Page Two THE HAILEYBURIAN The, HAILEY BURIAN Issued every Thureday ZA from The Haileyburian Office, Broadway &t.. Haileybury, Ont. D. E. SUTHERLAND, Publisher RUTH G. GORDON, Bditor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year, in advance In United States--,3.00 per year, ta advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assr: Authorizd as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottews THE RED SHIELD "Do something about it" was the cry of William Booth, found- er of the Salvation Army when he saw shivering, starving men sleeping on the Thames Embank- ment, Salvationists evér since have sought to obey that charge when- ever and wherever confronted with human suffering and frus- tration. The Army is a practical organization. It believes that it should first serve the person in need and then concern itself with bringing that person into a right relationship with God. It recognizes that "man doest not live by bread alone" and its spir- itual and material administra- ions go hand in hand. Its round- the-world, round the clock min- istry is sympathetically express- ed in "the human touch and the understanding heart." Today, as never before, the Salvation Army in Canada is faced with the need for greatly expanded services. Heed his crys. "Do something about it." "Theirs is the Present Who Can Praise the Past It is great to be a Canadian. Do you know how great it is? Harry Henderson in a book of essays by Canadian authors call- ed "Our Sense of Identity,, con- tains the observations of one of Canada's outstanding authors, Bruce Hutchinson. With pene- trating insight, he answer the questions of an American journa- list sent over the border to find out for his paper "What the Can- adian character, the Canadian per- sonality, the Canadian dream." He says that a special character- istic common to all Canadians is our national humility. We are bounded on the one side hy the Northern lights and on the other by a vivid inferiority complex. but he modifies this stricture with the remark that never has there been a people in all history which has accomplished so much and thought so little of it. "But, consider this", he continues, "we have built here the greatest na- tion of its population ever 1 corded." "How did we do it? No politi- tical decision, no economic plan will explain that. It was the un- shakable will to make a nation-- a home--a life of our own for which no inconvenience was fi great and from which no tempt- Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury C. J. HOVEY. Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.20 a.m. 4.20 p.m. 11.48 p.m. STANDARD TIME Single Retum $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY _ PHONE T0188 Emile J. Klisanich, Schumacher, Ontario, whose appointment to the Northern Ontario Staff of Joseph E. Seagram & Sons, Limited as Public Relations representative was an- nounced recently by Telford V. Kenney, Ontario Sales Manager. tation could swerve us. things Ic yond our ability to express or explain." This is a nation of ten prov- inces and within each province are innumerable cities and towns. In the northern part of Ontario lies your town. It is our task just now to search into its past history and its development. We are finding that its progress from a veritable jungle to a_ land bounded on all sides by the rich history of mining and lumbering development to the greatest sweep of farm lands to the west, cultivated by solid industrious emigrants from across the ocean to the town itself, which bears tightful claim as the most beau- tiful residential area north of Toronto is a story in which every man who claims this as his home must take pride. But we are finding in our interviews with those who have played the great- est role in the story, this same appealing sense of humility of which Mr. Hutchinson speaks. It is an engaging characteris- tic tor it is to be preferred to the loud boast and yet it is time to tell the story as it should be told--of courage and fortitude and vision --and it needs no romancing for the truth is enough. Sixty is a short must visualize a hill span. You with one Ackroyd and Son PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Phones 442 and 442-B New Liskeard Ontario | NEED MONEY to help make adream. ...é Ask about The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA'S Pznsomm S:curnv Procaan PLUS LIFE INSURANCE AT NO COST TO YOU For the first time in Canada-- amethod ofsaving that insures savings goal. Ask for free klet giving full details at your nearest branch. Your BNS Manager is a ood man to know. In aileybury he is A, M, Hurst, log cabin in 1897 and go out on Lake Temiskaming today and look back over a thriving little town on the side of this hill to appreciate the development. For every one citizen who has grasped the significance of this Camadian story and is ready to assist in the work of putting it down for the records, there are five who are hesitating in the true Canadian fashion. We sense at once that they are proud of their efforts and well they might be; and that they are proud of their town. So with a Diamond Jubilee before us, we re-emphasize as we have done so often in the past few months--that success depends en- Tsiok j OuITE SovERS in ONE COM iD Give your home that sparkling look with Scarfe's 'Gold Label' premium quality outside white. Made srs ne ae ingredients pe ly blended. Scarfe's 'cold Label' has greater coverage--longer life --it is your best exterior paint investment. tirely. on the bright, whole- hearted co-operation" of every one. SPRING CLEAN-UP CAUSE OF CALL TO LOCAL FIRE BRIGADE Firemen had no trouble last Friday extinguishing a fire on the property of Harry Jenkins where a pile of burning rubbish spread to some waste lumber, The brigade made use of the Booster pump. Want Ads. Bring Results! LEO'S TAXI) Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY. MAY 27th. 1954 ONTARIO NORTHLAND RAILWAY NOTICE Effective Monday, May 31st, 1954 RAIL SERVICE Between ENGLEHART, Ontario and CHARLTON, Ontario 4 WILL BE DISCONTINUED + LOCAL FREIGHT and EXPRESS TRAFFIC via Highway will be continued after that date R. P. C. McLeod, Traffic Manager H. H. Phillips, General Freght and Pass, Agent Haileyburian Condensed Ads. Will Bring Results became payable. Government of Canada VB-3-54 rd VICTORY LOAN BONDS CALLED FOR PAYMENT JUNE Ist IF YOU HOLD Third Victory Loan 3% Bonds (issued November, 1942 to mature November, 1956) they should be presented for payment on or after -- June 1st through any branch bank in Canada. AFTER THIS DATE NO FURTHER INTEREST WILL BE PAID. The interest coupon dated November Ist, 1954 and all coupons dated later than this must be attached to the bonds when they are presented for payment. for a $100 bond (and for other denominations accordingly). includes a $1 premium as required by the terms of the bond--plus 26¢ which is interest at 3% from May Ist to June 1st--the period since the last coupon have been Payment will be $101.26 This payment By: BANK OF CANADA, Fiscal Agent We have so much to protect This Canada of ours -- is ours to enjoy at a price -- the price of constant alertness, We cannot take for granted our freedom to worship, to vote, to educate our children, or to order our home life as we please. All these freedoms are ours only as long as we are willing to do everything necessary to maintain and defend them. All honour then to the Canadian Soldier -- the -steadfast guardian of all our free institutions. Without men like him, the Canada we love might cease to be. We have so much to protect. Let us all do our part, without let-up, in whatever way our duty lies. SERVE CANADA AND YOURSELF IN THE ARMY To be eligible you must be 17 to 40 years of age, skilled tradesmen to 45. When applying bring birth certificate or other proof of age. Apply right away -- For full information write or visit the Army Recruiting Centre nearest your home. No. 13 Personnel Depot, Wallis House, Rideau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawa, Ont. -- Telephone 9-4507 No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bagot Street, Kingston, Ont. -- Telephone 6149 Canadian Army Recruiting Centre, 90 Richmond St, W., Toronto, Ont. -- Telephone EM. 6-8341 -- Local 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Oxford & Elizabeth Sts,, London, Ont. -- Telephone 2-3261 Army Recrulting Centre, 230 Main St. W., North Bay, Ont. -- Telephone 456 Canadian Army Recruiting Station, 184 King Street East, Hamilton -- Telephone 28708 | gazweo