The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 5 Mar 1953, p. 4

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/ Page Six THURSDAY, MARCH 5th, 1953 Round the Town Mr. and Mrs. 5. Bond lett this week tor Sudbury to watch the Dominion curling finals ithe W.A, ot the United Church will hold their annual spring tea on Saturday, March 28th John Fancy, Clarence Watson and jim Lngland are spending the week-end at Mont Lremblant Cliff Lowery is in Sudbury this week where he will see the Dom- inion curling champions in action. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allard have returned home aiter a month's holiday trip to Mexico and Mi- ami, Florida. Dr. and Mrs. J. Genyck left on Saturday for Hamilton, where Dr Genyck plans to go into gen- eral practice. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Gardiner are leaving this week-end for To- ronto where they will attend the Prospectors convention. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Umphrey will attend the Prospectors Con- vention in loronto after watch- ing the Brier Curling in Sudbury. Max Whitby, lan MacDiarmid Hubert Doran, Terry Smith and Carm Donegan were in Sudbury to see some games in the Brier Curling finals. The W.A. of St. Paul's Church will hold their annual bean sup- per on Thursday, March 19th in the parish hall. Admission: Ad- ults 75c, Children 35c. Miss Joan Cooper of Kirkland Lake and Mr. B. Crocker and sons of Kirkland Lake were amon gthe out-of-town guests at the Ski Club on Sunday. Mrs. A. Speicher returned home last week from a_ three-week visit with her son, Neil of Toron- to and with her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Watson and Rey. Watson in Gravenhurst. Attention! meeting of the Ladies' Curling Section of the Co-Haileybury Curling Club will be held in the Curling Club on Sunday, March 8th at 1.30 p.m. Mrs. Alex Mosher left onWed- nesday to join her husband in Sudbury where they will see the Brier curling before going on fo |Condensed Ads MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business. Sell to 1500 families. Good profits for hustlers. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept. B-224- S, Montreal. FOR SALE--Oak book-keeping desk, six feet long with three drawers Good condition. Phone 8, Haileybury. 52-|-c FOR RENT--Five-room House in Cobalt. All freshly decorated. Two-piece bathroom. No child- ren preferred. Apply 119 Mar- cella St., Haileybury or phone 169, Mrs. Last Haileybury. 52-1-c ROOM AND BOARD AVAIL- ABLE. Call 234. 52-1-*. FOR SALE--Six-room modern Bungalow. Phone 527. | 52-2c FOUND--At the School follow- ing the oratorical contest, one pair of glasses--no case. Own- er please phone the Principal. CARPENTER Available for first- class work in any field. Good references. -Phone 667-W. Ev. ariste Rivard. 52-2* FOR SALE--Duplex House on Blackwall St. Phone 379, Hail- eybury. 52-4-* FOR SALE" BY _TENDER-- House on north side of Black- wall between Georgina and Ferguson Ave. 7 rooms, glass- ed in verandah. Tenders to remain open until 5 p.m. March 9, 1953. Highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. C.C.D. Pringle Clerk-Treasurer Town of Haileybury. 51-2c OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT-- Apply P. M. Fleming, Phone 9. , Haileybury. 49-tf-c FOR SALE--Duplex House on Blackwall S- Phone 379, Hail- eybury. ° 49-4-* $1.00 TRIAL OFFER--Twenty- five de luxe Personal Require- ments. Latest catalogue in- cluded. The Medico Agency 109 Front St. East, Toronto. Curlers! A general - -- Toronto to attend the Prospec- tors convention. Mrs. W. C. Inch left on Tues- day night to visit with her son, Ball, and family in Sudbury. Mr. Inch and Arthur will join them later in the week to see the curl- ing for the Dominion title. Mrs. Murray Cawley and Mrs. M. Mitchell of Noranda were in town last week-end to attend the mixed bonspiel. Mrs. Cawley visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Speicher. A. W. Sanderson, District Dep- uty Grand Master of the Masonic Lodge for Nipissing East district made an official visit to Matta- wa Lodge on Tuesday evening, He was accompanied by D. H. Millar. ; Mrs. A. B Davis has been a patient in the Belleville Hospital tor the past week. Her many friends will be glad to hear that Mrs. Davis is making favorable progress but will be in hospital for at least two more weeks, George Mawhinney of Sudbury visited Mrs. O. Childs on_Monday. en route to Englehart where he visited with his mother Mrs. M. Mawhinney, who returned to Sudbury with him for an extend- ed visit. Miss Margaret MacLeod was home last week-end to visit with her mother, Mrs. G., MacLeod, who has been ill in the /Misericor- dia * Hospital for the past ten days. Friends will be glad to know that Mrs. MacLeod is home and making favorable progress. You Ought To Know You Ought'to Knuow AP&i-- That you may think that it's cold here sometimes but Rusty Smith doesn't think we know anything about severe weather from Yukeno Mines where he: has been working for a year. Rusty wrote to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, enclosing a picture of a bird hovering over this observation: 2 'This bird looks just like a buzzard, It's large, it's hideous, it's old, In the night as it circles the North Pole. Crying Kee, Kee, Kee-ripes but it's cold!" That in the World Day of Prayer Service at the United Church, Mrs. C. E. Palmer _ re- presented the Baptist Church. . we had-Mrs. A Palmer in list. our That when you are parking your car, you can't be too careful about that brake of yours, whe- ther it's on the hills of home or the main street ....quick think- ing by Councillor H. A. Day averted what might have been worse last week .....a parked car in front of the pest office took off and headed out into the main street and across the road ... Mr. Day lost no time getting into action and got the vehicle out of the way of oncoming traffic whizzing into town from the North, That the Rotary International Conference begins tomorrow at Bath. That, weatherwise, it's just like the stock market ....anything can happen the almanac says the thermomenter may go down, it may go up, it may rain, it may fog, it may snow ...there's a surprise in store for you in the middle of March .. .but later. That Junior members of the Sunday School had a fine time on Friday evening when teachers Miss Jean McVittie and Miss Muriel Rice piled them all on a sleigh for a ride to Nelson's Cor- ner....and then back to the Sun- day School room for hot choco- late buns and beans That under the leadership of Mrs. A. T. Denholm, the Junior Choir of the United Church was outstanding on Sunday morning as they sang "Pleasant Are) Thy Courts Above" in three-part har-- mony. That thesun_shines down on a fresh blanket of snow and the place to enjoy all the beauties of the outdoors is the Northern Ski FATHER AND SON DAY IN THE AIR Proud Mother: the Crosby family. Piloting aircraft has become a tradition in Here TCA Capt. Jack Crosby, who has peenflying for many years, pins pilot's wings on his son Jack at a wings parade at Dorval yesterday. Mrs. Crosby, who is looking on, says that of her three other children, her oldest daughter and her other son want to becom pilots too. The Crosbys are the first father-son team to be connected with "he B.C.andthey flew up to Mont Their home is in Westminster, operational side of the airline. eal for the ceremony. Club on Sunday .... it's parents' Day so plan to enjoy the activity or just enjoy watching it all from comfortable Cape Cod chair in the March air. That Wednesday afterncon 26 ...a flock of crows were seen heading northwest. That everyone had a wonderful time at the Legion Ladies' Sleigh Ride last Thursday ... Lawrence Flemings team of horses took everyone out west to Nelson's ... Mrs, McGillivray, Mrs. Childs and Mrs McNaught had the tables beautifully and the bean supper piping hot for the sleigh riders on their return ....round and square dancing was enjoyed into the hours. That the McAulay family had alucky day at the Ladies' Bon- spiel--Ness McAulay won a pair of gloves and Glenice McAulay held the lucky number to win a scarf ,... Mrs. K. Gartshore won two pair of nylons ... draws were made at the Wednesday banquet...because she was the best sweeper in the Colt Class, Claudette Tessier won an um- brella. : That the culture of fruit in most home gardens can be both anintereting hobby and a profit- able undertaking. But this can- not be achieved unless the highly probable pitfall of selecting spe- cies or types of fruit which are unsuitable are avoided. Informa- tion on the selection of varieties need not be guesswork but may ' be obtained from the Department of Agriculture. If planting is be- ing done for family use, remem- ber that a 15-year-old MacIntosh apple tree yields more than ten bushels of apples; a thirty-foor row of rasperries will yield 15 quarts; a _ thirty-foot row. of strawberries should yield twenty quarts. : That the Doctors and Staff of the Sanatorium presented Dr. at..-- night Genyck and his wife with a pop- up toaster, blankets and towels to take with them to their new home in Hamilton ....both of the Genycks received their li- encse while at the Hospital here Dr. Genyck, who was a sur- geon in Poland thinks of going into general practice in Hamilton and she is also planning to go into some branch of work in medicine. that the term ot lY52 Ontario Vehicles permits, other tuan Commercial motor vehicle aud Jrailer permits, and the term ot all drivers licenses has been extended to midnight, March 18. the term ot commercial motor velicle and trailer permits has been extended to midnight, March aVLOtOr 29. No turther extension will be granted ....and in closing, let it be known that we hereby deem the whole thing less contusing it we could get the agony over with at once and have no extensions. That Northern Light Rebekah Lodge catered at the Mixed Bon- spiel ...special thanks to Mrs. O. Childs, convener. That Bill Inch was drawmaster for the Mixed Bonspiel and curl- ers would like to say "Thanks" for the smooth running of the draw. That the Haileybury Art Club is indeed fortunate in obtaining the Adrian Verdonk collection ot paintings which will be on dis- play in the High School on March 28th and 29th. Mr. Verdonk isa distinguished Dutch painter who has won wide acclaim in Europe and Canada ..... remember this date for seldom is this opportu- nity to study the work of a great artist presented. That Mrs. Basil Treen won the $10.00 special at the Ladies' Le- gion Bingo on Tuesday might ... Emile Letellier won the blackout special_....$2.00 winners were EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. single bill. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "Rainbow 'Round My Shoulder" --Franiek Lane, Billy Daniels This Week's THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nite's FOTO- NITE OFFER Foto-Nite Cash Offers Total $1,080.00 FRIDAY - SATURDAY with WILLIAM TRACY Plus: MUTINY with PATRIC KNOWLES ANGELA LANSBURY AS YOU WERE CARTOON MARCH 6th and 7th JOE SAWYER MON., TUES., THE WORLD with GREGORY PECK Buddy Morrow Orchestra, News MARCH 9th and 10th IN HIS ARMS ANN BLYTH WED - THURS. : with LOUIS HAYWARD CAPTAIN PIRATE moe Three Stooges, Cartoon & News MARCH llth and 12th "PATRICIA MEDINA -- Matinee Wednesday at 4.15 ee Mrs. O. Childs and Mrs. Lloyd Dempster ...and it's $95.00,in the jackpot Tuesday, the 17th. That the average jack rabbit can keep up a top speed of thirty- five or forty miles an hour for a considerable distance .....which puts the jack rabbit right up with the rest of this present civiliza- tion. a €anada is the third greatest trading nation in the world, Employment in the Canadian primary textile industry slumped from a postwar peak of 106.000 in February of 1951 to a low of 82,- 000 in July of 1952. Currently, there are abut 95,800 employed. A recent report from Vienna tells of a field gun so well camo- uflaged by the retreating Germans near the end of the war that it wasn't found until last month, It was already loaded and ready to hre. Over the past five years the federal government's tax -collec- tions have provided a surplus of income Over government spend- ing of more than $1,000,00 a day. = TEMISKAMING UPHOLSTERING Phone 888; Res. 247-J Haileybury -- Last Times Today Thursday, March 5th Cobalt--Friday, Saturday March 6th, 7th The Redhead from Wyoming Color by Technicolor MAUREEN O'HARA ALEX NICOL Added Attraction Song of the Open Road Jane POWELL, EDGAR BERGEN & CHARLIE McCARTHY Haileybury--Friday and Saturday Cobalt--Monday and Tuesday: March 6th and 7th March 9th and 10th > Wek Z eb OJ Meas cows TONY CURTIS: PIPER LAURIE >" UNIVERSALINTERNATIONAL presents TOLOR BY 'B TORI eCHNIcoH |) SUSAN CABOT- WILLIAM REYNOLDS - HUGH O'BRIAN - VICTOR JORY practed y KURT NEUMANN © stay and Scropiayby GERALD DRAYSON ADAMS © prosices oy LEONARD GOLDSTEIN Added Attraction Outlaw MARIE WINDSOR Women in Color CARLA BALINDA Plus News and Colored Cartoon. Haileybury--Sun. Mid., Mon., Tues. MARCH 9th and 10th Adult THE CASE FOR THE DOUBLE BED... e From Broadway's heartwarming success about successful marriage' Added Attraction G I Jane JEAN PORTER Cobalt--Wed. and Thurs. MARCH 11th, and 12th Entertainment ILL S palmer CCIOL CO) Ouse MORO® 10 671030") 10/0 © 6.6 ove o ».6 10» TOM NEAL Haileybury--WED. and THURS. MARCH 11th and 12th Cobalt--FRI. and SAT. March 13th and 14th Added Attractio Willie and Joe in Back at the Front | TOM EWELL HARVEY LEMBECK

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