Page Six THE HAILEYBURIAN ast week-end with Mrs. Faw- _THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1954" | eee we we wa a Oe si | Social Notes cett" s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. E Fea STRAND CLASSIC Mrs.-H. Burton is a patient in ' ba teh s / Misericordia Hospital. Ag ae ess eae fon H, Hedsen im Montreal at- @dy in Sault Ste Marie, Michigan THEATRE THEATRE tendng the Cl. M.M, convention where she was visiting with her HAILEYBURY. ONTARIO COBALT ONTARIO é sister, Judge V. B. Vail. She Pies gina hher son, Jack, who Mr. Peter McGinley is visiting °° turned wit BALT -- FRID ATURDAY, APRIL 30. with his sister, Mrs, M. Donnel' spent the week-end in the Sco. COBALT AY and S , , MAY Ist PLAYING CLASSIC THEATRE ONLY ly at Mackey Station,Ontario: Investment in new. residential TEMPTATIONS OF A FIGHTER Dr. and'Mrs. J.C. A. Crawford construc tion in Canada in 1953 WITH pee IN HIS FISTS! returned last week from a holi- Was va Be cee yer 1a, MGM presents EXCITING: COLOR Gece ate La =, increase O 2 i sole Fiorida and other southern In the same period investment in TENNESSEE CHAMPS: : 2 pon-residential construction in- Mrs. Jack Charron is visiting creased by 10 per cent: while ae SHELLEY. WINTERS with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. equipment showed no increase xeun WYNN wey MARTIN \V. E. Vannier for the summer vestment in new machinery and months. over 1952. Raymond Boyer who is a stu- Raia, Coe ME It dent at College Bourget Rigaud DIAMOND JUBILEE was home for a week's visit with ie REA an Perea) HAILEYBURY--FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APR. 30, MAY Ist COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 3rd and 4th his mother, Mrs. Elvina Boyer. suseestinnaetosbenconederet-- THE ACTION AND COMEDY SHOW OF THE WEEK Mr. and Mrs. 'i H. White, Mr. an amateur photographer's con- and Mrs. E. Campbell and Mr. and test, whistling contest, old time Sos Mrs. H. E. Nauss are in Montreal fide Hing contest and a squaredance attending the C.I.M.M. conven- exhibition with New Liskeard a x tion. square dancers. Bae: ate _ GRInnin,.: BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. John Before we get any _ further 4 Roland Thamer (nee Shirley Gor- along the Jubilee Road, did you KippIN 4 | rie) at the North Bay Civic know that Haileybury was thy EF / | Hospital on Thursday, April 15th, very first town to be este ablished SHERI : a son, John David. north of North Bay and that WH® => from this all else sprang? The Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wiesen- committee is well justified in call- TOOK. berg and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ing the town "The Mining Capi- | Gust of Petawawa were holiday ital of the North', for so it was guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Fleu- and so it is. | ry during Easter week. = : Three miles down Lake Tem- Miss Muriel Rice left yester- iskaming from Hailevburv 1s day for Toronto, where she willl Devils "Rock, a high bluff rising attend the annual provincial sheer up, hundreds of feet from meeting of the RNAO on Thurs- the lake--one of Nature's won- day, Friday and Saturday. ders. It is said that years ago, - Dr. J. McIntosh Bell, the famous Leo Labine, star forward with geologist of the Dominion Gov- the Boston Seartas, with his bro- ernment when passng the rock ther Paul. of Parry Sound are remarked that mineral must be home for a visit with their pa- present but true to the fashion rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Labine. of the mining game. It was left to a the prospector, Matt Murphy to Mr. and_Mrs. D. A. Fawcett find me mineral on three claims and children, Paul Peter and which the turned into a strong Sean TUTEY Mary Fran of Lindsay, spent the company. WARNER Se BROS, = === | [F&NANCY OLSON { 7 74 | Fy 7 PIR 1 : iEATRE pontxn pay ey FRANK DAVIS + WINSTON MILLER grou a SATURDAY EVENING POST STORY sy MICHAEL FESS! ; BA N ew Liskeard | wusic py MAX steiner + oinecteo ay MICHAEL CURTIZ | Gad <---- a ARGARETRUTHERFORD 'Senex BOND | Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. PlustNcrsvant Cartoon M DEREK BOND i single bill. Gn Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m : LAST SHOWING TODAY :-- "FAIR WINDS TO JAVA" HAILEYBURY -- AFTER SUNDAY MIDNIGHT. MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 3rd and 4th THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTC-NITE MATINEE MONDAY at 2 pm. COBALT -- WEDNESDAY AND THURSD. i This Week's Cash Offers Total $505.00 AND THURSDAY, MAY 5th and 6th Matinee WED. at 2 p.m. FRIDAY, SATURDAY APRIL 30th, MAY Ist + "Kid from Left Field" ; DAN DAILEY ANN BANCROFT Cartoon, plus Added Shorts MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 3rd and 4th "Island of Desire" LINDA DARNELL : TAB HUNTER ST. f\ ND! 1" News, Cartoon, Added Short WED., THURS. MAY 5th and 6th Double Feature - hese were Martin "Pil Get You" GEORGE BRENT SALLY GRAY Luther's words-as they "Roar of the Crowd" ee Mita HOWARD DUFF HELEN STANLEY and the world to brea Cartoon | the shackles binding | y | = foe the conscience of man. | ae nt 2 SE a eS ; E: ' é = baa Hk a "If Lhave spoken evil-- | HAILEYBURY--WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MAY 5th, 6th witness against i COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 7th and 8th man can com- nand my conscience." Britain's three top stars! ' NY Eee ! is was the WwW erry} | hoes J. ARTHUR RANK Presents Ee G Tl | N N E sé protest that ignited the ALEC ™ Great Reformation Jack HAWKINS : .». the story of a } ANTHONY magnificent mo- | ) i . SPECIAL PRICES | For this Feature The man who changed the world-- Forever! : No Students Prices { MURIEL PAVLOW + RENEE ASHERSON~ FLORA ROBSON » . EVENINGS: | vin NIALL MacGINNIS as MARTIN LUTHER ss MADE i Gi accel 7 Acdults chic sity fapeecttees bch 50¢c Adults ... E Plus: JESSE JAMES AND THE DALTONS Fane LOUIS tle ROCHEMONT tsscites Children 25¢ Children < . x ee ee a