4 TAL _FHE HAILEYBURIAN "HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1954_ Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 50; No. 18 Business Practice Course Added to School Curriculum 2The Board of Education held its regular meeting on Monday, June 28th with H. A. Doran. vice- chairman in the chair. Duringa busy session the Board approve the payment of accounts in the amount of $10,924.01 In a written report, G. L. Cas- sdy requested authorization to teach a course in Business Prac- tice during the coming school year. The Board added their ap- proval to that of the High School bury Chapter 1.0.DE., which is inspector. In his report, Mr. Cassidy stated that the estimated number of pupils enrolled in the High School would be between 105 and 110 approximately. Classes would be made, up as jollows: Grade IX--45; Grade X27: Grade XI--21; Grade XII_7 and Grade XIII--6. A discussion followed concerning the large enrollment in Grade IX and Mr. Cassidy's views on this matter will be obtained for the next meeting. Mrs: George Morgan was ap pointed Public School representa- tive on the Haileybury Free Public Library Board. An invitation was extended to the Temiskaming Educational As- sociation to hold its annual Fall meeting in the Public Schoo. Members acknowledged a do- nation of $500 from the Hailey- being used towards the cost of the auditorium A. C. Dempster and the P-F Hardware were authorized to carry out suggested changes. in the heating system, whereby all classrooms will receive uniform heat: Approval was given to thd repairs to the school roof by W. G. Cooper and the purchase ofa power mower for the grounds. = ---- | Firemen Win Trophy at Noranda Tournament July 1 Haileybury's Firemen came home ment in Noranda with a shining new cup won by the wagon team with the following firemen on the team: W- Stevens, O.-Mc- Quaid, Norman Abraham, Harold Sadler, B. Treen, B. Allen, Jim Blair and Bill Hughes. Compet- ing against twenty-two North- ern Ontario teams the boys tied with Larder Lake in a time of 51 seconds to take fifth place. On the tie-breaking run, the Larder Lake team pulled out ahead fora 54 second win as against the local winning team came from Nor- anda in 44 seconds with Timmins lads' time of 57 seconds. The running second with 49 seconds. Neighboring towns of New Lis- keard and Cobalt did the race in 61 2-5 and 69 4-5 respectively. In the ladder race the Hailey- bury team was composed of B- Allen, N .Abraham. O. Hughes, B. Hughes, J. Blair, B. Treen and C. Belland. Rouyn was well out in front with a 16 second timing Cobalt and Haileybury-did it in 12 2-5 and New Lskeard in 18 3-5. The boys werecaptained by J. Blairin the absence of Fire Chief Watson who remained n town to avoid any shorthandedness at the Fire Hall. IAN MacDIARMID TAKES FIRST MEETING AS PRES. GF HAILEYBURY ROTARY President Ian MacDiarmid took his first meeting as President of the Haileybury Rotary Club meeting on Monday. Vice-Pre= sident for the new term is F. W. Thompson with S. Graham con- tinuing as secretary and Jack Lecky continuing as Treasurer- On the Board of Directors are fack Hughes, George Lemay, C. Donegan and Jim Blair. Retiring President of. the Club, TF. W. Thompson, © thanked his fellow members for their whole- hearted co-operation throughou the year Record Number at Opening of Rotary Playground The playground opened last from the July 1st tourna- Monday with one of the largest attendances in several years. Both supervisors, just returned froma special recreational course in North Bay, were on hand to in- troduce many of the new ideas they acquired during the week of classes. This year many of the new crafts and games are to be intro- duced. Already the few that have been tried were very well accepted by the children. Instru- ments have been procured in or- der to start a rhythm band and plans are being made to organize a Junior basebal] league for boys 14 years and under. Keeping step with Jubilee ac- tivities the supervisors have been asked to see about a parade of bicy cles and tricycles, wagons and doll carriages with prizes for the best decorated: Thurdsay morn- ing of the festivities, the child- ren of the playground will put on their own program. The supervisors want as many children as possible to come out every day; however, it must be noted they cannot be responsible for anyone under 5 year sof age. PROGRAMME 10:00-10:45--5-7, Crafts; 8-10, Crafts; 11-14, Active games 10:45-11:30--5-7, active games 8-10--active games; 11-14--crafts 11 :30--12 :00--5-7--Music; 8-10 ---music; 11-14--crafts. 2 :00-2 :30--5-7--_ Story telling; 8-10--story telling. 2:303:15--5-7-- Active games; 8-10--active games; 11-14--base- ball practice. 3:15-3 45--5-7--crafts ; crafts. 3:15 -4:00--11-14--<rafts. 3 :45-4 :00--5-7--Apparatus play 8-10--apparatus play. 8-10-- Sam McGee of Northern Lights "fame up Lake LaBarge way would turn over in his grave, perhaps, at this news: Employees have become unionized. Everyone... for Make Your Reservati Hotel H Is coming to THE MINING CAPITAL OF THE NORTH the Diamond Jubilee on Early at the Finest aileybury MEET YOUR FRIENDS IN THE SILVER ROOM or JOIN With_Them in ONE OF OUR Delightful MEALS You will Enjoy "SONGS TO REMEMBER" o» 4.15 p.m. EVERY SATURDAY CjJKL Diamond Jubilee ---- A happy_memory of a_ lovely place pushed the Jubilee Fund up this week--the letter said "I have been reading with interest about the celebration Haileybury 1s going to have in aly ak ety husband were still alive, 1 know he would love to be there and in memory of him and the grand times he used to have in Hailey- bury, lam sendinga small dona- tion but wish it could be much larger.' And from a new Cana- dian, who. with his family, made Haileybury his home while work- ing with Temiskaming Construc- tion--Ojars Biskaps, comes an- other thoughtful contribution; add to this the donation of a char ming Haileybury lady who wishes to remain oh, so anonymous, the donation of Miss Jean Gordon of Toornto and the Brantford Roof- ing Company and you have $1,351.07 FOR Now we're getting into this business of a Jubilee the way a jubilee should be. Busiest and moset interesting hive of excite- ment with the July Ist week-end behind us is right on Ferguson Avenue in the Jubilee headquar- ters. Citizens who had to put firstthings first have their gar- dens nursed into bloom and are turning their full attention to the big event. Mrs. Creighton has produced a dandy picture of the thriving brick yard situated on the Lake Shore Road in the early days. Mrs. George has contrib- uted a lovely scene of a group in front of the Presbyterian Church --a quick glance and we weren't surprised to spot W. H.. Tuke, A. W. Sanderson, H. Pickard and Dr. W. R. Somerville--for these aeamrong the early builders of a church and a town: FORO From Parkhill comes a nice letter from Tom Magladery this week--a man who can be counted upon always to be right in there pitching when one of Temiska- ming's towns is marking an oc casion, "It will be much more than just a usual pleasure to meet some or all of the oldtim- ers whose names you have men- tioned in the paper as they area genial crew and on top of that, are the men who made the north or a least gave it a good push forward during the making. I would not miss meeting them for anything. "I would he there now but that I am detained by a visit from my several grandchildren. But I am going to be one of a hvge crowd that will be in Hail- eybury on July 28th." HAA AH Snapshots of 1908 and 1909 ar- rived this week from Gordon F. Summers and we will perhaps put them in the bank for safekeeping until the day of the exhibit for surely we have never appreciated pictures more or realized how precious they are after a fire like that of 1922. IK Dr. Gordon Jackson, one of Haileybury's wellknown doctors of the early days sends "Best wishes for the Diamond Jubilee" bla ala ste ta claal "T am planning to be in Hail- eybury for the celebration" writes Wallace MacGirr of To- t in the cocktail lounge and tavern ronto--in fact, I'm looking for- ward to it and also seeing many of the old faeces I used to know and came in contact with during my police duties. Wishing you every success". sei OI From Bill Edwards of the Nor- thern Miner "Expect to see you all the last week in July." Miss Lucy Chenier, Latulipe. "Wishing you and all Haileyburians - the best for the Jubilee" Mrs. J.H. Shibley, wife of the early station agent writes "TI still have a long- ing to go back to the good old town" with a wonderful collec- tion of pictures enclosed. Jet OI "was chairman of WEEK IN COURT A short docket in Magistrate Atkinson's Court last week saw Yut Jun Lew of Matachewan take a two months' sentence tor keeping liquor for sale. John Morrinson of Englehart was driving a vehicle not regis- tered with the Department of Motor Vehicles and paid $10.00 and costs. For having liquor unlawfully, Leo Cleroux of Renfrew, Ronald Card of Matachewan, Alcide, Tremblay, Gordon Woodward and Roy Pannel of New Liskeard were fined $10.00 and costs. Intoxication: in a public place, Valentine, cost Hyvarinen Mattie! of Tarz- well, Preston Clifton of Engle- hart and Douglas U Shaughnessy Kirkland Lake $10.00 and costs. Popular Canadian To Act As M.C. at Diamond Jubilee A Canadian with a wealth of experience behind him will be acting as Master of Ceremonies at the Diamond Jubilee's evening shows on July 29th, 30th and 31st> James R. Millman, a__ public reations officer of John Labatt Limited. has been associated with the Company for the past fifteen years. Well known throughout province, Mr. Millman was for- merly Kiwanis Music Chairman for Ontario, Quebec and _ the and served distrigts also as an Internatonial chairman Maritime of Music for Kiwanis. He is an executive of the Ontario Baseball Association. He has been asso- ciated with many philanthropic work and has been an _ able committee-man in canvasses in behalf of the Anglican Advance Appeal, Society for Crippled Children, Girl Guides Association and the St. Johns Ambulance As- sociation. During the war, he Kent County Victory Loan drives. Transformer House Burns at Agaunica on Saturday Night A $10,000 fire wiped out the transformer house at the Agua- nico mine, North Cobalt, late Saturday night but not a single shift was lost as A. D. Hellens, Consolidated Mining Corporation manager, organized an all-out effort which was successful in overcoming a holdup in produc- tion at one of Cobalt's most im- portant producing mines.. Aided by floodlights, mine workers and special gangs of hy- dor linemen worked without stop- ping throughout the night and on Sunday work had started on erecting the transformer house. Mr. Hellens paid special tribute to the Hydro's work and to H. E. _ Burton, manager of the Ontario Still looking for the names of the earliest residents and we come up with Tom Lemon, Hail- eybury's Pumpman, who came here in 1900, much against his wish and has been so happy he did ever since Asked if he could tell us an amusing anecdote of those days he said "Well, every- thing was amusing now that I come to think of it. Mrs. A. Dickson has been on Browning Hydro office at Cobalt. Street since 1904 and two years jater Mrs. T. Edwards began her long residence in town. Mrs. Maria Hamilton is another 1906er and she has lived,on the West Road all these years. Tied with Mr: Lemon is Mrs. N. Austin who steamed up the lake on the Me- teor on the 18th of May, 1900. Announces GRADE I Atchison, John; Bailey, Rich- ard; Berry, Matthew; Burke, kandall; Campbell, Mary Eliza- beth; Camsell, Lynda; Cooke, Daniel; Cooke. Linda; Cooke, Larry; Davis. Diana Lynn; Day. Gordon; Fleming, Michaél; Gag- uon, Barry; Gognon, Robert ;Gav- non, Terry; Gibson, Linda; Gre non, Douglas; Hargrave, Hred- erick; Hawkins, Cynthia; Heas- lip, Melany; Hennessy, Helen; Hennessy, Mary Di; Hill. Char- les; Hurst, Margaret; Hurteau, Bryan; Jensen, Richard; Laroc- que, Lorne; McQuaid, Linda, Rea- vell, Judith; Rodgers, Margaret; Sadler, David; Smallman, Dougie ; Ian; Wilson, Neil; White, Trevor. GRADE IL Adams, Jackle; Byles, Larry; Campbell, Bruce; Cavanaugh, Susan; Daughney, Joan; Day, Linda; Dineson, Ricky; Evans, John; Glassford, Stuart; Greer, Ann; Gregg, Peggy; Hellens, Leith; Hurteau, Sandra; Kings- mill, Gill; Kirk, Judy; Laroque, Roger; Lindsay, Richard; Mor- gan, Jimmy; McAulay, David; McPherson, Dougie; Nauss, Kathie; Robinson, Judy Ann; Roux, Jerry; Sadler, Dianne; Scully, Barry; Shortt, Jimmy ; Stollery, Gordon; Thoday, Nancy ; Thompson, Sheila; Timmins, Gary; Umphrey, Michael; Pratt, Glenn; Welch, Heather. GRADE III Adams, Walter; Cavanaugh, Jane; Dean, Diana; Dempster, Bobby ; Drinkwater, Patsy; Findlay, Russell; Gagnon, Veron- ica ;Gilroy,Bobby; Grant, Wanda; Greer, Gordie; Hammerstrom Michael; Hawkins, Penny; Hurst, Mary; Johnson, Ann; Larabie, David; Larocque, Victor; Lecky, joyce; Lowery, Patty; MacDon- ell, jo-Ann; MacDonnell, Rodney ; McQuaid, Judy; Menzies, Joyce; Merzetti; Angela; Oslund,,Walt- er; Patriquin, Gwen, Plaunt, Charles; Reavell, Jimmy, Robin- son, Rosemary; Roux, Stanley. GRADE IV Childs, Beverley; Gagnon, Dougie; Gardner, Alan; Gilkes, Vicki; Graff, Ronnie; Hargrave, Lynne; Kngsmill, John; Kranz, Wesley; MacDiarmid, Rory; Menzies, Margaret; Merzetti, Susan; Nelson, Betty May; Os- lund, Billy; Russell, Wayne; St Louis, Bobby; Smallman, Caro- lyn; Valley, Sandra. GRADE V Adams, Gloria; Bloch, Anne Grethe, Camsell, Janet; Drink- walter, James; Fleming, Charles ; Gagnon, Leslie; Hennessy, Don- na; Hurteau, Louise; Herbert, Dennis; Larabie, Margaret; Mc- Farlane,° Sheila; MacPherson, Karen, McIntyre, James; Nauss, John; Neelands, Tommy; Plaunt, Marian; Taylor, Ronald; Teare, Sharron; Thomson, Ian;Timmins Sandar; Trowhill, Ray ;,Wiseman Billy; Smith, Mary GRADE VI Cavanaugh; Day. Karen; Gib- Haileybary Public School Exam Results son, Judith, Grozelle, Bobby; Hallworth, Charles; Humphreys, Barbara; Johnston, Ross; Mur- phy, Joan; MacPherson, Janet; Ramsay, Dawna; Ross, Jill; Smallman, Sheila; Welsh, Judith; Playford, Marilyn; St. Louis Erna-Jean. GRADE VII Abraham, Norma; Adams, Sid- ncy; Button, Rodney; Camsell, Barbara; Cavanaugh, Margaret; Cooke, Carolee; Coull, Peggy; Daughney, Margaret; Doran, Rod Edey, Bruce; Fillion, Lindon; Gardner, Donald; Grozelle, Linda Hawkins, Jean; Larocque, Bar- bara; Libby, Jacqueline ; MacDou- gall, Rod; McIntyre, Joy; Nelson. Norma; Pirie, Sharon; Popple- ton Tom; Robson, Jo; Roux, Jeannine ; Stevenson, Judy; Yombs, Ellen, Trowhill, Diane; Whitby, Sally. GRADE VIII Bond, Peter; Cockshutt, Nancy; Cooper, Sheppard; Coull, John; Daughney, Ann; Dodds, Frank; Faulkner, Miles; Gassford, Don; Hurst, Jeanne; Jenkins, Bobby; Kingsmill, Carolyn; Lowery, Elaine; MacDiarmid, Robert; Pearson, Ronald, Pirie, Edward Pringle, Susan; Roux, Dorien; Simpson, Ricky; St. Louis, Lynn; Thomson, Judy; Tyson, Bobby; Weiss, Brian. Many Citizens Plan to Attend Opening Northwood Camp Rotarians from Haileybury and many other citizens are planniing tc be present this Sunday when Dr. McKinnon Phillips, Provin- cial Minister of Health, officially opens Northwood Camp for Crip- pled Children on Lake Sesekinika. The ceremonies, to which the Public is invited, will be con- duted by Mr. H. H. Popham, vice-president of the Ontario So- ciety for Crippled Children; Conn Smythe, honorary treasurer of the Society and well sports figute; Alex Harris, chair- man of the camp and R. W Hop- per, executive director of the Society This opening day wil! feature an inspection of the camp. the ceremonies and refreshments from two until five In the after- noon. The Week's Weather Week ending July 7th, 1954 Max. Min. Wednesday ........ 62 80 Mhiunsdaye aveetaeriee 63" .76 Fridaypaeemec tm 51 56 Saittirdayasemmataa- byz 9 7{0) Siintibin? $n oeaese Slee 62 Miro mdatye easter Geko 740) ARBWERTEENT So oS pte o.0 - Si O+ Wednesday .....-.- 45, "61 Calling All SQUARE IN TEMISKAMING DIAMOND JUBILEE CONTEST on THURSDAY, JULY 23th Send all entries to the Diamond Jubilee Committee, Haileybury, Ont. ANCERS known: