Page Four YBU RIAN THU RS., _NOV EMBER 18, _1954 Social Notes Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Umphrey and family were in Toronto for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dean and daughter Diana spent the week- end in Toronto. Mr.and Mrs. A.W. son, Gordon, returned on day from Toronto, Stollery and Tues- Judge J. B. Robinson and Mrs Robinson and family were in To- ronto last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Farmer were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mitchell of Kirkland Lake. Mrs. R. McNaught and Carol were in Toronto last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Cecil Palmer. Miss Anna Landreault of Sud- bury visited recently with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Short and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Timmins are Norris' parents, Mr. H. Liddicot. Norris of visiting with Mrs. and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taylor and children were in Elk Lake at the week-end visiting with Mr. Taylor's father. Alex MacLean returned last Thursday for a trip through the Ottawa Valley and visited in both Ottawa and Renfrew. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. Dan ny Goodwin (nee Ann~ Tessier) of Ridgeway, Ont., on Sunday, November 14th, a daughter. Mr je week. S. Weir during the past Mr. and Mrs. R. Lipscombe and children and Harry Lips- combe of Sudbury were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hargrave. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Sulllivan and family of Arnprior visited week with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. in town last Sullivan's parents, Albert Palmer. Mrs. Allen McDonald and children of Englehart were in town visiting with Mrs. ald's mother, Mrs. Mae McNeil, and grandmother, Mrs. J. McIn- tyre. LOWE--To Mr. and. Mrs. J. Norman Lowe (nee Dorothy Murray) at the Western Divi- sion Montreal General Hospital, on Monday, November, 15th a son, Ross Murray. St. Paul's Anglican Church Bazaar Successful Event Mrs. J. T. Leishman and Mrs. R. Allen received the guests at the annual bazaar given by the St. Paul's Womens Auxiliary, on Saturday afternoon. Silver candelabra and a min- ature Christmas tree centered the attractive tea table where Mrs. G. Morgan, Mrs. W. Inch and Mrs. J. Crawford poured and were assisted by Mrs. J. Dunlop, Mrs. W. McGaw, Mrs. Alex N. MacLean, Mrs. C. Gro- zelle and Mrs. L. Nicholls. Mrs. J. Shouldice, Mrs. H. Briden and Mrs. J. Brumell were at the Fancy Work Table. Working at the White Ele- Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Hughes of Phant Table wer Mrs. C. Pringle, Toronto were guests of Mrs. Mrs. Ate Mason, Mrs. J. Walker Hughes' sister, Mrs. Weir, and 20d Mrs. A. Humphreys The Home Cooking teab!e was convened by Mrs. J. Gilkes ; Mrs. J. Hallworth and Mrs. H. Ross and Mrs. W. McFarlane, FOUND--One dog in Township of Olive. Owner please identi- fy. Phone 197-W, Haileybury. oes phew nied / 1c ip PAYS to advertise in' lhe Haileyburian. . Promptly after insertion, a lost camera was returned to Dr. W. C. Arnold. FOR SALE on Brewster Street-- Insulated Bungalow. Oil- heated, freshly decorated, gar- den. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Realtor, Phone 135. 37-1-c LOST--Black Spaniel Puppy. to the name of "Shan" reward. Phone M. J. Dolan, 674. _37-1-c DRY WOOD FOR SALE--Apply Chester Hopkins, Phone 1614. 37-3-* Girls' Brownie Out- also Girl Guide out- FOR SALE fit, size 12; fit, size 14. One pair White Figure Skates, size 5. Phone 568. 37-1--c BE YOUR OWN BOSS!-- Make the first step towards a money- "making business of your own that you can increase as_ the months rol] by. Sell in your surroundings our 250 house- hold necessities. Interesting commission, specials with. free products monthly. Write now to FAMILEX, 1600 Delorimier _St., Dept. C, Montreal. 37-1-c FOR SALE--Insulated three bed- room House. Oil heating. Many other attractive details. Bargain for quick sale. Owner leaving town. Apply E. M. Mc- Cuaig, Realtor. Phone 135. HOUSE FOR SALE--Apply L Gauthier, Albert St. West, (across the track), Haileybury 36-2-* while Mrs. J. White had charge of selling home made candy. A Christmas Cake donated by Mrs. M. Piche was raffled and Mrs. A, Speicher was the win- ner. The Vice-President, Leishman those Mrs ae wishes to thank all whose generous support made the day such a successful one. C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard FOR SALE! 1 4-Burner High Oven 17" wide x 18" deep. McClary Electric Stove, $25.00 for quick sale; 1 Table Lamp Good Stock of Northern Scenes in colors, cheapest and _ best Christmas presents you can buy Still time for Christmas portraits MacLean's Studio 110 Main St. Haileybury 39 TRI-TOWN RAIDERS STAG! Friday, Nov. 26th LEGION HALL, HAILEYBURY PRIZES: McDon- THE HAILE WEER IN COURT For impared driving, Armand Gaboury of Kenabeek, was fined $50.00 and costs in Magistrate Atkinson's court last week. Two hunters from Martins- town were fined $10.00 and costs. for carrying a loaded rifle in or on a motor vehicle while hunting or trapping game or while going to or coming from a_ hunting camp or place where game is usually found. They were Nor- ham. Robert Knox of Cardston, Al- berta was in a hurry at 71 m.p.h on Highway 11 and paid $15.00 and costs. Oral Case of Kapusk- asing took Rorke Avenue, Hail eybury at 35 m.p.h. and was fin- ed $5.00 and costs. For permitting' an unlicensed person to drive his car, Roger Melancon of North Cobalt paid $10.00 and costs and the driver Rosaline Levallee got the same fine for not naving a license, Frank Shortt of North Cobalt and Alphaus Veley of R.R. No. 2, New Liskeard. drove with inad- equate brakes and were fined mand Legault and Ray Cunning- $10.00 and costs. Ray Allaire of Matachewan operated a motor vehicle on the highway which had a_ greater width than 96 inches his 126 in. not being a traction engine or a thrashing machine and paid $5.00 and costs. Unlawfully having liquor cost Edward Lacharity of Englehart and Car] Marriott of R. R. No. 2 Thornloe, $10.00 and costs. Andrew Woods of Englehart was fined for being intoxicated in a public place. For stealing a pocket watch, the property of George Canas trari of Cobalt, Thomas Lepine of Timmins was given sixty days. : FLY TORONTO 1:50 Hours $22.80 One way Phone = Earlton 48 == Canadlax A AIRLINES 4 CONTINANT® 63 POINTE te CANADA One of the biggest causes of oil burner shutdowns isa clogged filter screen. Shell scientists spent 15 years developing an ingredient to keep oi] burner filter screens clean, FOA-5X is the answer. FOA-5X in every gallon of Shell Furnace Oil keeps the filter screen in your burner clean all winter long ...can FOA-5X Discovery Cuts Oil Burner Service Calls for Local Homeowners give you more efficient heat, Telephone 9 P. M. FLEMING LIMITED Haileybury, Ont. | _ save you money on fuel, will eliminate a major cause of oil burner service calls. u tf tL For carefree heat all season, switchtoShell Furnace Oilwith FOA-5X. It costs no more than ordinary heating oils. Call to- day. We'll make the arrange- ments, HEATING OILS Announce the Opening on November 15th, FERGUSON AVENUE STORE Complete Line PLUMBING Fixtures and. HEATING SUPPLIES -- Installations and Service TRAINED STAFF, Phones: Haileybury 674. /NILAL, Cobalt 4530 (Reverse Charges) 1954 of the (Next to the Post Office) WORK GUARANTEED EMPIR TH EATRE NewLiskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, Jast complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 p.m. SHOWING TODAY-- Double Feature "SARACEN BLADE" COMBAT SQUAD THURSDAY NITE This Week's Cash Offers Total $340.00 IS PHOTO-NITE FRIDAY, SATURDAY "Jubilee Trail" Forrest TUCKER, Vera RALSTON. NOVEMBER 19th and 20th Plus Added Shorts MONDAY - TUESDAY --Adult Entertainment "The Sinner" News, Cartoon, Plus Added Shorts NOVEMBER 22nd and 23rd WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24th and 25th Double Feature es te "Tron Glove" = ~ Ursula Theiss ~ "Target Hong Kong" Robt.-Stack, Richard Denning News mild COBALT HAILEYBURY -- LAST TIMES TODAY COBALT -- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 20th "Francis Joins the WACS" Donald O'Connor, --Added Attraction--- "The Black Dakotas" (Color by Technicolor) GARY MERRILL WANDA Julia HAILEYBURY--FRIL., SAT. COBALT MON., TUES. "The Rainbow Jacket" (Color by Technicolor) with Kay Walsh and Bill Owen Added "Copper Canyon" Technicolor Matinees daily at Evening Performance starts 8 p.m. Box Office opens 7 p.m. FULL LENGTH! UNCHANGED! 3 hours, 40 minutes of thrills! (J (on ROWS (fist SSS SEE , Atlanta in flames! 1+ The holocaust in the railroad yards! The fierce Yankee assault on Tara Hall! o++The screen's Be most exciting ~ ' love story! echntcole! CLARK CABLE - VEN LEIGH LESLIE HOWARD OLIVIA de HAVILAND Prices for this Engagement Only; HAILEYBURY--After Sun. "Midnight, Mon., Tues., COBALT -- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, NOV. 24th, 25th 2p: Attract Milland Ray Adams, Chill Wills HENDRIX NOV. 19, 20 November 22, 23 ion Hedy Lamarr Box Office Open at 1 p.m. Nov. 22, 23 DAVID SELZNIC S-- mother... ams, he 'ell prey to her charms! PRODUCTION OF "MARGARET MITCHELL'S STORY OF THE OLD SOUTH 'GON WITH THE WIND, - She knew that Ashley owed his love to Honeymoon in New Orleans! The gotten. memory -- Rhett and Scarlett find moments of happiness --together! 0. K'S The Picture that Won : 10 Academy Awards! Lon \ Be CEEEG ZF SQ « but once he held Scarlett in his MATINEE EVENING Adulte, ty aay eo 50s AGUItS ears te, hes 75c UMASS 66 coogponon 35¢ SECON, Ceoneanconn 50c¢ Ghildren) sae 25c Giildcene se Z5¢ HAILEYBURY--WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, NOV. 24, 25 COBALT -- FRIDAY and SATURDAY, PHIL CAREY 5 A courageous fight for survival in search of a ck HAWHI svNs JOHNS Seekers NOEL PURCELL » int wnteine LAYA RAKE * INIA TE WIATA "TREY Rode West" Technicolor NOY. 26th, 2 th new life! HS IN EASTMAN COLOUR DONNA REED