Page Six THE HAILEYBURIAN THURS., FEBRUARY. 26, 1953- 'Round the Town: me 'Alien Melesae. is visiting in town from Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dean left on Monday for a week's visit in Toronto. Mrs. Jack Whorley spent the week-end visiting with friends in Kolphtown, Mrs. C. C. D. Pringle is visit- 7. ing with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Davis in Dunnville, Ont. Mrs, Evelyin Douglas returned > this week from a spring buying trip to Montreal and Toronto. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Gra- ham Hennessy on Sunday, Feb- ruary 22, at Misericordia Hos- pital, a daughter--Holly. Messrs. Jack Hughes, Billy Hughes, Basil Treen, Frank Plaunt, Al. Hargrave and Lorne Wiseman motored to Toronto at the week-end to attend the hoc- * key game between the Leafs and the Bruins. Mrs. Eugene Belanger After an illness of three weeks, Mrs. Eugene Belanger, well known resident of Hailybury, died at her home on Amwell street on Monday, February 23rd. She had been a patient in Miser- icordia for a week of her illness. Mrs. Belanger, the former Pamela Barrette, was born in St. Didse, Quebec in 1883. She married Mr. B elanger in 1908 at Laverlochere, and in 1909 they came to live in Haileybury where Mr. Belanger has operat- ed a transfer business for many years. Besides her husband, she is sur: vived by one daughter, Cordelia (Mrs. Jean Louis Belanger) New Liskeard and two' sons, Wilfrid of Toronto and Lionel. at home There are also two grandchildren Irene and Cecile of Toronto. Father L. Brunette officiated at the funeral service on Wednes- day morning. The _ pallbearers were two brothers, Frank Belan- ger of Toronto and Jules Belan- ger of Rouyn, Frank and Jeremi Brazeau of Haileybury, Adger Falerdeau of Laverlochere and Edward Barrette of Rouyn. Condens ensed Ads FOR SALE BY TENDER-- House on north side of Black- wall between Georgina and Ferguson Ave. 7 rooms, glass- ed in verandah, Tenders to remain Open until 5 p.m. March 9, 1953. Highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. C.C.D. Pringle Clerk-Treasurer Town of Haileybury. 51-2¢ APARTMENT FOR RENT -- Heated. Four rooms and full Bathroom. Phone 379. Occu- pancy March Ist. 51-1-c FOR SALE--Six-room House, stone foundation, stoker 'and two lots. Half cash. Apply at 110 Rorke Ave., Haileybury or Phone 515, _ oileike RAWLEIGH BUSINESS -- open in Temiskaming County. Trade well established. Excel- lent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. B.224-189, Montreal. "~ENDERS FOR SALE--1 60- cwt. 4x4 Chevrolet Army-type Truck with box and hoist, all in good condition. Tenders to be in on or before Mar. 7, 1953. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be addressed to Charles E. =| Dakins, Clerk-Treasurer, Towns ship of Coleman, Box 372, Co- balt, Ont. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT-- Apply P. M. Fleming, Phone 9. Haileybury. 49-tf-c FOR SALE--Duplex House on Blackwall S- Phone 379, Hail- eybury. 49-4-* NURSERY-- Commencing Mon- day, February 16th. Open af- ternoons and evenings. Nur- sery -for anyone wishing to leave children by the hour, One door north of the Library Ap- San only. Phone 624. 49-3-* 'HOUSE FOR SALE--Apply E. M. McCuaig, Realtor, Phone eal35.. 5 '- 47-tf-c $1.00 TRIAL OFFER--Twenty- five de. luxe Personal Require- ments. Latest catalogue in- cluded. The Medico Agency 109 Front St. East, Toronto. . now} 50-2-c ~ Sa eae You Ought To Know OCC VCC Teue pououuw ihat the Ladies of the Legion were overjoyed to have citizens turn out and fill up all the seats at the last Bingo. . Mrs. Ben Bour- get won the blackout special and Romeo Dupuis was the "Bingo" shouter for the $10.00 special . next Tuesday, the winner of the grand prize can take home $95.00 . Mrs. Taylor has a_ special word of thanks for all helpers. That on Sunday, March lst, at 11.30 EST, the Ruby Dunn Wath- en Memorial Choir (formerly New Liskeard Ladies' Philhar- monic Choir) will be heard in a thirty-minute broadcast of choral music- originating in 'Toronto where the choir will be visiting to eae part in the Kiwanis Mu- > Festival. That we've just heard about the novice who couldn't stand it any longer ... 1 mean this uranium rush and being left at the starting post . . . so she nervously placed her orderina hushed voice for 50 shares of Inspiration and left two elements on high . when it started to go down her ee sank and she phone in to sell . when her broker said "Do you want to get rid of it at market" she said "Oh heavene no T just want to do it all through Doher- ty Roadhouse." That the Fire Chief has a word of friendly warning for those delightfully inefficient home- steaders who expect the chim- neys to go on functioning forever without attention... alternate mild weather and cold spells in- crease the danger of chimney fires so look to your pipes. That we didn't know it could happen but it has... we have a letter from a Toronto friend this week who is not caring for the obvious crack down this year on a lot of obscure points of law in the Highway Traffic Act... ..a $5.00 fine for driving with a li- cense plate obscured by snow. . . considering that it has only snow- ed twice in the big city, it was hard to take .. . and what does ihe Act say? ... "The number plates shall be kept free from dirt and obstruction and shall be so affixed that -the numbers thereon shall not be obscured or obstructed by spare tires, bump- er bars or by any part of the mo- or vehicle or trailer or attach- ments thereto, or by the load carried." That we are still on the- mar ket 'tis being said around that if Gunnar goes down there will be many, oh so many, choice lots for sale at 10c in ye little old town of Haileybury. That March is just around the corner. . . this is the month that puts the whether in the weather predictions .... for March is neither winter nor spring and fair weather or foul, is about as pre- © dictable as March hares so with the weatherman, it's just a matter of guessing -- whether twill be or whether 'twon't . . . -March rain, snow, fog or sleet. . weather can't be beat. That we have received a report from a reader that crows were spotted sitting on a fence in New Liskeard ... is there something the matter with the fences in Haileybury? That a garden lover reports plum blossoms have been brought in to force and are a mass of Blooms. That the iceberg patrol* begins in March and wé:do not know where it's going. That representatives of Rotary Clubs in Northern Ontario met in Kirkland Lake on Saturday to discuss the construction of a camp for crippled children... Mr. H. Brown represented the local club best _ site suggested was Sesekinika because of the central locality, its proximity to the rail- road, its easy accessibility to mo- torists and its fine sandy beach. That a pretty green butterfly and a common housefly made their appearance last week in The Haileyburian office we would appreciate reports on any such wildlife heralding spring. That a reader reports on the appearance of beautiful 8" pileat- ed woodpeckers. . you'll know them by the streak of red on their head, That the Banks are going to be nice about this whole thing and let you turn in those excise stamps you're stuck with. That we'd like to extend sympa- thy to Pat McVeigh who was teats a lovely time skating on the ib alee with her children only to fall and fracture her wrist. That Jim Tidal sent gay Scotch feathers from Sudbury to the McAlay rink for good luck in the Ladies' Spel That to Miss eel Lockerby of Owen Sound goes the honor of being appointed the first full- time dietitian for the Diabetic Association of Ontario . . ,»Lockerby, who is a niece of Mrs. G. A. Bagshaw, was formerly ( associated with the Guelph Gen- eral Hospital. That the C., P. & T. Commit- tee sponsored by the Rebekahs met at the home of Mrs. A. Har- grave on Friday night .... the committee's funds will go to aid community work in this field. That oft on a Monday night, Department chains have bound them, but as of Saturday, Febru- anys 2Sthi wits) officials. Nin Mayor and Mr. Councillor, you are on your own. Miss s Doran are fishing pickerel when they are not skating for the Kins- men Midgets... last week they took five nice sized fish from the Lake. Funeral Services Held For Mrs. C. E. Taylor Canon Goodier officiated on Saturday afternoon at the com- mittal service at Mount Pleasant Cemetery for Mrs C. Lk. Taylor of Timmins. The funeral service was held on Friday in St. Mat- thew's Church, Timmins, with the Very Rev. C. C. Robinson, Dean of Moosonee, conducting the ser- vice. Mrs. Taylor was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. George Caldbick, one of the North's pioneer families. Married to Dr. Taylor on De- cember 10th, 1923, Mrs. Taylor went to Timmins at that time and had continued to reside there ever since. Surviving are her husband and three sons. The sons are Bruce who is in Mexico; George, medical student at the University ot Ottawa;, and Lorne, studying at the Ryerson Institute in To- ronto, [here are two grand- children, Mrs Taylor is survived also by four brothers and' two sisters. The brothers are Crown Attorney S. A. Caldbick, Q.C., in Timmins ; Joseph in Seattle, Wash. ; ; Group Captain Dr George Caldbick with the R.C.A.F. at Ottawa, and Ed- ward in Montreal. The sisters are Mrs, Albert Cain (Jane) in fimmins and Mrs, Larry Bren- nan (Helen) in Toronto. Pallbearers for the service here were A. W. Sanderson, Gra- ham Hennessy, Clarence Tuer Dr. J. C. A. Crawford, Stewart Hayward and Milt Boyd. Card of Thanks We wish to extend our heart- BEAUTY AND THE BEASI- Hayter isnt' ing. animal was flown down to school broadcasts between the C.B.C. Ontario children, Broadcasting Commission, the first to hear these programs. portunity to name the Echidna. and sent it to the CBC's Toronto of letters were received. A rable thought, Better known as an*Australian selected Aelaiuc Patricia -TCA Stewardess sure what to make oj the Echidna she's hold- anteater, the exchange of the Australian who will be They were given the ap- Each school picked a name studios --many hundreds panel of judges, after consid- as the best. spiny inaugurate an and EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard single Will. -. Mon. to Sat--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "MANON" (Adult Entertainment) Serge Reggiani Cecile Aubry "The Brats" with Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nite's FOTO- NITE OFFER This Weeks Foto-Nite Cosh Offers total $1,065.00 FRIDAY - SATURDAY with Randolph Scott Mian in the Saddle Shorts and Cartoon FEB. 27th and 28th Joan Leslie TO ALL THE BONSPIEL COMMITTEES and those who helped in any way during our Bonspiel, February 9th to 14th I WISH TO EXTEND MY SINCEREST THANKS A. C. Mosher, Bonspiel Chairman MON., TUES., Cartoon and News Cyrano de Bergerac with JOSE FERRER Mar. and od 3rd Matinee Monday at 4.15 p.m. WED - THURS. with BILLY DANIELS Rainbow Round My Shouider Short and Cartoon Mar. 4th and 5th _ FRANKIE LANE That Gordon Seinally and nate felt thanks and appreciation for , our loving mother. Also those who were kind enough a the acts of kindness, messages sympathy and _ beautiful floral : tributes received from our many § relatives, triends and neighbors enemies during the illness and death of s Fri., Sat., Feb. 27th, 28th We especial- Wish to thank Mrs. Point and Dr. Gibson of Arnold. ly Dawson's MY PAL GUS RICHARD WIDMARK JOANNE DRU AUDREY TOTTER to loan their cars. __The Villenueve Family Added "ROBINSON CRUSOE LAND" Oliver Attraction Fri, Sat., Feb. 27th, 28th & MONKEY BUSINESS CARY, GRANT MARILYN MONROE GINGER ROGERS CHARLES COBURN Stan Laurel, Hardy Also NEWS and CARTOON Rte sihacy Midnight ONDAY, MARCH 2nd Assignment Paris DANA ANDREWS MARTA TOREN GEORGE SAUNDERS AUDREY TOTTER Added Attraction # "MONTANA BELLE" in Color Jane Russell --Added Attraction-- IT GROWS ON TREES" [rene Dunne, Jagger George Brent Plus: COLORED CARTOON Dean MON., TUES., MAR 2, MY PAL GUS aioe Gis pe Onl TUESDAY, MARCH 3rd Matinee at 4.00 p.m. iI'wo Complete Evening Show at 7 and 9 pm. (i = RICHARD WIDMARK M-G-M, produce? . JOANNE DRU Ane screen's Biggest : nts the Added Attraction g§ ne nicolor spectacular iS f "ROBINSON CRUSOE picturization © ae LAND" giR WALTER SCO Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy Plus: NEWS and CARTOON ft Playing One Day Only E Wednesday, MARCH 4 STARLING ROBERT TAYLOR ELIZABETH TAYLOR FONTAINE Matinee at 4.00 p.m. Iwo Complete Evening Shows: at 7 and 9. pm. = z SIR WALTER SCOTT'S EORGE Typtticcen SANDERS ROBERT EMLYN TAYLOR ie WILLIAMS ELIZABETH -- TAYLOR ans has been hereto- ore shown at roadshow FONTAINE prices, viz. $1.00 in evening for adults and 75c in the af- ternoon. This theatre has been successful in complet- ing arrangements whereby we will play IVANHOE at the following prices: GEORGE SANDERS WILLIAMS ee ; : Evenings: Adults______ 75¢ Special Admission Prices Children __ 35¢] for this Program: Matinee: Fs , Adults ; <2) oe os ae: 50c Evenings: Adults Ghildren eee 25¢ Children __ 35c;j All prices including tax. PASS LIST SUSPENDED Matinee: Adults Children All prices including tax. Wed., Thurs., Mar. 4, 5 THE REDHEAD FROM WYOMING (Technicolor) MAUREEN O'HARA - ALEX NICOL A PASS LIST SUSPENDED | Assignment Paris DANA ANDREWS MARTA TOREN GEORGE SAUNDERS AUDREY_TOTTER --Second Feature "SONG OF THE OPEN ROAD' Jane Powell, Edgar Bergen "and Charlie McCarthy 'IT GROWS ON TREES" # Irene Dunne, Dean Jagger