baltimore to make plans for a re- sidence there: he and his wife will visit with Dr. and Mrs, Joyal here and then holiday at Nomininque, near Mount Laurier, Que. WANT ADS BRING RESULTS Ackroyd and Son pee COU NENTS: Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442B rcOBALY) fe May 23, 24 A GIRL IN EVERY PORT GROUCHO MARX MARIE WILSON WILLIAM BENDIX 7 Fri., Sat., Added "NO HIGHWAY IN THE SKY" JAMES STEWART MARLENE DIETRICH Attraction Plus: ° Sugar Ray Robinson Rocky Graziano Ringside Fight Pictures! Mon., Tues., May 26, 27 William POWELL | julia ADAMS Charles DRAKS. es ROBERT LOUIS 'STEVENS aS Mon., Tues., May 26, 27 7 TREASURE? LOST CANYON: The BELLE NEW YORK Technicolor FRED ASTAIRE Z-g10R BY Tecnwicotoe with ROSEMARY De CAMP * TOMMY IVO Added Attraction CRAZY OVER HORSES with The Bowery Boys Also NEWS and CARTOON VERA ELLEN MARJORIE MAIN KEENAN WYNN Added Attraction --Adult Entertainment---- "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" Starring Fredric March Wed., Thur., May 28, 29 Playing COBALT ONLY M-G-M joyously presents JANET LEIGH PETER LAW ORD Plus: COLORED CARTOON Wed., Thur., May 28, 29 RETREAT, HELL! FRANK LOVEJOY RICHARD CARLSON ANITA LOUISE --Added Attraction-- "LOVE NEST" June Haver(, Wm. Lundigan Plus COLORED CARTOON LEWIS STONE - MARILYN ERSKINE + RICHARD ANDERSON Added Attraction "DEATH OF A SALESMAN" Starring Fredric March Plus COLORED CARTOON.