The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 7 Apr 1955, p. 1

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<LI HAILEYBURIAN Vol No. 5 Slee _THURSDAY, APRIL 7th, 1955 Subscription Rate $2.00 per veer HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO School Boards Ask MARCH WEATHER anc has been * . The average mean temperature Council for Safety for March, ee was ned com- pared with 204 for 54, bg = 1 1894 the average Measures for Pupils is» : : March, A special meeting of the Hail- eybury Town Council for the purpose of studying the esti- 1894 of mates of the annual budget was yjarch y held on Monday evening. Tae yfarch Mayor and Councillors D. H, ah 'tk Millar, W C Arnold, Neil Flem- 33¢ pel ing L. Simard and Sam Craig ~~ being present, Before proceeding with the main business of the evening a deputation of military authori- Easter ties. appeared and made a re- not forg quest on behalf of the O/C for al the permission of the Council to paign 1955. was 54 and 70.6 in 1905 et the id give our bit ork the he camp make use of some vacant land in the southeast part of the good wi town, formerly occupied by the "YS to do. brickyard Council was informed that : the reason for the request was out o1 t that the Army was undertaking a series of training exercises for The maximum temperature for for 1954it was 43 with a high since The minimum temperature for Bud Dempster in with vas 12 below zero 1955 and 7 below in 1954 he lowest in 1900 ow in 1900. EASTER SEALS CAMPAIGN and its message of hope is wyon us again and let us Easter Seal cam- no mat- ter how small to help along the service clubs are Remember the crippled child- ren and how much joy they got (Northwood) built last year at Sesekinika and to which our money goes to help the armored section of the local ™4"Ce it militia company, whose equip- eports from the Treasurer \ment includes a tank and auxili- shows Haileybury is 25% less in their givings than this time ary transport. When the question was raised last year, so send or bring your by Council as to the possibility donation to Alan Hurst at the of damage to the streets to be Bank of Nova Scotia and feel traversed between the Armouries You, too, have .a share in this and the training ground, assur- good work : ance was given by the officers iaey that the broad treads of the It is estimated that every equipment so distribued the 25,000 immigrants to Canada weight that there would be no an at purchasers for 4,000,- (Continued on Page 4) 000 loaves of bread annually. | | Annual | Campaign for Memberships Bud Dempster First President of Newly Formed Camera Club At an organizational meeting held on Monday night in the Blue Room of Hotel Haileybury, aws alected as president of the Hailybury Cam- era Club. The town's' newest groupcrowned efforts of Orville (Sam) Hughes and O. M. Hen- nessy, members of the recrea- tion commission, to get camera fans together. "You don't have to be an ex- pert to join éur ranks," said Mr Hennessy, who was chairman of the meeting.. "At the present time we are setting an age minimum of 16 years for member, but if we find that enough of the younger peo- ple are interested° we may yet consider establishing a junior branch to cater to their needs. So far, 25 Haileyburians from all walks of life have intimated their desire to join the club. The inaugural meeting was the opportunity for the election of a slate of officers. In addition to Bud Dempster as }president, the following were chosen: O- M. Hennessy, treasurer; Alex Mac- Lean, instructor, and Miss Nan- cy Hasselbring, secretary. Ray de Sousa was appointed chair- man of the advertising, publicity and promotional committee and other committees will be formed at the next meeting, the date 01 which hasn't yet been decided. At the meeting Mjonday, a film was shown on the making home movies. It stressed the importance and ease of recording happy family memories in color on film and paid patricular atten- tion to the growth of the family youngsters. Mr.~MacLean wil] let mem- bers' use his darkroom facilities at least once a week; and all members who do have photo equipment have agreed to share wherever possible with those who don't It is planned from time to time to invite members of the group to bring along sam- ples of their work to meetngs for criticism, suggestions, ad- ice and discussion. All Haileyburians interested in joining the club, shouldn't put it off for tomorrow. Contact one " dressings to scores Cancer Society Appeals for Funds To Further Work Temiskaming's cancer sufferers goes into operation in Cobalt, Haileybury 5 New Liskeard, Charton Englehart,, Matachewan and Elk Lake. Making this an- nual appeal is the Temiskaming Unit of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety. "We are now doing as much work in the southern part of the Jemiskaming District as we do up here.' Mrs G F Elliot, an ex- ecutive member of the unit, pointed out today. We hope that we will get good support so as to be able to maintain our much neéded services" Services include the operation of a. concer clinic alternate months in New Liskeard and Kirkland Lake, the supply of of patients. coverage of travel expenses in certain cases to Toronto or other places where special treatment is given, and a program of edu- cational instruction for the gen- eral public about cancer In order to make known the unit's urgent needs. 3,500 letters went out this morning to chosen names throughout southern Tem- iskaming. Each carried the sig- nature of R Healy. president of the unit, The educational the Cancer Society in Temiska- ming includes the supply of speakers on cancer to local' or- ganizations supply of free book- lets to all requesting them, supply of films on the diagnosis of the disease and other services Half the battle in the cure of cancer lies in catching it early" Dr. Harris, medical adviser to the unit says The Canadian Cancer Society is working to per- stpde people to contact their doctors immediately they feel any symptoms that could pos- sibly be associated witth the dis- ease" Funds raised by the Temiska- ming Unit also go to support teh Canadian Cancer Societv's research work which is constant- program of of the executive members today, and they'll gladly welcome you into the fold. Enjoy Outstanding Co by World Famous MEMBERSHIPS-- Adults $6.00 Ar Mon. April 18 to Sat. April 23 neerts tists Students $3.75 BINGO! CURLING CLUB LOUNGE Temiskaming Construction Limited Sudbury, Ont. ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Electrical and Mechanical Installations iJ BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702: Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone 517 Operation Phone EM 6-9357 COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB STAG! CARRIE GRAY MEETING he annua] Thankoffering meeting of the Carrie Gray Mis- sionary meeting was held Mon- day evening, April 4th in the basement of the United Church. Mrs. A: H. Cooke, President. was in the chair. There was a large attendance. The Devotional was given by Janet Greer, assisted by Alfie Valentine, L. Timmins, D. Chip- man. M. Pickard, M. Campbell and M. Rice- A film on India was shown as at present they are making it their study. The Easter , boxes, being sent to the San. are being packed this week the home of M: Thomson. The business part of the next meeting will be held after the mission service, May Ist. THE WEEK'S WEATHER Week Ending April 6th, 1955 which are patients at MhureGay. . 2. 3. ser 16 34 Friday 32 50 Saturday 57-46 Sunday 80 43 Keratebny ot aes cere Ss 50) Muesdayance oh ste Bo 52, Wednesday 9... .4.5 29 44 ly progressing towards the even- tual solution of the can-e- men- ace. The Society has been re- sponsible for many of the dis- coveries that have done much to alleviate suffering from the dis- research ease, Meanwhile its workers, including some of the world's best known experts on the subbject,are continuing their investigations into the cause of cancer The Temiskaming Unit's appeal does not mention any _ specific figure" Citizens View Efforts of Local Artists Last Week-End The Haileybury Art Club were very pleased to note the growing interest iff their work as eviden- ced by the increased attendance at their annual exhibit last week-end, [Those who attended the show were impressed by the improve- ment in technique and the varie- ty of subject matter. Drawings and paintings of local scenes cre- ated lively interest. Those who exhibited their work were Mrs. Muriel Smith, Mrs. Alice Thompson, Miss The- resa Fortier, Jack Burton, Mrs E. M. Strong, Mrs. Aase Block and Mrs. Olive Bailey. Several films on Art were shown, among them being Var ley and "Westwind" a document- ary film on Tom Thompson Miss Lena Miller won the door prize, an oil, "Northern Pine" by Jack Burton. Seven of the pictures were forwarded to the Northern On- tario Spring circuit which opens in North Bay Easter week. Pic- tures sentof the. circuit must bear a signed statement that they are originals completed without in- criticism and are artists at struction judged by promiennt the different centres. The pictures sent were "Wal- lace", "Cedar Grove" "Autumn Landscape" by Miss_ Fortier: "Connie's Cottage", "Woodlands' Mrs. Alice Thompson; "Spring Spate", . "Perched Houses--Co- balt' by Muriel Smith. or a 3 i > ANNOUNCEMENT CUMMING ALL B.|. - uck" BRODA WATCHMAKER Will be open for business in the MONDAY,: APRIL 11, REPAIRS GU BUILDING [55 ARANTEED EDEY'S Food Market Phone 23 - 5 WEEK-END SPECIALS Thursday, April 7th -- Sat, Meat Department April 9th 8:30 p.m. Sharp SAT., APR. 16th DOOR PRIZE $100.00 BLACKOUT Sessstssttessattts Admission: 50c for 20 Games EVERYBODY WELCOME COBALT-HAILEYBURY CURLING CLUB Nz Additional Cards 25c FRIDAY, APR. 22 In Curling Lounge Room DOOR PRIZE -- 17-JEWEL BULOVA WATCH Admission 25¢ Everybody Welcome Dill Pickles, York, 24-0z- Bacon Swift) Oriole: sielb.ts, 40% 0. er 2 eon 59 Sausage, bute Porkwibsieys 22. ney. te oss Peale 45c Pork Roast, lb. A9c Pork Chops, lb. 53c Hamburg irate Shs nl 3 Ibs. for 89c Hams: Picnics sbi eet ioe rae eee ac ok ee Tas lie 39c Grocery Specials Libby's Catsup, lil) oz ate ee foe oa cls os Niblett Com?) et ens eer oo see 2 for 35c PuffedsWheat, Quaker -: ...ajechinee «tes 52 2 for 23c 'Coffee; Mort candiGit Sips. seo teen ok fi arom. 9% $1.12 Apple-Juice, 20-67: see re ee 2 for 29c Cheese Chateau, '4-lb. .......:......- Fs eh ak eee 31c Goodiiuck Margarine; |bier co) ee Ce as 35c ella. Powders sie ok Fes oe ew eh Paine eee 3 for 29c Manple feat Deterpent (oes: 3 tet. eee ele 39c Eggs, Fresh A Large, Chapman's doz. ........-..-.- 50¢; 29c Help Crippled Chidren---BUY EASTER SEALS --SPONSORED BY HAKLEXBURY ROTARY CLUB

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