THe HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1952 Page lw - Prince, Darlene New Matarrow Mine Opens yas A e 2 hon., Joe which is the current daily pro- RIAN Promotion Lists Are Issued Grade VI Nelson Bony pe m2 5 ae an The HAILEY BU By tHaileybury Separate School Denyse Forget hon, Pauline Sauve, Edwin pee ae ahRevonlvabase: metal prodtcen apres Maristenaeell oe Issued every Thursday ae Deraiche, Marie-Ellen Turner, Vahey hon., Denis Walsh, Sharon lhe only base meta 9g hia INES NULUStEL ASCILY, »PIaising: from The Haileyburian (Continued from Page 1) Robert Desmarais, Roger Caron, Walsh. in the area, the New prospectors and -promoters for apa el, ee Le Marcelle Mercier, Annette Gau- Grade IV lead and-zine mine was officially bringing lead and zine mines into ale Hunt, hon. Henriette Cormier yreau, Eugene Thisdelle, Denis Jack Burns hon., Angus Hogan, opened last Friday with J. Cun- production, pointed out that the hel der aa hon., Claire Forget hon., Leo St. Caron, Alphonse Dupuis Henri ' arol O'Grady, ; W alter Stevens, ningham-Dunlop presiding. 22150 need fora road between Matach- pire: GORD Cyr hon., Rosaire Forget, Mich- | oranger, Velma Walsh, Glen Watson. in attendance were Hon. Philip ewan and Kirkland Lake was J } ON, Editor elle Deraiche Roger Campeau, Grade V : Kelly, Minister of Mines for On- more important than ever before Caged Gory FT boretes fies Tee abies Therese Desjardins, Jean-Paul Grade VII Gerald Bolger, Bob Fleury, tario, H. C. Rickaby provincial and he assured the gathering ZURSGRIETION RATIE® Grenon, Raymond Desjardins, j.jorjanne Bourget hon., Grignon 3arbara Hadley, David Lapinski geologist and Bob Herbert, MLA that he would bring the matter to In Canada--$2.00 per year, in advance Solange Bastien, Jacques De- jon Roland Sauve hon., Anita hon., Judy Pringle hon., Monica jor the District of Temiskaming. the attention of the cabinet. In United States--, 3.00 per year, in advame raiche, Gerald" Francis, Mary +yqel Paulette Allard, Margue- Whelan. Speaking before a large num- ToS Rees Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn. \Vhelan, Denis Lamothe, Delphis Grade VI ber of people who witnessed the Have you ever wondered-where Authorizd as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Fleury, Daniel Hunt, Paul Renaud rite HKrancis, Georgette Sauve, Lucille Parent, Jean-Guy Desjar- Colleen MacDonald, Tony Cas- ceremony, Mr. Cunningham-Dun- Strawberries got their name? It Pepe Re Dee Ronald Mercier,, Therese Savoig gins Pauline Forget, Jean-Guy sidy hon., David Prince hon., LE lop spoke highly of the new mine's is said originally, they were se ' * 4 = nee x Fernand Larocque, Raymond 4 higdeties Claude Grenon, Aurele ™ond Lamothe hon., Janine Bilo possibilities and gave as an ex- brought to market on straws-- THE HOME FRONT Gravel, Corinne Gauvreau, Nelson [yeraiche, "Marcel Caron, Lucien deau. ample a figure of 200 tons of ore hence "strawberries", li the Federal or Provincial Governments were to cease tunc- Gauvreau, Rheal Forget, Joseph Crozier, Rita Desmarais, Lucille Patry, Denise Plant, Usule Lo- Dumais, Arsenne Denomme, Marguerite Desjardins. Grade VII Doreén Vahey hon., Diane La- ronde hon., George Genyk hon., F a pe ranger. < tioning lor a period of time, none rang is Grade VIII Judy Ledwell hon., Peter McGin- * would sulter any immediate il- Cecile Larocque hon., Rolland ;,..° effects. li, however, the muni- Grade IV Fortin, Paul Grignon, Mariette Grade VIII Gara) Redee : r cial government were to cease Jeanine Sauve hop. Denise Sauve Beaubien, Rita Cloutier, Aline Da Cojjeen Bolger, Roy Vahey, Jac- hon., Therese Forget hon., Chris- puis, Andre Desjardins, Yollande queline O'Grady. Doreen Bolger. Lunclioning lor even a day, we Bt aor > aha . | are led to believe that chaos and tine Genyk, Raymond Del Guidice EOeae ce eee oe Grade Ix confusion--in fact mass liysteria J€an-Paul Gravel, Veronique Fleury, Marie Loranger. Diane Lapinski hon., Jane Led- 0. S10 Ss ste 3 5 " wet woud eed ail y Sauve, Carol Ann Hallock, Fran- Grade IX well hon., Kenneth O'Grady hon., . coise Caron, Paul St. Cyr, Roland : > = Theresa Venne hon., Pat McCau- {here is no living individual who Teney Gitimence Desjardins, Lorraine Sauve hon., Claudette ite is nol concerned about the future Dive ManelivoGracia Boisson: Fleury, hon. Alma a ah i as Of this whole inflamed world but neault, (Carmen Gauvreau, Ray- Rheaume Denomme, Raymon Announce Concert Dates the struggle seems remote and cilizens are, naturally so, more concerned with their own daily problems; to iron them out, they 100k to their municipal bodies to provide good government and they should be prepared to sup- port them whole heartedly in their task which contrary to pop- ular Opinion, is not easy. mond Sauve, Marguerite Forget, Anita Boissonneault, David Hal- locks, Robert Dupuis, Helene Dupuis, Roger Larocque, Jean- Claude Loranger, Grade V Francoise Grignon hon., Clau- dette Bouley hon., Donald Moris- Forget, Claudette Gauvreau, Rol- land Deraiche, Marcel Thisdelle, Ronald Thisdelle Maurice Fortin. ENGLISH SECTION Grade I Robert Bair, David Cassidy, Michael Fleming, Patrick Flem- ilng, Steven Fleming, Gough Ro- bert, Norman Sauve. The Temiskaming Community Concerts Association has an- nounced the dates of the three concerts in the 1952-53 series. Mezzo soprano Martha Lipton will appear in concert on De- | cember 8th; Marisa Regules, pia- nist, on January 9th and violinist Gerhard Kander on April 16th. -. that you should not pick the the democratic way of lite sette hon., Victor Cormier hon., Grade I-A a - Trillium, our provincial floral emblem. sprag irom a desire to recognize Cecile Caron, Suzanne Brunette, Jimmy Bolger. cach individuals right to happi- Fernand Dupuis, Jean-Claude De- Grade II Since its three leaves are near ness aud, therelore, municipal raiche, Suzanne Bourget, Anicet John Bayger, Gary Hadley, government is the very core Of Grenon, Claudette Seve Ger- Brian Hogkdliy ack Manton, Mari- the top of the stem, they the challenge which contronts maine Charbonneau, Jeanne Fle- lyn Nelson, Ronald Piche. usually get picked with the blossom, the world today. 1f we feel help- yr, Beatrice Gauvreau, Jeannine Grade III less when we read of the continu- Barrette, Donna Lacasse, Eliza- Raymond Bolger, Gerrry Ho- And as the leaves feed { ing sgtrugle tor peace which to us means the democratic way of life, we should pause to remember that we can all do our share each beth Francis, Collette Desmarais, Andree Boyer, Juliette Larocque, gan, Wayne Huard, Stanley Le- mon, Donita McIntosh, Valerie TRIPS EACH WAY the root, the whole plant dies of starvation. Protect the Trillium... it Is day to see that the system has a EVERY DAY part of your outdoor enjoyment, solid foundation which is built in LEAVE NORTH BAY < -- every town and village across 9.25 a.m, 4.25 p.m. Canada. It is the people's respon- 12.45 noon 11.45-p.m. Bia sibility to see that sound, clear thinking men sit around the coun- cil tables. Those who have re- cogmized their duty as citizens and have already assumed the re- sponsibility of representing the se people would do well to heed the DAYLIGHT TIME Single Return $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL _ CARLING'S -- THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED is WATERLOO -- TORONTO -- WINDSOR advice of retiring Reeve Aun Shipley who continues on her = eR THEE e ee as eee way, leaving to her successors Bs : these thoughts: "Please, please, o if you are a new councillor, go to : the right man in your municipal- ity and get advice. It may be and experienced mayor, a solicitor or aclerktreasurer, but make sure you have somebody". ; "Municipal finance is a thing 3 apart," she said "and very diffi- cult. Any municipal business is the biggest business in any muni- e cipality and the clerk or treasur- er should be of a calibre commen- surate with that business, You : need the best man you can afford to buy to advise you in a business which is more complicated and Lp beset by more pressures than any 'cc : private businesses," l 7) d ha Stressing impartiality in poli- : é le s tical and labor problems in the 99 community she said, "you are now been cast H elected to represent the people and you are the only neutral body : left.' An American manufacturer was planning OVER THE TOP to open a plant in Canada. He considered various locations and found x Y - Snes atdilegies iansheae De Hanae SMC ETALG: Cheaper than your after-dinner smoke Canadian Red Cross has announ- ® es ced that at the close of their 1952 a local bank manager, got facts FE campaign for funds, the total about the community and its facilities. or less than 2¢ a day--just about amount raised was $1,028.00. : the price of the cigarette you smoke Their objetive was $1,000. Some time later the company wrote - « RPEESETES «ith your coffee--you can f Of the total sum raised, Mrs. the banker: . Lillian Nicholls turned in $610.00, es z : ; . mae pee pegppeiion fatal -- oo "The die has now been cast. It is our } Papers passports jewellery " - ° 6 3 2 ae Pete ee cue eiesicisleinie sean intention to locate in S... We feel ' all things of value . . . are subject to a : that it is well suited to our particular loss and theft in your ownhome. - : : operation. You have been of great F a a oe eared ee a : . A : peace of mind--they sho ep : : aid to us. Your accurate and rapid a BNS Safety Deposit Box. Safe, : ° presentation of facts necessary to reach a convenient, available to you at a : ° decision was top-notch." moment's notice. : : : Protect your valuables by takin " : : Such letters show how a branch them to the nearest branch of 5 4 ' bank serves not only its own depositors The Bank of Nova Scotia at the first = : : and other customers but how, by _ Sea a day is so little : There's a \big price reduc- assisting business development, it benefits oF ppmbeh. pene : tion, foralimitedtimeonly, ¢ the whole community. GOING ON HOLIDAYS? , . . a oon Old Company "8 Lehigh : F = free vacation . .. put your ee aie eer $ premium anthracite coal. $ safe place--a BNS Safety Deposit Box-- e Call us today and order ¢ - before you go away. * yours. You'll be sure of ¢ This advertisement, based et +++ ; 2 e . e your supply next winter-- e on an actual letter, is ' $ $ and save in the bargain! Presented here by The Bank of g . e ' Yaur BNS Manager is a good i : ; : THE BANKS SERVING Nova Scotia 'man to know. In Haileybury Deen ! : Haileybury Fuels YOUR COMMUNITY - ect foe i : Phone 349, Haileybury : j ° ° ; Ms Peeters eeereseaseeeeeeene iat <ey a * Your Partner in Helping Canada Grow . so