Page Two The HAILEY BURIAN THE LETTER BOX lesued evecy i bureday os from The Haileyburian Z Office, Broadway St.. Haileybury, Ont. D. E. SUTHERLAND. Publisher RUTH G. GORDON, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES In Canada--$2.00 per year, in advance In United States--, 3.00 per year, ta advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assr Authorizd as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa VANDALISM Again this year, we must tol erate the misdoings of young add ot-so-youllg persons who are going about with deliberate in- tent to destroy. pome ten days agy, the siount Pleasat Cemetery wads entered, it was mo accident tse. Lour headstones were knocked Over and permanent, irreparable daili- age was done to one stone, Lhere is a heavy penalty tor such tlag- Yant disrespect of cemetery Board is prepar- cd to give a suitable reward to Bi Gullds alld Chic aliyone inlorimation which may lead to the rounding up trom tie wOrd that ruthlessly cut up as Lhe i fairway agar Or Cars, otlering ol the guilty persons, Goli Course comes the greelis are beg Use, Were tee and the rounding have been ruimed by A wil- dow pane had been smashed in the Clubhouse, it is ditheult understatid What madness prompts people to do such things or what possible derived irom such last year. \O. d to alislaction 1s careless contempt O1 beautilul pioperties, We hope that #eus wil' co-operate cill- in an eiiort to put a stop to such carrying on, DEER SLAUGHTER In the last six weeks, daily re- ports have been coming in ol deer and moose having been killed on this is the time Olsyear when the animals are just coming off the browse and _ will the highways. spend the next fouror five weeks looking for green feed. Since vegetation along the sides of the highways grows faster than in tlie bush, the deer naturally come out to eat fhe young shoots. Only last week, a truck struck a Geer in the middle of the road horth of Latchford and it was necessary to destroy the animal. Apart from the precious loss t our forest life, the meat is use- less at this time of year being tainted from the winter feeding Ordinarily, all such game would serve a good purpose in that it must be taken to the nearesi hospital. Not always does the vehicle involved escape unscathed. <A car or truck, tearing down the highway at 60 or 70 miles an hour may kill a deer instantly but the impact frequently throws the vehicle around smashing it badly. So far, no motorists have be n killed or seriously injured but it can happen. The blame for all these acci- dents is placed squarely on the shoulders of the motorist. He should know enough, long ere this, to keep a sharp lookout and travel at a reasonable rate of speed. The conservation officer's plea tor greater care should be heed- ed by all. --Want Ads. Bring Results! Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY " LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.20 a.m. 4.20 p.m. 11.45 p.m. STANDARD TIME Single Retu $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-3 Haileybury, Ont. April .5th, 1954 Editor, The Haileyburian, Haileybury Ont. Dear iditor: Might { presume to take iriendly issue with you in respect of the heading oi an editorial in the back issue of The Haileybur- lan to wit--Man's best Friend Proves Haileybury's Worst kn- emy." We have been recently bereav- ed in the true sense of the word-- when our little spaniel pet was clipped and run over by a_ truck right at Our Own doorstep, so to peak, as we were about to take aer tor a little car ride with us. "The truck proceeded on its way as if nothing unusual had hap- pened. We would give the driver the benefit of the doubt in that he was unaware of the "little tragedy" he had unwittingly left behind hm, We had some consolation in the tact that our pet was killed in- stantly and was not left to suf- ler, Some pets, like kiddies, are little individuals in their own pliere, and their actions at times ire irresponsible, governed by excitement of tie moment and perhaps the "spring fever" which affects allof usat this time oj the year. We buried her with the kindly ympathetic help of our neigh- bors and a small group of littte tymates who knew her and | think will miss her too, Quite a number of pets have had their short life span snuffed out recently--and not through roaming the highways--but quite close to their own home playing with neighboring kiddies, It could quite well happen that the major tragedy could be' to the little owner and not the pet. As a car operator we feel as much responsibility to avoid hit- ting a dog as we do toa person, Which 1s not always the attitude of some drivers. ccidents do happen, and likely ; ill continue, but reasonable care and consideration in driving in he close residential district of iis small community would avoid inany accidents even to pets, Jo brand the lowly dog as the "Greatest menace to the health of citizens' y awee-ttment of fact. By the, same reasoning our kiddies who also "leap out of nowhere" could be so clasisfied. ie be We believe there are many Haileyburians who would feelas we do about their pets even though they may be mischievous at times, which is perhaps one of the reasons why we do love them Yours very truly, R. W. Carter, Rorke Avenue at Ethel From birth to age 16 allowance payments cost for every Canadian child. family $1,182 C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard iPS ea Has Your Home Been Drafty? Has Your Home Been Hard to Heat? Is Your Fuel Bill High for Last Winter? Is Your Home Hot and Stuffy? Bedroom Unbearable to Sleep in the Summer? INSULATION For more comfort at less cost. Do Not Wait till the Fall Rush! ACT NOW ON OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS Borrow up to $2,000.00; Up to 24 months to Pay with no Down Payment. J. G. Fitzgerald and Son New Liskeard, Ont, TOP CONTESTANTS Another indication of Canada's musical growth is seen in the fact that the highest standard so far was set this season in the nation-wide Singing Stars of Tomorrow competition. Typical of the contestants on the program are the youthful soprano Diane Oxner Lunenberg, Nova Scotia; Norman Mittleman from Win- nipeg who is also incidentally, a football star, and Florianne 'i aa ae Cotnoir of Noranda, Quebec. singers shown above.: THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1954 YOUNG HAILEYBURY BOY SERVES WITH FORCES IN KOREA a radio loss of something like three million dollars. Commer- cial radio or TV couldnt operate that way long. Private Jean Jacques Denomme !-ft this month to serve with th: Canadian Forces in South Korea The young soldier has been with Ackroyd and Son the Canadian Guards for two years. His grandparents, Mr. and PUBLIC Mrs. Joseph Denomme have re- ACCOUNTANTS ceived their first letter this week and were pleased to learn that grandson likes the coutnry. a a New Liskeard =: Ontario In the recently ended fiscal Phones 442 and a4osp year Canada marked up a $2,563.- 118 deficit on TV operations; also (left) of Change of Occupation "Tt seems to me that 'every housewife, even the mother of two, should have some part-time occupation I'm not suggesting anything very ambitious, mind you. What we need is something to do outside our own kitchens which is just enough to show us that beyond today's left-overs and tomorrow's rice pudding, there are worlds we have never dreamt of.'--Barbara Fleming. Pickerel Dates Changed Fishermen should note a change in dates of the pickerel season in this area this year. The season closed April 14th and re- mains closed until May 22nd. Last year American spent $282 million while visiting Canada, and Canadians spent 307 million while visiting the United States. LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO ab Temiskaming Construction Limited FLY TORONTO 1:50 Hours $22.80 One way rome Earlton 48 (3 BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE 210 Cedar St. Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Sudbury, Ont. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations AIRLINES 4 CONTINENTS: 62 POINTS fe CANADA Ontario Hydro possesses the largest and one of the most versatile engineering teams in Canada. Through the years this team has earned an enviable reputation for inventive- ness coupled with sound engineering principles. Both have played a major role in making Qntario Hydro one of the greatest electrical utilities in the world. DO YOU KNOW? Hydro employs 905 professional engineers and assistants, repre- sentative of every branch of the science. Information concerning Ontario Hydro can be obtained by writing your Hydro Chairman, 620 University Avenue, Toronto. Oy Trsia' ASK YOUR SCHNEIDER DEALER FOR THE NEW CRISPY FLAKE SHORTENING SCHNEIDERS