THURS., OCTOBER 23rd, 1952 THE HAILEYBURIAN Enthusiastic Meet Held by Curlers To Pian For 'xpiel Chairman Ales Mosher ex- with the excellent turnout at the Curling pressed his pleasure Club meeting held Monday night Plans for the coming in the Hotel Haileybury. were discussed Bonspiel and the enthusiastic re- sponse of all the committees bodes well for a successful event commencing February 9th next. An Executibe meeting was held at the same time and President Bill Fleming said that routine matters concerning the coming season were dealt with. Following is the make-up of the various committees for the DROP HAILEYBURY COBALT SENIORS MINERS BY 17-0 FRIDAY Cobalt High School Seniors in their last game of the Tri-Town football schedule handed the Haileybury Mining School a 17-0 defeat at the West Cobalt field on Friday. Shaw, Armstrong and Burton were the point get- ters for Cobalt. The first quarter was less. McKelvie of the kicked off to Armstrong, took it on his own 30-yard line and ran it back to the fifty. The game see-sawed with neither team getting into a scoring posi- tion. Jack Hamilton was the standout on the Cobalt line being in on the first eighteen tackles. Burton when score- Miners who In the second kicked for a single point the Miners' halfback was thrown quarter went back to kick, sending Shaw out to the left, and threw a long pass which Shaw grabbed for his second touchdown of the game. The convert was again blocked. This was the last score of the game which ended Cobalt 17; Haileybury Minine School 0. Both teams played a clean, but liard fought game. New Liskeard High School Seniors must beat the Mining School in their game this Friday (Oct. 24) to tie Cobalt for the Tri-Town Cup. If Liskeard wins, a sudden death game between the Cobalt and Liskeard teams will be necessary. You and Your Diet The unnumbered millions of persons wondering how to achieve longevity through diet Peddie John (right) (left), and Alice Hill (seated) find an amus- Frank Drainie should feel kindly toward Dr. The Housewife's Thanksgivings Henry Bottrell, an English phy- sician just past his one hundredth birthday for he has exploded the held theories about dietary therapy. "All thi: talk about diet," he said, "is just piffle. A sound constitution is what makes for long life and that is something you have to he born with", most commonly Maybe you can stretch 'fe a bit or abbreviate it by diet--ana other things--but the general pattern is set by your parents and you are not consulted. You should not boast too brazenly about your constitution either Someone gave it to you in the first place--free. --London Free Press. Condensed Ads. Bring Results ! or these, please make me thankful Lord: The things that crowd my daily life, The minor joy, the petty strife he constancy of daily chores, My gleaming glass, my shining floors For gruby hands and muddy feet, And _ table its plenty less with no empty seat To make thankful, Lord fill my days The homely things that The tuncless air the beggar plays A faithful dog, the fireside cat For nd wind-swept leaves. And household where ffobody grieves chat, At w ng last ars dress, For all these must I ask thy aid, O Lord That thou wouldst make the thankful tears to start For the love that binds me to my days I'm on my knees with overflowing heart Grace E, Tobin, in 'Good Housekeeping" 1° HELP PREVENT FIRES | ing portion in a new script slated for presentation on Stage 53. The three talent- ed radio actors are but a few of the many that will appear 'spiel : behind the goal line. A few plays Convenor for British Consols-- !ater the Miners attempted an | Eddie McDonough. -- end run. The ball carrier threwa Draw Master--Maurice Belan- lateral which, the receiver fum- ger, Timmins, bled. "Jake" Shaw snatched on jn .the "Stage" series heard Prize Committee--R. Patriquin to the fumble and scampered all on the CBC's Trans-Canada Pete Leith, Ollie Olsen. H. R. the way for a major. Shaw then net work on Sunday evenings Ramey. drop-kicked to convert his own - Finance--H. A. Doran, chair- major. Half-time came with the ton carried the ball down the field man; Wm. Fleming, T. Smith, score 7-0 for the Cobalters. to the forty-yard line of the Min- Ice--John MacArthur; A. C. The third quarter was score- ers. 3ehind heavy blocking, Dempster, Wm. MacArthur, F. less the only excitement being a Armstrong skirted the left end, Austin. scuffle (a few punches landed) shook off several tacklers and WATCHY WAIT! Arthur KING'S Travel FUR SHOW i Housing--Jack Thomson, Bill between two players. Both teams san for the second touchdown of AT OUR ABRAHAM'S STORE AGENCY Ferguson, Ian MacDiarmid. played short-handed for the three the game. The convert was Decoration -- Bob Poppleton; minute penalty. blocked. With one minute to go Connie Vachon, C. J. Donegan, J. In the fourth session quarter- Cobalt had the third down and Price, Dick Fleming, Jack Mac- back Armstrong used hte unbal- several yards to go. Armstrong Donald, Ernie St. Louis. anced line to shield his backfield- : Reception and Entertainment ers. Lemoine, McCourt and Bur- --Max Whitby, Stan Weir, Jack ----- Phone 52 NOVEMBER 6th, 7th, 8th A very special showing of everything that's new in Fur Coats will be on display at our Travelling Fur Show. Buy on Budget Terms. Pay weekly or twice monthly. TRY OUR WANT ADS | : 4 White. Programme and Badges--Ed- ° die McDonough; Ernold Todd, Ackro d and Son Modern Taxi r Abraham's Store SE George Byles. y Hotel Haileybury} fj. 9 ONTARIO Publicity--Duncan Sutherland A. D. Hellens, V. Lundy. ACCOUNTANTS Refreshments-- Fred Thomp- a ee ee Fj =--= ern eee ---. son;s Jack McVittie, Tom Cragg. Costs and Records. Building -- Raoul Campeau; Tricomenibaxceand Harold Sadler, Andy Scott, Jim : Hicks. Government Returns Secretary to Bonspiel--Lorne Bookkeeping Service A} ( 4) 0) Umphrey. . *% Bonspiel Chairman-- Alex C. i v l i 2 Mosher. New Liskeard : Ontario | - ' Phones 442 and 442B 00 ¢ l D 0 Q : : Peet "Something to | ; Rocket'! a Sing About' 9 q q DINNER at J q - @ Haileybury | 4 4 4 > "ROCKET"! ...a magic name to thousands of delighted Old bile Served : 12.00 to 1,30 p.m. ,00 to 8.00 p. "ROCKET" !. RC : erve o 1.30 p.m 6.00 to 8.00 p.m ; owners! "ROCKET"! ... flashing high-compression power at its : P very best! "ROCKET"! ... drive the sensational Super "88" You will Ealey "SONGS TO REMEMBER" " the Classic "98" for your once-in-a-lifetime "Rocket" thrill! d xperience the smooth, swift surge of "Rocket" Engine power "ee } EVERY SATURDAY CJKL 4.15 p.m. as it teams with Hydra-Matic Super Drive*! Thrill to the ease of GM Hydraulic Steering*--the amazing convenience of the Autronic-Eye*, Oldsmobile's automatic headlight dimmer! Come ride the '"Rocket"'--there's nothing else like it! Make your date with an Oldsmobile Super "88" or Classic '98"--soon! DLOSMOBILE A GENERAL MOTORS VALUE ch pitta ON rommmnanoarrmonenns Utell a ra . : To every motorist. who has-his car's cooling system completely serviced with *Hydta-Matic Super Drive, optional at extra cost on both series. GM Hydraulic Steering, Autronic-Eye, optional at extra cost on "98" series. Equipment, accessories and trim, subject to change without notice. Illustrated--Oldsmobile Super "88" 4-Door Sedan. 0-1052B ----------_-- -HAILEYBURY GARAGE "GUARANTEED 4 | SHELLZONE ANTI-FREEZE