THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1954 ee eeee ae" Dig H Sietice: Pas Suet 28 Mrs. A. H. Moss of Haileybury and Mrs. Arthur Little of Kirkland Lake, granddaughters : of the founder, appear to be having a wonderful time at the Oldtimers' reunion in the Hotel. . o eee : : From the left, front row, they are: Mrs, August Johnson, born in Haileybury in 1897, Mrs. Getting ready to bury historical documents and a message to Haileyburians which will be : SAE bata ath fe Dates living resident and Cap "Carty" Burns, one of the first opened at the Centennial are, left to right, the hard working Chairman of Haileybury's c ' Bh Diamond Jubilee, Leo Gough; Mayor H. A. Day and Vice-Chairman Sam Hughes. oe BOBBY JENKINS, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jenkins flies over Lake Temiskaming which was alive all week with boats and skiers doing their stuff under a sun that broke The spirit of Hailevbury's pioneers was something every spectator admired as they re- through on Wednesday and lasted through the entire festivities. enacted in the early scene of boarding the big white steamer, transferring to the pointer and landing at the beach guided by two younger pioneers, John E. Dunn at the helm and Heber Briden at the oars. Miss Jean Grant (left) Secretary of the Jubilee and Mrs. J. Boudreau (right) Chairman of SCOTTIES of the Kirkland Lake Band proudly " Sse See 5 : : head the long the Women's Exhibits were busy sorting outthe prizes for the big entry in various events. g, colorful parade. They fooled the happy throngs as they drove to the rendezvous or the walking personnel in, the parade All Jubilee Photographs in this Issue are presented through the Courtesy of the Northern Daily News. * Ss er TREVOR WHITE, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack White of Haileybury was a visitor from the future at the Children's Parade. Complete with space helmet, ray gun and flying saucers, his motto was "Earth or Bust." CHILDREN'S DAY was the happiest day of the Jubilee as a big busy clown, Stan Guignard, who was born in Hailey- bury and is now Sports Director for Malartic's Rotary, was having the time of his life giving the children the time of their lives. He was reported drowned twice in his youth canoeing from Ottawa to Haileybury and is proud of jump- ing Les Quinze before the dam was built,