The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 15 Jan 1953, p. 3

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THURS. JANUARY 15th, 1953 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page Three these-games every Sunday if the Dedicate Memorial Hall in gram will be a panel dis u Liskeavd: Defeats. Poppleton' s Rink _ these games every day ' = I cussion ice is free,and any member wish emory of of P. R. Craven On attitudes and manners of our Haileybury Midgets Brings O.N.R. ing to take part should come to a Sanas oS ; children. This will be dealt with . i i the rink and join the fun. = tale day and Monday, Janu- fiom the angles of school, home = LS I wiceat W eek-i.nd Trophy Here ANCE STadiew Soke ary 18th and 19th, special ser- oe : NS age on Sit A Meeting of the Ladies' Sec umiees vill, be conducted im. the SPotts and outside activities tion of the Club was held on Hawevinry 8 : : = Participants will be Col. , . ] sins : ; ; aileybury Bapt re | e Col. Cassidy pairs The New Liskeard Midgets ie ae ne trophy will rest -in Sunday afternoon prior to the coy, re ae pak = Miss Meeka Oomis of the Child ne ie > # : c s = "cdicatio > threw everything they had at the ie be vs eh ne EAE because of eames with a good attendance. Mme Graven Nemenal Hall ae ren's Aid Society, Mr, J.H. White All Makes o ~ 5 5 . . . « a) a « . XeyV. re bi . , Haileybury insmen Midgets ae fae eee Sone ay fee It as decided to dispense with J) A Burns wine Neen Mr. L. Wiseman and Mrs. ( of RADIOS F 2 : <n engiehart Wisitor's Day this year becaust © - aah e : - McVicar jast week-end and came out with 7, Pea St pete amare s a) B - Superimtendent f the Baptis es ag : 2 a> A at ee a Heeb St ae Fleming was of the men's bons piel being held fe icntinn SF a ies ce Ble! Opportunity Will be given for 21 Lake Shore Road 4-5 a ie ee connie ahon second and here and the Ladies' Spiel in Ree of Auronte Saher . : audience participation from the Phone 509 New Liskeard which were league games, put lom Cragg played lead. New Liskeard in February. ptaker: ele Sues floor, Liskeard well out m tront of tie The ONR rink came second neta 5 ca oe Hs 3 ' jl ACER pee tink Eee aeaeh Aa. draw committee was ap 'The Sunday service will be at hia oS ok Oop. A. reeman, skip; W. Harvey pointed rather than have all the 300 NT : third, R. P. McLeod second and J, S00 p.m. and Monday evening Un Saturday, Liskeard opened the schedule and blasted Hailey- bury 14-3 in a one-sided afiair. in the rst period New Liskeard struck with two goals and led 2-0, in the second everything went wrong tor Haileybury even tho they scored with Gordon Connelly getting the goal they had seven scored against them and-_ trailed going into the third, 9-1. Joe Varent clicked twice in the thira period while Liskeard shovea nve more past Tuer in the, Haileybury nets. The score stood 14-3 for sew Liskeard. During the game the local team was without six regulars and faced Liskeard with less than ten players. On Sunday it was a different story; Haileybury had their best stars and held Liskeard to a 3-2 win. Ken O'Grady and Gordon Connelly were the marksmen for Haileybury. john Hallworth started in goal. The first period started out with Liskeard lead- ing 1-0, O'Grady came with a goal to tie it up. Liskeard back added one inore aud the iirsi stan: za elded- with-Liskeard~ desi 2-1, -Lhere was no score in the second, In the third; each teain scored once, Liskeard scoring first; Connelly inade it 3-2, and tho Haileybury put on a dying effort to tie it up Liskeard held and in score stood °3-2. A great defén sive star throughout the week- end Ray O'Grady, the assistant captain was. injured once in' each game and it is doubtful wirether or not he will be able to play against Covalt thus Thursday, The goalgetters over the week-end Werey ,0e i'arent, Gordon Con- nelly; each with two, and Ken O'Grady. > David Luei Cfiicial Opening of Temagami Curling Club The Pemagami- curlers: can well be proud of théir lovely new curling rink which was officially opened om Saturday last. Mr. Goddard, one of their est curlers had the honor -of cutting the ribbon to start the games and gave a short talk on the trials they had on former rinks, He and his family donat- ed a, beautiful trophy the Ladies' Curling Club. Those attending old- for from the local club were J..M. Shouldice, J. \W McDonald, 3. Patriquin, Geott. Dixon; Mr, and. Mrs, J. MacAr- thur, Wm, MacArthur, Clive, Giddings and Mrs; N. J, McAulay Sr. They were loud in_ their praise of the welcome and. hos- pitality accorded them and the good time they had. CORDWOOD FA. SALE Poplar Jackpine, Birch and Phone, 349 HAILEYBURY) FUEL CO. Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury TRIPS EACH WAY' 'i EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.20 a.m. 4.20 p.m. 11.45 p.m. STANDARD TIME Single Return $7.15 $12.90 _UNION BUS TERMINAL _ NORTH BAY PROM Tent Miller; Matachewan placed third and NewLiskeard fourth. There were twelve entries. and six straight wins were necessary.. Curling Action Well Under Way On Sunday afternoon, ther' Was mixed curling at the rink with twelve teams participafing. The ice was in perfect condition and some keen games were play- ed. Prizes for the winners were spoons. Winning rinks were Dick Flemines, with Rita Dine- sen, V. Dinesen and Barbara Fle- ming, and J. M. Shouldice with Ness McAulay, C. Dunn and Lita Shouldice. It is planned to ha¥e skips acting, as this proved un- satisfoctory. There are over ninety lady members and they are reminded to watch the board for announce- ments of events to take placeas it is impossible to notify every- one Fees arennow due and--- should he There are 21] playing members in the men's curling club... . several associate members are al- so on the roster this season a record for all time... 'arty- eight rinks played in the first competition ,.. . winner be announced later. in soon. to Condensed Ads. Bring Results ! there will be a meeting at 8.UC o'clock followed by a social hour in the new hall to which the public is invited, This hall has been built™ tirely by vounteer labour the work has been done by the young people of the church in memory of Mr. Craven, who was keenly interested in their group. cb Temiskaming Construction Limited en- and MINING PLANTS ENGINEERS and GENERAL CONTRACTORS CONCRETE WORK O Interesting Program. Planned For Home and School Assn. The Home and 1001 Associ © rce ) ation will hold its regular meet- a aenk ile age ce ae ing in the High School on Tues- HAILEYBURY, ONT. day, January 20th at 8.00 p.m, sharp. Highlight of the evening's pro- Try Haileyburian Advertising for Quick Results! Chevrolet's lower in height, with long, flowing, smoothly rounded lines to give you the newest look in cars! New interiors are richer -- color-matched to exterior finish. PELE LEE New 115-h.p. high- compression' 'Blue Flame" engine with- Powerglide models.* New 108-h.p. high- compression "Thrift- King" gear-shift y New automatic start- ing and passing range gives you flashing get- == Beneath the brilliant new beauty is heavier, stronger, more rigid construction. This You park and steer with finger-tip ease, yet you retain the familiar feel of the road. Greater ease and safety of control. Greater visibility with You go much farther on every gallon of gas! Greater over-all di away from a engine with | del: + al a start, greater passing ability in city driving. Sex consumption is Power steering, optional ai means even longer life extra cost on Powerglide foracar always equipped models. famous for durability ,. |. and dep bility! a new, one-piece curved windshield. Finer, smoother brakes. The safest Chevrolet you ever drove! y of op and upkeep! And, again in 1953, Chey- rolet is the lowest- priced line in its field. c of Powerglide tr ond 115-h.p. Blue Flame dl MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR engine optional in "" Air models at extra cost. (Continuatic of sommes equipment and trim i 25) Tobil of matérial: ) © Entirely NEW through and through [0 ws ws C553A . [AILEYBURY GARAGE a a wcotiaes " 50s

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