ort HE HAILEYBURIAN HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, 1954 Sil Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 50; No. 39 Proud Parents Enjoy Full Program at Commencement Deliverng the valedictory at the High Schoo] Commencement ' exercises last week, Miss Ruth Clarke thanked the parents and the staff--'we feel that we have the best teachers in the North- ern District and without them, we would not have acquired the knowledge we now have. The Students' Council,' she contin- ued, "has grown to be a strong structure of which the school may well be proud. Last year, our much needed auditorium was opened. onight, we are enjoy- ing its comforts and convenien- ces. "Under Mr. McGaw, we have rapidly progressed in athletics-- our football team won the Inter- scholastic championship and a girls' basketball and intermural volleyball teams have been form- ed. We hope to always bring credit to the Haileybury High School." Scholarship awards were pre- sented as follows: (a) 1.0.D.E. Prizes in School Studies----Presented by Mrs. C. Seger, Cobalt to Marilyn White and William Tyson, (b) Rotary Club prizes sented by Ian MacDiarmid to: (1)Jane Ledwell Marilyn Mc- Quaid and Nancy Whitby. (e) Seymour Prize in Middle School Mathematics: Presented by Miss to John May. Legion prize presented by R. D. Cumming to the most valuable rugby player, Brian Poppleton for the second consecutive year. (c) Presentation of the Dr. W. J. Linghorne trophy for Cen- tral NOSSA Rugby championship presented to team captain Brian Poppleton, It is fifteen years since the trophy has come here. (d) Presentation of Team pre- J. Robson photographs donated by Hailey- bury Board of Education. (e) Presentation of Field Day Championship cups donated by Board of Education to: Senior Boys' Champion "Bishop Hennes- sy; Senior Girls' Champion Elizabeth Neelands; Intermediate Boys' Champion Murdock Mac- Donald; Junior Boys' Champion Stephen Bond; Junior Girls Champion Kathleen Jenkins. (d) C.C. Farr prize for Grade XI Proficiency: Presented to Patrica Cassidy (e) University Women's Club Prize for Grade IX Proficiency : Presented by Mrs. H. Pickard to Marilyn White. (f) Judge Hayward Award for Middle School Literature: Presented to Ruth Clarke. (g) Womens Institute Prize for Grade VIII Proficiency: Presented by Mrs. H. Cooke to Katherine Uren. (h) Cooke Award for Grade IX effort and the Board of Edu- cation Prize: Presented to Marilyn Brown. The entertainment On _ the evening's program was excel- lent and it was a great source of pride to those present that the Ballet Fantasie, a one-act play "The Valiant" and the gymnas- tic display were produced and directed by the students them- selves: Mary Whitby, Pat Cas- sdy, Elizabeth Neelands, Brian Poppleton, Lowell Barstead and Lawrence Weiss. Christmas is a time or good will to all. One very practical way of expressing it is to buy a programme to prevent tubercu. Christmae Seals, thus sharing ir, losis ,a threat to all. Send in the money to your Tuberculosis As- sociation today. Oy THE ANNUAL MEETING --of a 5 ane vY vy oa! Ade, the---- HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Will be held on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 12th, 1954 At Two p.m. in the Hotel Haileybury ALL MEMBERS ARE URGED TO BE PRESENT! 4 r oor mebbPAAAAABRBABAAAAAAAAASLAAAAAAALAALAAAADABADADSD SAAS TOWN OF HAILEYBURY MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS © BOARD OF Following are MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1954 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Polling Sub-Division 1 and 7, and 2 and 3-- LEGION HALL, BROWNING STREET Polling Sub-Divisions 4, 5 and 6-- TOWN OFFICE, FERGUSON AVENUE C. C. D. PRINGLE, Returning Officer EDUCATION -- the Polling Places: United Church Ladies Convene Christmas Bazaar A successful bazaar and tea were held by the ladies of the Women's Association of the United Chuich on Saturday af- ternoon, Mrs. A, T, Denholm and Mrs. J. B. Robinson received the guests. The Sunday School room was a prelude to Christmas. Giant candy canes, the work of Mr. and Mrs. lan Bain and a crayon sketch by Ojar Biscaps a former resident of WHaileybuyr high- lighted the gay decorations. Red candles and Vancouver holly in a Belgian epegrne loan- ed by. Miss Jennie Lowe of New Liskeard centred the attractove tea table convened by Mrs. Terry Smith assisted by Mrs. R. A. Murphy. Those who poured dur- ing the afternoon were Mrs. J. E. Grant, Mrs. W. C. Arnold, Mrs, L, Ferguson and Mrs. J. E- McCuaig, The fancy work table was looked after by Mrs. M. B. Gla- zer, Mrs: A. W. Sanderson, Mrs. W. Farmer and Mrs. L. Fergu- son. In charge of the aprons were Mrs. C. F. Lowery, Mrs. G White, Mrs. R. D. Cumming and Mrs. R. Carter, Table decorations were sold by Mrs. G. Chipman and Mrs. H. G. Pickard. Mrs. S. Bond and Mrs. D. Dean sold candy and treats at the Kiddies' Corner. An innovation, this year--the the sale of Raggedy Ann and (Continued on Page 2) Four Candidates Stand for Election to Schooi Board HUBERT DORAN Hubert Doran came to Hailey- bury in 1945 and is now associat- ed with Temiskaming Construc- tion, An active member of the Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club, he has been secretary-treasurer for five years. M r.Doran served two years with the Public School Board, two years with the High School Board and is trying for his third term with the Board of Education, He has three child- ren, one in High and one in Public School, WYMAN EDEY Wyman Edey came to Hailey- bury nine years ago and 1s es- tablished in the grocery busi- ness. He is an active member of the Rotary Club and the Cobalt- Haileybury Curling Club. He has just completed six years in schoo] affairs, first with the Public School and latterly as finance chairman with the Board ot Education. He has _ three children, two in the High School and one i nthe Public. JACK THOMSON Jack Thomson, who lives on Latchford Street, has been a re- sident of Haileybury for five years and this is his first try for the Board of Education. He is a salesman for Burns and Com- pany. He served for many years on the executive of the Chamber (Continued on Page 5) Better understanding of what schools are trying to do and a better understanding of the de- velopment of children were de- scribed as the underlying aim of the Home and School movement, by Mrs. T. M. Weatherhead, vice- president of the Ontario Feder- ation of Home and School Asso- ciation when she spoke to a joint meeting of parents from t he three towns in the Hotel Hailey- bury last week. The meeting was preceded by a luncheon at which representatives from every organization in town were present. "To be happy," Mrs. Weather- head said "we must belong to somethne , bigger than ot- selves." In Ontario, the Home and School numbers 100,000 and in Canada 200,000 members. "We are not here te criticize or interfere but rather to co- operate. Home and School or- ganizations have nothing to do with the administration of the school and we are here to help with some of the problems which parents face. Many are afraid of the phrase "parent education" but today through plays films and 'h of reading matrial, pa rents are led to a better under- standing of their child's beha- viour. They show that the prob- Joint Meeting of Tri-Towns Hear Home and School Heads Jems you face are not insur- mayntable. When you learn that such a behavoiur is typical fora child of two, you will lose that overwhelming feeling that your child is going through a stage with which you cannot deal. Mrs. Weatherhead said the four important points to remem- ber were love your child and let the child know it; think of the child as an individual and treat the child as a person; trust your child and tell the child you do and let the child know he or she is wanted, Another vice-president of the Federation, Mrs. John Cropper of St. Catharines said that "al- though we often hear it said that we are over-organized today, I feel there is a place for the Home and School. The home and the school each have a job to do in the community but they should be working together to help one another." Mrs. Cropper said that the apathy of citizens i municipal eelctions today was alarming--in this respect she pointed out that the- type of women on the Board of Educa- tion in Haileybury is an exam ple to Southern Ontario. '"We must 'work together for what we believe is right and we will develop good, healthy citizens in our children." or S3S235322"; OPEN: assess tao sess st33332 744 CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS December 8, 15 22. EVENINGS: DECEMBER 22nd, 23rd and 24th. STORES CLOSED ON: DECEMBER 25th, 26th and 27th JANUARY Ist, 2nd and 3rd. SUNDAY HOURS and BOXING DAY: DRUG STORES AS USUAL THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Mayor Day In By Acclamation Seek Two More For Council Haileybury held its nomina- tion night last Thursday and when it was over three had been nominated for Mayor. Mr. Day was nominated by T. Tul- loch and J. C. Hall; former Mayor H, A. Cooke proposed by H. A. Doran and G.: R. Herbert and present Finance Chairaman D. H. Millar proposed by R, A. Murphy and D. G. Hogan. When Mr. Cooke and Millar did not qualify. Mayor Day went in by acclamation, The slate for Council looked like this on Thursday at 8 p.m.: --NEIL FLEMING -- Proposed by D. G. Hogan and F. Audet, M. FINDLAY--Proposed by G. R. Herbert and T. G, Tulloch. C. CAMSELL--Proposed by A. H. Cooke and D. H. Millar. A. C. MOSHER--Proposed by H. A. Doran and C. Camsell. LEWIS SIMARD--Proposed by F. Audet and J. Belanger. SAM CRAIG -- Proposed by H. A. Day and C, E. Miller, DONALD GARDNER -- Pro- A. Doran and F. Audet. LORNE WISEMAN--Propos- ed by G. R, Herbert and H. A. Dor an. D. H. MILLAR--Proposed by H. A, Doran and A. H. Cooke. Of these, M. Findlay, C. Cam- sell, Don Gardner, A. C. Mosher ard D. H. Millar did not qualify leaving four councillors in by acclamation and two to go. For the School Board, slate read: MRS. S. BOND--Mrs. W. E. Bagshaw and A, H. Cooke. T. TULLOCH--H. A. Doran and G, R. Herbert, -- J. A. THOMSON--G. R. Her- bert and M., J. Findlay. H. A. DORAN--G. R. Herbert and Ian MacDiarmid. WYMAN EDEY--Max. E Whitby and M., J. Findlay. T. Tulloch was the only one who did not qualify and an elec- tion will be held on Dec. 6th. the 'What Council Did Accepted the application of Miss Germaine Larocque of Hail- eybury, formerly of Matache- wan, to fill the vacancy on the Town Office staff. Agreed with Councillor A. C. Mosher that a 200-watt light should be installed on the east side of the highway at the Pub- lic School. It has been found that the additional 200-watt bulbs shining from the oppo:ite side of the highway do not suffi- ciently light the entrance to the auditorium and it was considered to be as D. Gardner put it "a real menace-" - Heard a letter from Mrs. 0. Childs which upbraided the Coun- cil for their recent action in ordering citizens to follow new regulations concerning outdoor privies. Council will leave the matter with the Temiskaming Health Unit to advise citizens on the required regulations to follow. Discussed the merits of fol- lowing a widely used sysem-- that of placing a charge accord- ing to service for garbage col- lection against everyone on the quarterly water bill. "In_ this way," D. H. Millar pointed out, "we could get a more equitable distribution of costs." D, Gard- ner agreed that it certainly had its merits. "There will be cri- ticism at first as always" he said, "but it sounds sensible. Council agreed that those who were re- ceiving daily collection or severa- collections a week were getting off very light. It would he |alendar of Events | Sat., Dec. 4--IODE Christmas Téa. Sat., Dec. 11th--Bake Sale and Sale of Work, sponsored by Sal- vation Armv Young People. Sat.- Dee. 11--Cobalt-Hailey, bury Curling Club Bingo. Sun., Dec. 12 -- Horticultural Society Meeeting. : Sat., Dec. 18--Northern Ski ClubCobalt Party. Tues., Dec. 7 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.--Reception for Children's Aid Society Canvassers at the home of Mrs. C. J. Donegan. Tues., Dec. 7--St. Paul's W.A. Meeting, Parish Hall. worked out on an actual cost basis and where costs are now paid out of annual taxes,, the system would, if anything reduce the mill rate. The decision will] be that of next year's Council. Passed a motion "That the Mayor and Council of Hailey- bury request the citizens to ob- esrve December 27th as a holi day." Tne Mayor read an excerpt trent the Municinai World point- ine out that Mayors and Cotin- cils who were in the habit of issuing proclamations for special holidays had no such authority even if it is common practice. For this reason, it was decided to put it in the form of a request and then as D, H. Millar said "if John Smith wants to keep his store open that's his business." Councillors Poppleton Camsell were not present. and TOWN OF HAILEYBURY Nominations & Elections A Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Town of Haileybury. will be held in the COUNCIL ROOM at the TOWN HALL, between the hours of Seven o'clock p.m. and Eight o'clock p.m. for the purpose of Nominating Candidates for TWO COUNCILLORS To Fill Vacancies on tne Council. If an Election is necessary to fill the abovespositions it will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 13th, 1954, between the hours of Nine p.m. in the following Polls No, 1 and 2........ Polls No. 3 and 4 (ey GIDE o'clock a.m. and Six o'clock Polling Places: Legion Hall, Broadway Street Town Office, Ferguson Avenue PRINGLE, Returning Officer ingo! 20 Games for 50c ' Sponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at™ LEGION HALL 4 Special Games Grand Prize: $100.00 on 10 Numbers TUE., DEC. 7th Starts at 8.30 p.m.