~HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd 1954 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol 50; No. 7 Man's Best F riend Proves Haileybury's Worst Enemy To some the signs of spring are bursting buds, smoke of last leaves and radiant rain- To others, and this year it appears to touch the entire population, spring comes with dogs--dogs on your front porch dogs on your back porch, every- where a dog. : An actual count is not available but from reports rolling into the Town Office, there is a growing fear that the animals travelling inp acks like hungry wolves have taken over. Something drastic is going to happen if this keeps years drops. up. < A lengthy and often heated de= bate on these canines at last week's Council meeting proved beyond ashadow of a doubt that aman can give and take on any subject and no harm done but when it comes right down to discussing his dog strange things begin to happen. One flip- pant remark about the familys prized possession and the same man who a moment ago was a quiet living individual mending his own fences turns into a rag- ing tyrant. In order, therefore to keep the peace in this small town and preserve friendly rela- tons over the tulip patch, we are withholding names ot Councl- lors and citizens alike who are cuilty on the count of allowing their dogs to run at large. Greatest menace to the mental health of citizens is the dog who leaps out of nowhere and chases cars shattering the nerves of the driver, menacing the safety of highways, driving housewives in- to the nearest closet to look for mnioths and worse than that, set- ting a bad example for other dogs who had no intention of chasing a car. What to do? Councillors all love dogs but really seeemed to think that sucha dog had no brains at all and should be shot forthwith. Just dogs--no matter whether they have a birth certificate or not--who roam on any street at any given hour are going to have to stay at home or suffer the consequences. Many of them are netiher fednor cared for and unless the owner takes more in- terest, he would be well advised to get rid of the dog and try a budgie bird. : Dogs travelling in packs--at the school in particular--are a menace to the safety of children Reports of small children having been attacked in other centres led one Councillor to insist that this sitfiation must be attended to at once. One other corner where these disturbers of the peace have chosen to hold their meet- ings in splendid numbers came under fire. Council listened at- tentively to a fellow member blaming the situation on a few stray dogs who should have been kept at home but the story lad no ending as the Municipal Police advised the Councillor in question that they had had a complaint regarding his dog's ac: tivities from an area one street removed. No one had much more to say. It would be wise, however: for dog owners to get a dog tag at once, beause althougha dog may be a "man's best friend" citizens are not going to be patient much longer and when planting time comes all Haieybury is going to break loose. KIRKLAND BOY WINS CASE FOLLOWING BICYCLE ACCIDENT Driver of a truck, R. L. Kruger of Kirkland Lake was found guilty of 80 per cent negligence in court last week amd cyclist Ronald Hueston of Kirkland Lake 20 per cent. In handing down judgment, Hon. Mr. Justice Moorehouse said "I find the boy is a bright: intelligent youngster a very good and in all respects a truthful witness. Jt is miy opinion that the driver should have seen him soone r. Mr. Fedora, an im- partial witness saw him over a block away." The boy sued for damages arising from an accident last May in which he broke his leg. ta Northern Ski Club DANCE & PARTY AT THE CLUB HOUSE INAY FRI --will hold a-- CLOSING SO lees APRIL 30th eSTstttits $oSobess Ai, a a a te nae ah te tn te Op tn tintin tnt tn Ante teint tnt nttinte tatetn etter SPR Tea and Produce fable VROVECUSUGRECV GOGO UPEVGOEUGUGOVUGVERQUELY THE W.A. OF THE UNITED CHURCH SATURDAY, ING APR. 24th | from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. IN THE SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOMS THE NOTICE Daylight Saving Time ----Begins at---- 12.01 a.m. Sun., Apr. 25th and continues until 12:01 a.m. Sunday, September 26th MUNICIPAL CLERK, TOWN OF HAILEYBURY. Diamond Jubilee Next Sunday at 2 p.m. in the Hotel Haileybury, a meeting of all committee chairmen and their committees is being held. The Town could do with a few handsome signs for the Jubilee ... last year a citizen suggested a sign on the Lake Shore road with a few remarks about the lake .... to. begin with, what for tourists have had to stop and ask....How long? Ilow wide How many fish by actual count arid so on .... and just with that thought, we read that the Boy Scouts Second Ar- rowsmith Troop: British Colum- bia, took a hewn slab of native wood, eight feet long by twenty inches deep and carved the words "Alberni Welcomes You'". .they plan to present the sign to nearby Alberni for erection on the main highway, at the city limits. The first reservation for the Diamond Jubilee has been made and the honour goes to Cyril T. Young, one of Haielybury's ex- Mayors and a thoroughly repre- sentative Haileybury man _ for he has taken a prominent part in the evolution of the place. In 1906. he came here and took up mining, operating in every camp in the District. As he put it, "i wouldn't miss this Diamond Jubi- lee for anything." The Executive have everything rolling here for the four big days in July. Letters are going out cach, day to firms for contribu- butions and a ready response has been encountered. Away, away back when this was the forest primeval and the Indians were busy trapping for their livelihood, Haileybury was the stopping place on the long trek between the Hudson's Bay Factoryzat Moosonee and Matta wa....you hear it said every day "The Matabanick Hotel" but did you know that this Indian word is history itself for translated it reads "A place where they come out"....the Hotel was first own- ed by Stuart Blackwall and John Westron. Never underestimate the ladies whenit comes toan electionor a Diamond Jubilee. Mrs. J. Bou- reau, chairman of the Ladies Activities has a head full of won- derful ideas from a baking con- test to a handicraft show. What- ever the plan, you can be sure that, assisted by all the organ- izations in town, Mrs. Boudreau will come up with a winner. How many times shave you walked on Lawlor Street in the heart of Lawlortown? Did you know that it took its name from P. T. Lawlor, who was employed by C. C. Farr to work on his farm.. It was then that Lawlor located the farm immediately to south east and in the years tc follow, when the town began t: grow, he made lots available to those who couldn't afford to buy in the centre of town where prices had jumped as high as $4,500 for business lots and $500 for residential. In the summer sunshine there is no more beautious sight than that from Lake Temiskaming looking to the west over the town, with its magnificent shore- line sloping away from a fine WEEK IN COURT G. Mainville of Cobalt, Samuel up the better part of last week's court which went in on Saturday miorning. . Mainville of oCbalt, Samuel Ramsay of Bucke Township and David Eady of Earlton alldrove without reasonable care for others and were fined.. Richard Fleming of Haileybury travelled 65 m.p.h. in the Township of Armstrong and paid $15.00 and costs. Another speeder, George Wernhardt of Gatchell, Ontario paid $37.50 for going 85 m.p.h. in the Township of Chamberlain George Playford of King Kirk land and Lindsay Tubman of En- elehart were fined $10.00 and costs on charges of overloading yehicles in excess of one-half of the capacity registered with the Department. Causing a disturbance in the Grange Cafe, Englehart, os Clifton Preston $10.00 and costs Rene Paquette of Cobalt, Abi- tibi Truck Lines and Amalgama- ted Motor Trucks of Toronto cperated vehicles without 1954 license plates and paid $10.00 and costs. John Aidshead of not come to a full entering the highway $3,00 and costs. Intoxication in a public place took $10.00 fines from Ray Beck- er of Cohalt, Xomer Ouimet of Haileybury, Arsene Couturier of Ville Marie and John P. Guinane of R.R. No. 3, New Liskeard, and Tames Friday of Temagami. Real Ritchie of North Bay paid $10.00 and costs for having liquor. Cobalt did stop and paid reBidential-area. It is hard to be- lieve that in 1906, there wasn't a house nogth of the present La- frange home at the corner of Probyn and the Lake Shore. The committee for Firemen's Day will meet again this week to make a final draft of plans 'for their big day beginning with a parade and following through the afternoon with wagon races and the works. Meantime, the Town will get the Lake Shore Road in tip-top shape to do justice to the 3rigade's efforts. In the early days, there was only one easy way in and _ that was by water. Oldtimers give credit to Archdeacon Gilmour of Sault Ste Marie for the toughest trip ever...for years he regaled . friends with stories of his trip from North Bay to Haileybury driving a cow ahead of him through the wilderness -- destin- ation C. C, Farr's farm. There are hundreds of people who must remember the good old days....who was Florence and who was Ethel? Who was Arm well and who was Meridian? Did you enjoy your trip on the Me- remember the teor? Do you Haileybury fire? and can you add humor to pathos No matter what, this column needs your help to complete the most color- ful history of any town in any provincein any old country. For ward your contribution to The Haileyburian today. before © H.W.L Re-elects Mrs. H. Cook to Act as President The annual meeting of the Haileybury Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Hil- liard Cooke on April 13th. There were sixteen members and one visitor present. Roll call was "Pay your dues." Results of the Bazaar were re- ported to the members by the president. Mr. Clarence Connelly officiat- ed at the draw for a basket of groceries by drawing the winning ticket, the winner being J. Mac- Lean of Haileybury. Mrs. Bud Cooper was the winner of the Doll. New officers were elected 1954 as follows: President--Mrs, H. Cooke. Ist Vice--Mrs. R. McNaught. 2nd Vice--Mrs. W. Gibson Sec.-Treas.--Mrs. S. McIntyre Dist. Director--Mrs. H. Burton Standing Committees Home Economics and Health --Mrs. R. Campbell. Historical Research and Cur- rent Events--Mrs. S. Craig. Agriculture and Canadian dustry--Mrs. W. Taylor. Public Relations and Commu- nity Activities--Mrs. Lawrence Fleming. Resolutions -- Mrs. Johnson. Citizenship and _ Education -- Mrs. Bud Cooper. Social Welfare--Mrs. Gibson. for In- George Delegate to District Annual-- Mrs. Ethel Compbell. Auditors--Mrs. Bud Cooper Mrs. W. Taylor. Names drawn to help the hos- tess--Mrs. S. McIntyre Mrs W Gibson and Mrs. E. Campbell. RECORD ATTENDANCE ENJOY EASTER SERVICE AT PENTECOSTAL CHURCH With the attendance 'objective set for 150 on Easter Sunday, the Pentecostal Assembly welcomed 176 persons for a record atten- dance. The great Easter service with Mr. Geo. Wilkinson of Thornloe acting as guest speaker and special music provided by mem- bers of the church was a_ great joy to all. | Calendar of Events Mon., April 26th "_ Annual meeting Golf Club shareholders zt 8:00 p.m. in the Hotel Hailey- bury. . Sat., April 24--Spring! Tea of United Church W.A. April 26th--Annual Meeting of the Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club will be held in Club rooms. T.C.C.A. Foresees Sell-Out in Eighth Season Campaign The eighth annual campaign for memberships in the Temiska- ming Community Concerts Asso- ciation will get under way on Monday morning with, members working through the week to close the campaign the following Saturday at noon. That evening the annual meeting to choose ar- lists for the 1954-1955 season will be held in New Liskeard. 'The Association is led this year by Mrs. Irving Harris otf New Liskeard with Mrs. R. D. Cumming of Haileybury, Vice- President. This month, new directors from Haileybury have been appointed to the Board. These appoint- appointments are Mrs. C. F. Cockshutt. Mrs. W. E. Nauss Miss M. Melisek, Miss M. Oomis Mrs. D. H. Millar and Mrs. R. Morissette. Those remaining on the Board from the previous year are Mrs J. A. H. Joyal, Mrs. R. D. Cum- ming Mrs. A. H. Kingsmill, Miss T. Fortier, Mrs. A. H. Cooke and Miss Ruth Gordon. On Tuesday evening a dinner will be held in the New Liskeard Anglican Church for campaign workers. Mrs. E. Campbell of York will be the guest speaker. SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION MEETS TO DISCUSS PLANS FOR SUMMER MONTHS The Haileybury Softball Asso- ciation met last week at the home of Norman Abraham to discuss plans for the coming sea- son. The most important discussion centred on the Jubilee when the Association plans to hold a tour- nament on Sunday with teams from Liskeard, Englehart, Kirk- land Lake. North Bay Latchford Cobalt, Haileybury and the sur- rounding areas participating. The playing field at the public school is in need of repair and present plans call for grading, new benches and renovating the backstop. To raise funds for this a stag will be held on May 11th at the Legion Hall. President of the Association is Doug Hargrave with vice-presi- rent Pat Ruddy, secretary Anita Plaunt and director N. Abraham. Election of officers will take place in June. THE WEEK'S WEATHER Week ending April 21st, 1954 Min. Max Minsdatye = eae Ape 7d Hiridaye tect nee 39 «(54 Saturday irene 34 49 Sundays seca ec 36 «640 Miondaya nas iar 3303 Muecdaye ee eee ae Sie oN) Wednedsay ........ 34 (59 Lil's Gift BAMBI'S Popular Gift Clothes Shop For Small Children. Infants to Three Years . Silk Scarves -- Just Arrivad. Cannons best quality bath towels 2222222 OOOO DODO OOOOOOO OOS 128 Lake Shore Road Plumbing and Heating INSTALLATION SUPPLIES and SERVICE M. DOLAN COBALT. Ontario, Silver St., across from Classic Theatre SERVING COBALT and HAILEYBURY Phones, Cobalt 4530; Haileybury 674 FREE ESTIMATES See it again, or see Admission, 60c 5. 222222222222 2O2ODDDDOOODOADDD O&O OAs rv REPEAT PERFORMANCE of LILY, THE FELON'S DAUGHTER Popular demand has forced the New Lkesard Little Theatre Group to present their humorous melodrama once more in NEW LISKEARD MEMORIAL HALL Tuesday, April 27th, 1954 it for the first time! Time, 8:15 p.m. AUSPICES CANADIAN LEGION