The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 1 Jul 1954, p. 4

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a THU RSD. ANY, Page Four THE HAILEYBU RIAN _JULY Ist, 1954 Social Notes FIRST GROUP OF CRIPPLED Denpeee of Haileybury. Rev- A. eked out a 6-5 win over the Town. CHILDREN ARRIVE AT T. Denholm offiiated at the A small crowd saw Ed Huard * NORTHWOOD YESTERDAY quiet ceremony inthe evening at allow but three hits to even his ror LAS ; te the United Church manse- recordat 2-2. Father Jubinville Mi ean Gorann of Toronto Fourteen miles west of Kirk- The bride chose a blue grey was charged with the loss. The | | is ee with her sister, Miss land Lake, a littles community tailored suit with white fae score by Sakayese HE At co BALT Ruth Gordon. welcomed its first visitors yester- ies and wore a corsage of red Town ... 2200 O10) => 614: . day. Crippled children from roses. W. Road. 300120 x6 10 4 Miss Katie Uren is spending Northern Ontario arrived at Mrs. Robert Rouse was matron- Umpires--W C. Thuerck, plate, the summer holidays with Mrs. Northwood Camp and planning of-honor in a_ rose _ Suit with L. Wiseman, bases. . Maurice McNulty at Temagami. and decorating were at an end. white accessories. She wore a ---------------- HAILEYBURY - = SPAST bar TODAY | Among those who are now In- corsage of yellow mums, LIBRARY NOTES j Mr. and Mrs. N. N. Mclver of stalled at the camp are MissAnna The groom's best man was COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, July 2nd, 3rd me en ea Jean Holmes, the director; Miss Robert Rouse. ; ae ° Rea Tabs ack an Phyllis Osborne, senior nurse; The reception was held at the The Library during July and "The Outriders" H a ae maces © 2" """ Miss Fleurette Dupuis and Miss home of the groom's parents with August will be open Monday, siti ' 3 ytle. ay Geraldine O'Conner, junior nurses immediate relatives and friends a ees ee 3:00 to Joel McCREA, Arlene DAHL, Barry SULLIVAN Cen oe ee ? Local boys and girls who have present. 9:30 and 7:00 to? :UU. : 1 Mr. es Aes oe he Sela been appointed -to assist at the Mr. and Mrs. Dempster will Ag des a Lene eos eft on Sunday for his home camp are Joan Currie of Chaput live in Haileybury. LASSIE in aiter visiting with his son, Ajo tek Hughes, Sharron Gamache of a 5 3 White, and Mrs: White. Kirkland Lake and Susan Fox FASTBALL NOTES "The Hills of Home" and Patricia Waldon of Swastika. FLY ; : Mr. and Mrs A. Hargrave and ~ Others on the staff from Nor- Last Thursday night saw the es Starring EDMUND GW ENN | j ' children spent the week-end at tyern Ontario are Miss Frances third meeting of the North Cobatl T0 RONTO Abitibi Cay eee guest of Mr. Brumell of Haileybury, Miss Bombers and the West Road, with HAILEYBURY-- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, July 2nd, 3rd and Mrs. Eric McComb. Frances Burgess of Rouyn, Joan North Cobalt taking the game 1:50 Hours COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY JULY 5. 6 ar Sterling of Timmins, Sheila 11-3. The West Road were able z : ae and Me A. Cooke ae Spooner of Timmins and Bridget tocollect 7 hits off Fleury, while $22.80 ; ; a children of -- oronto are visiting Colgan of Shillington. the Bombers got 10 off: the com- 5 bate with Mrs. Cooke's parents. Dr. The official opening of the bined efforts of Ramsay and ene ite IN 22 YEARS ONLY TWO! and Mrs. W. R. Somerville camp will take place on Sunday, Huard. Score by innings: Phone Earlton 48 & RRS eRe - aS July 11th and from scattered N. Cobalt 8 0 1 0 0 2 x--11 10 3 Defies : "TRADER HORN" and "KING Mrs. Norman Cavanaugh and points throughout Northern On- W. Road .1010100--3 76 t + children of Sydney, N.S., are tario, interested citizens will tra- nee Canadian fase SOLOMON'S MINES visiting with Mrs. Cavanaugh's vel to Lake Sesekinika to inspect _ In a closely contested game on 5 Bgl ladle Rictavs sister, Mrs. Wm: Taylor and Mr. the camp. Tuesday night, the West Road and now Taylor. ----_----_ ------- -- eee ; ee DEMPSTER--MAMEN :: Sane ae E ' = Mrs. W: E .Bagshaw returned : aes : a a glad | = home last week-end from Toron- A wedding of wide interest | FOR UTMOST SATISFACTION AND PROMPT PAYMENT : 7D z tena took pl Saturday, J € Am) to, wheré she has been visiting took place on saturday, une ibs im with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 26th when Barbra Alfhild Mamen BY MONEY ORDER DAILY SHIP YOUR (F] ene C. D. Devlin. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leif : SH 7 : me aS Mamen of Norman, Ontario, be- BI q IEBERRIES HA UIA I { Mr- and Mrs. Pierre Bond and came the bride of Mr. Arnold i) children, Lucienne, Michael, Ro Cawood (Bud) Dempster Juniof ae CH wena and Beverly are the guests eldest son of Mrand Mrs. Arnold to the Old Establshed Firm = NICOLOR of Mr. Bond's brother, Steve ° ° How May 0 ew ELEANOR and Mrs: Bond. (SRE AUR PE A S. Marlow & Co. Limited aoe 'PARKER Mr. and Mrs. W. Ramsbottom STEWARD for Haileybury TORONTO "SEL CHARLTON, and children of Englehart visited Golf Club; must be over 21. F El with Mrs. Ramsbottom's mother, Apply P. HITCHEN, Hailey- Sales reports and money orders mailed as soon as arsanes Mrs. W. MacDonald, Brewster bury Golf Club Blueberries are sold hn foe, Street. last week-end, (EST Special Attention to Storekeepers and Buyers bau! SEE! Raymond Boyer returned last 127° WRITE US FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE SEE! : week from Rigaud College, Que- F Siete S Sarre R FLOOD OF j AR. UN A bec, to visit with his mother. Mrs. ree Shipping Stamp or Tags on Request arti The 1 r E. Boyer, and will be working in C | | Ad . verre ivin orror... Noranda during the summer. on elise S --_--_--_--SSES Hoa i a ee er os FOR SALE--One Sunshine baby : Added Attraction I1SS ce y 5 e d t Ph Ont., and Mr. Gordon M. Vipond ee anageod ponLlon. 72" Summ if [ R [ F "Th M li h 99 of Kapuskasing were guests at = e oon 1g ter the Hotel Haileybury this week: 7 = MALE. HELP WANTED = i ae : ie Hotel Haileybury this week. " Dining Room waitress during eaneaanannnannnnnnannnnannnnneenedl BARBARA STANWYCK, | FRED MacMURRAY T _ the months of July and Au- a eee e ee ibeaien eaore gust and September. Room Now is the time to fill your coal-bin with high grade 2S ee Plus: Hewsiand and Cartoon ee ees _E. lable if weeaeane ies eee aie aeieadieaineatiadl ie eine ane adineadineatnaatinnatieds 4 ae ee ae D apts phone. 99 abslepiere icc loa i omeblaneybi ny Eitcls HAILEYBURY --After Sun. Midnite, Mon., Tues.July 5th, 6t TS urphy. ts 2 = Ledwell and MEG. F Cockshutt. pon eeensige <I> COBALT -- WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY JULY 7, 8 vadder and one /2 h.p. tor. ! . | Mr. and Mrs: A. L. Herbert Write Box A, The Haileyburian TOURISTS Matmec:Monday at 2 Pee 5 ae am who were married in Haileybury 17-1-* We now have 40-Ib cartons of Briquets for your Camp. 9 J] gustmstirewtersteenrererr tee igang June 27th, 1914, celebrated their FOR RENT--For July and Au- =o E SHEE ere. = the soe gust. Two furnished apartments eecae fear ome, srewster Street, Sun- -- with bath. Also a furnished N OCKS day. J eir chi g Bs : ina ee a ean zat LOW One WpeieOt LC ets We have high-tested Building and Chimney Blocks of all matin vei : : -andMrs.A. ouson Ave. Phone 261 17-1-* do, the bilanious try by R.(Bob) Herbert, Cobalt; Mr.and FoR SALE --Used Washing Ma- kinds. For Further information and prices call DAMON RUNYON Mrs. David M- Herbert. Hailey- Chine Phone 362 ciate bury; Mr.George Herbert. Hail- ---- : - eybury; Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Burke HOUSE FOR SALE--Reasonable HAILEYB [: Quyon, Que:.. Mr and Mrs. J. B. price. aes eRe ere Brearley, NorthiBay and Mr.and 100m; mot water SO oe : Nie Gu Verina Gonalt tem; large basement. Write te Phone 349 Haileybury, Ont. Box 65 HIE MILLAR PAT OO Adrien Leclerc, CP 142, Dupar- Boyt. ees om RICHARD HAYON se Truck Driver Convicted quet, Abitibi, P.Q. 8-tf-* vet Robert Strauss Gerald Mohr Sheldon Leonard Horn Vices Nese ee eee oS In Englehart Collision FOR SALE--One 12-tube Rog- = = te + Adaptation by Hal Kanter» Based on a Story by Damon Runzen «A Parasnouat Picture aa ers' Majestic radio and record _ The accident of May 25th in Players one used bathroom ba- THEATRE eg ee oe which Mrs. Leslie MacDonald of ae: one wardrobe trunk; bas "Port Sastens Toronto was killed at the Enge- coal chute for window. inate " hart turn-off on Highway No. 11, --182_ ore New Liskeard JAMES WARREN LYNNE ROBERTS _ led to the sentencing on Friday of FOR SALE--Two Bedroom insu- - - er - Reneud sot ne ens to a fine te a Cs aioe see Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m TAILEYBURY_ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 8 of $ or ays and courtcosts @D1Y P " i i OD i Bee eed vine, hare Sa Guaie, Reali Phoned 35. single bill. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m PLAYING STRAND THEATRE ONLY _ He wasalso_ prohibited from driv- 14-1-c ]] LAST SHOWING TODAY :-- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ing for two years. Magistrate FOR SALE--Seven room House "Prisoner of the Casbah' "Valley of the Headhunters" ---- Atkinson observed that the ac- Excellent location; hot water y y Ww cused had made no effort to warn heating system; Hardwood oman' $s the oncoming car although he ad- floors throughout. Reasonable THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE mitted having seen it a long dis- terms. Phone 44. 10-tt-c This Week's Cash Offers Total $240.00 greatest tance away It appeared that if ATTRACTIVE House For Sale-- 2 Renaud had kept to his own side three bedrooms, large living |} FRIDAY and SATURDAY. JULY 2nd and 3rd SIM woe ~ of the road and waited, the acci- room; glassed-in balcony. Double Feature dent would not have occurred. Apply E. M- McCuaig, Ee THAT'S WHAT Realtor. Phone 135___12-tf-c Jesse James vs. Daltons" THE PICTURE TOURIST ACCOMMODATION Bert King, Barbara Lawrence IS ABOUT! in a home on Lake Shore Road. Fishing facilities close. Mod- 73 : : " erate daily and week-end rates. ||" China Venture Telephone 371. 11-10-* Edmund O'Brien, Barry Sullivan. Cartoon FOR SALE--New House. Four Rooms and bath: Phone 540. MONDAY, TUES., WED. JULY 5th, 6th and 7th 16-tt PIER , CURLOS. - s "The Glen Miller Story" TRIPS EACH WAY FOR SALE--Walnut Drop-leaf eestor ante] Weihesea ANGEL| "THOMPSON EVERY DAY Duncan Phyfe table, arm chair SNES MNEs eh ey LEAVE NORTH BAY and three side chairs. $75.00. Prices for this Engagement Only: Introducing Phone 255. 16-tf-c Matinee: Adults 50c; Children 25c; Students Regular the new Latin- M.-G-M 9.10 a.m. 4.25 p.m. FOR SALE ---- Baby Carriage: Evening: Adults 75c, Children 25c, Students Regular American star SENSATION 12.45 p.m. 11.59 p.m. Phone 287. 16-1-* CARLOS THOMPSON | IN. FIERY ~*' DAYLIGHT TIME Ho SALE--Modern low oven || THURS.. FRI, SATURDAY JULY 8th, 9th and 10th singing ( (Ol OR our-burner electric stove; oven a = 5 "No One But You" UD i einai tw and outside porcelain enamel; "Royal African Rifles" WN mare Lat? 2 uf $7.15 $12.90 $90.00. cashi | Enguinies' Phone LOUIS HAYWARD VERONICA HURST Added Attraction ; I M h 7 UNION BUS TERMINAL FOR SALE -- House, six large BRCIANO aOR LES 1S Comrie Rounds Cartoon "Sword of Venus" NORTH BAY roomsand bathroom; closed-in . 1 ee codhaal Renate Se (Ce ee ee ee ROBERT CLARKE CATHERINE McLEOD pbiatiesdy: 12 Sa Phone 263. 18-tf-c

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