The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 30 Oct 1952, p. 1

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'Shunia! "THE HAILEYBURIAN . __HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1952 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol., 48, No. 34 Former Resident of Haileybury Dies on Monday Mrs. Joseph Isherwood died in Misericordia Hospital on Monday. October 27th, where she had been a patient for a week following an operation. Born in Southport, Lancashire, England, the former Mollie Crop - per was the wife of Joseph Ish- erwood, well Known Northern Ontario contractor who prede- ceased her in September, 1951. Mr, Isherwood came to North- ern Ontario from England in 1910. His wife followed him out in 1911 and they made their home at Port MecNicholl and South Temiskaming before. set- tling in Haileybury in 1922. They left their home on Latchford Street' in 1945, to live in Temag gami where Mr. Isherwood was connected with thé Ontario Northland Railway. Following her husband's death, Mrs, Isher- wood resided in Cobalt. Early this month: Mrs, Isher- wood returned home from a trip to England. There, she had been visiting with her brothers and sisters since July. Mrs. Isherwood was a member of the Shuniah Chapter, O.E.S., and the 1.0.D.| both here and in Cobalt. She attended the Angli- can Church and was for many years a member of the choir and the Women's Association here. She is survived by her daugh- ter, Josephine (Mrs. William Me- Anaul) of North Cobalt, her son, William of Timmins and three grandchildren, Mary and~Caro- lyn Isherwood and Molleen Met Anaul who was named for her grandmother, The funeral service was held on Wednesday afternoon at St. Paul's Anglican Church with Canony Goodier officiating. The hapter formed a guard of honour at the Church and in- terment was in the family plot at Mount Pleasant Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Norman Thompson of Temagami, Gor- don Stevens of Cobalt, A. Carl- son of New Liskeard, R. Aubert of Englehart and M. S. Boyd and Dr. W.C. Arnold of Haileybury. bury. Masonic Meeting A special meeting was held on Tuesday evening by Hailey- bury Lodge A. F, & A. M. in the Temple when around twenty- five members fro mKirkland Lake were present and exemplified a dégree on a new member. A social hour was spent after the meeting The local Masons plan a return visit to Kirkland Lake next month. Ceremony Opens Department Head Questions Actions of Town Council New Dial System in Town of Cobalt Sitting at a desk in the new $150,000 Northern Telephone Company's automatic dial ex- change, Cobalt councillor Paul Hermiston, acting in the absence of Mayor Ken Buffam, dialed 4633 on Monday morning at 10 o'clock. In his Coleman township office, Reeve W. Martin answered the ring of his phone and the ex- exchange was officially openfl "T am pleased", said Mr. Her- miston, "to have this opportunity to speak to you as Reeye of the Township of Coleman and I feel sure that the people of ~ Cobalt are pleased indeed with this new installation of telephones which I feel sure, will be quite an im- proventént on the old system, as it now brings us bang up to date. On this historic occasion, ] am wearing the Cobalt mayor's chain of office and I am wondering if it would be possible for you to come to the Town office and have your picture taken with me, as it will most likely be retained in the Co- balt archives as a commemora- tion of this event. Mr. Hermiston paid high tri- bute to Bob Lagfimore "who has served us for so many y7>~s and will carry on under the new sys- tem". In his reply on the telephone Mr. Martin joined with "The best old town I know" in extending best wishes to the Northern Tele~ phone Co. "Now is a good time" he said "to express Our apprecia- tion of the thorough service and courtesy of the Company. I have only one regret and that is we shall miss the personal touch of the 'hello' girls". "T believe it will be taken in quite good spirit if I suggest to the Company that their symbols (telephone) be inscribed with top, 'O Tempora', below 'O Mores' which loosely translated would mean 'We advance with the times', or 'different periods have different customs'. The ceremony was attended by President F. L. Hutchinson ; vice-president D. McKelvie; ~di- rectors Lorne Woods and R. A. H. Taylor and many prominent residents of the area. Officials were later entertained by the Automatic Electric Ltd., who supplied and instaled the 600 line, 800 terminal exchange. ~ The god "Pan" was supposed to be responsible for human fears --hence our word "panic". English sailors are called "li- meys" because of the extensive use of lime juice as a scurvy pre- ventative. MINING STUDENTS Hallowe'en Dance Bississstiitisistssiitiisissistissisessissstssssitististiscsisitiestistetsti scsi tess ste eae FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3ist COUNTRY CLUB ORCHESTRA . Dancing 10.00 p.m. to 2.00 a.m. Admission: $1.00 per person; $1.50 per Couple EV ESR Y ONE WELCOME! Councillor O. Allard was the only member of council] unable to be present at a special meeting held,on Saturday afternoon to consider a communication from the chief supervisor of Municipal Affairs, J. W. B. Carter, regard- ing the heating unit at the pump house. The content of the letter is as follows: "The Town of Haileybury is still subject to the provisions of Part 3 of the Department of Mu- nicipal Affairs Act and in conse- quence, I would refer you to Sec- tion 33 thereof, a copy of which is endorsed for your considera- tion. From a perusal of Section 33 of the Department of Municipal Affairs Act, you can see that this Department has equal responsi- bility when illegal contracts are entered into, be they in writing or verbal, Would you please advise whe- ther or not tenders were called for this work and whether or not contracts were entered into in regard tothe work, If there was no formal contract, please advise how the bid of A. C. Dempster for $1,600.00 was accepted and deal with by your Council. y As Mr. P. H. Murphy, Super- visor, pointed out in his commu- nication of October. 17th last, if Mr. Dempster's bid was _ for $1,- 600.00, then he should be made to live up to his bid without any extras. I have been vise you that no accounts willbe approved by this Department for the payment of the heating unit until this Department is notified of the resignation from Council of Mr. A. C Dempster, ~ If 4 Dempster does not wish to resigi® from Council, then Council should t call for public tenders for the heating unit. I have been instructed to re- quest from you assurance that in the year 1952, there has hot been nor will be any payments to councillors who contravene the provisions of Section 56 (1) (q) of the Municipal Act. Tt is not felt that- Council should over- ride the law purely to keep the business within it's municipal boundaries." The section referred to is head- ed "disqualification" and states that "the following shall not be eligible to be elected a member ot Council or be entitled to vote therein. A person having himself or by or with or through another the corporation or witn anv com- mission or pefson acting for the corporation or in any contract for the supply of goods or mater- ials to a contractor for work for which the corporation pays or is liable directly or indirectly to pay or which is subject to the control or supervision of the council or of an officer of the corporation, or who has an unsatisfied claim for such goods or materials." "Tn conclusion, I would like to point out that the Department will not approve of the Town of Haileybury exceeding the amount of $1,600.00 which was placed in the estimates ment sheets showing Mr. Demp- ster as payee are being deleted until this matter is settled."- Each item in the letter was considered by Council during the two-hour _ session. Although Councillors Poppleton and Demp- ster handed written resignations to Mayor Cooke, they were re- fused for the time being and the meeting closed after a decision to write to the Department ex- plaining the situation, Mayor Cooke's reply to Mr. Carter read as follows: "I wish to advise you that there Was no contract between Mr. Dempster and the Town of Hail- eybury. This matter was mere- ly discussed at a regular meeting in January when it was decided to install a more efficient heating system. Mr Dempster and Mr. Briden got together and the fig- ures were only a rough estimate of what the cost might be, It was Mr. Dempster's intention with the approval of the Council tocharge 15% over the invoicel price of the furnace and other equipment and install the new system. It was the intention to use all the old pipe and fittings which were in good condition in the new installation. ~The Council is sure that this plan would save the Town and the 'taxpayers a _ substantial amount of money and to date the only expense has been the wages ot the Town labourers who were é __ysed in spare time. instructed to aq "| P As far as Mr, Dempster is con- cerned, he is removing the equip- ment from the pump house imme- diately, over the objections of the other members of Council. Ve still feel that our original (*-= was in the best interests of taxpayers and we would be 'used if you can advise us of some plan of securing this equip- ment from Mr, Dempster before it is returned as it is the time of year when heat is needed every day.-- The Council is not agreeable to having anyone except the Town labourers do this work un- der good supervision as the price would be $2.25 per hour for out- side help as against 92c for our own men, Re paragraph eight of your letter, Mr. Dempster has done the odd repairs for the Town and at the present time there is thir- ty odd dollars outstanding, The P-F hardware has done consider- able electrical work in connec- tion with the installation of the new pumps and the accounts paid Ladies of C.W.L. Hold Successful Two-Day Bazaar The annual C.W.L. , Bazaar held on Friday and Saturday of last week in the Holy Cross par- ish hall. The success of this affair was clearly evident from the happy throngs who at- tended. Colorful toys given out at the ever-popular Fish Pond brought enthusiastic responses from eager children. The doll pram was a strong attraction to them and contributed greatly to the suc- cess of the fishing, 30th young and old kept sales at the candy and produce table going at a merry clip. The novelty 'booth, in keeping with the holiday spirit, displayed a great assortment of attractive articles, among them weird and wonderful masks. The woollen and linen booths with their large show of lovely aprons and knitted goods deserve special mention. Nimble fingers had been hard at work through thé months preparing the lovely display and the work of the la- dies should be highly commended. Delicious meals were served both nights at the lunch counter. 3ingo and games were on the go and contributed greatly to the over-all success The ladies of the C.W.L. wish to extend their sincere thanks to all the willing workers for their industry and co-operation and special thanks to all who attend- ed. Winners were as follows: Mrs. M. Hurteau won the talk- ing doll in the novelty booth. Mrs. O. Cloutier won da!! 'n novelty booth. John Fleming was the lucky winner of a wooleen blanket. Emil Plante, Uno' Park, wasa cake winner. Mrs, Berger was winner of 2 doll in the candy booth. Clarence Connelly, winner of pram and doll in Fish Pond. May Perry, North Cobalt, win- ner of sheet and pillow case set. D. Coleman, - Brockville, win- ner of ham. One hundred dollars was divid- ed as follows: Andre Boyer, $50; Doug. Hargrave, $25; H.M. Grady, $15; George Weston, $10. the Mock Turtle Soup is usually made of calt's head. this matter, I might say that these Councillors have the best interests of the Town at heart, donating both time and ability without remuneration and | do represent mostly labour, as mostnot think any good purpose would of the material was purchased from the wholesalers by the town. Mr. R. J. Poppleton is a member of the firm. The only other dealing was with Beatty Appliance Store which is own- ed by O. R, Allard and during the year about $30.00 worth of paint was bought ~at standard prices. We feel that conditions in a small town are vastly different from that of a large city and that while we now realize it is wrong, for this heating we were following a course which system at the pump, house whe- has been established through the ther Mr. A. C. Dempster is go- years, just because Haileybury ing to sustain a financial loss or isasmall town with few business whether he is not going to do so. The payments on the disburse- outlets. Regarding the disposition of & OVERDUE Have You Purchased Your Radio License The obtaining of new Radio Receiving Licenses' is mandatory on April 1 or Under the Radio Oct, 1958 Transport is not only gequired to collect the license fee from all radio owners but may prosecute where necessary to enforce the Act. as soon thereafter as possible. Warning is given that investigations and prosecutions have already com- menged in cases where Receiving Licences are overdue through neglect, mis- understanding or wilful: intent. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT _ + Ottawa, , the Department of Ontario be served by putting the stigma of a forced resignation on men of this calibre." Norman QO. Cobb Succumbs to Accident injuries Victim of a motor car accident the Black River, near Saturday morning south of Cochrane on Norman Cobb died of injuries at the Misericordia Hospital on Wednesday morning. Mr. Cobb Wheeler of and a friend, Tom New left Haileybury on Friday evening to Liskeard visit with Mr. Wheeler's parents at Nellie Lake, south of Cochrane. (he driver of the car, Mr. Wheel- er, believes that he fell asleep at th wheel and the car went out of control, Mr. Cobb, who was sitting in the front seat had been asleep tor half an hour. He had no warning of the oncoming crash and sufter- ed a severe concussion . from which he did nat regain con- sciousness, Wheeler ~ suffered minor injuries with bruised ribs and leg lacerations, He was able to return to work at the Wabi iron Works this week. Both men were rushed to the Matheson Hospital. Late Satur- day, Mr. Cobb's father had his son moved to the hospital here. Norman Osborne Cobb was born in 1917 in Fort Coulonge, Quebec. He came to Northern Ontario in 1937 and was emlpoy- ed at that time by the Upper Ot- tawa |mprovement Company. Shortly after war broke out, he went overseas with the British Columbia Dragoons and saw five years of active service. He re- turned home to Fort Coulonge at the war's end and in 1948 came to Haileybury with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Cobb. He was an employee of the Nor- thern Quebec Power Co, He was a member of the Can- adian Legion and attended the Haileybury United Church. The funeral service will be held on Friday afternoon... He is survived by his parents; four brothers, Russel] of Ottawa, Watt of Columbus, Ohio, George of Vancouver, John of Toronto; and two Mary (Mrs. Robert Sandford) of Pembroke and Hermonie (Mrs. Rupert Smi- ley of Copper Cliff. WEEK'S WEATHER Week ending October 29, 1952 sviax Min sisters, RUGS da vee ee ee Brida aon 414 342 Saturday 38:2 = 26:2 Sunday __- 412 26.0 Monday ~~ 44. 35.6 Muesday: === Goa eA7 Wednesday ----- 394 23.8 Precipitation for week_ .15" EVANGELIST GOOD PREACHER NOVEMBER HEAR HAILEYBURY PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY SUNDAY--11 a.m. and 8 p.m. WEEK NIGHTS--Tuesday to Friday 8 p.m. EVERYBODY WELCOME K. KINGDON iTV GOOD SINGER 2nd to 9th

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