The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 27 Jan 1955, p. 1

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HE HAILEYBURIAN ~ HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JANUARY 27th, _ 1955 | Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol 50; No. 47 Car Accidents Up in January with Icy Conditions ST . With a week to go, car acci- dents in town during the month of January had reached a total of eight, one short of last Jan- uary's total of nine. Fiye of the eight accidents were reportable. In nearly all cases icy driving conditions were directly respon- sible. On January 4th, vehicles dri- en by Mrs H. Jenkins and L. Allard of Haileybury were in- volved in a minor accident at Russell and Georgina. Two days later a car attempted to pass a transport on Rorke Av- enue. To avoid a head-on colli- sJon with an oncoming car, the driver was fortunate enough to escape by turning off on a_ side street. Meantime, Henry Clou- tier driving the oncoming car had applied the brakes on the icy road and crashed head-on into the transport driven by Murray Nesbitt of Toornto. The trans- port was damaged to the extent of $250.00 and the car was a to- tal wreck. Taken to hospital for treatment were Joyce Gar- eau of Cobalt and Bill Grist of Hound Chutes. Three cars were involved in an accident on Main Street, Mar- garet Tedesco of Cochrane made the turn at the bottom of the hill sliding into a car owned by the car continued on and struck Philip Lavallee of Lorrainville another driven by Russell Mc- Roberts of Latchford who was coming up Ferguson. Damage, all told to the three cars was $700.00. E. Sauve and Marcel Dinel of Haileybury collided at the corner of Georgina and Cecil on Janu- ary 7th with $200.00 damage to the Sauve vehicle and $50.00 to the other. The next day, Art Cooke and Geofiey Giddens of Haileybury met at the corner of Probyn Street and the Lake Shore Road with resulting dam- age of $75.00 to the Giddens ve- hicle. On January 11th, Gerry For- get, driver for Joe's Taxi and Arthur Theriault were involved in a minor accident at Cecil and Georgina with $80.00 damage to the taxi. A car driven by Jean Lapalme of Haileybury stalled on Rorke Avenue and a three-way crash occurred with Kenneth Mae Lean of Cobalt crashing from behind and Adelard Pelletier of North Cobalt failing to see the MacLean vehicle with resulting damage $60.00 to the Lapalme car and three hundred dollars to MacLean's. Last Friday Omer Chartrand MRS. A. HURST ELECTED PRESIDENT OF W. A. OF UNITED CHURCH Rey. A. T. Denholm officiated at the installation of officers for 1955 at the regular meeting of the W.A. of the United Church held at the home of Mrs. D. Haig on Tuesday evening. The Asso- ciation will be led by Mrs. Alan Hurst, the new President and other officers are: vice-president, Mrs, J. B. Robinson; treasurer, Mrs, D. Haig; corresponding secretary, Mrs. G. Pratt; Manse committee, Mrs. J. Hope, Mrs. R Murphy and Mrs. T. Smith; Vis- iting committee, Mre 7 Pic- karé-andMrs. R. D. Cumming; Devotional se cretary, Mrs. A.T. Denholm; Kitchen committee Mrs. W.,Farmer and Flower committee,- Mrs. A. H. Kings- mill and Mrs. D. Dean. Arrangements were made _ to serve refreshments after - the annual meeting this Sunday evening and it was decided the annual turkey dinner will be on Wednesday February 23rd. Members heard Mr. Denholm tell of the United Church propos- ed plan to convert the former Taylor home on the Lake Shore Road, New Liskeard into ahome for senior citizens of the North and the W.A. decided to make financial assistance to this ex- tensie project a par tof their year's work. Camp Lorraine will undertake the re-building of Murphy Lodge this spring and the As- sociation plan to assist in this work. i (ak. ' iCalendar of Events | Sat, Jan. 29th--Ski Club Mid- Winter Snow Festival. Sun., Jan. 30--Annual ing United Church. Tues., Feb. 1st--St. Paul's W. A. at 3:00 p:m, in Parish hall. THE WEEK'S WEATHER Week Ending Jan. 26th, 1955 Meet- Min. Max. (hunsdayaeent e+ *7 5 Biniday, 2..ssts Geers Hey coals) Datirday vse. tee 9 15 pundayar. yee ae 12h 23 WMondan,s. coe pe 16425 dinvesday7is. 7t- ea' ose 14 21 Wednesday .... 15 19 19 * Denotes below zero. of Kirkland Lake proceeded up Main Street and attempted to turn south on Rorke. A colli- sion occurred with a car driven by E. Brais of Kirkland Lake who was making the turn down, Total damage to both cars was $400.00, Your Last Opportunity! Hear Evangelist and Mrs. C. Struck FRIDAY NIGHT at 8:00 p.m. Rev. Struck gives his life story entitled "I WAS A DRUNKARD AT TWELVE" able. Board of Education States Regulations for Auditorium Mrs. S. B. Bond, chairman of c) At NO time wil] alcoholic the Auditorium Committee of beverages in any form be offered the Haileybury Board of Educa- on the school premises. tion has this week given us the (d) The Board will make no policy regarding the use of te yrovision for the procuring, set- Auditorium by organizations ting-up or taking down of seats. outside the school system which On application, however, the high will clarify points which have School student Council will un- lately been questioned. dertake to set up and take down At the present time, certain eats on payment to them of a fee organizations have definite allot- if three dollars. ments of time on a weekly basis, - (e) The sponsoring body or the schedule of which is given zpplicant will in every case be below. On _ special occasions, responsible for damage caused these periods may be taken by uring occupancy of the prem- other organizations under the dses, priorities and terms which will Rental fees are as follows: (a) bexonthried Heres ; Where no admission is charged, For these special occasions, there will be a minimum fee of the following priorities will apply three PG lineetaeitheuarmiceerot _ Priority I--Properly super- the caretaker. (b) Where ad- ised high school, public school mission is charged, there will be or separate school special events. «minimum basic fee of ten dol- Priority Il--Special events Of jars) Any additional charge will a general educational or cultur- 4. made on a percentage of the al PERO RES 4 J @ross admissions, such percent- Priority III--Special _ service- age to be separately negotiated club projects where charity is the petween the Board and the aim. ¢ 3: : Priority IV--Group _ meetings Rae sion a eee A at ag haa Bey Enquiries should be addressed z eee Sea Gt telephoned to either: Mrs. S. ily educational or cultural (e.g. B. Bond or Mr. G. Gassidy, Hail- political party meets, assemblies eybury, Ont. blies or organizations, etc.) No public or private dances Present Permanent Time Allot- can be accommodated in the ments auditorium. Sunday--2 to 4 p.m.--Badmin- The following terms must be ton Club. observed in requesting the use Monday--7 to 9 p.m. -- Boy of the building: Scouts. (a) Two weeks advance no- Tuesday--7 to 11 pm. Bad- tice on requests, so that regular minton Club (Junior and Senior). time-holders may be notified of | Wednesday --7 to 9 p.m. Girl the change, if any. Guides; 9 to 11--Mining School. (b) No facilities can be pro- | Thursday--6:30-8 p.m. Cubs; vided for banquets, luncheons or 8 to 11 p.m--Badminton Club. dinners. However, on request, Friday--6.30-11 p.m. -- High facilities can be provided for School Games and Functions. making tea and coffee and for The use of the gymnasium on preparing sandwiches, cake, etc. a regular basis on Saturdays is Dishes are presently NOT availe--disludedin order that caretaker maintenance may be done. Main Street Hill L. Umphrey and Dangerous for N. McAulav Skip © Saturday Traffic Winning Rinks Main Street hill on a fine win- Nine rinks entered the British ter's day can prove more enter- Consols last week, in their first taining than any double header step of the long road to the Do- you could put together at the minion Brier. When it was all movies. Saturday was no ex- over on Tuesday evening Lorne ception. Umhrey and Neil McAulay were It was Constable Rundle's day the victors who will represent off so Constable Don Scanaln the Cobalt-Haileybury Club at was doing double duty as he the zone playdowns scheduled stood at the bottom of the hlil for New Liskeard this week-end. from 10.30a.m. until 230p.m. re- The two rinks are made up of directing traffic up Ferguson the following players: Avenue. He had no opportunity _ McAulay, H. Sadler, Brian to direct traffic coming downthe Poppleton and Roger Flemng. hill but whatever driection dri- _ Umphrey, Tom Brown, Wm. vers found themselves taking, MacArthur, M. DeBastiani the Constable had the way well Rinks entered in the competi- cleared to avert any disasters. tion were R. Morissette, Connie Transport drivers who hit Vachon, Neil McAulay, Bob the greasy surface of the hill Poppleton, Taylor Pipe, Geoffrey must have been relieved to spot Dixon and Jack McDonaid. the uniform at the intersection a as they sailed straight through AltacuGuilde Guestercl Tg Canon and Mrs. Goodier Citizens, of course, are so a- customed to enjoying the chal- as The members of St. Paul's lenge of trying to get up the ies oie hill to avoid the nuisance of Altar Guild were guests of driving eight blocks out of their Canon and Mrs. Goodier at ae way, that they seldom give the Rectory on Tuesday evening for weather conditions any thought. their regular monthly meeting They prefer to take a run at it Following business diseussions; and enjoy that supreme moment Canon Goodier wey nly when they have been smart showed a collection of slides enough to overtake their neigh- depicting beautiful shurels fe bor who is now carefully back- ficesin various parts of Eng. fe ing down in fervent hope that with an informal commentary some equally ambitious driver 28 to their history and location. FORMER HAILEYBURY MAN DOCTOR FOR PATIENTS ON HMCS MAGNIFICENT A well known Haileybury man was probably the busiest doctor in Canada over~ the week-end when the HMCS Magnificent's sailors were sériously poisoned after a drinking patty aboard Canada's biggest naval vessel. Surgeon Lieut. Commander Harvey Little, according to re- ports in the Toronto Star, had been on duty for 36 hours ad- ministering to the sick. Joining the after his graduation from the University of Toronto, Dr. Little has been residing in Halifax with his fa- mily for the past several years: navy GEORGE COUTTS A past member of the Board of Studies of the Royai Con- servatory of Music of Toronto, .and for many years a leading member of the piano, theory and organ faculty of the Con- seratory, George Coutts will conduct current *,aminations tor the Conservatory in Hail- eybury on February 12th. He is well known from coast to coast ag an examiner and ad- judicator. A Westerner---Mr. Coutts was a faculty member of the Regina Conservatory be- fore coming to Toronto--he is keenly interested in the devel- opment and growth of music education in Canada. A church organist and choir master, Mr. Coutts is one of the mo.t pop- ular and experienced .examin- ers sent out by the Conserva- tory each year. Neighborly News Ceiebrates 15th Anniversary The fifteenth anniversary of Neighborly News broadcasts, one of the most popular features of Canadian radio, will be marked by a special broadcast on, Sunday day, Jan. 30, on stations of the 'Trans-Canada network. While the 15th anniversary applies specifically to the Ontario broadcast of Neighborly News, the special program will be heard nationally and will include the voices of Neighborly News commentators across Canada -- Les Way British Columbia; C. F. Greene, Prairies; Don Fair- bairn, Ontario and Quebec; Jack Brayley, Maritimes; and Gerard Brady who does a French lan- guage ersion of Neighborly News in Quebec. CBC hopes to have W. B. Sawdon of the Sackyilla Tribune-Post, president iof 'the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association, as a guest on the show. During the 15 years of its ex- istence, the Ontario Neighborly News commentators have scan- ned more than 150,000 copies of the English-language weeklies of Ontario and Quebec, and have read on the air more than 30,000 items totalling some million-and- a-half words. Since the program began, greetings have been ex- tended to some 40,000 people in Ontario and Quebec'entering the ranks of the "Over-Ninety Birth- day Club." The fact that city dwellers like the program at much as those who live in the smaller centres is proven bY, surveys Neighborly News in Ontario has a larger audience than any other program on the air at its time of broadcast. CBC's Reid Forsee will produce the special anniversary program, and Don Fairbairn will act as host. Horsee has been with Neighborly News since it began starting out as its announcer and later becoming its producer, a post he still holds. Fairbairn took over as commentator seven years ago, after the death of the well-loved Andy Clark who through hs association with the program was dubbed "the mayor of little places." The anniversary program will be heard across Canada at the following times: 8 .pm. NST; 7:30 p.m. AST; 6.30 pm. EST; 5:30 p.m. CST; 6:30 p.m. MST; 5.30 p.m. PST. Figure Skating Hours: Beginners--Tues., Thurs. .. Saturday .... JUNIORS--Thursday INTERMEDIATE~--Tuesday Saturday .... Saturday .... ALL DUES MAY BE SENT TO MRS. J. B. ROBINSON 3:30 - 4:30 p.m. 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. after School--5:30 p.m. ..2:30 - 4:00 p.m. 4:00 - 5:30 p.m 1:00 - 2:30 p.m. 232% possstossstecsessssso2) eeerresseteteeeeeeeresstetes Northern MID-WINTER FESTIVAL Ski Club will not plough into them from Some local views of the old St. Nt i i i thee Paul's Church in Haileybury i SKIING and TOBOGGANING by Floodlight 3 i TORCHLIGHT PARADE on Skis. DANCING and REFRESHMENTS SATURDAY, JANUARY 29th STAY LATE SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:30 Mrs. Struck gives her life story entitled ; ' J shown. All unsuspecting, Billy Gro- ty eels ous oOw an a "SAVED FROM SELF DESTRUCTION" Refreshments and a social hour zelle left his office on Saturday followed and proceeded home as usual or as he thought. Suddenly, he ~_ a ing rink and nothing happened stable R. Berry was responsible when he applied the brakes. He, for tracking dowm the Depart- too, was happy to see the police- ment of Highways first aid man clearing the way as he chose equipment in Cobalt. A good the biggest snowbank in sight layer of salt and sand and what and narrowly missed severing looked like a 24-hour shift for the post at the Liquor Store. Haileybury's Constable ended at (| A comrade in arms, OPP Con 2:30. Sponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at LEGION HALL 4 Special Games Grand Prize: $100.00 on 14 Numbers SUNDAY SCHOOL at 10:00 a.m. Special Open Session FLANNEL GRAPH ® SINGING * OBJECT TALK *Illusrated Sermon You Can't Afford to Miss These Great Services COME EARLY The Fun Begins at 8.00 p.m. es TUE., FEB. 1st. Starts at 8.30 p.m Bingo! 20 Games for 50c

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