« THURSDAY, -MARCH 31,1955" SHATLE YBCO RLANW (10 -~ seen ces ee eee ee Bata ek + = .-Page Five High School Operetta learn to Swim days come before around to swim and float is a lifesaver vacation for safety's sake but --even on indifferent swimmer and also for most the benefits of this healthy exer- Bast ; can take care of himself in deep towns and cities have some faci- cise. Provides Sparkling water if he knows how to keep lities for swimming Tessons. It --- ---- afloat. There is still 'time to pays to be a swimmer, not only --Want Ads. Bring Results! Entertainment Nothing is sweeter than suc- cess and even more so a repeat- ed success. I'm-sure every student at Haileybury High School felt that warm inner glow of pride on Friday night with the closing chorus of "Cariboo Rood". There is no doubt that this operetta, written by Mr. Cassidy and the musical score by Miss W. Keller was thoroughly enjoyed by the enthusiastic audience on Thurs- day and Friday nights. Atlhough producing an operet- ta requires plenty of good hard work by the principals, the © . : eed oe uaa icts Delivery--A Service Charge of 20c will be everyone feels, I'm sure that it is much more fun than anything else. te One might say that this year's show had a moral or an objective to it--to abliolish one of thé worst mankind : comicscourges 300ks! When the children Wednesday night's saw the number of "'contraband books". tossed on a-pile on the stage to be burned a ripple of awe and disbelief was audibly uttered by the young audience and immediately after the show the kids snatched up thebooksand of at performance | ef Lands and Forests Phote --Ont. Di CONSERVATION LEADERS OF TOMORROW are Ontario lads like these young Trent Valley anglers. The Ontario Dept. of Lands and Forests reports increasing interest among young people in reasons for size and creel limits and wise-use of all renewable natural resources, Interest is servation Clubs. growing, too, in formation of Junior Con- show right along; to Dave Tuer more than the audience. Phones 5 and 23 We offer you the following Services: Cash and Carry Prices. charged on each Order. Charge Account--A 3% Service of operating charge accounts. d ee arke Charge will be made'on each order to cover the cost Satur flay Apr 12 settled down to a reading ses- (Water-on-the-Knee) the most Already next year's operetta is MEAT DEPART sion, oblivious. to everything unforgettable Medicine Man_ in shaping up in the fertile imagin- MENT FRUITS & VEGETABLES else. Let's face it.-A long as history; to Sharon Byles (Mary- OMS of our two teachers. We comic hooks and kids exist, they lou Monahan) who for a Grade MOPe you can control your im- Phone 5 Fresh Daily patience until next March to will be together. ; hiner showed all the stage poise We Specialize in only Branded : SRC apa te eS - Ne ie Gee pe see another wonderful show. OranSes, Sunkist 252s 2 doz for. ' ee ee ee ee Gabble (Dean of Women). and three performances with a erack- aioe tte yne Rolled Rib, per 1! Ineapples +............ cee eee, 37c 4 ; Softer rapon 5 ) OT een yee ° Alan Mikkala (Professor Lucius ed 'collarbone and did it without a Any non-swimmer who has BI PIA OREO On Ste IG AGE B00 69e Apples Meliciots: doze nanineee 49: J. -Speigal) for another wonder- grimace, and finally to the other Nt Bs lade! Roasts pensibsis0'- deen 49c ful performance; to: Norma Lara' principals and the members of Ve found himself . beyond his Pot Roast, Ib 9c Bananas, lbs: Mice fy ae nie Oe 19c bie(Fireweed) and Kathleen Jen- the chorus who did a particular depth in water knows the feel- Rows die ie aene c kins (Ragweed) both, whose ly splendid job. Undoubtedly ing of panic that canensue .Many ound' Stealyipernibi y)wner ne 69c Rotatoess Dal dw TOMS! wees. 49c singing was, although different, the liveliest scene in the show people have drowned and dragged Bacon. Maple Leaf, sliced lb........ 63c 3 Sn <a delightful; to Tynn Barstead was the "Indian Mimbo." The others under with them, because Bolosnwaln tf #7 Potatoes, P E |, 75 lb. ........ $3.15 (Chubby Jones) for carrying the chorus enjoyed this number even of panic. A knowledge of how OP ra aa Rucci ashe ccn Ne pes) 9 tis evans 25 Mattucemlnree teal wee ee 23e ORDER YOUR EASTER HAMS, Celery, lanzenstalk -.. sos sies fe taa. 29¢ CHICKENS or TURKEYS EARLY flomatoes;: cello sikh alas Raith. 25c Es y 'Five Roses Flour, 7s ......... POSED Dp 49c Pease ibys lo) aetiie: atime. ete 19¢ . Robin Hood White Cake Mix......___ 19: ~ Coffee, C&S, M-H, Is .... $1.12 oi Shortening, Domestic SEO Ube ahrot io 28c Coffee, Fresh ground Astor . 99. 3 ugar, ob Granse; ont aap ot, ok Sey 45c Ketchup; libby ll 627. ome os. 28. 27 Milk, 16 oz. Carnation ......... 2 for 29c Ringo. Giantess mee 79¢ Corn Flakes, Kellogg's, 8 oz. .... 2 for 35¢ Tide; (Giant acs... 81c . c « j . ~ fF Notice of Special Grants Oh to all Municipalities and -- . NEVER TOUCH School Boards in Ontario 7 oe | "For the information of heads of municipalities and school boards, Ce | Gi e n W | r e e elementary and secondary, it is announced that:-- i . ' 2 THE GOVERNMENT of the Province of Ontario will pay a special unconditional grant equal to one-half of the basic uncon- ditional subsidy payable under the Municipal Unconditional i ae Grants Act, 1953, to every municipality in the Province. While One reason wby. electricity these grants are completely unconditional they are primarily in pe Vora ahaiaive ned order to assist municipalities in special welfare matters where = wherever wires will carry it, required and at the same time to stimulate employment. The Z _tetal sum being paid for this purpose is $3,750,000. Ontario Hydro exerts every effort to keep safe the wires i AND THE GOVERNMENT of the Province of Ontario will that carry this important pay to each school board in the Province a special grant of $4.00 ve commodity, but in spite of all for every child of average daily attendance in the elementary ekg Gon tee wattage 4 and secondary schools of Ontario. The tota) amount being paid reak. A fa coi Mada) for this purpose is $3,500,000 dangerous + it may be a <3 a "live wire". ' THESE GRANTS, amounting to $7,250,000 are uncondi- Never touch a fallen wire tional and will be paid as soon as possible about Apri) 15, 1955. under any circumstances! Estimated amounts payable to each municipality and board are - Warn children not to go near being communicated to the Clerk of the Municipality. In the them. If you find an , Meantime, enquiries should' be directed' to the Department of electric wire on the ground, : Municipal Affairs, Parliament Buildings, Toronto = rously low, please - or eAaEe y ae EACH MUNICIPALITY and board should take these grants notify the nearest Hydro office and endeavour to keep others away until service men into consideration in planning programs and setting tax rates for the year 1955. _ arrive. Your co-operation & ee 5 may be instrumental in ; : 1. Py 4 Minis Mi | Affairs ave a life. " inister of Municipal Affai 64 t ; W. J. DUNLOP, 3 % Minister of Education : : _ March 24, 1955