THE Hal LE YBU RIAN THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1955 Social Notes Miss Bea McKay is a patient in Misericordia Hospital at pre- sent. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dean have returned home irom a Was to Bermuda. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Garbutt were on a business trip to North Bay and Orillia last week. Mr. and~ Mrs. R. J. Poppleton left on Monday tor a trip to Florida and othe: southern points Mr. and Mrs., Jim Worrall at- tended the iuneral of Mr. Sibert Larman ot Ferris on Thursday of last week. George Harrison with Eve Har- rison vice, Henry Jensen second and Anita Jensen lead, attended the mixed bonspiel in Kirkland Lake the past week-end. Mrs. W. A. Snider leit for her home in Portage la Prairie, Man. after visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. Thoday and family Mrs. H. Jenkins was in Kirk- land Lake over the past week- end and viced on a rink skipped by Frank Rainiord. F.O and Mrs. Bill Scott and family from the RCAF station at North Bay were. week-end visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hargrave. The Public Library will be closed for the Lenten holiday on Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday, April 8th, 9th and 11th respectively. Mrs. N. J. McAulay Sr. return- ed home Monday after spending the past week week wih her dau ghter and family in Kirkland Lake. While there she played as vice on Gordie McDonald's rink in the mixed bonspiel. Mrs. S. Wiseman of Orillia is in town with her son, Mr. Lorne Wiseman and family, having come to attend the funeral of her granddaughter. the late Cather- ine Wiseman. Mr. Fred Thompson returned . CHURCHES | THE CHURCH NEEDS YOU YOU NEED THE CHURCH Albert Gospel Hall SUNDAY Sunday School, 2:30 p.m. Breaking of Bread--11 a.m. Gospel Meciung--/ THURKSDAY Prayer Meeting, 2:3C Ladies' p.m. Pubic Bible Reading and Prayer Meeting--o p.m The Untted Church REV. "A. +1. DENHOLM, N.A., B.D. HAILEYBURY Public Worship--11.00 a.m. Junior Sunday School meets at 11 a.m. Senior Sunday School meets at 10 a.m. NORTH COBALT Public Worship--7.30 p.m. The Salvation Army Sunday Morning Meeting--11.00 a.m. Sunday School---2.30 p.m. Tuesday Night--Public Meet- ing, 7-30. Daivation Meeting--7.00 p.m., Cobalt Sunday School, Cobalt--2.45 p.m. The Baptist Church Pastor--Howard S. Staples 11 a.m.--Junior Church School Classes for all age groups. 11 a.m.--Morning Worship. Subject Path of Folly "God be- seeching, man refusing to be made forever glad" WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. Mid-week Meeting. for Prayer and Bible Study. You are invited to worship with us and to fellowship inthe things of God. Bring the children. Pentecostal Assembly RORKE AVENUE Sunday School-- 10.00 a.m. Morning Worship--11.00 a.m. Evangelistic Service--8.00 p.m. Prayer Meeting Tuesday at & Young People's Meeting--Fri.. 8 p.m. '2 St. Paul's Church Holy Communion--8.00 %.m. lst Sunday,-Hoty- Comm union-- 14 sm:-- Other Sundays, Matine--11 a.m. Church School meets at 11 a.m. Evening Prayer--7.30 p.m. ST. GEORGE'S, NORTH COBALT Morning Serviee--9.15 a.m, , home this eek after sending a month's holiday in Florida. Mrs. Thompson who was with him on the trip, stopped off in Montrea] to visit with ner mother. Haileybury Art Club Exhibition at High School at Week-End In the North Bay Nugget last week were cited comments from newspapers in Chatham. Wind- sor, Ingersoll and St. Thomas to show the wide interest aroused in Southwestérn Ontario by the NOAA Exhibition now on tour. The Windsor Daily News de- scribes Muriel Smith's turpen- tine wash drawings as "interest- ing and unusual." Ingersoll Tribune pays tribute to Enid Symington's oil "White River Country" also gains fav- - oftable notice. The MHaileybury Art annual exhibition at the High School this week-end will pro- vide local people with the oppor- tunity to appraise the progress "of the group. On view will be the pictures that will represent the Club on the Northern Ontario Spring Cir- cuit, which starts in North Bay on Easter Week. Club's GeorSe W. Lee (Continued from Feye One) There is a Lee swimming pool at Englehart and North Be own Lee Park. He founded the T N O ponepitl and every year curlers contest for the George W. Lee trophy. He played a large part in found-- ing the Northern Ontario Golf association tournament and again the George W. Lee traphy is the champion's prize. He founded NOTICE! LEE'S BEAUTY SALON Will be open on Wednesday, April 6th in P.M. Will be Closed from Good Friday Til) Tuesday, April 12th. Condensed Ads FOR SALE--Refrigerator in ex- cellent condition. GE de luxe, $175. Phone No, 7. 4-1-* CHALK, DONALD--Will 'anyone knowing the whereabouts of Donald Chalk, last heard from in Cobalt in 1921 or 1922, kindly communicate with Box _A, The Haileyburian. 4-1-c FOR SALE --Baby Carriage in good condition. $20,00. Phone 664. 4-1-c FOR SAL Bale oak den table. Phone 182 4-1-c CAPABLE WOMAN for House Work. Evenings free. Tele- phone 417. 4-1-c FOR SALE--Cottage and lot, 100 ft. lake front, 300 ft back; clear title; on Bass Lake; good sand beach, $700. Phone John M. Belland, 501. 4-1-c FOR SALE--One Farm-Al] Cul, Tractor and 10 pieces of ma- chinery in sets. Will sell cheap Phone 619-W, Town. 3-2-* ANYONE | desiring Wedding Cakes Phone 274. Please order _3 weeks In advance. 2-4-c WANTED-- House or Apart- ment. Phone' 578-W 2-1-c PICTURE FRAMING--at Mac- Lean's, 110 Main St. 44-tf. WANTED--Young Man over the age of 21 who would like to enter the hote] business, Apply Hote] Hajileybury. 'Telephone y9 Haileybury. 2-2c TENDERS will be received up to 4.00 p.m. April 11th, 1055, by the undersigned for crushing of from three to four thousand tons of limestone, to be crushed to three-quarters inch minus Particulars may be oxtained from the road supermtendent, Walter Fleming. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Charles i. Dakins, Clerk-Treasurer, Township of Coleman, Box 372, Cobalt, Ont. 51-1-c AGENTS WANTED--in good vacant territories. Dealers in- terested communicate with us right now to reservc your ter- =--tHtory.-- -PFOx jucts--advan- | --- the Senior event pole. tourn as the NOGA became too uous for older golfers. He was a life member of the Masonic Order and of a mission- ary society, the Rotary Club, and the golf clubs of Timmins. Hajl- eybury, Cochrane and North Bay; he was also honorary vice-presj- dent of the North Bay Chamber of Commerce. Surviving are four daughters. M.. ament Siren one son and One son, John Lee died i in 1937. Nearly 3,700,000 persons, about one Canodion in four, recive sal- 'aries, pensions, allowances or other monthly#payments from the Federal Government, amounting to a total payment of obout $5,- 000,000 0 day. ----, Every summer off Canaad's east coast the Internationa] Ice Patrol uses ships and planes to trace the movements of ice- bergs brought down from the Arctic by the Labrador Current to threaten Atlantic ship lanes. =} The gorwth of industry hax »>made Caandians mostly urban dwellers. Nearly two-thirds of Canadians now live in cities towns. and Ecpee Is Coming! Spring is are around the cor- ner or at least we hope! How- ever after the last couple of days it seems very. doubtful. There is one man in Haileybury who reassures us that it can't be far off and he is Leigh Day who is very proud of his daffodils, about three inches high, peeking through the snow. THE ak ACCURACY IN HOME OR OFFICE ---INSHOP OR SCHOOL Wale RUBBER STAMPS ARE ATIMESAVING-TOOL, We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you with- ina couple of days. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO HAILEYBURIAN MPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. On Double bills, last complete show at 8.15 p.m Show at 7 and 9 pm LAST SHOWING TONIGHT: "SUBMARINE COMMAND? THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Cash Offers Total $525.00 FRIDAY and SATURDAY James Sewart, Janet Leigh, "Naked Spur" APRIL Ist and 2nd Cartoon plus Added Shorts MON., TUES., WED. "Duel in Gregory Peck, ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Added Shorts and News APRIL 4. 5, 6 the Sun" Jennifer Jones. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN boldt Sey. tageous commission. Guaran- teed success. Details JITO, 5130, St. Hubert, Moatreal. S10 Released im Canada by NTERNATIONAL FILM DISTRIBUTORS LTD. should see this stirring drama to realize the pitfalls life can To help you protect your loved ones see this motion picture! ~ HAILEYBURY -- LAST TI COBALT -- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MES TODAY APRIL Ist, 2nd "The Belles of St. Trinians" Starring ALASTAIR --Second SIM and GEORGE COLE Feature-- "Ten Wanted Men" TECHNICOLOR, HAILEYBURY -- FRIL., "Princess Color DEBRO PAGE,. Jeffrey Added SAD: COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY, by Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT --_-- APRIL Ist and 2nd APRIL 4th ond 5th of the Nile" Technicolor HUNTER, Michael RENNIE Attraction "Gorilla at Large" in Cameron MITCHELL, Le color e J. COBB, Anne BANCROFT Plus News and Carton HAILEYBURY--WED. and COBALT--FRI. and SAT., THURS., APRIL 6, 7 APRIL 8, 9 Added Luenlle BALL, Desi ARN.' HAILEYBURY--After Sun. Midnight, Mon., Tues., COBALT -- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, _Adult Entertainment ) Plus On the same Program "An Inspector Calls" Starring ALASTAIR SIM A STRANGER TO BRAZIL but no stranger to danger! Attraction "To Many Girls" AZ. Ann Miller, Eddie Bracken oO See APRIL 4th and 5th APRIL 6th and 7th ALL-STAR CAST INCLUDING ETCHIKA CHOUREAU LISE BOURDIN JOELLE BERNARD MARYSE MARTIN JEAN-CLAUDE PASCAL VALENTINE TESSIER | a2