The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 26 Mar 1953, p. 4

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Page Siz Rouad tae Town home Irwin Lytle returned on Friday after a week's visit to loronto. Miss Rachelle Carr of spending a holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Carr Sudbury. Miss Susan Lafontaine, of Ot- tawa, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Herbert recently. Mrs. C. Thorpe of Beattie Gold Mines, Duparquet, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. H An- gus, Lake Shore Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brearley of North Bay were week-end guests of Mrs. Brearley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Herbert. Mrs. Arthur Major, Elk Lake, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. Major is a patient in the Misericordia Hospital. Mrs. Wm. Burke of Quyon, Que., has returned home after a week's visit with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Herbert. BORN--On Wednesday, March 18th to Lieut. and Mrs. L. G. C. Holtby Corinne Runnalls) of Halifax, a son--Leslie Blair. (nee That they are blooming on the Lake Shore Road too _-__ sweet alyssum and _ pansies are in full bloom in the garden at Danny Hellens' Mrs. Hugh Leach of Montreal and Miss Marlen Mallinson of North Bay were in town this week for the funeral of the late Charles 3erdux, i : Miss Louie MacArthur of Corn- wall was in town last week to see her mother, Mrs. J A. MacAr- thur, who is a patient in Miseri- cordia Hospital. Mrs. WC Miller and: her children returned this week to Kitchener after visiting with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs D. H. Millar. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. John "Meyers of Sudbury were in town last week- to visit with their grandmother, Mrs. A. H.Chesser Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Mitchell, and Mr and Mrs, M. M. Ludgate of Kirkland Lake vistted recently with Mr. and Mrs. George H. Morgan, Lake Shore Road We are sorry to learn that Mrs D. Hogan Sr., is a patient in the Misericordia Hospital after fall- ing and breaking her hip. We wish her a speedy recovery. es ~ Mrs. M. P. Wright left on Wed- nesday for Toronto, where she TEMISKAMING UPHOLSTERING Phone 888; Res. 247-J Condensed Ads HOUSE For Sale--Oil-o-Matic forced hot air heating. Modern Kitchen. Marcella St. Phone Arnold Dempster 84-W or 84-J. 3-t.f.-c FOR RENT--Four-roomed heat- ed Apartment with bathroom. Available April Ist. Phone 379, Haileybury. 3-1-c House For Sale--Six rooms. Oil heating. Browning St. Phone 628. 3-3-* RAWLEIGH BUSINESS Now open in Temiskaming County. Trade well established. Ex- cellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. C224-189, Montreal. -- 3-1 HOUSE FOR SALE--Apply E. M. McCuaig, Realtor. Phone USE, l-c FOR SALE--Duplex House on Blackwall St. Phone 379, Hail- eybury. se 52-4-* FOR SALE--Newly built bunga- low three bedrooms. Oil heat. Fireplace and four-piece bath. Phone 548 after 6 p.m. 2-tf WOOD FOR SALE--Green birch $5.50 a cord; jack pine, $5.00 a cord. .Call 829 Haileybury. : 1-4-e OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT-- Apply P. M. Fleming, Phone 9. Haileybury. 49-tf-c will visit with her daughter, Mrs. George Brooks and Mr. Brooks. Mrs. Wright will also visit in Ottawa with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harvey James. Mr. C. D. Devlin of Toronto visited with his daughters, Mrs. W. E. Bagshaw and Mrs. A. H. ix\ingsmill last week-end. Mr. Devlin, who is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children, was in Kirkland Lake.last week studying the plans for the con- struction of a camp for crippled children of this district at Lake Sesikinika, New London Travel Centre a ees Facilities and services for tra- vellers are being °xpanded in 3ritain to meet the demands of Coronation year. Newest aid to the visitor is a second informia- tion bureau in London. Sitated in Australia House in the Strand, the new centre is primarily in- tended to help Australian guests, but its facilities will be available to all overseas visitors, thus sup- plementing thé main information otfice on St. Jame's Street, near Piccadilly, already used by thou- Co tae sands annually. Information about travel to Britain may be ob- tained in Canada from British Travel Association, in Toronte (327 Bay Street until April, there- after, 90 Adelaide Street, Wst. Fish and Wildlife After issuing several warnings against angling with too many lines and leaving them out over night a general pattol of Trout Lake and Lake Nipissing in the vicinity ,of North Bay was re- cently made on which a total of 151 fishing lines were seized, 37 of these on Trout Lake. One man had as' many as 46 lines set out and paid a fine of $15.50 in court. Investigations are con- tinuine and more prosecutions may follow Dogs in the vicinity of the Vil- lage Temagami have begun their annual run of deer and to date two dogs have been shot for running and killing deer. Offi- cers are endeavouring to trace the ownership of dogs found run- ning deer with a view to prosecu- It is illegal to allow dogs to run at large during the close for deer in a locality which deer usually inhabit or in which they are usually found. of cution season Crown Lands The past ten days has brought unusuallyheavy interest in Crown lands and the volume of enquir- ies regarding summer cottage sites and land available far farm- ing has been greater than normal for this time of year. During the recent mining flur- ry at the city of North Bay the Lands staff was bombarded with enquiries day and night regard- ing the staking of claims. As nearly alf Crown land in the im- mediate vicinity of the city has now been staked the pressur is easing. "When thou are obliged to speak, be sure to speak the truth; for equivocation is half-way to lying, and lying is the whole way to hell."--William Penn, ' THE HAILEYBURIAN Rebekahs Initiate New Member at Regular Meeting The regular meeting of North- ern Light Rebekah Lodge was vheld on Tuesday evening, March 24th with Mrs. M. Hargrave, the Noble Grand, presiding. There was a good attendance. In the absence of the Recording" Secretary, Mrs. E. Adair, through illness, Mrs. A. Rice acted in that capacity. Mrs L. Arthur was_ initiated and welcomed as a new member. Mrs. O. Childs gave a report on illness of the members and cards "and flowers were sent them. Mrs. R. Dinesen was elected representative to the Rebekah Assembly in Toronto in June and Mrs. D. Glazier as representative to the District meeting on April 4th in Cobalt. Other Past Noble Grands desiring to attend call Mrs. T. Gragg. Mrs. Nellie Austin was nomin- ated as being the next District Deputy Grand President or this district for the coming year, There was a two-niinute silence held for the late Queen Mary. The Noble Grand asked for a good turnout of members for the next meeting, as there will be the draping of the Charter, also Ini- tiation. THURS., MARCH 26th,. 1953 Parents Enjoy Teachers' Display of Pupils' Work The "Open House" night held at the Public School this should reflect high credit on the teaching staff of Miss C. Edwards Mrs. J. Kraft, Mrs. A. C. Steven- son, Mrs. A H. Cooke'and Mr. L, Wiseman. a= M- Neat, artistic displays greeted ff Haileybury -- Last Times Today Cobalt--Friday, Saturday the proud parents as they inspect: JTHURS., MARCH 26th MARCH 27th and 28th ed the rooms to see just what the "The Jazz Singer" children were up to in the class- room and just how they compar- DANNY THOMAS (Technicolor) PEGGY Added Attraction ed with the rest of the class. "Docks of New York" Members of the Home and with the week LEE School Association served re- freshments during the evening. They were Mrs. H. Jenkins, Mrs. j. Thompson, Mrs. C W. Tyson, Mrs. E.) B. Campbell, ivirs R. Clarke and Mrs. J. White. At the Home and School meet- ing, 'the executive was appointed to draw up the slate of officers for next year, 3owery Boys Haileybury--Friday and Saturday Cobalt--Monday and Tuesday MARCH 27th and 28th MARCH 30th and 31st A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF ADVENTURE SWEEPS THE SCREEN! Universal Intern E et me > GREGORY PECKZ "ANN BLYTH: Plans were made to hold a so- cial evening of bridge on April 28th. A meeting of the Canadian Fed- eration of Home and School Asso- ciations is scheduled for April 8th in Toronto and it is hoped that a representative will go from here. A delightful lunch was served by the Social committee. Of the 12,402 men and women now in their final year in Cana- dian colleges, 3,547 are in arts, 1,317 in engineering, 1,094 in edu- cation, 809 in commerce and business administration, 752 ih science, 732 in medicine, 536 in nursing, 425 in pharmacy, 396 in social work, 347 in household science, 314 in law, 287 in agri- culture, 213 in dentistry, 118 in theology, 37 in chartered ac- countancysand 22 in journalism. Britain leads the world in the uumber of breeds of dogs devel- oped and exported; during the past five years, nearly 10,000 Bri- tish dogs have been exported. The number of dogs sent abroad rose from 600 in 1947 to almost 2.400 last year and in the five year period earned, among other currencies, one and one-half mil- lion dollars. FOR DISPOSAL || THE NEW LISKEARD and DISTRICT Hospital Board | is now interested in receiving offers, suggestions or propo- | salS that would lead to.the fina] and ultimate disposal of the building formerly known as the Lady Minto Hospital. The building is situated on the hill in and oyerlooking the Town of New Liskeard, and commands a beautiful view of the north end of Lake Temiskaming, It would lend itself to conversion to a general office building, an apartment building of up to nine or ten apartments, or a light manu- facturing plant, and is now amply provided with Town water, sewers and road facilities, - interested persons are asked to contact the Hospital Board for inspection or appointment through the Secretary, Miss M. STEVENSON, Box 570 or Phone 600, New Liskeard Every dollar you give represents you... «... helping to save lives --. soothing another's hurts Moy Please give as generously as you can. P= Fics HARDWARE ELECTRIC THEATRE, New Liskeard EMPIR Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. single bill. Show at 7 and 9 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m LAST TIMES TODAY ASSIGNMENT PARIS" Dana Andrews, Marta Toren THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nite's FOTO- NITE OFFER This Week's Foto Nite Cash Offers total $1,125.00 FRIDAY - SATURDAY MARCH 27th and 28th Hangman's Knot with RANDOLPH SCOTT DONNA REED Shorts and Cartoon MON., TUES., MARCH 30th and 31st Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima with GILBERT ROLAND ANGELA 'CLARK Cartoon and News Matinee Monday at 4.15 p.m. WED - THURS. | APRIL Ist and 2nd Rall Flesh and Fury em "with ONY-CURTIS .. JAN STERLING Short, Cartoon and News --= Tas y} A eS, SN ANTHONY QUINN -JoHN McINTIRE~ ANDREA KING 'rrcnt » RAQUL WALSH - some » BORDEN CHASE « rencae m AARON ROSENBERG Added Attraction Tarzan and the Leopard Woman Plus News and Colored Cartoon Haileybury--Sun. Mid., Mon., Tues. Cobalt--Wednesday and Thursday, MARCH 30th and 31s APRIL Ist and 2nd MARILYN MONROE 2 SEAN PETERS es GREGORY RATOFF E2 top stars... eB GREAT DIRECTORS... Bring The Best Stories Of O.Henry To The Screen! FARLEY GRANGER CHARLES rout rin % HENRY KOSTER + JEAN NEGULESCO Q Screen Plays by RICHARD BREEN WALTER BULLOCK - IVAN GOFF BEN ROBERTS - LAMAR TROTTI Directed by RICHARD LEVANT WIDMARK SIGNATURE Added Attraction Invasion U.S.A. ROBERT SMITH, PEGGYCGASTIEE ores: A CT/ON: Anne First TIM : W ANY SCREEN A thousand years of tradition, pageantry and color, to create the most resplendent corona-\f tion in Britain's history, Commentary Spoken by Robert Donat Haileybury--WED. and THURS. APRIL Ist arid 2nd a y ns Cobalt--FRI. and SAT. APRIL 3rd and 4th STARRING GAYNOR-scort BRADY' with MITZI GREEN + MARGUERITE CHAPMAN + MICHAEL O'SHEA Prodeced by Directed by 'Screen Play by PEADAE IFPOFI .UADLENA INKIFE cy PALEDCDD MITZI Added Attractio Alaska Patrol

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