+) | THURS., OCTOBER 2nd, 1952 : THE HAILEY aur TAN Page Three Decco e x o e _ j | Dee Oe. e | : D e j Pre-Fubfiated cs 2 MEATS." * FRUIT MEATS ° FRUITS 3 See 4 ee pee VEGETABLES YOUR ae \ | We Deliver CALL 125 GENERAL MOTORS = i Pat : 3 Dealer ens ple Brigade 5) é. oy S Success in Fire Prevention. ee oe e ies a eS ai BS va %. a X a «> | W. E. Vannier Blue Line w=... --- = ' Real Estate Broker "Fire Brigade Stand ready at all times to Safe- Phone 4 t Rorke Ave. Haileybury Tea Room guard our Community against Fire Phone 3 Ferguson Avenue Ferguson Ave. Haileybury are eat eta . BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! ae ee BF a a @ a Chief Watson urges that fire prevention be practiced a a in every home by; 1. Inspecting and cleaning the chimney at least once a year. . - 2. Keeping heating appartus clean and replacing worn or Whorley ° au gS defective parts promptly. / ei 3. Repairing electrical equipment by qualified electricians LADIES and \ "| 5 oy EVER THING at the first sign of trouble. Replace frayed cords on CHILDREN'S : y : appliances. Don't overload circuits, WEAR - : 4. Being careful with cigarets and matches. Keep matches ia ' B-U-R-N-S out of reach of children. eee argrave S ABRAHAM S GROCERIES 5. Using fire-resistant roofing, such as asphalt shingles, MEATS FRUITS which gives protection agamrst flying sparks from the Family Clothing Store VEGETABLES chimney or other sources. Flowers onumen . 6. Cleani bustible rubbish out of closets, the attic - LADIES' WEAR eaning com i s i 2 ° and basement. Turn in rags, papers and magazines For All MEN'S WEAR enaud S ~ for salvage . @ccasions Works 7. Being careful with flammable liquids. Never take zaso- i \ line into the home for any urpose. Use anon explosive Importers --- Ferguson Ave. Grocer and non-burning fluid such as carbon teltrachloride Phone 357 M f E : d | Phone 185 Haileybury } > y for removing spots from clothing. Main St. Haileybury anulacturers an ¢ ; Dealers in | Ehe-e-*; a = a 3) : | Bs Bice ee Sa * | MARBLE, GRANITE STATUARY | ie ¥ e e oe Bee ai Hotel | Fire Prevention Week oreo T. SERYEE) Main St. Haileybury Phone ; s Be Srecccccccccccc ccc cccces M a ta banick : Always finds favor with us. We are 8 8 : : ready to do our part to co-operate THE FAMILY HOTEL : : " z COMPLETELY N. Morissette 235 Don's vost} Diamond Drilling Ltd. Texaco All Passengers Insured" SERVICE ST ATI ON Haileybury : Ontario HAILEYBURY Brondvway, Stn baile bits with Fire Fighting, Agencies ' U N ] O N TAXI lan D. ol i BA 88g 98 MacDiarmid eeece e ° see ui | St. Louis : FIGHTING FIRES 3 Is the Finest GASOLINE Insurance HAI LE Y BURY > Grocery You can ieyree 13) io WE STAND BETWEEN Complete Line of Groceries 3 5 s \W illiam YOU and LOSS May not be our business, but it is. ALL YEAR definitely our concern and we are Thomson Ferguson Ave always ready to lend a helping hand HAILEYBURY B. A. iM S ServiceStation : Prevent Forest Fires = : Ontario Department of Lands and Ferests 24-Hour Service Davies Grocery }} 0 | i Pettc pee: inicEYRoe cS oh Lake Shore and Probys p U S T E R' S OLS Br i St. ~ __Phone " Main St. Haileybury Fs ete J P HAILEYBURY 5 Prevent Forest Fixes Ontario Department of Lands and Forests er ©{ LUNCH BAR ani, ~~ FIRE PREVENTION WEEK OCT. 5-11 1) Whitby's | !2CreamPARLOR 4 4 4 4 4 { oer Conlings ae | Hogan VW We have a complete : line of all grades of E- FUELS.) Y /| Pharmacy 3 Phone 58 , We wish Haileybury -- SAFE, EFFICIENT BUS SERVICE Py ila Cas a oa Hot Dogs, > Hae 'S Fire Department every Success in their Fire | / Main St. Phone 308 Wine ees, Prevention Work McISAAG TRANSPORTATION. CO. { {HAILEYBURY HAILEYBURY a 4 Leer ~ **0] flees POSTS OCC CTC CCE SOC OCCU US COS STO TOT CCC TOTO [o} - o o . on