a ect er ee ee Ee ee neran canara Page Six THE HAILEYBURIAN THURS., OCTOBER_ _30th, 1952 Round the Town Mr. and Mrs. Allan Berry have returned home afte ra trip to Sar- nia. Mrs. W.,R. Lowery is visiting in Toronto and other Southern Ontario points. Mrs. Harry Sparks of Cadillac O'Brien is the guest of Mrs, Ter- ry Smith this week, Mr. A. Banfield of South Nor- walk Conn., visited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Bond last week. Mr. Terence Smith is holiday- ing with Mr. Harry Sparks of Cadillac O'Brien in Escanaba, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Timmins and children returned home last week-end from a trip to Toronto and Simcoe, St. Paul's W.A. will hold their regular monthly meeting in the parish hall on Tuesday, Novem- ber 4th at 3 p.m. Attention Curlers--The annua] meeting of the Ladies Curling Club in Hotel Haileybury on No- vember 12th at 8 p.m. Mr. Harry Stanger leaves for Swastika this week, where he will continue his work with the Haileybury Lumber Company. The students of the Mining School] are holding a dance in the Hotel Haileybury on Friday, Oc- tober 3lst. Everybody welcome. Mrs, W. E. Bagshaw returned home this week from Toronto, where she had been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Devlin. Miss Mary MclIsaac and Mr. John Mclsaac of Boston, Mass., are visiting with their brother, Mr. N. D. MclIsaac and Mrs. Mc- ; Isaac. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Whorley are in Edmonton this week. They will return shortly to take over the business of the late Mrs. E. B. Whorley. The Ladies of the Home League of the Salvation Army wish to an- nounce a Rummage Sale to be held in the Cobalt Market on Saturday, November Ist. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bruneau of Montreal returned home last week-end after visiting with Mrs. Bruneau's daughter, Mrs. Fred W. Thompson, and Mr. Thompson Mr. Bill Bagshaw Jr. returned home from New York and To- ronto this week. Mr. Bagsaw has been transferred to the Bank of Nova Scotia in Belleville and leaves town shortly. The C.W.L. members will meet in the parish hall on Tuesday, November 4th at 8 p.m. Presi- dent Mrs. John O'Grady urges all members to be present as this is an important one. Mr. and Mrs. Roland MclIsaac and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mclsaac and Mr. Cummings, all of Parry Sound were the "guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Mclsaac last week-end. Mrs. Fred Austin leaves tor night to join her sister, Mrs. H. S. Bell and her brother, Mr. W. McNeil in Toronto. From ieee they will go on a six-week trip to the Southern United States. The Cobart-Haileybury Curling Club-will meet in the Blue Room of the Hotel Haileybury at 8.15 on Monday, November 3rd. There will also be a meeting of the Bonspiel Committee. Everyone out, please. Mr. and Mrs. M._C. Gardiner and two daughters, Sue and Di- anne were in Toronto last week to attend the wedding of Mrs. Gardiner's sister. Later they were accompanied on a motor trip to Buffalo by Mr. and Mrs. Gra- ham Eby formerly of Haileybury. Pte. Jean-Jacques Denomme_ of "C' Company Algonquin Reg - ment, Canadian Infantry Battal- ion, stationed at Val Cartier, Que- bec, is home on his annual fur- lough visiting with his grand- mother and grandfather, Mr. and Mrs. J. Denomme. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Den- holm spent several days in Kings- ton last week attending the an- nual Alumni Conference of the Queen's Theological College. Also attending the Conference were Rey. and Mrs. D. A. MacKerach- Rey. and Mrs. W. A. Beecroft and er, all formerly of Haileybury Dr. S. M. Le Ber who recently come to Haileybury -to practice, now has his office in his home at 120 Lake Shore Road and an- nounces the following office hours beginning Monday, November 3rd: Daily, 2 p.m to 4 pm, except Thursday and Sunday; evenings Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7.30 to 10 p.m. Beautiful Gift From Japan For Haileybury Mother En route from a year's service in Korea, William Toms, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Toms spent a few days in Japan prior to receiv- ing his sailing orders. While there he sent his mother a beautiful Japanese doll which arrived this week. The order was placed with the Kagamijiski Company and _ the fragile replica of a Japanese lady came through the trip without a telling mark. The delicate china face is hand- painted and her lustrous black hair is held in place in typical Japanese fashion with small yel~ low combs and pins. The foot- high figure is gowned in rich robes of brilliant colors -- the exact-ing detail of the whole serve to prove once again that the Japanese are masters at this type of work. Mrs. Toms is planning to* give the lady a prominent place in her living room, Haileybury Principal Named President at School Meeting G.L. Cassidy, principal of Hail- eybury High School, was named WANTED TOWN FOREMAN for Town of Hailevbury. Apply in writing to Clerk- Treasurer, giving experi- ence, salary desired, etc. Town of Haileybury CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1952, Town of Hail- eybury, District of Temiskaming NOTICE is een, given that I have complied with Section 9 of Th eVoters' Lists Ac4+, 1951, and that I have posfed up at my office at Haileybury, on the 22nd day of October, 1952, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at municipal elections and that such list re- mains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all vot- ers to take immediate proceed- ings to have any omissions or errors corrected according to law, last day for appeal being the 5th day of November, 1952. Dated this 2t8h day of October, 1952. J. E. DUNN, Clerk of Town of Haileybury president of Northern Ontario's District No. 12 of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Fed- eration at the group's annual meeting at Sudbury recently. He succeeds D. K. McKellar of Sudbury Mining and Technical School. Other executive officers are Ross Babson, Kirkland Lake, lst vice-president: M. C. | Napper North Bay, 2nd vice-president ; J. 8. Palframan, Sudbury, secre- tary-treasurer; E. |. Hershey, Sault Ste Harie, district public relations officers. Members attended a banquet at the Granite Club after discussing Federation business all day at-the High School. Audubon Nature Club Has First Meeting The Junior Audubon Nature Club of Haileybury held its first Nature hike of the year last week at the old tennis courts. Those present were Carolyn Kingsmill, Ruth Cumming, Carol Jenkins, Nancy ~ Whitby, Mary Frances Cockshutt, Barbara Camsell, Sally Whitby, Judy Thomson, Sharon Byles, Kathy Neelands, Janet Nauss and Kath- feen Jenkins. We had a grand time, and had the opportunity to observe the following birds: Chickadees, Mourning Doves, White-throated Sparrows, and Robins. This year we hope to have as good a club as we had Jeet year. New members to aur lb are Janet Nauss and Jean Hawkins, who was not able to attend our hike. --Kathleen Jenkins * ciation Timmins Teacher ty Warden, Sister McAulay, Dis- The population of Quebec ac- Heads Principals trict Secretary, Sister N. Austin, counts for approximately 30 per Ross Beatty, Tisnumins Public school principal, was elected pre- sidenth of the Northern Ontario Public School. Principals' Asso- Principals' Assocaition at a meet- at a meeting held last week-end in Sudbury. He suc- ceeds William Watt of Sudbury. Other offiecrs elected: Vice- president, K. Johnson of Parry Sound; secretary-treasurer, A Bielek of Timmins; directors, Cecil Stephens of Nobel, A. G. Orr of Copper Cliff, Charles Agnew of Sault Ste Marie, J.A. Laycock of Huntsville, J. K. Cros ley of Thessalon and Lloyd Phil- lips of North Bay. It was decided to hold next year's conference at Timmins. Northern Light Rebekahs Hold Regular Meeting The regular meeting of Nor- thern Light Rebekah Lodge was held on Tuesday evening, Octo- ber 28th in the Masonic Temple with Sister Rita Dinesen, Noble Grand presiding. Sister Glazier complimented Sister Dinesen on being present in her office every meeting night during her term of twelve months _which is a record. The main business of this meet- ing was the installation of offi- cers and Sister Louise Richards Cobalt, the District Deputy Pre- sident, was on hand and perform- ed her duties in_a creditable man- ner. She was assisted by Sister -- E. Larson, Cobalt, who acted as Marshal, Sister E. Rice as Depu- INDUSTRIAL PAINTING CO. Homes, Church, Schools, MR. WATSON at NORTH COBALT, ONT. ALL TYPES OF PAINTING AND DECORATING Industrial Buildings. Cobalt 3178 for Contact Free. Estimate YOUR FLOWER REQUIREMENTS For All Occasions. Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere, Anytime J. H. SUMBLER Phone 34-W NEW LISKEARD EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "DECISION BEFORE DAWN?" Richard Basehart,Gary Merrilt Condensed Ads EXPERIENCED HOUSEKEEPER desires work by the month. Phone 353-W after 6 p.m, 34-1-* FOR SALE--Seven Room House in residen- tial area. Lot 75x100. Terms if re- quired. Phone 220 or 269, 34-1-* FOR SALE--1931 Chevrolet. Good condi- tiin, Phone 619-W. 34-1-* FOR SALE--Three Good Tires 700x15; one tire 650x15; $20.00 each. Phone 501 B4e1ex FOR SALE--Cooking Range, Phone 501. 34-1-* FOR SALE--Seven room House; fully insu- lated; new furnace; electric water heater; garage; close to school Phone 155 or write Box 126, Haileybury. 32-tfc FOR SALE--8-Roomed House on Elliott St. Good Price. Phone 234, Haileybury. 32-3-* HOUSE FOR SALE--Eleven Rooms; founda- tion; recently decorated inside. Phone 125 or 131. (aie 24-tf-c LOT FOR SALB--Ideal for building a house. Location southeast corner of Rorke and Browning. If interested contact Roa. Morissette, Phone 385 or 109. 19- almost new. THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nite's FOTO- NITE OFFER - This Week's Offers are: Ist, $300.00; 2nd, $300.00; 3rd $210.00 FRIDAY - SATURDAY Return of the Texan with DALE ROBERTSON Musical, Cartoon and News OCT. 31; NOVEMBER 1 JOANNE DRU with JAMES MASON SUNDAY MIDNITE, MON,, TUES., After SUNDAY Midnite Show starts at 12.05 a.m. Five Fingers SHORT and NEWS NOV. 3rd and 4th DANIELLE DARRIEUX WED - THURS. Comin' Round with BUD ABBOTT Musical and Shorts Matinee Wednesday at 4.15 pm NOVEMBER Sth and 6th The Mountain LOU COSTELLO Deputy Treasurer, Sister M. Cragg, Deputy Chaplain and Sis- ter G. Jenkins as Deputy Inside Guardian, Sister A. Clow as Mu- sician The following' officers were in- stalled: Noble Grand--Mary Hargrave Vice Grand--Olive Childs. Rec. Sec.--Euphemia Adair Fin. See.--Dorothy Treas.--Jean Libby. Musician--Donella Glazier. Chap.--Astrid Dempster. Warden--Bertha McArthur. Conductor--Evelyn Huard Color Bearer--Donna Catriere. R.S.N.G.--Esther Cragg. L.S.N.G.--Rachel Smallman. R.S.V.G.--Olive McIntyre L.S.V.G.--Doris Whorley. I.G.--Pauline Hermiston. O.G.--Joan Hargrave. Prince Edward Island has five times as much crop land as New- foundland, which is twenty times larger than P.E.I. --Want Ads Bring Besula. vv BOARD OF EDUCATION Haileybury Require a Caretaker for Haileybury Public School. Apply to the Secretary, R. C. Tombs, Box 399, Hailey- bury. Fri., Sat., Oct. 31, Nov. 1 FRANCIS GOES TO WEST POINT DONALD O'CONNOR LORI NELSON --Added Attraction-- "KANSAS TERRITORY" Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart Also: World News, Cartoon After Sunday Midnight Mon., Tues., Nov. 3, 4 Two Big Hits on same progra THE WILD NORTH (In New Ansco Color) STEWART GRANGER WENDELL COREY CYD CHARISSE Added Attraction ----Adult Entertainment---- "CLASH BY NIGHT" Paul Marilyn Munroe, Robert Ryan Barbara Stanwyck, Douglas, WED., THUR., Nov. 5th, 6th SON of the PALEFACE Technicolor BOB HOPE JANE RUSSELL ROY ROGERS & Trigger Added Attraction "THE FIGHTER" Richard Conte Vanessa Brown Plus: COLORED CARTOON Dempster. cent of Canada's total, C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard CORDWOOD FOR SALE Jackpine, Birch and Poplar Phone 349 HAILEYBURY FUEL CO. HOUSE FOR SALE E. M. McCUAIG Phone 135 Registered Broker erie ar Oct. 31, Nov. 1 The Most Unusual Picture Ever presented on ANY . Screen ! STRANGE WORLD See the never before filmed Jungles of the Matto Grosso Added Attraction "Here Comes The Marines" The Bowerv- Bovs Plus COLORED CARTOON Nov. 3, 4 FRANCIS GOES T0 WEST POINT | DONALD O'CONNOR Mon., Tues., EORT NELSON Added Attraction "KANSAS TERRITORY" Bill Elliott, Peggy Stewart Also NEWS and CARTOON Ea i ln aie ai a WED., THUR., NOV. Sth, 6th Playing COBALT ONLY Ae SEeTER 4 See ge AN Eve, LARRY PARKS waneeus TAYLOR (Petes by RUTH BROOKS FUPPEN, Dering by STANLY OOBKEN Proceced by WIUAM H WRIGHT An MGM Picters: -- Added Attraction ---- |----Adult Entertainment. "CLASH BY NIGHT" Barbara Stanwyck, Paul Douglas, Marilyn Munroe, Robert Ryan