The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 2 Oct 1952, p. 6

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\ Page Six THE HAILEYBURIAN THURS., OCTOBER 2nd, 1952 b] Regina . Mrs, Blanchette plans ? ® been released as yet on the Specmeiete Bresident of the 'Ontagé Dagenais and Larabie of Cobalt Round the 1 Town to be away for some time and will { WEDDING BELLS } manoeuvres. Association for Children's Aid broke through to hold the ball == visit several other Western cities e x See Soe aS carrier for a "Gafety touch. peter returning home. eee en ee eee (Children's: Aid Societies Haileybury Blanked In their first game of the sea- Miss Joan 'Cooper was the 2s Walsh - Shields Meet to Discuss Problems By Cobalt Juniors son, both teams gave promise of guest of Mrs. D, Thorne last Mrs. A. T. Humphreys has Superintendents, staff workers Y some good games to come. The week-end. Mr. and Mrs, C. F, Lowery, and Mrs. N. D. MclIsaac are in Toron- She returned with Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, to this week. Mr. Billie Tuer has gone to To- ronto where he is a. student at Osgoode Hall. Mrs. Wm. R. Gordon has re- turned from a holiday trip to Mid- land and Owen Sound. Mrs. A. W: Swanson left at the week-end for Chelmsford where she will make cS home in future. Mrs. J. G. Maevereh of Brock ville is visiting with her son, E. IEP Mrs. John W. Lecky and daughter, Miss Suzanne are visit_ ing in Toronto and Hamilton this week. Mr. Wilfred B Bailey has return- ed from a ten-day course and Canadian Underwriters Congress at Sudbury. and here Martin, of holidaying Mrs. Hubert Doran mother, Mrs. G. K. South Porcupine are in Toronto, Mr George Caldbick has return_ home from Timmins, where he visited with his daughter, Mrs. M. Taylor and Dr. Taylor. Dr. and Mrs. Clive and son of Deep River were visiting with Dr. Runnalls parents Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Runnalls. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brittain of Ottawa were in town for a few days visiting with Mrs. Brittain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Tuer, The W.A. an the Pe mites Church are holding a rummage salein the Sunday School rooms tomorrow evening, Friday, the 3rd at 7.30 Mrs. Fred Thompson returned home this week from White River, where she has been visiting with her daughter, Mrs. R. Ham- bly. St. Paul's W.A. will hold their regular monthly meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday, October 7th at 3 p.m. All members are requested to attend. Mrs. A. Hargrave and Freddie left on Wednesday for North Bay to visit F/O Wm. Scott and Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Mrs, R. Liscombe in Sudbury. Messrs. Al Hargrave, Frank Plaunt, George Huard, Billy Gro- zelle and Pete Huard left Tuesday morning to attend the World's Series in Brooklyn and New York, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Garafola and son have returned to their home in Sherbrooke, after visiting with Mrs. Garafola's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Humphreys. Mrs. R. W. Douglas Toronto on Sunday night, where she will join her sister, Mrs. Quinn and Mr. Quinn of Sudbury and go with them on a motor trip to New York. Mrs. James McMullan arrived home last Friday from Colombia, South America. She will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Syd Rouse for three months prior to join her husband in Peru. Mr. Andrew Fernholm died at his home on the West Road on Wednesday morning, The fune- ral service will be at two o'clock on Friday afternoon at the Bap- tist Church left for Mrs. N. If Blanchette left last night to visit with her sister in Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS MacVeigh and Mrs. MacVeigh Runnalls of Mrs. returned this week from a trip to Toronto where she attended the convention of the Easter Star. T. Tulloch who were staying at their farm in Windermere. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cooper were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. Lundy last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper were in town for the marriage of their daughter, Miss Shirley to Mr. John Scully on Saturday afternoon in Holy Cross Church. Judge V. B. Vail and Mrs. George Smith of Sault Ste Marie. Michigan were the guests of Mrs. T. Leishman and Jack for a week. Mrs. Leishman motored to Sault Ste Marie with them, her where she will visit with her two brothers and her sisters in Michi- gan for two weeks. Mgs> A. T. Humphreys and Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Reavell were in Kapuskasing last week-end to at- tend the marriage of Miss Ga- briel Cote to Mr. Leslie Hump- reys on Saturday in Holy Cross Church. Later they attended a reception at the home of the bride's parents. The happy couple went on a trip to Toronto and London. Mrs. D. Thorne and her daugh- ter, Miss Joan, entertained at a miscellaneous shower in honour John Scully, whose mar- riage took place last Saturday. Mrs. Rita Garafola and Miss Joan Cooper presented the guest-of- honour with a beautifully decor- aeed basket of gifts. The guests were asked to draw the groom's picture and Mrs. Barbara Simon of Cobalt was the best artist. Announcement Mrs. J. W. MacDonald, "Haileybury, an- nounces the marriage of her daughter, Ruth Estelle to Mr. Archibald Kenneth Aldridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Aldridge of Wiarton, Ontario. The marriage took place quietly in Wawa United Church on Friday, September 26th, 1952. eAnnouncement Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simpson announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Flo- rence Isabelle to Mr. Jack E. Dewson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dewson The marriage is to take place on October 18th. HOUSE FOR SALE E. M. McCUAIG Phone 135. Real Estate Broker_ Condensed Ads Have you something to sell? Two houses, a washing machine, and a refrigerator were sold last week through advertising in The Haileyburian. FOR THANKSGIVING --Turkeys, Ducks, Chickens for sale . Phone 4414, New Lis- keard. 30-1-* FOR SALE--Five Goats. Tongontburg One black buck. Four nannie grade. Ap- ply to Mrs. A. G. Fernholm. 20-1* FOR SALE -- One Heintzman Piano; one second hand Chesterfield; one bed and spring Phone 255, Haileybury. 30-tf-c FOR SALE--1 G. E. Vacuum Cleaner. Phone 255, Haileybury. 30 the CAR FOR SALE--1942 Ford Sedan in A-1 condition. $700.00 cash. Phone 195. 30-2-* FOR SALE--Seven roomed House, trally located in residential area. information Phone 269 from 6-7 p.m. 30-1-c HAVE YOU SEEN HER? She answers to Paula, has dark green on her back, a light green breast, a little yellow in her head and cen- For beak. She is a Budgie--Registered Bird No. 39-52. Reward. Call Don McGregor. 394 or 330. 30*1* CAR FOR SALE -- 1939 Dodge Sedan; $200.00 or best cash offer, Apply Stewart's Garage, Haileybury, 30-1* FOR SALE--Two complete Red River Out- fitssizes 4 to 6. Good condition. FOR SALE--1952 Plymouth Sedan, Radio, Air conditioning. First class condition. Apply Box B, Haileyburian, 30-1* FOR RENT--At 63 Blackwall St. Nice comfortable room for gentleman; hot wa- ter heated. Board can be arranged. 30-1-* Costs-and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442B FOR SALE--2 Oil Space Heaters -- one 35,000 BTV; one 55,000 BTV. R. Patriquin, Russell St., Haileybury 28 tf* HOUSE FOR SALE--Eleven Rooms; founda- tion; recently decorated inside. Phone 125 or 131. 24-tf-c HOUSE FOR SALE--120 Lake Shore Rd. Eight rooms. Stoker. Recently insulated, Write Box 14, or Phone 86, Haileybury ae LOT FOR SALE--Ideal for building a house. Location southeast corner of ipso aq Browning. If interested Mori: Phone 385 of 109. ars L SE na Bouquets of white gladioli deco" rated the Immaculate Conception Church, Everett, Washington on Sept. 13th fon the marriage of Jean Cushing Shields daughter of Mrs. C. J. Shields of Toronto and Haileybury and the late Mr. Charles J. Shields to Mr. John Walsh, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Edward Walsh of Washington. The Reverend J. Walsh officiat- ed, Miss Barbara Martinis was at the organ and the soloist was Mrs. Frank Jamieson who sang the hymns "Ave Maria" and "Panis Angelicus", Given in marriage by her bro- ither-in-law, the bride chose an ivory knitted suit with matching velvet jewelled hat. She carried stephanotis, centred with a white orchid, The matron-of-honour, Mrs. Philip Sheridan, sister of the bride, wore a midnight blue dress- maker suit with navy accessories and a corsage of talisman roses. The groomsman was Mr. Har- old Walsh, brother of the groom. The reception was held at the Everett Yacht Club, where the bride's mother received in a gown of sapphire blue crepe and lace with matching accessories. She wore a corsage of American Beauty roses. Assisting at the reception were Misses Nora Shields and Katherine Hanson of Toronto dnd Mrs. Harold Walsh, Mrs. T. Hennessy, Mrs. Ralph Nurmi and Mrs. O, Harri- son, all of Everett. The happy couple left on a trip to the Oregon sea coast and on their return will reside in Everett, Washington. Algonquin Regiment Plans North Bay Banoeuvres All companies of the Algonquin Regiment will participate in special exercises with the Royal Canadian Air Force at North Bay on October 4th, it was learned here this week. Lieut.-Col. George L. Cassidy, comanding officer of the Regi- ment, said that no details have Lumber Buyer WANTED py Toronto Wholesaler. Must have good connections with Ontario Spruce and Jackpine producers. Give complete details in first let- ter. Boxe Ag THE HAILEYBURIAN) Mrs. F. ZANIN HAIR DRESSER Phone 36 PERMANENTS Machineless and Cold Hair Cutting & Shaping and board members from twelve centres met in North Bay last week to attend a conference of Northern Ontario Childrens' Aid Societies. Some fifty representatives at- tended the meeting at the Empire Hotl, where an attempt was made to iron out children's" aid prob- lems. Miss Meika Ooomis, social wor- ker with the C.A.S. here attend- ed the convention and said that the chief points of discussion were uniformity for all the 12 branches of the Society in North_ ern Ontario and the need for a Central Bureau in Ontario where afile could be kept on children available for adoption--in this way, a colored child who might not readily find parents in this area could be placed elsewhere. Areas. represented in¢lude Fort Francis, Fort William, Man- itoulin Island, Huntsville, Kenora, Kirkland Lake, Parry Sound Port Arthur, Sault Ste Marie Sudbury and North Bay. At a dinner during the com vention, the principal speaker ; was Dr. M. S. McKechnie, Port ' Cobalt Juniors struggled to a 7-0 victory over Haileybury last week in the opening game of the tri-town High School football s¢hedule, with Garth Burton mak- ing the touchdown. Cobalt snar- ed a Haileybury backfielder be- hind their goal line for a safety t € 215-pound O'Shaughnessy proved getting through many times throw the ball carrier for a loss sd too beastrong plunger fo rthe local squad. o be the best tackler of the day, to Haileybury's big fullback proy- touch for two points. The Cobalt touchdown came in the first quarter after Cobalt had managed two first downs. Behind some effective blocking, Burton cut around the left end to run over the goal line before anyone could tackle him. A poor snap re- sulted in failure to make the con- vert, Both second threatened in the and third quarters with no scores. In the last quarter,a sides reverse run-back by McCourt C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard and a first down put the ball on the one-yard line. In three suc- cessive break the Haileybury defence. | When the ball went to Haileybury WANTED Male Clerk Treasurer for the Township of Coleman Must be reliable and have practical o.f fice experience Would prefer one with some past experience in a mining municipality office. Full time Job. Personal solicitation of the Reeve or any Councillor will disqualify applicant. Applications must be made on or before, October 31st, 1952 to Box 372, Cobalt, Ont. NOTICE CENTURY SHOE REPAIR announces the CLOSING of their Shop on THURS., OCTOBER 2nd After 30 days they will not be responsible for goods left in the Shop. We take this opportunity to thank all those who have patronized us during the past year EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "CLOSE TO MY HEART" with Ray Milland, Gene Tierney Also "Walcott - Marciano" Fight Pictures THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE Added At with WHIP WILSON. This Week's Offers: 1st, $300.00; 2nd, $250.00; 3rd, $200.00 FRIDAY - SATURDAY OCT. 3rd and 4th Double Feature Jack and the Bean Stalk with ABBOTT & COSTELLO "CHEROKEE UPRISING" traction NEWS SUNDAY MIDNITE, MON,, TUES., 'Best of the Badmen With ROBERT RYAN ADDED-- SHORTS, CARTOON & NEWS. OCT. 6th and 7th Mat. Mon., 4.15 WED - THURS. with CARY GRANT, JEANNE 'Adult Entertainment People Will Talk OCT. 8th and 9th CRAIN. PiBesi@Hice opens Daily : 6.30 p.m. se ! WORKING HER , WAY THROUGH COLLEGE Technicolor VIRGINIA MAYO RONALD REAGAN GENE NELSON DON DEFORE --Added Attraction-- "WILD STALLION" in color Ben Johnson Edgar Buchanan Plus: NEWS and CARTOON | Roa eee RCRD | After Sunday Midnight Mon., Tues., Oct. 6th, 7th CARBINE WILLIAMS JAMES STEWART JEAN HAGEN WENDELL COREY Added Attraction Adult Entertainment "ANOTHER MAN'S POISON" Betty Davis, Gary Merrill i WED., THUR. OCT. 8th, 9th AFFAIR IN TRINIDAD RITA HAYWORTH GLENN FORD BAdded Attraction "LAST TRAIN FROM BOMBAY" § = Jon Hall, Lisa Ferriday y EXTRA ! EXTRA ! Greatest FIGHT in Years! MARCIANO Knocks out WALCOTT for World's 4 Heavyweight Championship! # Exclusive Blow-By-Blow fs Pictures Direct from Ringside attempts, Cobalt failed to h COBALT Box Office opens Daily 6.30 p.m. Show Starts at 6.45 p.m. Fri., Sat., BEND OF THE RIVER TECHNICOLOR JAMES STEWART ARTHUR KENNEDY JULIA ADAMS ROCK HUDSON Oct. 3rd, 4th ---- Added Attraction ---- "THE GALLOPING MAJOR" Basil Radford Starring Plus: COLORED CARTOON SHE'S WORKING HER WAY THROUGH COLLEGE Technicolor VIRGINIA MAYO RONALD REAGAN Added -Attraction "WILD STALLION" In Color Ben Johnson Edgar Buchanan Plus: NEWS and CARTOO WED., THUR. OCT. 8th, 9th Playing Classic Theatre Only Washington Story VAN JOHNSON, PATRICIA NEAL LOUIS CALHERN -- Added Attraction --aAdult Entertainment---- "ANOTHER MAN'S POISON" Betty Davis, Gary Merrill

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