The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 1 Jan 1953, p. 1

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~~ "THE HAILEYBURIAN ~ No. 43 HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1953 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 48; Hapoe Tae For } Over One Hundred Needv Children One hundred and-eleyen child- ren in the district were not dis- appointed on Christmas morning --they found that Santa was as good as his word, Twenty-two families in scat- tered areas extending from the northwestern farming areas of New Liskeard, south to Cobalt had visits from the Chlidren's Aid Society of Temiskaming through the week who made it their busi- ness to that none of the needy would miss out on the joys of Christmas. . White gifts brought to church by children of the New Liskeard and Haileybury United churches went into stockings, toys came fromthe Haileybury -Girl Guides with a donaton of $10.00, the Business and Professional Wo- men's Club gave wooden toys and knitted goods. This organ- ization also sent a gift to every girl from the district now in training school and to two girls in thg,Ontario Hospital ScKool. The Carrie Gray Auxiliary of the United Church were gener- ous with their preserves anc knitted good s. The Rotary Clul of Haileybury donated $25.00 and a young New Liskeard youth lack Patterson, who is confined to a wheel chair, is a shining example of the true spirit of Christmas with his giving of beautiful hand-made wooden toys. see In Memortam LITTLE--In loving memory. of a dear mother, Flora Little who passed away on Decembe1 29th, 1951, at Haileybury. Ever remembered and missed by daughters, KATHLEEN and FLORENCE sadly In Memoriam NELSON--In loving memory of of a dear hushand and father Olof Nelson, who died on De- cember 26th, 1949. We mourn for him in silence, No eyes can see us weep. But many a silent tear is shed While others are asleep. Lovingly remembered by WIFE and FAMILY Firemen Answer One Call During Holiday Defective wiring was the cause of a fire which broke out in the attic of a home on Rorke avenue south, owned by Patrick Laver- gne, and occupied by Roger Jar- vis. Firemen answered the alarm at 1.45 on Saturday afternoon As the attic was insulated witl shavings the men encountered some difficulty in extinguishing the smoldering fire. Damage was slight and covered by insurance Fire Chief Watson stated that "we were very. thanktul to get through thé season without any serious outbreak of fires and the citizens should be commended for the excellent record", Two New Mining Companies Forme at Haileybury Two new mining companies Ethel Copper Mines and Tud Co- balt Mines Limited have been incorporated recently with head offices in Haileybury. Tud Cobalt Mjnes will have a four million dollar capitalization divided into four million shares of one dollar each. Ethel Copper Mines will have a capital of three million dollars divided into three million shares of one dollar each Purposes of the new companies are to acquire, own, lease, pros- pect for, open, explore, develop work, improve, maintain and manage mines and mineral lands and deposits, and to dig for raise, crush, wash, smelt, assay analyze, reduce, amalgamate, re- fine, pipe, convey and otherwise treat ores, metals and minerals whether belonging to the com- pany or not, and to render the same merchantable and to sellor otherwise dispose of the same or any part therof or interest there- in; and for the further purposes and objects set forth. Provisional directors thereof are: Orville Hughes, lan Mac- Diarmid, Margaret Hughes, Ruth Gordon and Bridget M. O.Hara' Having had a telephone in their home since Aug., 1877, probably gives the Mewburn family of Hamilton the world's record for unbroken home telephone service NEW YEAR'S EVE B. Paquire. Dempster, Hadley, Oomis, Umph- reys. ERERERRERERSREERERPERRE HOTEL HAILEYBURY WED. DEC. 3ist REKRRFRRGRRRRRERRRRRERR %: Under Auspices of COBALT - HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB BER _Everyone Welcome! - Admission $1.50. per person Announce Schedule for Ladies First Curling Games 1st Event AFTERNOON GAMES Jan 6--Donegan y Arnold. McDonough-O'Shaughnessy Bond- MacArthur Jan 9--Donegan-O'Shaughness McDonough- MacArthur 3ond-Arnold Jan. 13--Donegan-MacArthur McDonough-Arnold Bond-O'Shaughnessy PERSONNEL Donegan, Budgeon,. M, O'Shau- ghnessy, Y, Fleming. McDonough, Leith, Hicks Mumford. Sond, Taylor, Mosher, J. Mur- phy. MacArthur, mid, Smith. O'Shaughnessy, M. ham, Pringle, Elton. Arnold, Hylands, Pipe. Hogan, MacDiar- 5 . Cunning- Thomson, Spares in P.M. Skips--J. Jenkins, M. Vachon. Evening Games Ist Even Jan. 5--7 p.m--Hughes vs Cragg. 9 p.m.--Harrison vs. McFarlane. Jan. 6--7 p.m.--St. Louis vs Lemay 9 p.m.--Lowery vs. Dempster. Jan. 7--7 p.m.---Austin vs. Tet- guson. 9 p.m.--Fleniing vs McAulay. Jan. 8~7 p.m.--kK. Keddie vs Tulloch. A. Keddie vs. Wise- man, Jan. 9--7 p.m.--Ross ys. 9 p.m.--Cragg vs. Har- sud- geon, rison. Jan. 10--7 vs. Lowery. vs. Hughes. Jan. 12--7--Ferguson - Flem- ing. 9 p.m.-- Lemay vs. Austin Jan. 13--7" p.m.--Tulloch vs A. Keddie. 9 vs. St. Louis. Jan. 14--7 p.m.--Wiseman vs Ross. 9--Budgeon v. K. Keddie Jan 15--7--Harrison vs Demp- ster, 9--Hughes vs Mclarlane Jan. 16--7--Lowery vs.' Cragg 9--St. Louis vs. Ferguson. Jan, 17--7--Austin vs. McAu- ay. 9--Fleming vs Lemay Jan. 18--7-4K. Keddie vs Wise- man, 9--A. Keddie vs. Budgeon Jan, 20--7--Ross vs Tulloch. p-m. -- McFarlane 9 p.m.--Dempster PERSONEL Skip vice Second Lead Hughes, Melisek, Herbert,Drew Cragg, J. Grant, McGill, K. Mc- Ginley. Harrison, O'Hara, Thorne, Losh McFarlane, Nauss Cannon, J Lewis Lowery, T. Grant Brunette, E. St, Louis, Hallock, G. Murphy Hare. Lemay, Bonney, Runnalls, Camp- bell, Austin, Boyer, quin, Ferguson, Shouldice, Tappenden, Fleming, Kenty, Jensen, G. Mc- Aulay. y McAulay, M. MacArthur, Spe,ch- er, Boudreau Kk. Keddie, MacDonald, Eggert. Tulloch, Marcella, Morissette, A. Keddie, Dinesen, Thisdelle, Wiseman, Gabbani, maker, Tessier. Ross, Todd, M. Tulloch, B. ming, Budgeon, E. Burton, J, Cunning- ham, LeBer. Glassford, Patri- Dupuis Doran MacLean, £ R. Vannier Wanna- Fle- A poultry specialist who is an instructor in Pennsylvania State College discovered that when turkeys become inexplicably ner- vous and panicky, there will be . storm in from twenty-four te forty-eight hours. Cost per man of Caanda's arm- ed forces is $17,000 per year highest figure of any nation in the world. During the past week there were about 40 beaver pelts pre- sented at the District Office fo, seating, in addition to one nsner and one marten. Trappers report that lakes and rivers are now frozen over and travelling is e<ood, fi Songs de Chez Nous Helene Baillargeon and Alan Mills are all decked out in authentic period costumes for their program of folk music "Songs de Chez None" heard every Monday on -the CBCs Trans-Canada net- work. These well-known Canadian folk song 'singers, present an interesting half- hour progra mof music that illustrates both the Enolish and French heritage of our country. When 'Court of Opinions" is in session, listeners to the CBC's Dominion network are assured a half-hour of light-he topics. As a rule, bearded L arted discussion on interesting dian writer,*is at odds with <ster Sinclair, the noted Cana- popular womens comimentatckeptical Kate Aitken, the Neil LeRoy (centre) has his r; the programs moderator, eCOMUnt s add to the lively comment, Each week two guesthands full keeping order in the Municipal Police Busy as Accidents Mar Holiday Two serious car accidents and several minor collisions marrec the holiday season ,in Haileybury The hoped for objective of a re- peat on last year's record of no accidents at all was shattered on Wednesday at 7,15 pm. when Wm, Ferguson swung too wide at the Ferguson avenue-Main street turn, narrowly missed hit- ting an oncoming car and crash- ed into a car transport proceed- ing east on Main street. The transport, carrying new modelxcars for Northern Ontaric was travelling slowly down the hill in third gear but had ne chance to come to a full stop be- fore the approaching car crashed into the right hand side of the transport and was dragged some twelve feet. The drivers es- caped without serious injury Damage to the Ferguson car was $450.00. The same evening; Omer Allarr and Ray Gouvreau collided at 10.45 at the corner of Ferguson avenue and Marcella street. Mr Allard was attempting to back up because of icy conditions when the car driven" by Mr Gauvreau collided with his truck Damage to the Gauvreau car a- mounted to $100.00. On Saturday night at 10.45, icy conditions were again responsible for an accident on Farr avenue when Bob Poppleton tried te pass a parked truck which" ha¢ irozen up and crashed into the vehicle. Mr. Poppleton sufferec minor lacerations and abrasions The other two occupants of the car, Buddy Cooper and Jimmy Hicks, escaped without injuries Damage to the new Meteor cat amounted to $600.00. Other minor accidents occurred throughout the week, some _ of which were not reported. Wher the police learned of them anc investigated, the perSons involvec had left the scene. Each Canadian pays $50 per year to support the federal gov- ernment's family allowance. old age pension, and otner welfare payments. Three Thieves Get Heavy Sentences in Local Court Heavy sentences were meted out in Magistrate's Court on Saturday morning when three men .charged with breaking, en- tering and theft appeared before Magistrate Atkinson in Hailey- bury Court, William Starchuk of William will serve two years in twc Fort Kingston Penitentiary and years concurrent. Basil Surerus of Fort William was sent to Kingston for two years and one Mc- serve year concurrent. James Cooeye of Hamilton will two years less one day concurrent in the Reformatory. All three men were arrested by Ontario Police thts month after the R. C. Smith Iin- plement store in Englehart was Provincial into in the early hours The used a car stolen in Englehart tc broken of the morning. thieves dis- cart the office safe a short tance out on the Wabi Roac where it was smashed open and The safe anc recovered the money its contents taken. stolen car were same day but a sum of was missing. Constable Englehart R. Metcalfe of the detachment recallec an earlier broadcast over the police radio alerting the service regarding a stolen car which was supposed heading for Port aAr- thur. He broadcast this inform- ation and the suspects were ar- rested in Matheson. Prayer Service Association 01 the three towns are sponsoring a Week of Prayer services at Cobalt, January Sth 'n the Bap- tist Church,at Haileybury, Janu- ary Oth inthe Anglican Church at New Liskeard, January 8th at the Baptist Church and January 9th at the United Church. Spe- cial speaker will be Rev. James Semple, North Bay. All meet- ings begin at 8 o'clock. The Ministerial PT Cee Oe eee We wish you one and all paPD eid Yeat--- To all our many customers Who we look upon as friends We send them our best wishes As this year now ends. We hope in the future Them here again to see And wish them the best of luck \ For Nineteen Fifty Three NEW YEAR'S DAY Thursday, January lst Entertain your family and friends at DINNER at the Hotel Haileybury ROAST GOOSE or ROAST -CHICKEN ; with Baked Virginia Ham Served 12 to 1.30 6 to 8 p.m 4 IN THE MAIN DINING ROOM PPR Pee PLP eee eer eee eer egy

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