Page Tr THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 29th, 1952 - The HAILEY BURIAN Issued every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway Su., Haileybury, Ont. D. E. SUTHERLAND, Publisher RUTH G. GORDON, Editor Issued every Thursday from The Haileybucian Office, Broadway Street, Haileybury . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ln Canada--$Z.UU per year, in advance In United States--, 3.00 per year, in advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assr. GAKDENING ihe Garden Man, who sits across {rom my desk, writing his stuff om an ivy-covered type- writer somehow heard that 1 was involved these days in clearing the primeval jungle now threaten- ing to completely engulf our house. There he was, peeking througn the rhodendrons that separate our desks, with the bees buzzing about his head (or perhaps it just seems that way) and he hau this little pamphlet. It is called "The Garden Man's Calendar of Planting and Cultivating" and for a non-gardener like myself it isa chilling document, I am the kind of guy who can- not hear of hardy perennials, for instance, without visualizing something with biceps, tanned and flexing its muscles. Mention runner beans and | instantly think of long, bony-kneed beans: wear- ing abbreviated shorts and sprint- ing madly all over the garden. Talk of house plants and I have the instant mental picture oi them lounging on the sofa, read- ing Spicy Stories and munching on cream-centred chocolates, This is the way 1 am, and so you can imagine how it feels to idly pick up the Garden Man's book and find one of the first items ge- ginning "Give small trees a good mulching . . ." Why it just makes my blood boil, Just let anybody try giving our trees a good mulching, when they haven't done anybody any harm, just standing out there minding their own businéss! And look at this: "Start forcing ruhbarb clumps." Forcing, in- deed! What does that mean? Go out and twist their arms? If you think I'm going to start that kind of rough stuff at my age, you're crazy, Garden Man. Here I've been thinking of the Garden Man as a nice, placid fel- low. Yet the farther you read in his book the more violent it all gets. On one page the gardener is advised to ""give your tulip bulbs a good dressing of bone meal (holding their little noses, perhaps?) while on the very next page he's told to "keep all old blooms cut off and cut out all long suckers-" as cold-blooded a surgi- cal operation as [ recall since the last Dr. Kildare movie. But the final blow comes when he tells us to "give the lawn a good spiking." Well, sir, our lawn has been with us too many years for me to turn it now. _ And, anyway, I'm not garden- ing this week. Our axe has a bro- ken handle.--J, Scott. What, in recent years, has laughingly been referred to as "a man's world". has become a real- ity on a Simcoe County family farm near Hawkestone, Ontario Pictured above is Mrs. D. J. Mc: Arthur, wife of a Department of Highways snowplow operator, whose essay "How ] Keep My Mon, on the Job" was the first pe eee prize winner in the Motor Vehicle 1. 36Gold discovered in Oldham district Safety Association of Ontario's Halifax County, N.S. 1952 contest held recently. 1863--Miners from State of Washington ascending the Kootenay, Creek diggings, B.C. 1864--Placer gold: located on Leech Creek, British Columbia. MINING NOTES "NO NAGGING' IS A RULE A husband needs to go off to work, happy and content, both witliam Logan. mentally and physically, secure 1865--Dewdney Trail completed to Wiid- in the knowledge that everything is fine at home, Then he can put © reach Victoria on British territory. Placer claims staked on Big Bend area of Columbia River, B.C., by former Caribco miners. ~ Gold discovered in Mount Uniacke district, Nova Scotia. Eustis Mine opened in Eastern Townships, established Wildhorse Quebec 1866--First discovery of gold in Canadian Pre-Cambrian shield near Madoc, Hastings county, Ontario, known as Richardson's mine, Issue of a comprehensive Geology under Sir made by a Dutch prospector, named Powell and associates. 2 Thomas McFarlane discovered high grade horse from Hope, B.C. to enable gold escorts silver ores in Ontario on an island in Lake Superior, (Silver Islet Mine.) his heart and mind to his job. Only when his mind is free of worries can he think clearly and quickly, What must I do to bring this about? [I must work towards a happy and successful marriage. If the husband-wife relationship is right, things will usually work out, in spite of the troubles and discouragements that lie ahead. Here are a few things which I think help towards a happy mar- riage: Put your husband first. Let him know he is the lord and master of his house, and not just the man supports you. Let children and home come after. Try to under- stand your husband and see things from his point of view. When the occasion arisses when you feel you P.O. Box 997 MINING PLANTS ENGINEERS and GENERAL CONTRACTORS CONCRETE WORK that brings home the pay and . 0 $ Head Office HAILEYBURY,. ONT. Phone 517 must differ from him on matters that are really important, wait -------- until he is rested and in the right frame of mind. After the disagree- ment, be tbe first one to make up. It hurts a man's pride to admit he was wrong. Try not to let small, trivial matters take-on all impor tance. f Do not nag and tell your day's troubles as soon as your husband steps in the front door, but greet him with a cheerful smile and a well balanced dinner ready on time.. He might say things that are unfair and hurt, but don't for- eet, a lot of things have happened during the day that you know nothing about, and likely he is just taking out his discourage- ment on you. : Do not find fault and if his habits annoy you: don't nag. You will not be able to change them. Learn to live with them. Try to be an interesting com- panion and furl to be with, but TO Hotel Haileybury DINNER *™ : 12.00 to 1.30 p.m. 6.00 to 8.00 p.m cive your husband some freedom of his own without jealousy on your part. : Keep love alive and everything will work out. Tet your husband know you have faith and confi- EVERY SATURDAY ~ You will Enjoy "SONGS TO REMEMBER" FE COSC U SW CCS CJKL 4.15 p.m. SAAR ARARA BAAD dence in his ability to succeed. Even when he doubts himself, don't agree with him. That is one time he does not want your sym- nathyv. hut your unwavering be- lief in him . "RK women is only 7 woman but a good cigar is a smoke."'--Krplina. 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Easy to buy, easy to use. A gift that's please. 3 Any C.N.R. Agent wifl be pleased to assist you in planning your trip. ne > THE HUMAN SIDE OF EISENHOWER little known tales about General Ike's private In an exclusive interview, Mrs. C. Gage life, in the June Ist issue of the NEW Color Lent, the woman who managed the Eisne- Gravure American Weekly, distributed with marors home at Columbia University, reveals The Detroit Sunday Times. i "Aneighbour is one who knows more about your affairs Peel oe than you do." You'd be surprised what the other fellow knows about you. But usually when you treat him right, he treats you right. Ones OLD " VIENNA ~*~ BREWERY LTD --~ ----E os Sy any ie . | -£ Upp BANE [aq | nig (ea =a | en ¢ *,.. saved me days, perhaps weeks, of work' After returning from his first trip to the West, a business man wrote his bank: "TI arrived having no idea where to start in to make the connections I required. The thought occurred to me that perhaps the bank, which has been very helpful to me on numerous occasions, would give me some guidance. Mr. W. proved to be of tremendous help. He introduced me to the people I should have met and saved me days, Perhaps weeks, of work." Every chartered bank works this way. : Whether you walk into your neighbor- hood branch or one a thousand miles away, you will find the same full range _ of banking service--and the same ~ readiness to help. This advertisement, based on an actual letter, is Presented here by THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY