Page Four _THE HAILEYBURIAN eS6l 'pe MHAWALdMAS "SHOHL ound the Town Frank Plaunt and Jack Hughes are in loronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hope are leaving this week-end tor To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. V. Sulphur are visiting with Mrs C. Johnston in Kentfrew. Mrs. N. McAulay Sr. left on Sunday for a month's holiday trip to Uttawa and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. John Hutchinson ci Toronto were the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. A MacLean recently Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mckay and Judy of North Bay visited with Mr. and Mrs, Al Hargrave on Sunday. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. A. Viita (nee Frances Fishley), at the Waterloo Hospital on Satur- day, Sept 19th, a daughter. Mrs. Clayton McAulay and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd McAulay of To- ronto visited with their aunt Mrs. N. McAulay Sr. last week. Mr. A. MacLean has returned home after a holiday visit in To- ronto and with his daughter, Miss Joyce MacLean in Hamil- ton. Miss Lillian Valentine and Miss Mabel Karn of Montreal are visit- ing with Miss Valentines mother, Mrs. M. Valentine and other re- latives. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hurst and family have taken up residence in town. Mr. Hurst is the new manager of the Bank of Nova Scotia here. Mr. and Mrs. George Pratt of Iroquois. Falls have returned to Haileybury to take up residence again in their home on the Lake Shore Road. |Condensed Ads| Cash Rate ..2¢ a word. If Charged, iutaryren Fee 50c Minumayn 4 etree cote see te 35¢ FOR SALE--T hanksgiving Tur- keys and large Ducks. Apply Baker's Rapa, Phone 4414, New Liskeard. 291-c FOR RENT--Three-room heated Apartment. Call 457 R_ 29-1-c FOR SALE--Dining Room Table and six chairs, quarter-cut oak. Also a rocking chair and blan- kets. Call 496. 29-1-c WNATED TO RENT--Small house or apartment by two adults. Phone 190J or 190W WANTED--Room and board by employee of N. Morissette Dia- mond Drilling. Phone 24. 29-1-* FOR SALE -- Used Windows, doors and lumber. See W. J. Dobbins. 29-1-c How Would You Like to estab- lish yourself in a business ot your own with a real future? Sell our 250 guaranteed pro- ducts to friends and neighbors. Write for free catalogue and details. Familex, Dept. 2, 160C Delorimier, Montreal. 29-1-c WANTED -- Caretaker-firemen for the Provincial Institute of Mining. Please address appli- cations to the Principal. 28-1c TO RENT--Fully insulated mod- ern home. Beautifully. situated on the Lake Shore Road, Option to buy. Call 361. 25-tf-c WANTED--General Cook. Apply Mrs. A. J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 25-tf-c FOR SALE--Insulated Bungalow. Fine basement. Modern Kit- chen; two large bedrooms. At- tractive terms. Owner leaving town. Apply E. M. McCuaig. Realtor, Georgina Ave. Phone 135. 26-tf-c WANTED--Desk Clerk, male or female. Apply Hotel Hailey- bury. 19 tf-c FOR SALE--Fine, comfortable, insulated home in perfect con- dition, in north end of Hailey- bury; hot water heating; three bedrooms; garage; glassed-in balcony and many other attrac- tive features. Owner leaving town. Apply to E. M. McCuaig, Realtor, Georgina Ave. Phone 135. 24-1-c WANTED---Girl for Lunch Bar Apply at Buster's Lunch Bar, Main Street, 25-1-c Mr. Roy Miller of Hemilten © was in town last week to see old friends. Mr. Miller was with the Gordon-Davies Company here some forty years ago. Mrs. S. Bond was hostess at a tea at the Golf Club and Mrs. H. W. Edey entertained with a tea recently in honor of Mrs. Herbert 3rown, who leaves shortly for Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lockhart, Miss Wanda MacDougall and Mr. Creighton Harris, all of To- ronto are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. S. Bond, Latch- ford Street. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Murphy 7 spent the past week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Klein, Torontc Mr. and Mrs. Bill Durrell. Mont- real and Mr and Mrs. Howard Jewell, Noranda, at the Seigneury Club. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. H. 3rown who have entertained in their honor during the past two weeks are Mr. and Mrs. N. Moris- sette, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Tyson, Dr. and Mrs. R. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs Ron Morissette of Haileybury and Mr and Mrs. Van iden and Mr. and Mrs. C. Hare of Cobalt. eee OG OBITUARY ween cai! SHEEPWASH occurred in the Western Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday, Sept. 12th of Allan Kedward Sheepwash, in his 45th year, after a short illness. The funeral service was held on Thursday from the W. C. Town and Sons funeral home in Whitby. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. He is survived by his wife, the former Hazel Dempster, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Demp- ster of Haileybury, and two child- ren, Allan _and Lesly Ann. The death North Cobalt Ball Players Receive Cup at Party North Cobalt, Cobalt Chemi- icals, West Road, 104 and Hailey- bury ball players and their wives and a few officials enjoyed a get- together at the Park Royal _ last week to close the season's activi- ties. [Len Fleury presented the cup to the North Cobalt team, who topped the league. Clar- ence Connelly has offered a new cup fo rcompetition next year. Miss. Anita Plaunt reeived a gift in appreciation of her hard work in the capacity of secretary. President Doug Hargrave' ex- pressed the hope that interest in the league will continue and plans be made to hold some money-rais- ing events this winter for ex: penses, such as the maintnance of the playing field. Dees } WEDDING BELLS i Loree cccccccccces eee e ee ey SHEPHERDSON--FERNHOLM The marriage of Lillian Mar- garet Fernholm, daughter of Mr. Herbert Fernholm, West Road, to Verdun G. Shepherdson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Shepherd- son of New Liskeard, was solemn- ized on Saturday, September 19th a two o'clock in the Haileybury United Church. Rev. Andrew Denholm officiated at the cere- mony. Given in marriage by her fath- er, the bride wore a floor-length white satin gown fashiond witha full skirt, pleated bodice and coronation lace top. Her finger- tip veil was caught to a beaded coronation headdress and she car- ried a cascade of white pompom chrysanthemums and caladium leaves Christine Fernholm was the maid of honor and _ bridesmaids were Gwen Soucie, Charlene Shepherdson and Mrs. Lawrence Othmer. Carol Carlson was junior bridesmaid. They were dressed alike in white ballerina length gowns of dobby taffetta with crowns of bridal wreath for headdresses. The maid of honor carried mauve gladioli and the bridsmaids carried mauve asters. During the signing of the re- gister, Frances Brumell sang "Because". The groomsman was Clair Shepherdson. Darrel Plaunt, EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST TIMES TODAY "HURRICANE SMITH? with Yvonne DeCarlo THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE You many now attend show WEDNESDAY NITE, sign an attendance card and be eligible for Thursday Nite's FOTO- NITE OFFER This Week's Foto-Nite Offers Total- $1,040 FRIDAY - SATURDAY "Destination Gobi" with RICHARD WIDMARK Recording Session, "An Apple in His Eye" SEPTEMBER 25th, 26th JUDY DAN Cartoon MONDAY - TUESDAY with BING CROSBY "Road to Bali" "So You Won't Squawk" SEPTEMBER 28th, 29th BOB HOPE Cartoon News WED, THUR., FRI., SAT., ALTE SUARSECAST FOUR BIG DAYS "Greatest Show on Earth" Matinees Wednesday and Saturday --2 pm. SHOW TIMES FOR THIS FEATURE--Ist show 6:25: 2nd, 9. Sept 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3 NEWS tailoring details. ELYSIAN Om exclusive, sordon r Creanior. Canada's most popular coat Is more beautiful than ever. The new Kilgornoch for Fall-Winter '53 has added glamour in appearance, finish and | Master tallored by the skilled ¢raftsmen of the house of Gordom Canada's leading tallors for women. We Invite you to come in and see our magnificent collection of Kilgornoch Elysian coats. A choice of 28 glorious pastel and other high fashion shades. 100% pure Woo! ond Angora loomed by Floyd Shepherdson, Grignon and Richard were the ushers. In the afternoon, a reception was held in the Legion Hall. The bride's aunt, Mrs. Eric Lundberg, received in a dark blue linen dress with pink accessories and*a cor- sage of pink carnations. Assist- ing her, the groom's mother wore black silk with black accessories Fernholm Adelard a nd a corsage of pink and white carnations. t 8:00 p.m, a dance and ception were held in the Legion Hall. For going away the bride chose dark grey flannel suit with winter white accessories. The couple left by motor for a trip through Southern Ontario and the West- ern United States. re- HAILEYBURY THE STORY "SO THIS * SIRI Added with DAN DAILEY, COBALT----FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 26th OF GRACE MOORE IN TECHNICOLOR Starring Kathryn Grayson, Walter Moore, Rosemary DeCamp Attraction "Taxr' LAST TIMES TODAY; IS LOVE" CONSTANCE SMITH Added WAYNE MORRIS Plus News and HAILEYBURY--FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPT. 25th, 26th COBALT -- MONDAY and TUESDAY, SEPT. 28th and 29th THE HIGH-TIDE OF APACHE FURY 1S REACHED Nrrowhead CHARLTON HESTON » ARROWHEAD e-mring JACK PALANCE- KATY JURADO BRIAN KEITH - MARY SINCLAIR » Written for the Screon and Directed by 'CHARLES MARQUIS WARREN + Based on & novel by W. BR. Burnett * Produced by Nai Holt * A Paramount Picture Attraction "STARS of TEXAS" JACK LARSEN Colored Cartoon Produced by ROBERT BASSLER Directed by RICHARD SALE Screen Play by ISOBEL LENNART Added A "Affair with ROBERT MITCHUM Haileybury--After Sun, Midnight, Mon., Tues., Sept. 28th, 29th COBALT --WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Sept. 30, Oct. 1 ttraction a Stranger'"' JEAN SIMMONS HAILEYBURY -- WED. FILMED 1H MEXICO'S FAB' LOUS OAXACA! "LOOSE in THE BOW and THURS., SEPT. 30, OCT. 1st & COBALT ----FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Fortune. lust! And the Lure of a Gold Goddess of the Sun! sai paRICAMEDINA : AWAYNE-FELLOWS rscouction * omsrnisvrto ov WARN ---- Added Attraction ---- OCT. 2nd and 3rd ff /-WARNER BROS. ki PRESENT GLENN scaten pay oy JONATHAN LATIMER raooucto sy ROBERT FELLOWS piatcreo ay ROS. FARROW LONDON" ERY BOYS atin