Page Four eS "THE H A 1 LEY BURIAN THURS, JANURY 22nd, 1953 : = ---- = ara , : F z That Mrs. O. Childs won the Y YY, telling ab = Round the Town Be about the future of Hail- 319 99 special at the Legion Bin- You : : go this week... . the grand prize -- ; That the new regular clinic Sees popes ane boats fred Thompson of New Lis- Ou ht will be held in the New Liskeard ns ns eis *) pr Seer eS keard was the guest of Mr. and g Hospital on January 23rd at 2 p. GS ges SS iets sn Mrs. D. Thorne for the week-end Mrs S. MacDonald of Ottawa has returned home after visiting with her son, Mr. S. M. MacDon- ald and Mrs. MacDonald. Miss Kate Thorne of ikrkland Lake visited with he? brother: Mr. D. Thorne and Mrs. Thorne over the week-end. Mrs S, E. Magee and Mrs. J. f£, Dunn returned this week from Schumacher, where they have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. L, Tomney. R. J. Shannon returned this week from a ten-day visit in To- ronto|. While there he attended the anual convention of the On- tario Department of Labour. Mr. A. Hasselbring and Miss Nancy Hasselbring returned home ts week from a holiday trip fo the States, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Reinhart' Hassel- bring in Lansing and with Col. and Mrs. Madison in Vir- ginia. Gayle 1.0.D.E. Meets at Mrs. A. C. Dempster's The regular meeting of the LO. D.E. was held on Monday, Jan- uary 12th at the home of Mrs. A. with seventeen members present. Mrs. J. Lec- kie acted in the absence of the Regent, Mrs N. D. Mclsaac. Members were given a few ideas to think about concerning year, which the annual This meet- of ( Dempster, their work for the will be discussed at meeting in Februarv. ing will be held at the home Mrs. W. R. Lowery and will be- gin at 6 p.m. with a pot luck sup per. The nomination for officers took place for 1953 and will be voted on at the next yneeting so that it is hoped there will be a good turn out, Mrs. Lecky thanked Mrs. Dempster for being hostess to th emembers and the Mrs. H. Jensen meeting closed. and Mrs. O. Childs assisted in serving the dainty lunch. [The 1.0.D.E. takes this oppor- --~ tunity to thank everyone who so generously assisted them in their projects through the year. Mrs. Olive Childs _--_--_----$__--$--_--_---- [Condensed Ads Rawleigh Business now open in Temiskaming County. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. A-224-189, Montreal. 46-1-c KOR SALE--Bed, Mattress and Springs. In excellent condition Reasonable. Venetian blinds Phone 206, Mrs. Weir. 46-1-c FOR SALE--Six Room House stone foundation, stoker and two lots. Apply at 110 Rorke Ave. » Haileybury or Phone 515 46-1-* NOTICE is hereby given that F. E, Duquette will not be re- sponsible for any debts incur- red in the name of his wife, Maureen Ann (Maisie) Du- quette, 22Lawlor St. She has left my bed and board. HELP WANTED--Reliable Girl or woman for general house- work. Must be fond of child- ren. Good wages. Sleep in. Write Box 328, Haileybury. HOUSE FOR SALE--Exception- ally fine house, Centrally lo- cated. Oi] heating. Four bed rooms. Large living and ain- ing rooms. Sun-room. Iinsu- lated. Garden and garage. Immediate possession. Excel- lent value! Apply E. M. Mc- Cuaig, Realtor, Box 304 or Phone 135. 45-1-c FOR SALE--Duplex House on Blackwall street. Phone 379 _ Haileybury. 43-4-* FOR SALE--Dry Poplar in 3-corc loads, $14.00. Phone C. Hop- kins, 1614, Haileybury. _43-4* $1.00 TRIAL OFFER--Twenty- five de luxe Personal Require- ments. Latest catalogue in- cluded. The Medico Agency 109 Front St. East, Toronto. LOT FOR SALE--Ideal for building » bouse. Location southeast comer of Rorke sad If fnterested comtact Roa. Phose 385 or 109, IP. Browning. Morissette, . admired by JAKE AND THE KID--Whe Kid listens, and so do countless radio fans from Newfound- land to BC.--Probably because Jake's ideas originate in the fertile imagination of his and Mtchell. tional town of Crocus, Sask. above sketch is artist Douglas prairie pair. Each Sunday the CBC amusing experiences, with the action usually set in the fic- where as dry as the soi] and as unexpected as roses in a ditch. To Know That skating in- the Hailey- bury rimk is being done to about six tired old records... . this is a call for donations of records preferably waltzes that you nave tucked away in your record col- lection .... we have a feeling that lots of music lovers have lots of antique waltzes just rotting in the cabinets. That "The Story of Mandy", British made film starring seven- year-old Mandy Miller, niece of Mrs. H. W. Edey of Haileybury n Jake opens his mouth The The Kid's creator, W. O. will be showing at the Odeon dramatizes one of their Theatre in North Bay on Jan- uary 26th, 27th and 28th. 'The the sense of humor is picture has received exceptional : ( The notices due largely to the re- Stiles' impression of the markable talent of Mandy. That Tim Forrester of the Rev. O. Denholm Officiates at Installation of Officers lhe first meeting of the year was held by the Women's Asso- ciation of the United Church on 'uesday evening in the Sunday School Room. Mrs. M. B. Glazier opened the meeting and asked ior the annual report of the secretary, Mrs. A. 4H. Cooke and the treasurer, Mrs. J B. Robinson. A beautiful picture by Alex MacLean, the gift of the W.A. to the Denholms at Christmas, was all the members. Mrs. A Denholm thanked them ior their thoughtfulness. Rey. A. Denholm conducted the service of installation of oi- hcers for the new year. 'The president, Mrs. D. H. Mil- lar took over the meeting and she Was assisted by the secretary, Mrs. A. W Stollery and the trea- surer, Mrs. M. MacDonald. Mrs. Millar offered a special vote of thanks to Mrs. Glazier and Mrs, lt, Pipe tor their work through- out the year. Plans were discussed for the coming congregational turkey dinner which will be convenea by Mrs. Glazier and Mrs. W. Far- mer. It will be held in the Sun- day School Room of the church, on Monday evening, January 26th at 6.15. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. S Bond. Special Service at the United Church the it's On Sunday, January 25th, United Church will observe annual anniversary. A special service has been planned with the Rev. 1. V. Hart B.A., minister of Kirkland Lake Trinity United Church and chair- man of Temiskaming Presbyter- ial, conducting the service and delivering the sermon, Mr. Hart is familiar throughout the North, as he is frequently heard o n the morning devotional service from Kirkland Lake. Laidlaw Lumber Acquire Interest in Temagami Mill A substantial financial interest in the sawmill and business of William Milne and Sons Limited of Temagami, has been acquired by R. Laidlaw Lumber Co. Limi- ted. This announcement, was made last week by William Milne and Sons Limited. The practical aspect of this new financial arrangement is ex- pected to benefit both companies. The R. Laidlaw Lumber Co. Ltd. wholesalers, will benefit from the guarantee of a continuity of sup- ply of white and red pine, at the same time bringing guarantee of a steady ouflet to 'the produc tion of William Milne and Sons. Both companies long establish- Temiskaming Health Unit pass: ed his Dominion exams. in public health with honors and receives hs certificate in Sanitary Inspec- tion for his good work. . . . con- gratulations, Music Festival to be Held April 29-30, May Ist The fifteenth annual Temiska- ming Music Festival being spon- sored this year by the Festival of the Kiwanis Club That the annual meeting of the Board of Health will be held in the New Liskeard Memorisl Hall on Thursday, January 22nd, at eight pm. These meetings are held once every two months. Committee in co-operation with the Temis- kaming South branch of the On- tario Registered Music Teachers' Association will be held on April 29th 30th and May Ist. Closing dates for entries has been set as March 15th. This Festival, the outstanding musical competition of the entire North, is held annually in New Liskeard and attracts contest- ants from every part of Nortnern Ontario and Northwestern Que- bec. Hundreds of young peoplc take part in the competitions 10) singers, pianists, violinists, or- chestras and choral groups. Each year upwards of a thou- sand children with their parents and friends gather to take part in the various classes for contest- ants, are judged by the adjudica- tors and chosen or rejected for. EMPIR Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. ~ Show at 7 and 9 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m LAST TIMES TODAY "WE'RE NOT MARRIED" Ginger Rogers, Fred Allen THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nites FOTO- NITE OFFER This Week's Offers are: 1st, $390.00; 2nd, $300.00; 3rd, $300.00 31G JIM McLEAN" has been CANCELLED FRIDAY - SATURDAY JANUARY 23rd and 24th Abbott & Costello Meet Captain Kidd Shorts and Cartoon JANURY 26th and 27th That our friend says as long as the Mayor continues with the motto "Lift Up Your Hearts' and not your taxes, there is no the grand concerts which follow the three-day festival. The syllabus is now. available to any person planning to enter into the various musical compe- titions. Members of the Kiwanis Com- mittee are as follows: W. J. Barr, W. S. Carr, and J L. Taylor. The president, Eric E. Smith of Co- balt, represents the Music Teach- ers. THEATRE NewLiskeard single bill. MON., TUES., Francis Goes to West Point with DONALD O'CONNOR Matinee Monday at 4.15 p.m. JANUARY 28th and 29th Cartoon and News WED - THURS. Dream Boat with CLIFTON WEBB GINGER ROGERS Added Shorts and News Matinee Wednesday at 4.15 Ty eee UnISe Will monthly clinic. ber a tegular That the Haileybury clinic will be on February 13th. . . oh, dear yes, Friday at that. That there will he a meeting of the local association of the Girl Guides in the Blue Room of the Hotel Haileybury on Thursday, January 29th i the evening ... All mothers ot Girl Guides are especially urged to be present as plans will be made for the Girl Guide camp this summer. That a Legion meeting will be held on Thursday night, January 29th. . . .. This is a special meet ing and all members must be present to elect the officers for the ensuing year. That the Boy Scouts have one win and a tie behind them against the Cobalt Boy Scouts... . last they took the game 3-2 .with Steve Bond, J. Hall- worth and P. McGinley netting the goals .... Tuesday night, < return match resulted in a 4-4 tie, with Tyson, Camseéll, Bond and McGinley scoring for the home team. Thursday, Fri., Sat., Jan. 23rd, 24th Last of the Comanches Technicolor BRODERICK CRAWFORD BARBARA HALE LLOYD BRIDGES Added Attraction & "The POWERS GIRL" Murphy, Carole Lan- dis, Dennis Day, Ann Shirley Benny Goodman's Orchestra George Plus NEWS and CARTOON a After Sunday Midnight Mon., Tue., Jan. 26, 27 Matinee Monday at 4 p.m. THE MOTION PICTURE THAT -- | REACHES DEEP INSIDE YOU. Mizacle OF OUR LADY OF Fatima --------------_-- > CANAPAR Cookery Parchment Preserves all Vitamins and Mineral Salts ~- > ed and well-known in the lumber SAVES - RocdeNaltes Fuel Space [Deith- industry, were established by ag y their respective families three t washing. generations ago--William Milne } and Sons Limited in 1870 and R. KEEPS - Flavors in Food, Odors out of the Laidlaw Lumber Co. Limited in { 1871. Active management of f y House. each of these companies has been § Use the same sheet again and again. continuously carried on by fam- ily members. Canada and the United States have been at peace for 139 years. "The chain of habit coils itself around the heart like a serpent, to gnaw and stifle it,."--Hazlitt. 35c per Package The HAILEYBURIAN 'WARNERCOLOR & Added Attraction "THE THREE MUSKETEERS" Wed., ess = 28, 29 BIG SKY KIRK DOUGLAS ELIZABETH THREAT1 --Added Attraction-- "HURRICANE AT " PLIGRIM HILL" Virginia Grey, David Bruce at eight o'clock ir 4 out and all those people from Co- balt. That the thermometer hit 32 Lelow on Wednesday but it will ye all over soon... . another Almanac which we have but which very few people are privi feged to get their hands on calls for a thaw on the 22nd which will continue to the 28th .... After that it will freeze again and later on it will thaw again. That to date over a thousand licenses (drivers, passenger mo- tor vehicle and commercial) have been sold from A. W. Sanderon's Store... . his is an increase of over 900 as compared to last year ---- That he was five years old . he walked into his little friend's house, looked up at a picture of a winter scene on the wall of a far- mer and a team coming down the road from the farm in the dis- tance... . and after a long time and with a mighty sigh said "Gee have those horses ever come a long way'. = ry Our Want. Ads. CASS 'cOBALT) Fri., Sat., Jan. 23rd, 24th § HANGMAN'S KNOT (Technicolor) RANDOLPH SCOTT DONNA REED CLAUDE JARMAN JR. Added "ISLAND OF DESIRE" 'Technicolor Linda Darnell, Tab Hunter Attraction Also COLORED CARTOON § Jan. 26, 27 Moin, Tusk Last of the Comanches (Technicolor) - BRODERICK CRAWFORD BARBARA HALE ; ---- Added Attraction --- "The POWERS GIRL" George Murphy, Ann Shir- § Day, Benny Goodman and His Orchestra § ley, Dennis NEWS and CARTOON§ Plus: Li a Wed., Thur., Jan. 28, 29 | THE MOTION PICTURE THAT REACHES DEEP INSIDE YOU WARNERCOLOR Added Attraction "THE THREE MUSKETEERS"