YBURIAN Page Four _vGal auld Personal ad Mr. and Mrs. A. Swanson are visiting in Sudbury . : Mrs. J. McVicar leit Friday to join her husband in North Bay. Judge and Mrs. J. B. Robinson are visiting with Mrs. Robinsons parents in Kingston, Ont. Miss Florence McLaughlin of Timmins was the guest of Mrs. P, V. McAulay over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Downard vsisted with Mrs. Downard's mother, Mr. Mawhinney over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. George Mawhin- ney spent the week-end with their parents Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. lawhinney. Mrs. Olive Childs and Miss Ida Childs attended the Atila-Coutu wedding in Larder Lake on Sat- urday last. Miss Irene Lemay returned home Sunday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs, P. Mal- oney in Matachewan, BORN--At Lindsay, Ont.," on June 24th, to Mr.and Mrs. Gor- don Tolmie (nee Lois George), a daughter, sister for Linda. Mrs. T. Pipe is in Toronto visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. J. Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Hough plan to leave shortly for Florida, where they will make their home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mills have returned to Ottawa after spend- ing a few days visiting with their daughter, Mrs. C. Camsell, Junior, Mr. and Mrs. V. Dinesen and family are leaving Saturday to spend a few days at Peterboro. Joan will remain there with her grandparents for a few weeks. Mrs, L. Latchford of Cochrane is visiting with her mother, Mrs. C. Brough. She will be accompa- nnied home by her sister, Mrs. A. MacDonnell and Mr. MacDonnell Mrs. Wm. Glazier and sons, John and Steve have gone to Powassan to visit Mrs. Glazier's parents for a short time and will join Mr Glazier in Falconbridge, where they will make their home. Mrs, N. McAulay leaves Satur- day to visit with her daughter, Wilma (Mrs. S. Kallies) in Hamilton. Mrs. McAulay plans to visit several other Southern points and will be away for two weeks, Albert Gospel Hall Corner Albert St. ana Georgina Ave. SUNDAY Sunday School, 2p 'm. Breaking of Bread--11 a.m. Gospel Meeting--7 p.m. THURSDAY ladies' Prayer Meeting--3 p.m Public Bible Reading and Prayer Meeting--8 p.m. The Baptist Church Pastor--R.COSTERUS Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Worship Service--3.15 p.m. Young People's Friday--8.00° p.m. A hearty welcome awaits all visitors -- CHURCHES | Miss W. Keller has returned to Haileybury after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crutcher at Deep River. Later inthe week Miss Keller is leaving for Toronto to visit with her mother for the summer months. Mrs. Andrew Scott gave a birthday party on Tuesday after- noon for her three-year-old dau- ghter, Annabelle There were thireen of her little friends pre- sent and a gay time was had by the young folk. Misses Pat and Yvonne Thomp- son of Montreal are in town for a short visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson. They were accompanied by their grand mother, Mrs. F, F. Bruneau and Miss Mae Doherty. Mrs. Bruneau will spend the summer months here, The Playground is scheduled to open on Wednesday, July 2nd, when summer entertainment will again be provided for the children. There will be a variety of activi- ties offered to add to the enjoy- ment of the holiday months. The program consists of active and quiet games, story telling, sports, and many interestng projects. Also included insummer plans are several events i.e., a hike, sports day and Parents' day, which will acquaint the parents with play- ground routine. Hours are from 10.00 a.m. to 12 am .and from 2.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. with the exception of Saturday afternoon, when no classes areheld. All child- ren between the ages of four and twelve are welcomed to join in the fun. ONTARIO FIRE PREVENTION SERVICE CHIMNEY REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES WORK GUARANTEED Phone 1000, HAILEYBURY Beauty Preparations To a Queen's Taste is a sophisticated dew - cool Cologne $1.50 and dainty with Tiffany 15¢ Deodorant at SMALLMAN'S DRUG STORE HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THE HAILE LT a) | WEDDING BELLS i FLEMING--FERNHOLM A pretty wedding was solemn- ized in St. Paul's Anglican Church here on Wednesday, June 11th, when Miss June Fernholm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Adolph fernholm, ot Cobalt, became the bride o1 kKobert Donald tleming, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Flem- ing ot Haileybury, Kev. J. H. Watson of Graven- hurst performed the ceremony, assisted by Canon Cyril Goodier of Haileybury,. The bride, give in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a floor length gown of white satin bro- cade, made with fitted bodice but- toned down the back, scalloped neckline and long sleeves with pointed cuffs trimmed with but- tons. Her finger-tip veil was held in place with a handmade head- dress of brocade embroidered with crystal beads and she carried red roses, She was attended by her sister Miss Mary Fernholm, as maid of honor, Mrs. Don Weddelll ot Managua, Nicaragua, and Miss Beverley Fleming, as bridesmaids The attendants wore similarly fashioned gowns of nylon and wore matching hats and gloves. The maid of honor was in blue and bridesmaid in orchid ana pink, All carried bouquets of pink carnations, roses and jilies of the valley. Donald Weddell was grooms- man and the ushers were twin brothers, Leonard and George Johnson of Haileybury, y After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, Lang street, Co- balt. Building Boom at North Cobalt Now North Cobalt is currently en- joying the greatest building boom in its history as new residents are seeking to establish themselves in new areas. Reeve Harry Groom and_ his Council are offering to the public the bargain of a lifetime--some 125 choice lots all going at $1.00. More than 100 building permits have been granted to buyers since the town council introduced the plan. This once quiet little town is becoming a busy industrial centre since the following mines and factories are located on Township property ; Harrison - Hibbert Mines, P. M. Fleming Iron Works and the Aguanico, A small tannery is expected to be located in town shortly. Notice!--The Library will be open on Monday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons and even- ings only during the months of July and August. In view of present expectations that Ontario's hay crop will be heavy, recruiting of workers has begun fro mthe Prairies and the Maritimes to assist the farmers of Ontario. Only men who can be spared will be recruited. M. J. HUNT'S BARBER SHAP will be closed from Saturday Night, June 28th, until the following Thursday, July 3, when it will be re-opened for business. Customers please govern themselves accordingly._ SUMMER DOMINION DAY Should be. "A Day of Gladness Not Sadness" Be sure Your Holiday Plans Include Safe Driving by giving Your Car a a CLARENCE Chevrolet Ferguson Avenue HAILEYBURY GARAGE G.M. DEALERS HAILEYBURY Your Ontario Motor League Service Station TUN£-UP t CONNELLY -- Oldsmobile Phone 3 EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard Condensed Ads Pentecostal Assembly RORKE AVENUE Sunday School-- 10.00 a.m. Morning Worship--11.00 a.m. Evangelistic Service--8.00 p.m. Prayer Meeting,--Wed., 8 p.m. Young People's Meeting--Fri., 8 p.m. HOUSE FOR SALE--For Sale by Tender: House on the north side-of Blackwall, be- tween Georgina and Ferguson Avenues, Seven rooms. Glassed-in verandah. Hot water heating. Tenders to remain open until July 12th, 1952 Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. E, Dunn, Clerk-Treasurer, 16-1-c , * St. Paul's Church Holy Communion--8.00 a..m. 1st Sunday, Holy Communion--11 a.m. Other Sundays, Matins--11 a.m. Church School meets at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer--7.30 p.m. ST. GEORGE'S, NQRTH COBALT Morning Serviee--9.15 a.m. - The United Church ANDREW T. DENHOLM B.A., B.D. HAILEYBURY Public Worship--11.00 a.m, Junior Sunday School meets at 11 a.m. Senior Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. NORTH COBALT Public Worship--7.30 p.m. The Salvation Army Sunday Morning Meeting--11.00 a.m. Sunday School--2.30 p.m. Salvation Meeting--7.00 p.m., Cobalt Sunday School, Cobalt--2.45 p.m, FOR SALE--Rugs, several sizes and colors. Must sell. Will sacrifice. Box 992. FOR SALE--One Treadle Sewing Machine, good condition, reasonable. Phone 325-W. Ne Cant 16-1-* TWO YOUNG LADS would like work mow- ing lawns or other odd jobs. Phone 539. FOR SALE--Modern six-room Bungalow. Excellent location. For further Particulars apply 77 Browning St. 16-2-* FOR SALE--Couch, reasonable. Apply 74 Browning St. 16-1-c WANTED--Apartment or Dwelling suitable for two persons. J. F. McDonald, Hydro Office. Phone 171 or 529. 12-tf, GIRL WANTED for General Duties. Mata- banick Hotel. 9-tfc HOUSE FOR SALE--Apply to E. M. Mc. Cuaig, Registered Broker, Phone 135. 6-t.f.-c FOR SALEHouse with two lots on Florence St. Large living room, dining room with fireplace, modern kitchen, three bedrooms, bath, sunporch and good basement with furnace. Immediate occupation. $1,500.00 down. Balance on easy terms. Phone 408. 5-t.t.-c Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. single bill. On Double bills, fast complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "SIROCCO" with HUMPHREY: BOGART, MARTA TOREN FRIDAY - SATURDAY Double Secon CARTOON. with GENE This Week's Offers are: A Yank in Korea with LON McCALLISTER, WILLIAM PHILLIPS Gene Autry and the Mounties FRIDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE Ist, $300.00; 2nd, $200; 3rd, $40.00 JUNE 27th and-28th Feature h d Hit AUTRY Pat Buttram MON., TUES., Mr. Belvedere with CLIFTON WEBB : After Sunday Midnite Show at 12.05 a.m. Laurel & Hardy short,Cartoon & News. MATINEE Mon, at 2.00 JUNE 30th, JULY Ist Rings the Bell JOANNE DRU WED - THURS. = with DORIS DAY, ' Sport Short, Cartoon & News. On Moonlight Bay \ JULY 2nd and 3rd GORDON MacREA Matinee Wed. at 2.00 p.m. All in the Day's Work "I overheard -one of my men talking to a new pupil I had, and he put it like this "Look out for governor', he said, ' 'e don't like work, but 'e can do it if 'e's force jojeh ete June 25th to 30th, H.M. the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be in residence at the palace of Holyroodhouse. Her Majesty will hold a presentation party on June 26th and on June 27th will give an afternoon party on 'the garden of the palace. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ramsay of Hailey- bury, Ontario,, announce the engagement of their daughter, Elizabeth Catherine Ramsay, to Robert Oscar Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Johnson, of Haileybuty, Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday, July 26th, at three o'clock on St. Paul's An- glican Church, Haileybury, Ontario. --Want Ads Bring Results! CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar Phone 349 HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. FRI., SAT., ~MACAO ROBERT MITCHUM JANE RUSSELL WILLIAM BENDIX Added Attraction |----Adult Entertainment----# JAPANESE WAR BRIDE § Shirley Yamaguchi Don Taylor ~ Also: COLOR CARTOON SATURDAY MATINEE Box Office opens -_ 1.15 p.m. § Show starts at_-_ 1.30 p.m. MON., TUE., June 30, July 1 ff AT SWORD'S" POINT Technicolor CORNEL WILDE MAUREEN O'HARA --Added~- Attraction--F "TARZAN'S SAVAGE FURY" Lex Barker, Dorothy Hart Plus: NEWS and GOMEDY J WED., THURS., JULY 2, 3 ANNE OF THE INDIES (Technicolor) JEAN PETERS LOUIS JOURDAN DEBRA PAGET Added Attraction "THE WHISTLE AT EATON FALLS" Lloyd Bridges, Dorothy Gish Carleton Carpenter Also: -Hollywood at Play JUNE 27, 28 & THURSDAY, JUNE 26th, 1952 In Memoriam In loving memory of our Mother, Mrs. Eliza- beth Callahan, who died June 30, 1952 Two years ago today. you left us, Gone from us so far away, Still there's many times we see you As we go on day by day; Memories still linger with us Of the things you used to do, And we know you will be there waiting When God calls us up there too; --Lovingly remembered but sadly missed by Daughters Violet. Sadie, Winnifred, Dove and Son, Fred Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service New Liskeard Ontario Phones 442 and 4428 Condensed Ads. Bring Results ! FRI., SAT., JUNE 27, 28 OE. SWORD'S POINT Technicolor CORNEL WILDE MAUREEN O'HARA Added "TARZAN"S SAVAGE FURY" Lex Barker, Dorothy Hart Attraction Plus: NEWS and COMEDY SATURDAY MATINEE Box Office opens -- 1.15 p.m. Show starts at--- 1.30 p.m. After Sunday Midnight MON., TUE., June 30, July 1 ANNE OF THE INDIES Technicolor JEAN PETERS LOUIS JOURDAN DEBRA PAGET Added Attraction "THE WHISTLE AT EATON. FALLS" Lloyd Bridges, Dorothy Gish Carleton Carpenter Also: Hollywood at Play SURES PEE WED., THURS., JULY 2, 3 RANCHO NOTORIOUS Technicolor MARLENE DIETRICH ARTHUR KENNEDY MEL FERRER Added Attraction "THE PACE THAT THRILLS" - - Bill Williams, Carla Balenda Plus; COLORED CARTOON --Coming Soo "QUO VADIS"