Page Two THE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, JULY 8th, 1954 The HAILEY BURIAN Issued evecy [bureday _-- from The Haileyburian Z Office, Broadway 8t.. ki; - Haileybury, Ont bei O EE, SUTHERLAND, Publisher RUTH G. GORDON, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES: In Canada--$2.00 per year, in advance In United States--,3.00 per year, tm advance Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Assn: Authorizd as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottews VALUE OF ADVERTISING In this Jubilee year, we are find- ing as we enjoy the few precious existing copies that thereis noth- ing new under the sun. In the 1912 edition, find an appeal to advertisers "Now in The Haileyburian, you have waiting to render you service, a newspaper which will go into every house in town; paper which will be read by everyoneand will therefore be we placed right under the nose of every purchaser in town exactly what you wish to tell them. ~ Surely, you are su ciently alive and up-to-date to have something you wish to + tell the people which will increase your business. Therefore, in your own interest get busy and find something to tell the readers of The Hailey- burian Your success will depend on your ability to convince people that it will pay them to come to you. Let us see a little of that ability. Haileybury boasts that its business men are alive' Show it to the world; don't allow out- siders to say you are all dead." The words hit home with us this week because we devoted some time to writing a lengthy letter in answer to a request from a family in Ohio who had written to us for a copy of The Haileyburian in which they ex- pected to find advertisements giving them information on where they could find a_ nice tourist resort with a cabin to rent. In fairness to the opera- tors ofcahinsin the district, we thought we should warn them that we have never rented a cabin nor do we have any idea of what they offer to this million dollar industry which w@ are Ackroyd and Son PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442-B oa é > \°) Having §*) ---\ trouble 22 saving? you really save with The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA'S You set your own savings- goal... yousave by convenient instalments . . . and your contract guarantees that The Bank of Nova Scotia willmake good your entire goal in case of decease before you reach it! \ ~ money > = = 5) \o s ~ for NS wy sure PF to help make all your dreams come true Take a minute to stop into your nearest Bank of Nova cotia branch--pick up your copy of the free PSP booklet, giving all the details about this new way to save. Your Partner in Helping Canada Grow Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Haileybury he is supposed to be interested in at- tracting to this area. This is the second such letter we have un- dertaken to answer rather than let the Chamber of Commerce down but who gets the tourists depends entirely on the editor's mood. We suggest at least one insertion so that we can comply with future requests in the pro- per manner setting out rates and attractions. CAPACITY ENROLMENT Every page we turn today, in- evitably we read" a story on Canada's glowing mining picture and the tremendous opening up of this country during the past few years. It follows that am- bitious young men trained in every phase of mining must be turned out each year if the stan- dard of the industry is to be maintained at top levels. With this thought in mind, Haileybury can take pride in the fact that already over ninety registra tions have been entered for the fall term at the Provincial Insti-- tute of Mining. Since the school can only accept one hundred students we have reached a point which indicates that appleations will be turned down. It must beno small source of satisfaction to the Principal and those citi- zens who have devoted so much to the establishment of the school through the years to know that their efforts were so well directed. FLATTER HIM "She must realize that most men marry, first and foremost for a home of their own. children, the passing-on of their heritage and their life-blood and the per- etuation of their mother's cook- ing. She must realize, too, that a young man puts the same price on a girl as she puts on herself, and respects her accordingly; and that all through history the omen who have made the most successful alliances have been those who have been able to flatter their other half into be- lieving himself to be twice the man he really is." New OPP Inspector Appointed Last Week The appointment of Provincial Police Sergeant J. E. Johnson to the post of Inspector for No. 12 District was announced last week Inspector Johnson, who arrived in Haileybury last June, has been acting Inspector since the death of Inspector N. S. Smaile. In his new post, Inspector Johnson is in charge of provin- cial police in an area stretching from North Bay to north of Kirk- land Lake and from the Quebee border to WHagar. There are sixty-four provincial police unde his direction. Laughter At Home "Domestic humor demands neither cleverness or wit; it is nierely an attitude of mind. Know, yourself and laugh at what you know. When you have cause to censure the children, let your censure bounced off an effigy o yourself. The family that Jaughs together, loves together." --W. H. Moore HIGH SCHOOL CADETS LEAVE FOR COURSES Six high school boys, three from Cobalt three from Haileybury, left on Monday even- ing for government sponsored training camps. Applications were accepted from David Wil- ton, Paul McAlpine and Kenneth Messenger of Cobalt and from Paul Dodds, Bob Gilkes and Har- old Hammerstrom of Haileybury To be eligible the boys had to be at least 15 years old and have a good record as a member of a high school cadet corps for a year Cadets Wilton and Gilkes went ts Camp Ipperwash for Senior Leaders' Course and the other four to Camp Borden for motor mechanics and signals. and Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury --Godfrey Winn ab Temiskaming Construction Limited ~ 210 Cedar St. Sudbury, Ont. ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations mM BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 TOURS ALL-EXPENSE Leave travel worry behind. Canadian Pacific "packaged tours" (starting at $48.50 East or West bound from Field or Banff) include everything from wonderful meals to trail trips on sure-footed mountain ponies! 2-day, 4-day and 6-day tours include luxurious living at Banff and Lake Louise and miles of mile-high mountain motoring, Information and reservations from any Ontario Northland or Canadian Pacific Agent or writer GEO. A. BURT District Passenger Agent, Elgin & Elm, Sudbury Tel.: OS 4-4421 LIBRARY HIGHLIGHTS "Far, Far From Home" is Ruth McKenney's fates: rollick- ing saga of misadventures. To look at almost anything through Ruth's eyes is a cure for what ails you. It relaxes a body and gives one a chance to survey the local scene and marvel at how cock-eyed we can get. The Branston family, Ruth and Richard, Tom 14, Pat 10, and little Eileen, 4, set forth from Westport, Connecticut, to drink deep of old-world culture. They settle in Brussells, by mistake. The Kents, who were going to join them there, never arrived-- they decided on Rome instead-- and the house they were to have never had existed. But that was O.K. with the Branstons. With- out one acquaintance or one word of the local lingo and with out proper papers, like true Americans "Westward Ho", they just kept on going. One merry adventure follows another. They make friends-- fine unforgettable characters -- and appreciate the differences be- tween peoples They learn French and delve into French ro- mance. They introduce their a mo Widow and Children Receive $10,000 on $5,000 Policy In Western Canada, a young executive died recently in a level crossing accident. He was insured with a $5,000 Confederation Life Policy carrying an Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit. As a result, his widow and chil- dren received $10,000 for their care and protection. The only policy of its kind in Canada! Confederation's Accidental Death & Dismemberment Benefit on a $5,000 Policy pays! $5,000 if you die from na causes. $10,000 if you die by acci- dent. $15,000 if you die by acci- dent while in a public vehicle (except an airplane), or ina fire in a public building. Liberal cash payments for dis- memberment accidents. PROTECT THE ONES YOU LOVE -.Combellg-- : Confederation Life For Full Information, Call: Representative Milton S. Boyd, Haileybury friends to American literature. Of-the 44 trading countries in When they defined a "pied a the world, 31 per cent collect a terre" as a "love nest" and_ their higher percentage of tariff duties friends decided after perusing than does Canada. Faulkner that in America, " one sheds a wife as the snake sheds its skin", how wrong they both were! The book brings them back in safety to New York and . Brus- sells will be remembered as the city in which the Branstons stay- ed a while. God dropped a spark down into every one, And if we find and fan it to a blaze, it'll spring up and glow, like-- like the sun, And light the wanderer out of stony ways. --John Masefield. In 1952 17 murderers were sentenced to death in Canada. Peak year of the 1928-52 quarter century was 1946 when 32 were sentenced to die. TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.10 a.m. 4.25 p.m. 12.45 p.m. 11.59 p.m. DAYLIGHT TIME $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-3 Phone 4768 : DISCOVER A NEW WORLD of MUSIC Enjoyment With HI-FI EQUIPMENT by Electroholme and LP RECORDS from Tri-Town Electric : COBALT, Ont. As Much As 15% of The Power Your Engine Could Develop Is Being Held Captive TCP, blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, releases this power-- by neutralizing lead and carbon deposits Lead and carbon deposits which are responsible for the greatest power loss in today's cars, can now be neutralized by the newly discovered additive TCP. How these deposits steal power These deposits build up in com- bustion chambers and glow red- hot when you step on the acceler- ator to pass a car or make a hill. These "hot spots" set off the fuel charge before the piston is ready for its power stroke. This is called pre-ignition: power works against you instead of for you. Lead and carbon deposits also accumulate on the tips of spark plugs and prevent the spark from doingits job. The depositsactually divert electricity from the elec- trodes and keep the plug from firing. This is called misfiring. It results in wasted fuel and power. The greatest Gasoline development in 31 years. That's the way power is held captive in your car, but now this captive power can be unlocked by Shell Premium Gasoline with TCP. : TCP additive changes the' character of the deposits. Instead of glowing red-hot in combustion chambers, the deposits are fire- proofed and become harmless. Pre-ignition is prevented, and power works for you. Morever, the deposits can no longer divert electricity away from the elec- trodes. The spark goes back to work--turning fuel into power ! With continued use of Shell Pre- mium with TCP, you get up to 2% times longer spark plug life. A tune-up without tools In a nutshell, TCP additive lets your engine have all the knock-suppressing benefits of modern fuel without its power wasting side effects. That's why you'll feel your engine's had a tune-up by the time the second tankful is consumed. Because today's gasolines are always building up deposits, the only way to keep these pcpesite harmless--to always get full per- formance from your engine--is to use Shell Premium with TCP. You'll find it now at all Shell Dealers--the only place it's available. GET SHELL PREMIUM WITH True happiness springs frou Moderation -- GOETHE (1749 - 1832)