_THE HAILEYBURIAN - 4 THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 vage Two THE HAILEYBURIAN Issued Every Tuussday from The Haileyburian Office Broadway St., Haileybury, Ont D. E. SUTHERLAD Publisher ND, ln Canada--$2.00 per year, in advance In United States--$2.00 per year in advance Member Canadiun Weekly Newspapers Assn Authorized as Second-Class Mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa CONGRATULATIONS TO THE SPEAKER ON ANNIVERSARY Many and varied are the con- the Temiskaming Speaker on _ their having reached their 50th year of publishing this paper. We would like. to add our words of congratulation for a job well done in expanding their paper and printing facilities un- til to-day it has one of the most miodern of weekly newspapers and job printing establishments in Ontario. gratulations extended to FISH AND WILDLIFE The fire rangers are not the only ones who are feverishly preparing for the summer sea- son. Last week a special meet- ing was convened under the chairmanship of D. Rosebor- ough from Main Office. All our Conservation Officers were pre- sent and each one brought three licensed guides from. his patrol area with him. Mr. Roseborough is engaged in working with and training guides with .a view to ward improving and -stabilizing this important business. Guide councils aré being 6rganized and will hold regular meetings amongst themselves and wita officials 'of the Department of Lands and Forests At these meetings new methods of oper- currently ating lean he discussed, prob lems aired and new ideas pre- sented with an end view of closer co-operation and better understanding Yes, the 'old picture is even changing Gone are the davs "Ackroyd and Son | PUBLIC | ACCOUNTANTS | | | New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442-B LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury Sige Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 508 New Liskeard TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.10 a.m. 4.25 p.m. 11.59 p.m. Standard Timg Bi Single Return $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL -NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-3 --Ont. Dept of Lands and Forests Photo Smet run begins in countless Ontario streams when the ice goes out each spring. Here are some of the sardine-like little fish, netted annually by the thousands, as a Whitby "smelter" sorts 'em out. Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests expects big catches this year. - when a guide was expected to merely pack across portages, pad- dle the eager fishermen and keep quiet. These men are becoming conservation minded and can see the importance of following the rules to protect and provide for their own future and that of their guests. Our forest heritage of fish and wildlife is one which is continu- ally renewing itself. If the crop is sensibly and carefully har- vested it remains in a_ plentiful and balanced state for our use and pleasure and probably more important for those generations which will follow us. Last Chance for Free Haileyburian Contest Lioses Apr.4 Readers entering The Hailey- burian's annual ice guessing con- test on the date of tne ice leavy- ing Lake Temiskaming are again reminded that they must comply with the rules to be eligible for the prize--a_ year's subscription free. This week the record and-cou- pon are appearing for the last time this year. The closing date is Monday, April 4th. All entries handed in or mailed on or before that date will be accepted. Up until the present week there has been little or no change in the condition of the ice on Lake Temiskaming, but with continued warm weather the picture can change very rapidly. For your convenience we again print the list of previous openings with the coupon. Record 19257 Seltd i ti May 5th 1930; 22283 oo ee May 5th 195 1y. 220 ae eee May Ist 193252 <a - May 10th 194672 -- Mav 7th 1934 .~ May Sth 1935 _ -- May 9th 1936 - ~ May 13th 1937! ee May 8th 19385 Cee rey ie April 22nd 1939 _ -- May 10th --. May 7th -- April/29th May 6th April 9th 1946 _=_ __- April 20 1947 ___ - May 18th OAR Fe ees eae April 30th 1940 tee. Sis eee April 29th _~ May 14th April 29th BS ee Se Oe May 3rd WSS cee ees April 26th LOS 4 gc. « see TR May 2nd COUPON My_ guess is that the ice will be out of Lake Temiskaming _The first person to attempt the ride over Niagara ¢Falls was a woman, lor, In 1901 she made the drop in a barrel with an anvil for bal- ~ last and survived, Miss Anna Edson Tay- - Temporary Guardian Girls and) women who like children and who have patience with them enjoy earning extra money as baby sitters. To he < safe temporary guardian of other people's youngsters, the sitter should capable of dealing with emergen- successful and cies as well as being able to spend a quiet evening. The sitter should be able to give the baby his formula if. necessary. In case of fire or other emergency, she should have presence of mind and know how to summon help. A course in both first aid and home nursing are available tothe baby sitter. When the parents leave her in charge, she should - be sure that she has a telephone number where they may be reached in case of necessity. Expect Election Day Announce- ment at End of Session (Continued from Page 1) modern housing facilities. There are many jobs to be done. We can see to it that every munici pality is provided with all neces- sary services, including sewers and abundant water supply. We need more teachers and more schools to meet the needs of our expanding population. We need more trained nurses and doctors, more "hospitals, so that we can inaugurate a system of health insurance. We urgently need more institutions to prdp- erly take care of-the aged an] the chroninaliy ill We need more highways and more modern high- ways to reduce the alarming rate of traffic accidents and death. In our metropolitan areas we need subways and expressways to re- lieve traffic congestion. We need hundreds of small harbors. We need an expansion of our recrea- tional facilities, such as beaches and parks. When we have done these things we can think about a snorter work week, wecan think about an earlier retiring age. These are some of the broad aims of our Legislators', which provide o more abundant provide a abundant will yill more life and enable us. to live togeth- er as good neighbors. Your time, your energy and your money makes Red Cross service possible. If you haven't the time or the energy your money can help carry on the work, Bast FootiStraighe Forward The way we walk has a lot to do with our becoming tired and with his feet pointed "ten minutes to two' will tire much more quickly and actually take more steps than the walker who steps ont with feet pointed straight ahead. The latter method not only gievs better balance but Iso puts less strain on the bones and muscles of the foot. 12:00 to 1:30 A delightful -place to 'Hotel Haileybury Is becoming more and more popular a a rendezvous for businessmen and a place for Family Parties The excellent food--accompanied by good service is ~ provided in a quiet, friendly atmosphere in which Dining becomes a Real Pleasure DINNERS SERVED Light Lunches Served-- 12:30 to 1:30 For Banquets and Large Parties we offer the exclusive use of THE BLUE ROOM A Convenient, Comfortable Place to meet your friends is THE SILVER ROOM The Finest Lounge in Northern Ontario Bring your guests with confidence to HOTEL HAILEYBURY ; They Will Enjoy It! For Reservations TELEPHONE HAILEYBURY 100 6:00 to 8:00 hold your next Dance Thoyre talking about Canada (\/ - t Ride poncivo Collectio ~aecett His ay eee he CANADIAN TOUR OF Opening, of at tht Copacabana, Beneath the majestic crown of the Sugar Loaf, . the people of Rio de Janeiro welcomed the Seagram -- n of Paintings of Canadian Cities. At the Brazilian premiere in famous Copacabana Palace, and then at the Museum of Art, this Seagram Collection was seen by thousands of enthusiastic citizens. Throughout Latin Amersea and Europe, the Seagram Collection-portrayed the yitality of Canada; her industrial expansion, her cultural progress, her vision and talents. Abroad for a full year, the Seagram Collection helped bring a lasting appreciation and a fuller understanding of Canada to millions of people - around the world. Che Plouse of Scagrans Sey INTERNATIONAL TOUR OF THE SEAGRAM COLLECTION: OTTAWA, SAN JUAN, HAVANA, MI RIO DE JANEIRO, SAO PAULO, BUENOS AIRES, MONTEVIDEO, R $ THE HAGUE, MADRID, AND A-VISIT TO THE CANADIAN ARMED FORCES IN SOEST, WEST THE SEAGRAM 7 thy Seognam. Exhib-cion Palace. & Thott; are te EXICO (OME, LONDON, PARIS, GENEVA, GERMANY, CURRENT 'COLLECTION: MONTREAL, CHARL' HAUF; ST. JOHN'S, SAINT JOHN, SHERBROOKE, TROIS-RIVIERES, TORONTO, QUEBEC, LONDON; Watiweore om VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, CALGARY, PORT ARTHUR-FORT Wi ILUAM, SUDBURY, HAM| SARNIA, SASKATOON, REGINA, SHAWINIGAN FALLS, HULL, ieclon mrt f -* i, EARACAS, STOCKHOLM, 5 , EDM