THE HAILEYBU RIAN THURSDAY, JUNE 10th, 1954 Page ert: Social Notes Mrs. Roy Coltman, Kenora, has returned home after visiting with her sister, Miss Barbara Mamen. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirk have returned to town and taken up residence in the Dempster apartments on Rorke Avenue. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Rooke (nee Elizabeth Dunbar) on Wednesday, June 9th, 1954, at the Wellesley Hospital, Toronto, a son: Mr, and Mrs. Harry Gibson and son, Gordon, and Mrs. Albert Barber of Renfrew were in town recently for the funeral of Mr. William Billedo. Miss Florence Pomeroy of Au- burn. Maine, is visiting her aunt. Mrs. J. T. Leishman, Main Street- She also visited in Kirkland Lake with Mr. and Mr.s C. W. Tully. The annual meeting and elec- tion of officers of the Haileybury Film council will be held on Tues day, June 15th, 1954, at 7:30 p.m. in Blue Room. Hotel Haileybury. BORN--At the New Liskeard District Hospital on Friday, June 4th to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bur- gener (nee Jane Cumming) of Toronto, a son, Walter Freder- ick Junior: Mrs. F. H. Vannier leaves this week-end for Calgary, where her husband is stationed with the Canadian Army. Her nephew, Richard Jensen, will accompany her for a two months' holiday in the West. Misses Bridget and Rita O'Hara returned home on Monday from a ten weeks' holiday tour of the continent and the British Isles. Mining attended a three-day conference Recorders and Claim Inspectors from ali thirteen < f in Toronto last week to discuss (Cy. ario's mining districts 1aatters of commyn inte: - est including re-alignment of district boundaries and improper procedures in staking claims which haye come into prominence recently. Chief of the Mining Lands Branch. Reading clockwise from At the head of the table is J. F. McFarland, Mr. McFarland's right are Mrs. D, Collins, Secretary to Deputy Minister; T. A. Wood, Mining Recorder, Sioux Look- IDK if Oeo3, out; Frances; Scott, G. ; T. Christianson, Timmins, and T west Territories. Mr H. C, Mining Recorder, Port Arthur; C. McKinnon, Mining Recorder, Kenora; J. S. J. Mason, Mining Recorder, Haileybury; H. G. Ginn, Mining Recorder, Toronto; Paul Hermiston, Miller, Mining Recorder, Sault Ste Marie; Clements,Mining Recorder, Elk Lake; Mining Claims Inspector, Port Arthur; Russell, employed by the Federal government as Mining Recorder, North- GC. Re H. Darragh, M. Richardson, McGinn, Mining Recorder, Sudbury; J, Gale. Mining Claim Inspector, Swastika; Mining Claim Inspector, F. O'Rourke, Mining Recorder, Mining Recorder, Fort Mining Recorder, Swastika; R. V. Mining Claims Inspector, Cobalt; W.N. Miss Sudbury ; Rickaby, Deputy Minister of Mines is on the extreme left. They sailed home on the Cunard Line "Scythia" which docked at Quebec C Ip CARD OF THANKS We _ wish to thank all those thoughtful friends and neigh- bors who were so kind to us dur- ing our recent sad bereavement --Eileen and Roy Johnson and children THESE | WANT AD'S = WANT | T ROOMS FOR RENT--Breakfast optional. Tel. 371. 14-3-* WANTED TO RENT--Six-room- ed House, Bungalow if possible or furnished house for the sum mer; adults only. Apply to Room 6, The Matabanick Hotel 13-2-* AVAILABLE--Service for week- ly washing. Phone 519, Mrs Art Smith, Rorke Ave. 13-2-* FOR SALE--Fine large 8-room House with summer guest-cot- tage in rear, garage, beautiful- ly located on spacious grounds; Lake Shore Road. Main floor has two large living rooms with fireplaces; large closed verandah; dining room with built-in side- board; large ultra modern kit- chen with mechanical dishwasher, large pantry; comfortable den- like sewing-laundry room adjoins kitchen, has built-in Thor washer; washroom on main floor; second fioor has large bathroom, 3 bed- rooms, closed verandah. Good basement. Coal stoker furnace for winter, built-in glass-heat units for spring -fall- summer heat. Bargain at $19,500. Phone 397, Haileybury. 13-1-* HOUSE FOR SALE on Russell St. Fine large home, three bed- rooms; Dining room, kitchen, living room; large basement, garage and nice garden lot. up-to-date Oil Furnace; Ho. water heating Please cali Nixon, Begg & Hutchinson, Realtorsj, Phone 322, New Lis- keard. 13-2-c FOR SALE--Seven room House Excellent location; hot water heating system; Hardwood floors throughout. Reasonable terms. Phone 44. 10-tf-c ATTRACTIVE House For Sale-- three bedrooms, large living room. glassed-in balcony and garage. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Realtor. Phone 135 12-tf-c TOURIST ACCOMMODATION in a home on Lake Shore Road. Fishing facilities close. Mod- erate daily and week-end rates. Telephone 371. 11-10-* FOR RENT--Two Apartments in Assaf Block. Adults only. Ap- ply M. Assaf, York Hotel, Lon- don, Ont. ~11-tf-c FOR SALE--Johnson 25 _h. Pp: Motor $300.00. Only run 40 hours, likenew. Write P.O. Box 39, Haileybury. 9-2-c BRING RESULTS BOAT FOR SALE---24-foot Ma- hogany Seabird; seats ten. Speed 27 miles; navy top. Com- pletely equipped; excellent con- dition; cradle sectional -poat- house included. Consider trade on anything useful. Phone 255 or 471, Haileybury. 10-1-c HOUSE FOR SALE--Reasonable price. Seven rooms with bath- room; hot water heating sys- tem; large basement. Write tc Adrien Leclerc, CP 142, Dupar- quet, Abitibi, P.Q. 8-tf-* FOR SALE--One Studio Couch in good condition. Phone 480. 14-tf-c HELP WANTED--Woman want- ed for light housekeeping from 9 until 12 noon, three days a week. Phone 200 14-tfc- FOR SALE--Two beds. one sin- gle and one double; two dress: ers, book-case; three living- room tables; two lamps, rang- ette; cabinet; couch. Phone 337 or apply 97 Blackwall St. 14-1-* FOR SALE--Kitchen Cabinet and one counter top--3'. Two ten- nis rackets. Phone 98. 14-2-* AVAILABLE --Accurate Home typing. Phone 618. 14-2-c FOR SALE--Twe Storey Build- ing 17x20 with 12' wall; good condition. Call 80. 14-1-c POR RENT--Available by July Ist; large 2-bedroomed apart- ments. Phone 457R. 14-1-c FOR SALE--Household Furni- ture. New Frigidaire; Bed- room Suite, Buffet, etc. Call at Mrs. Fred Girling after 6 p-m. 14-1-* FOR SALE--Two Bedroom insu- lated Bungalow. Very reason- ably priced. Apply-E. M. Mc- Cuaig, Realtor. Phone 135. 14-1-c WANTED TO RENT--Three- bedroom house at earliest posible date. Willing to take lease: Phone Collect 4898, Box 931, Cobalt 14-2* WANTED -- Reliable Man as Dealer in Temiskaming Dist- rict. Experience not necessary. A fine opportunity to step into old profitable business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's Dept. D-224- 163, Montreal. 5-1-c Nelson Home Scene ! of Lovely Wedding Last Saturday Rey. R. Findlay of New Lis- keard Baptist Church, assisted by Rev. H. S. Staples of Cobalt Baptist Church, officiated at the Nelson home on the West Road, Haileybury on ' Saturday, June 5th, when the marriage of Gladys Thelma Nelson, youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Swan Nelson and the late S. J- Nelson to Mr. Hilyard Howes, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Howes of Parham, Ontario. was solemnized. Given in marriage by her brother, Elmer Nelson, the bride was lovely in a white nylon net over satin with a lace coat. Her finger-tip veil was held by a lace cap trimmed with seeded pearls and she carried a white Bible trimmed with red roses. The bride's cousin, Evelyn Huard was maid-of-honor, gown- edinacocktaillength blue nylon tricot dress with pleated blue nylon headdress. She carried a nosegay of yellow and blue baby 'mums. A niece of the bride, Ingrid Rowe of Lachine, Que- bec was Junior bridesmaid. She was gowned in blue organdy with pleated headdress trimmed with white flowers and she carried a nosegay of yellow and blue baby mums. The groom's brother, Mr. Tom Howes, of Parham, acted as best man. The reception was held in the Legion Hall. Haileybury, where the bride's mother received in navy crepe with white accessories: She wore a corsage of red roses: The toast to the bride and groom was proposed by Dr. W. Christie of Toronto, a brother-in-law of the groom and the singing of Esther Cragg of Cobalt and Roy 3enn of Parham led to the merri ment of the occasion. Going away, the bride chosea grey flannel suit with red access- sories and she wore a corsage of red roses. The happy couple will reside in Parham. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Dave Goodfellow, Frank Goodfellow, Mrs. C. E. Goodfellow, Richard Goodfellow, ' Corinne Goodfellow, M.rand Mrs. Tom Howes and Mr. Roy Benn, all of Parham, Ontario; Dr. W- Christie and Mr. Mack Peterkin of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rowe and Ingrid Rowe of La- chine ,Que., and Mrs. and Mrs. W. Howes and Mr. and Mrs. Ar- chie Howes of Kirkland Lake and Mr. Helge Johnson of Nor- metal, Quebec. BILLEDO The death of William Ronald Billedo occurred on Friday, May 28th in Toronto after a lengthy illness at the age of 74. A carpenter by trade, Mr. Bill- edo came to the North Country from Renfrew County and work- ed in 1906 in the Cobalt mines and later in every mining centre of the north. In 1914, he married the late Agnes Barber Billedo of Ren- frew. County who predeceased him in 1941, They resided on Elliott Street, where they built their first home.and re-built after the 1922 fire. He is survived by one daugh- ter, Mrs. Roy Johnson (Eileen). and two geat grandchildren. The funeral was held at Tulloch and Buffam Chapel on Monday, May 31st with Rev. A. T. Denholm officiating, assisted by Mr. H. W. Rowden of Cobalt The pallbearers were Frank Plaunt. Bill Taylor, John Stewart Peter McGinley, Albert Speich- er and Albert Palmer. Interment was in Mount Pelasant Cemetery. the EMPIR THEATRE NewLiskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. LAST SHOWING TODAY :-- (Double Feature)"Hawks in the Sun", "Curly" THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Offers Total $595.00 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, RANDOLPH SCOTT "Riding Shotgun" Cartoon, Plus Added Shorts JUNE 11th and 12th JOAN WILSON MONDAY and TUESDAY, JEFF CHANDLER "Yankee Pasha" News, Cartoon and Short JUNE 14th and 15th RHONDA FLEMING WED., THURS. GENE BARRY "Those Redheads from Seattle" Plus News and Cartoon JUNE 16th and 17th RHONDA FLEMING isin i on -- Rey - COBALT HAILEYBURY -- LAST TIMES TODAY COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE wn 12th 7 His fight fon right blazeg @ trail of ex. citement from the Highlands J to the heart of a nation! THE HIGHLAND ROGUE sorte RICHARD TODD ¢ GLYNIS JOHNS mfp An All Live-Action Picture > Y <8 TECH NICOLOR | Dittated bys RKO | Radio Pictures Copyright Wait Dia Disney Productions Added Attraction "The Square Ring" JACK WARNER ROBERT BEATTY HAILEYBURY-- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 11th, 12th COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY, June 14, 15 Solee R_ BY COLOR CORR OF AMERICA ge PEGGIE CALHOUN - CASTLE Released thru United Artists (Gas "A FE aed MpCEwe Kiton "Desparate Moment" DIRK BOGARDE PHILIP FRIEND Plus News and Cartoon A i ln alta all ti al itn al ai tte oie ate oe Haileybury--After Sun. Midnight, Mon., Tues., June 14, 15 COBALT -- WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY JUNE 16, 17 MONSTER -- A LOST CENTURY! 'CREATURE nt BLACK ARLSON JULIA ADAMS. NTONIO MORENO A UNNVERSAL! TERIAL PICTURE Added Attraction "Hellgate" Sterling HAYDEN, Joan LESLIE, Ward BOND at tn tl ate i i at ti lle ie ile i a on HAILEYBURY--WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 17 COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JUNE 18th and 19th ii-G-i's GREAT OUTDOOR COLOR DRAMA! VWllIAM ELEANOR JON FOLDER PARKER: FORSYTHE More dangerous than Apache arrows is a flame-baired beauty who loves and lies! WILLIAM DEMAREST - RICHARD: ANDERSON: POLLY BERGEN An M-G-M Picture Added Attraction "Will any Gentlemen... +? lor by Technicolor George COLE, Heather THATCHER, Veronica HURST ay