The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 19 Mar 1953, p. 4

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Page Six THE HAILEYBURIAN Round the Towa Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Murphy flew to Moosejaw last week. Mrs, Frank Leslie is visiting with her son, Donald, in Hamilton Mrs. Fred hompson left on Wednesday for a holiday visit in Toronto. Mrs. N. J. Blanchette is in Toronto visiting with Mrs. J. M Powelson. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Fleming re- turned home on Sunday from a trip to Toronto. Mrs. J. Hough of Miami Shores Florida, is visiting with her mo- ther, Mrs. T. Pipe. e Mr. J. H. Murphy has return- ed home after a month's visit in Tucson, Arizona. Mrs. J. A. MacArthur, who isa patient in the hospital, is prog- ressing favourably. Mrs. A. W. Stollery and_ her son, Gordon, left on Wednesday tor a week's visit in Toronto. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Vern Daughney on Monday March i6 at the Misercordia Hospital, a son Mr. and Mrs. H. Jensen return- ed home on Friday after attend- ing the Prospectors Convenion in Toronto Mrs. K. Hennessy of Chapeau Que., formerly of Haileybury is visiting in town with her son, M. J. Hennessy and Mrs. Hen- nessy. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mitchell and sons, Ronald and Douglas of Kirkland Lake, spent the week end with Mrs. Mitchell's mother, Mrs. N. J. McAulay Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Sheculski of South Porcupine, formerly Haileybury residents, were in town last week, the guests of Mr and Mrs. Arnold Dempster. Mrs. H. G. Pickard left ~on Monday for Toronto, where she will attend the annual meeting of the Ontario Division of the Red Cross at Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Fred Burgener and _ her children, Janice and Robert, of Toronto are visiting with Mrs Burgener's parents, Mr. and Mrs R. D. Cumming, Lake Shore Road e P/O John Inch is home. for a two weeks' furlough with his pa~ rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Inch. P/O Inch is presently stationed at Stevenson Field, Winnipeg, where he is servile on the staff. Mrs. A. L. Herbert and mem- bers of her family left on Wed- nesday to attend the funeral of Mr. Herbert's brother-in-law Mr. W. Perry in Sudbury. ~ Mr. Herbert, who has been in Toronto for the Prospectors Convention will join them in Sudbury. A trio of Mr. O. Miss Dorothy Hartley, I. Walli,violin 'cello and Condensed Ads HEATED APARTMENT to let. Hot and cold water. ,No child- ren, Apply M. Assaf, York Hotel London, Ont, 2-1-x FOR SALE--Newly built bunga- low thrée bedrooms. Oil heat. Fireplace and four-piece bath. Phone 548 after 6 p.m. 2-tf SOCKS DARNED, Must be clean Phone 549-W. Mrs. George Kranz, Elliptt St. 2-1-x WOOD FOR SALE--Green birch $5.50 a cord; jack pine, $5.00 a cord. Call 829 Haileybury. y 1-4-c WANTED -- Reliable man as dealer in Temiskaming Coun- ty. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big Profits. Products -furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C-224- 163, Montreal. 211-c HOUSE FOR SALE--Apply E. M. McCuaig, Realtor. Phone 135. I-c FOR SALE--Duplex House on Blackwall St. Phone 379, Hail- eybury. 52-4-* OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT-- Apply P. M. Fleming, Phone 9. Haileybury, 49-tf-c THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1953 -- ---- SS et = Miss W. Keller, at the piano, gave ing the instalation of a speed trap Donaldson will be heard in recita] i222 iin aes ge srr their audience the spirit of the day with ""When Irish Eyes Are Smiling" followed by "Poems' "Dance Gypsy Dance" and "Kiss Me Again" : Miss Janet Douglas of Toronto was in town last week-end to visit with hér mother, Mrs. E. Doug- las, who is a patient in Miseri- cordia Hospital. Mrs. Douglas is progressing favourably after a nasty fall down the stairs of her shoppe. You Ought To Know That the guest speaker at the next Carrie Gray meeting on March 30th will be Miss _ Elsie Hosie of New Liskeard who will speak on "Famous Bible Women" aK That Mrs Norman Reilly, Dist- rict Trainer for Guides, who now makes her home in Kirkland Lake is a former Haileybury girl_-_- Alice Jones worked for many years in the Provincial Police ot- fice here and was responsible for the organization of a Guide pack here. oI That Clarence Connelly willbe host at one of the nicest parties in town in a long, long time___- Saturday night at the Legion Hall the Kinsmen Midget hoc- key team, their coach Arthur Stollery, managers Chas Camsell and John Hallworth will sit down to a turkey dinner__like a lot of other people in town this winter Mr. Connelly thought the young Midgets played a fine*season of hockey____in fact he told them if they beat Cobalt in the Series they played that they would be rewarded with the turkey dinner --.-so now all they have to do is eat it. oto IK That interest in education has flared to a new high___-it's a healthy sign and we are happy to learn that next week Mrs. I. C. Harris will answer Mrs. A. H. Cooke's reply to his talk given to the Home and School recently. so That the greatest miracle on earth is in the air and every- --it's free for nothing__ --you don't need a permit, you don't need a union card and the state has no monopoly. OK That the District Wildlife Man- agement officer for the Depart- ment of Lands and Forests has niade an aerial check of the 4.672 mile forestry district and has only seen twelve deer____during the survey he did not see a single wolf but saw twenty-six moose. so where That New Liskeard is consider- Did you know that.. @ f =) THE MAN WHO INVENTED THE. FIRST GASOLINE-POWERED AUTOMOBILE, SAW NO | FUTURE FOR AUTOS ! | WITHOUT DOUBT, THE FAMOUS MARATHON TIRE BY GOODYEAR IS THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. IT'LL GIVE YOU LONG, TROUBLE-FREE MILEAGE AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICE. GUARANTEED, TOO, LIKE ALL GOODYEAR TIRES ; IGHT AWAY ! HAILEYBURY GARAGE . FERGUSON: AVE. | PHONE: 3- : CHEVRULET -- OLDSMOBILE CHEVROLET TRUCKS SALES-@ SERVICE ; REL TE ----indiations are that if mechanical device proves success- music lovers have the opportunity jul, all three towns will probably to enjoy a recital of this nature be operating it. and we look for a good turnout. OOK IO OOK That this is the year when the That Mrs. S. MacGillivray, Mrs lady of the house may get a call F. Plaunt, Mrs. C. Fleming and to serve on a jury___-however Mrs. A. Hargrave attended a so- she gets consideration in this re- cial evening of the Ladies" Aux- spect which does not exist forthe iliary in New Liskeard. Others man of the house____he must have Who plannd to go were prevented an iron bound excuse whereas due to illness. she is at liberty to stay with the ee Tae mixing bowl. *Flu Epidemic Hits Cobalt SOI IOK a That if we had time to make a_ Nearly sixty-five students were survey of the amount of sand absent from school in Cobalt last used this winter on icy streets week and for a good reason. The and roads, we are sure we could 'flu bug wended its way from come up with a record____off- northern points and hit hard in hand, Town men have probably the silver town. used twice as much as an average a ae eS year and may well have sifted Miners' Licenses Expire four times the normal____no re- The End of the Month ports of broken bones so they've done a good job for the citizens. FOIOKHOK The Mining Recorder's Office has issued a timely warning that That if you are not sending in miner's licenses expire on the 31st guesses to the Pot of Gold at day of March and must be renew- Kirkland. Lake, you are just not ed before that date if the licensee in the game____if you find your wishes to retain his claims, friends not speaking to you on --_--_---- the street, you will know that' [ny the five years 1947-51 Cana- they are dizzy in the hegd2=-2 tans ate 16 per cent more meat "Look in the dark you'll also find per capita on the average than for me"____well, there were more the ye ars 1935-39; average con- people in the dark than the ele- sumption in the more recent phants____and it's excruciating period was 137.4 pounds a year. to think of the man who is reach- ing into the kitchen cupboard for the bicarb and having tins of de- labelled Libby's raining down on his dome____but then, of course if we'd won the $1500 we wouldn't be ranting on like this at all. FORK In Memortan, OSLUND----I9r loving memory of my dear mother, Christina Oslund who passed away March Ist, 1930 Beautiful memories are have left, Of one I love and will never forget. That an idea which has been falked about for many years in New Liskeard may soon become a realization____the Town Plan- ning Board headed by Lorne Woods launched a $10,000 beach- front improvement scheme last week which they hope will make } New Liskeard Beach the envy of Ontario summer recreation re- sorts___.most of the property difficulties which had confronted the beach development scheme have been ironed out__-_technica} difficulties such as filling in can -- be overcome at once by taking| out two lagoons_-___Mr, Woods, hopes the taking out of the firs' lagoon will begin at once____thy entire project sounds like an ar->7 } Hitious one____citizens through- out the district have enjoyed, many a sunny afternoon at the beach and will watch the develop- ment with interest. Jo That Cpl. A. C. Dempster sery- ing with the RCAF at White Horse is keeping up the family reputation on the curling lanes ----although he hasn't matched his parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. C. Dempster on that seven end score up inthe mixed bonspiel, he was vice on a rink which won the main event. at the bonspiel held at White Horse__._they also took the International trophy at the 'spiel in Fairbanks , Alaska ____ the trophy is three and a half feet antl 1 --Daughter, Emma. TEMISKAMING UPHOLSTERING Phone 888; Res. 247-J "Siler Salish * @ INTERNATIONAL New! siver pousn Developed by world's largest silverware maker This magic housekeeping help is gentles rubs away tarnish, not silver, and is kind to your hands, Yet the scientific triple-action formula speeds away tar- nish with only the lightest and most effortless rubbing, In convenient liquid form, it's a joy to use, high____several other prizes also : ' went their way, so it's congraula- COME IN AND GET iations to Bud Dempster. < YOUR FREE SAMPLE ACK OK A.W. SANDERSON Jeweller That tonight, pupils of Miss Edna Maher and Miss Margaret EMPIR Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. single bill THEATRE NewLiskeard Show at 7 and 9pm On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 pm LAST TIMES TODAY "APRIL IN PARIS" with DORIS DAY, RAY BOLGER THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nite's FOTO- : NITE OFFER This Week's Foto-Nite Cash Offers total--$1,110.00 FRIDAY - SATURDAY MARCH 20th and 21st Montana Territory WANDA HENDRIX with LON McALLISTER Added Attraction Spooks Run Wild with LEO GORCEY BELA LUGOSI Plus: CARTOON MON., TUES., MARCH 23rd and 24th The Golden Hawk _ with RHONDA FLEMING, STERLING HAYDEN Short, Cartoon and News Matinee Monday at 4.15 p.m. WED - \THURS. mae MARCH 25th and 26th _. Assignment in Paris =with-DANA- ANDREWS - . - MARTA TOREN™ ~~~ Short and News » this at the Blue Room___-_seldom do Haileybury -- Last Times Today Cobalt--Friday, Saturday THURSDAY, MARCH 19th FRI., SAT., MAR. 20th and 21s "EIGHT IRON MEN" & "BREAKDOWN" Haileybury--Friday and Saturday Cobalt--Monday and Tuesday MARCH 20th, 21st MARCH 22nd and 23rd Added HIAWATHA Attraction VINCENT EDWARDS YVETTE DUGUAY Plus News and Colored Cartcon in color Haileybury--Sun. Mid., Mon., Tues. MARCH 23rd and 24th Playing Strand Theatre only. Two Shows Nightly, 7 and 9 p.m U | STEWARTGRANGER | The audacious adventurer who impersonates a king! IDEBORAH [SER lovely lady of royalty wooed by the impostor! [LOUIS CALHERN SANE GREER LEwis STONE: ROBERT DOUGLAS wate» JAMESIMASON Né v 'SBSER Ey Wickedest villain in all Christendom, sy Rupert of Hentzau! Plus COLORED CARTOON Cobalt--Wednesday and Thursday, MARCH 25th and 26th! PLAYING CLASSIC THEATRE ONLY THE NEW MARIO LANZA ; MUSICAL! -X& Added Attraction One Wild Oat Starring Stanley Holloway and Robertson Hare Haileybury--WED. and THURS. MARCH 25th and 26th Cobalt--FRI. and SAT. MARCH 27th and 28th! | STARRING DANNY DIRECTED OF : CHAEL eaS20 ox tHe PUN Bt CURTIZ SAMSON RAPHAELSON. scrten pur By FRANK DAVIS & LEONARD STERN ano LEWIS MELTZER + susicas outcrom ay Aer wEmCORY Added Attractio The Docks of New York. THE BOWERY BOYS

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