Page 1» THE HAILEY BURIAN THU RS., OCTOBER 30th, _1952 The HAILEY BURIAN Issued every Thursday from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway &t., Haileybury, Ont. D. E, SUTHERLAND, Publisher RUTH G, GORDON, Bditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year, in advance In United States--,3.00 per year, im advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn. Authorizd as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa OUR RESPONSIBILITY It is our considered opinion that in order to create a healthy interest in public affairs, the citi- zens of this town should be kept informed on all matters pertain- ing to the life of this community. Good government will exist only where well informed citi- zens enjoy a healthy ex- change of ideas. Progress will naturally follow good govern- ment, can An uninformed public is an evil and can cause irreparable dam- age Therefore, from time to time as matters affecting the life of this community occur, we would like our readers to know that we intend to try to keep them in- formed, We have faith in the people's judgment. TOO MANY GUN ACCIDENTS Every day, the joy of the hunt- season in Canada is marred ing with the tragic story of a gun accident. Hunters in every pro- vince are shooting themselves and others with shocking regu- larity. Like so many other acci- dents that are taking their toll of human life the cause is almost always one of carelessness. The hunter was either not well train- ed in the handling of a gun or just neglected it. The most important rule for the hunter to follow is to treat every gun with the respect due to a loaded weapon. In the home, in the car or anywhere that the gun is not in use, it should be empty, Always carry a gun so you can control the direction of the muzzle even if you stumble. 3e absolutely certain of your target before you pull the trig- ger and never point a gun at any= thine 'you do not want to shoot. Fire Destroys Cobalt Mine Building Tuesday Hundreds of spectators watch- ed a spectacular blaze which re- sulted in the destruction on Tuesday night of the dry and store room of the Mensilvo Silver Mine on the Hound Chutes yoad 2% miles southeast of Co- halt The fire spread so rapidly that the Cobalt Fire Brigade could do little except prevent its spread . There were about Six tons of cobalt concentrates in the build- ing but most of this can be re covered. Mine Manager William Payor iid there would be no hold up in mine operations. The the theit generous support of Boy Scouts wish to thank citizens of Haileybury for "Boy Scout Apple Day." Nineteen boys canvassed the town and when the last nickel was counted the total donation was $59.60. At a meeting on Tuesday even- ing, Stephen Bond was promoted to Patrol Leader of a new patrol (Wolf). There are now twenty- Ackroyd and Son ACCOUNTANTS Costs and Records Income Tax and Government Returns Bookkeeping Service. New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442B seven active Scouts in the troop so that the new patrol] was necessary to accommodate the inereased number. Soldier Son of G. Countryman Korea Casualty Official notice has been receiv- ed of the death in action of Pte. Lloyd Gordon Countryman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Country- man of South Porcupine. The twenty-three-year old sol- dier had joined the army in De- cember, 1951, and went overseas with the Royal Canadian Regi- ment in July of this year. He was killed on October 23rd--his mo- ther's birthday. No details are known about his death. Official notice was made by the Director of Army Records. He is survived by his parents and three sisters. Mrs. T. A. Belec of Sudbury, Mrs. Kingsley Forgie and Mrs. E, A. Larner, both of Ottawa. Private Countryman was edu- cated in South Porcupine. Before joining the army, he had been employed by the Spruce Falls Power and Paper Company of Kapuskasing, Acme Diamond Drilling and Worker'sCo-Oper- ative. Gordon Countryman, father of the Korea victim, is well known throughout the North Country He has been active in Canadian Legion affairs for many years and at the present time is a re- gional vice-president of the On- tario Command of the Legion. Giel | Guides Honor Mrs. H. Doran ait Annual Meeting On Tuesday evening, October 28th the local association of Girl Guides held their annual meet- ing in the basement of the Un- ited Church In the absence of the chairman Mrs. Ledwell, the meeting was presided over by Mrs. Lillian Barrett, Division Commissioner. Mrs. Don Gar- diner acted as secretary. Repotts from the various com- mittees were read. The final re- port by Mrs Ledwell was read, in which she outlined the year's ladies of the L.A. included: a Brownie-Girl Fly Up and enrollment; a mother and daughter ban- a luncheon and rally at the Hotel Haileybury in honor of Mrs. Wilson, visiting Provincial Commissioner; and lastly, a most activitic | the which Guide " Guide quet; delightful afternoon tea and bake sale held at the home of Mrs. M. Whitby, and which is their only money-raising event during the year. Mrs. Ledwell thanked her committee for their untiring help, the Recreation Committee for its generous support, and all other patrons and friends who had aided the movement in its past successful year. The new slate of officers was then presented and is composed of* Chairman, Mrs. M. Whitby; vice-chairman, Mrs. F. Rolph: secretary, Mrs. Doran; treasurer Mrs. G. Byles; Badge secretary, Mrs. Fred Thompson; advisory committee, Mrs. Don Gardiner nounces adians have on elected Bellows: couver lumber magnate. Mrs. C. Arnold, Miss Enright, On taking the chair, Mrs. Whit- by thanked the retiring chairman Ledwell for -her splendid the L.A. She then asked Betty Neelands +*~ come forward and on behalf of the As- presented Mrs, Doran retired Guider, with a beautiful brooch in appreciation for her work with the Girl Guides since the company was sponsored two years ago. After Mrs. Doran thanked the members for their very generous gift the new chair- man outlined the programme for the' coming yéar. This dealt with the néed of assistance for Miss Bonny with the Girl Guide ab Temiskaming Construction Limited Mrs support of MINING PLANTS ENGINEERS and GENERAL CONTRACTORS CONCRETE WORK a) Head Office HAILEYBURY, ONT. P.O. Box 997 Phone 517 Company ; badge work for Brow- nies and Guides, financial assist- ance to both- organizations; ban- quets to be held during the year; and finally, a Guide Camp. . It was the feeling of those J 'Something lo present that the Girl Guides 7 Sing About would like to'take an active part DINNER at in community affairs, and the secretary was instructed to write to different Church groups and service clubs to inform them that the Guides are very anxious to give their services wherever pos- sib le, Annual per capita consumption of cigarets in Canada is 1200. The 3ritish figure is 1400 and the Un- ited States 2400. Haileybury The Royal Speen of Arts an- Served : 12,00 to 1.30 p.m. 6.00 to 8.00 p.m that the following Can- The Rev. W. R. Coleman, Principal of Hires College, On- tario and H. R. MacMillan, Van- You will Enjoy "SONGS TO REMEMBER" EVERY SATURDAY CJKL 4.15 pam. AsAAALDA wawwevews Hite Po EK SAAT TNE . ---- a LS Ear WIN AND IT Pires ices (RE CRIS Exclusive rights of this contest ad. purchased for Canada. Ne person is permitted to reproduce same or any part of, ANOTHER CHANCE TO WIN A FUR COAT NOVEMBER 6-7-8 - JU3T COUNT THE ANIMALS IN THIS AD ARYONE CAN MIGHT BE YOU SPECIAL SHOWING THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ICOUNT THE ERMINE IN. THIS AD! ,; AX FUR COAT! Nothing to Buy! You have 31 chances to win a grand prize years of age is eligible, except employees of this store, of our adver- tising agency and their families. your entry. All entries must be in our store or postmarked not later than midnight TUESDAY, CONTRBST MAY BE OBTAINED by calling at our store. : IT'S THE MOST AMAZING CONTEST OF ITS KIND EVER OFFERED IN THIS DISTRICT! Type, or plainly print your name and address on your entry, and bring. or mail to Contest Dept. as shown below. List of winners will be published in this Paper immediately following the close. of this contest NO STORY TO WRITE! NOTHING TO BUY! * FIRST PRIZE oy 'oa "Perse Lamb Coat, full pelts fashioned in the 1953 style. dyed Rav * SECOND PRIZE "2254 & lovely quality--light in weight, but and durable. ae Everyone over 18 All you have to do is to count the Ermine (animals) in this picture, . Cut out the advertisement and enclose with your entry. Prizes will * THIRD PRIZE An Australian be awarded on the basis of correct count, neatness and originality of Coney (dyed rabbit). Lustrous, supple skins, worked into a eae Gla as fur of unusual charm and beauty. Cc % HONORABLE MENTION The next 25 contestants will receive a NOVEMBER Merchandise Certifi- cate good for $40 cash when applied on- the purchase of an Arthur King fur coat, AGENCY ARTHUR KING FURS LTD. ; ABRAHAM'S LADIES' WEAR -- HAILEYBURY 4th. EXTRA COPIES OF THIS "T"'", Arthur King Furs. Address All Entries become the Properiy of ARTHUR KING FURS LIMITED Fi SEAT LN