"ein, a "'fHE HAILEYBURIAN HALLEYBURY, ONTARIO _ THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1952 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 48; No. 17. List of Classes at Public School for September Opening The following list prepared by Principal L. Wiseman, shows the classes pupils will be in when the Fall term of the Public School opens in September. Names are 'arranged in alpha- betical order: The Fall term will open on Tuesday, September 2nd, 1952. Grade One Adams, Walter Clive, Michael Dean, Diana Dempster, Robert Findlay, Russell Gagnon, Veronica Gilmour, John Gillespie, Teddy Gilroy, Robert Hammerstrom, Michael Hawkins, Penelope Larocque Victor Lecky, Joyce Lowery, Patricia MacDonnell, Joane MacDonnel Rodney MacVeigh, Storey Malkin, Judith McQuaid, Judith Merzetti, Angela Reavell, James Robinson, Rosemary Grade Two Childs, Beverley Gagnon, Douglas Gardner Alan Gilkes, Victoria Hennessy, Donna Kingsmill, John Kranz, Wesley MacVeigh, David MacDiarmid, Roderick MacPherson, Karen Merzetti, Susn Nicolson, Joanne Oslund, Billy Russell, Wayne Smallman, Caroyn Smith, Mary St. Louis, Robert Thornton, Steve Wiseman, Billy Grade Three Adams, Gloria Anderson, Reggie Camsell, Janet Clive Victor Eby, Allan Fleming, Charles Gagnon, Leslie Gardiner Diane Hennessy, John Herbert, Dennis McFarlane, Sheila McIntyre, Jim Nauss, John Neelands, Tommy Nelson, Betty Nicolson, Jimmy Thompson, lan Timmins, Sandra Trowhill, Ray Grade Four Day, Karen Drinkwatter, Jim Gardiner, Suzanne Gibson, Judy Grozelle, Bobby Hallworth, Charles Humphreys, Barbara Larabie, Margaret MacPherson, Janet Martin, Joan Murphy, Joan Newton, Sharon Smallman ,Sheia St. Louis, Erna ombs, Ellen Welsh, Judy Whelan, Marilyn Whorley, Robert Grade Five Abraham, Norma Adams, Sidney 3rown, Iris Button, Rodney Camsell, Barbara Cooke, Carolee Coull, Margaret. Doran, Rodney Edey, Bruce Gardner, Donald Hawkins, Jean Larocque, Barbara Libby, Jacqueline Malkin, Leigh Martin, Nancy MacDougal, Roderick McIntyre, Joy Nelson, Norma Robson, Jo Anne Rolph, Linda Stevenson, Judith Trowhill, Diane Whitby, Say Whorley, Richard. Grade Six , Bond, Peter Cockshutt, Nancy Coull, Margaret Cooper, Shepard Glassford, Donald Jenkins, Robert Kingsmill, Carolyn Lowery, Elaine Miller, Bertha MacDiarmid, Robert Newton Bryan Pearson, Ronald Pringle, Susan Powelson, Burke Rolph, Anne Simpson, Richard (Contiued on Page 4) = Narth Cobali Separate School Promotion List Grade I Jeannette Ayotte, Annie Crans- ton, Richard Dupuis, Alphonse Delisle, Therese England, Florent Gauvreau, Claire Houle, Made- leine Houle, John Palmer, Albert Pilon, Jean-Guy Plante, Judy Ruddy, Yvette Desmarais, An- thony Dube, Jean Dupuis, Rachel Gelinas, Paul Ladouceur, Patricia Larkin, Sylvio Pilon, Fernand Plante, Jim Smith, Carmen Tou- zin, Paul Trahan, Grade II Vaulette Belanger hon., Yolande Gauvreau hon., Gloria Hill hon., Paul Ayotte, Robert Cranston, Wanda Cross, Helene Desmarais, Real Delisle, Thomas Finnerty, Alice Gagne, Rita Gagne, Gisele Houle, Marguerite Larkin, Roger Palmer, Real Pilon, Jean Trahan, Grade III Bernice Dube hon., Claire Eng- land, Georges Fleury hon., Marie- Rose Deveille hon., Denise St-Cyr hon., Alice Cyr, Jeanne Cyr, Fred- erick Cranston, Denise Dessur- eault, Yolande Delisle, Therese Dessurreault, Larrie England, Kathleen Hill, Francoise Leveille, Mary Palmer, Aime Plante, Den- ise Plante, Georges Ayotte, Fer- nande Delisle, Jeannine Dessur- eault, Rachel Dupuis, Jean Gagne, David Ladouceur, Therese Lado- uceur, Rene Lanthier, Jeannine Paquette, Real Plante, Joanna Stubinski, Wilred Touzin. Grade IV Lorraine Gauvreau hon., Marie Rose Ayotte, Raymond Cloutier, Margaret Rose Cross, Andre Des- marals. Grade V Lucille Ayotte, Fernand Belan-~ ger, Irene Cyr, Ronald Cyr, Ger- ald Gelinas, Paul Lanthier, Gail Larkin, Jean-Paul Plante, Henri Pilon, Claire Walker, Mary Walker. Grade VI Paul Fleury hon., Rita Fleury hon., Pauline Plante hon., Robert Ruddy hon.., Real St-Cyr hon., Florence Touzin hon. Grade VII Madeleine Belanger, Rose-Alice Dessureault, Andre Duhaime, Syl- via Larabie, Jean-Charles Lev- eille, Romeo Mallais, Marcel St- Cyr, Beverley Walker. i nn a nO Served : 12.00 to 1.30 p.m. AMA MD DDD DDD DDD LDLLADDLALLOADDLLLLLLLOLOAL "Something to Sing About" DINNER at Hotel Haileybury 6.00 to 8.00 p.m. VV EVERY SATURDAY a a > > You will Enjoy "SONGS TO REMEMBER" 4.15 p.m. CJKL BADAAADAAAADAAAAAAAASAAAALAAAAASALAAAASDALAAAAAAALALAS Grade VIII Jacqueline Ayotte, Raymond Ayotte, Yvette Belanger, Linda Larkin, Emelie Touzin, Ls Pou. Grade IX Aurel Belanger, Constance Du- puis, Evelyn Larabie,, Claude St- Cyr. sa 4 Dial Phones in Cobalt wevevTeerus: Our neighbor to the south will soon have the distinction of being the only town in the Tri-Town district to have its own dial telephone system. The installation of a new switchboard in a modern build- ing is now béing completed by the Northern Telephone Com- pany and subscribers will be dial- ing by September. The town will also be re-cabled and when the change-over is made all local long disteance calls will be handled from Haileybury. POCCCu. The busy silver town has such a long list of applications for tele- ab Temiskaming Construction Limited MINING PLANTS ENGINEERS and GENERAL CONTRACTORS pliones that the Company whose policy is to instal dial systems whenever and wherever new switchboards are necessary, was prompted to make the alteration. WEEK'S WEATHER Week ending July 2nd, 1952 Max. Min. CONCRETE WORK Be ' oO 46.6 P.O. Box.997 Head Office Phone 517 2 2 ae HAILEYBURY, ONT. 0 53.0 Wednesday _-___ 87.2 63.0 Precipitation for week_ .13" NANCY DONALDSON, who was grad? uated from Carleton College in Ottawa with a Bachelor of Arts Degree last month, will spend the summer working with her father, H. L. Donaldson, North Bay Miss Donaldson is a graduate of Haileybury High School, and attended Stanstead Private School in Quebec. She was a student at Queen's University in Kingston before entering Carleton College in September, 1950. While she was in Ottawa, Miss Donaldson was employed by the N.R.C. at Atomic Energy plant. No Caterpillars at Bass Lake Contrary to current reports that the Bass Lake Beach, which is run by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Scul- ly for the Cobalt Kywanis Club, has been invaded anu the position held by an army of caterpillars, we have first-hand on-the-spot reports that the beach is in fine shape and has been by-passed by our furry friends. Although they did strip the trees near the High- way, they did not get into the Beach area, so if you are planning aday's outing with the children, the operators of Bass Lake Beach will be glad to see you. Army Begins Summer Training On Thursday night, nine cadets left for seven weeks of training at amp Ipperwash, Lake Huron --the training includes a driving and instructor's course, The Algonquin Regiment re- ports to Niagara-on-the-Lake on July 5th for their annual summer camp which continues until July 12th. , Lieut. Col. G- L. Cassidy left at the close of the school term for Niagara, where he is serving on the staff for the summer months, Promotion Lists Are Issued by riaueybury Separate School The following list of prizes were awarded to pupils who com- pleted Grade VIII in Holy Cross School during the past term: Uttered by the Juvenile section; a crucifix ($1.50) to each pupil as a souvenir of their Jast Primary School year, A Kosary ($3.50) offered by Rey Mother Provincial of the Sisters of the Assumption to the pupil who obtained the hightest marks in Catholic Catechism: Alma Bouley, Diane Lapinski (equal), won by Diane Lapinski. A writing set ($1.50) offered by Rey, Mother Superior for good behaviour at school: Lorraine Sauve, Claudette Fleury, Diane Lapinski, Jane Ledwell, Alma Bouley, Theresa Venne, Clau- dette Gauvreau, won by Clau- dette Fleury. Ten dollars divided in four ($2.50) for each,' offered by the C.W.L. to the pupils who ob- tained the highest marks in school work won by Diane La- pinski, Claudette Fleury, Lor raine Souve, Jane Ledwell. Prizes offered by the I.0.D.E. (value $11.00) for the best in Social Studies, won by - Diane Lapinski, Jane Ledwell, Rheaume Denomme, Rolland Deraiche. Prizes offered by the Knights of Columbus (value $5.00) for good general standing in school work won by Kenneth O'Grady, Lorraine Sauve. Three cups awarded by Rev. Father Lafleur for high marks in: 1, French Reading--Lorraine Sauve, Grade 8; Rolland Fortin, Grade 7; Rolande Sauve, Grade 6; . Denyse Forget, Grade 5. won by Lorraine Sauve, Grade 8. . 2, English Spelling, won by Tony Cassidy, Grade 5. 3. French Spelling--Lorraine Sauve, Cecile Larocque, Jeanne Grignon Denyse Forget, Don- ald Morissette, Marguerite For- get; won by Jeanne Grignon, Grade 6. One cup awared by Rev Moth- er Provincial for high marks in French Reading in the Junior classes: Claudette Sauve, Grade Four. Marguerite Forget, Grade 3. Mary Whelan, Grade 2 Lorraine Morissette, Grade 1. Won by Marguerite Forget, Grade 3. Specia] certificates awarded by the French Teachers' Institute to encourage good expression and clear pronounciation in French Reading were won by: Grade 1--Lorraine Morissette, Ronald Gravel. Grade II--Mary Whelan, Clau- dette Houle, Grade IlI--Marguerite get, Jeannine Sauve. Grade IV--Claudette Jeannine Barrette. Grade V -- Denyse Robert Desmarais. Grade VI -- Rolland Sauve, Jeanne Grignon, . : Grade VII -- Roland Fortin, Cecile Larocque. Grade VIII--Lorraine Marcel Thisdeliv, For- Sauve, Forget, Sauve, Classe for will be: FRENCH SECTION Grade I z Rita Fleury, Francine Joyal, Francoise Sauve, Julienne For- get, Lilianne Gravel, Marguerite Benoit, Eveline Simard, Therese Mercier, Jacqueline Watson, Carol Sauve, Carmel Loranger, Adrienne Loranger, Evelyn Da- September term vies, Carol Davies, Nicole Plante, Joseph Tessier, Rheal Savoie, Shirley Francis, Paul Patry, Pauline Patry, Linda Hal- lock, Lucille Collin, Paul Del Gui- - dice, Jean-Pau| Bouffard, Denis Gauvreau, Jimmy Bourget Peter Whelan, Pierre Lacasse, Paul Boissonneault, Jean-Guy Plante, Pauline Dupuis. 4 Grade II Lorraine Morissette hon., Paul Cormier hon., MadeleineLarocque | hon., Gerald Sauve, hon., Ronald Gravel, hon., Denise Parent, Patricia Gauthier, Roger Allard, Alice Forget, Patri- -- cia Crozier, Yvonne Forget, Don- old Sauve, Albert Boissonneault, Russel Sauve, Bernard Sauve, Valentine Zanin, Rose Ann Venne, Helene Caron, Jeannine Patry, Therese Bouffard, Henry Loran- eer, Anne-Marie Joyal. Grade III Claudette Houle-hon., Doreen (Continued on Page 2) Want prices. Hamilton ing prices then taxes must be up, too. mean higher taxes. Brantford HIGHER Taxes? 'Don't be silly," you are likely to retort. But the question is not afoolish one. For if you keep asking the government to do things for you then you are automatically asking for higher taxes Government itself creates and possesses nothing. All it can do is to take something from the citizens and hand it back to them--- less a handling charge to pay the wages of government employee and cost of distribution, Taxes are the means by which this transfer is made possible. : Higher wages without higher production per man mean higher If welfare transfer payments are raised because of ris- Thus higher prices now Keep these facts in mind when you read about new State welfare proposals, or about new wage demands that are not accompanied by assurance of higher per-man production. eae aes Published as a public service by me STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA, tore Plants at Swansea Gananoque Montreal Benjamin Forget, -- a