The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 28 Apr 1955, p. 1

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aes OS as Lp pe, fi ek me Bc Re RIAN | Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1955 Vol. 51; No. 8 Lake Temiskaming Officially Open on C. P. and T. BinSo and Draw Winners Mrs. Bill Pringle won the door prize of $25.00 at the C. P and T. Bingo held an Saturday even- Wednesday April 21 ing in the Legion Hall. The C. ' P. and T. wish to thank the ; Se _ Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club the winter ice covering of ¢), their assistance. Lake Lemiskaming has been olfi- The draw for the {pillow cases cially ott as ot Wednesday, was won by Mrs. Smith of Co- April 2/th, 1953, according to ait tea-pot, Mrs. Alberta Clow Councillor Neil Fleming, who 4¢ North Cobalt; cup and saucer, has acted as judge for the past \fr,_ Trene O'Shaugnessy, Co- severa] years. y balt; salt and pepper shaker, Mrs In recent weeks the ice has \jijson of Cobalt. soitened up and an earlie1 open- ing would have taken place had there been any wind whatsoever. In former years, the ice was considered out of the lake when there was sufficient open water so that navigation could be carried out between here and Ville Ma- rie. Mr. Fleming said that al- though there was still some ice floating in the lake on Thursday, it was considered out on Wednes- brownies Meet The Secqnd Haileybury Brow- nie i'ack met on Luesday even- ig in St. Wauls Varish tall, un- der the leadership ot Mrs. Mc- Gaw,, Miss Nancy Whitby and Brown Uwl, joan Hargrave. ithe Brownies enjoyed outdoor games betore the opening cere- many and practiced a drill. y. ithe airy King was tormed There were three winners of 224 the Hairy Gold collected. "The Haileyburiann ice contest the Brownies then broke into who had picked April 27th as packs tor imapection and atten- the opening day, Mrs. E.Adams, SEUSS , The Lweenies passed tests um Mrs. N. Austin and Mrs. D. K. ria Burke. all of Haileybury.. Mrs. der leadership of Miss Whitby, 3urke and Mrs. Austin are al- While Mrs. McGaw and Mrs. ready subscribers to the paper Hargrave were busy passing tests and will be credited with a year's 0" the Golden Hand. subscription, while Mrs. Adams The game chosen to be played is a newcomer and will receive before the closing was "The Big the paper for-the coming year. Ship Sail.' : : The contest this year was fair- The Brownies closed with ly well patronized with most Brownie Prayer and Taps. guessers having a slightly later a date than the April 27th opening. Last year the ice left the lake on May 2nd. Well Known Guide Dies A well known guide at Anima- Congratulations are extended Nipissing Lake, Carl Kreisman, to the winners and to the rest: aged 82, died on April 9th. His better luck next time wife, whose eyesight is failing a a and get along with difficulty, was left alone on her isolated farm with her husband's body vfor two weeks before help ar- The auditorium of the North Tived. Carl Maki, who has a Cobalt Public School was the C@mp near the farm, passed by scene of a social evening Mon+:22¢ discovered the woman's day when about 125 members of plight. meg the Haileybury Pentecostal As- The farm is inaccessible ex- sembly gathered to bid farewell CePt by air or boat. When the to Rev. and Mrs. Clarke on police were notified they flew their daughter, Miss Ruth. in and brought the body out. The evening opened with prayer Social Evening Held in Honor of Departing Minister by W. Cassel. Several musical Cookie Day, May 14th numbers were given and many : hymns were sung. The local organization of Girl Ross Chamberlain made the Guides and Brownies are holding presentation of a purse of money their annual cookie day on May 'to Revt and Mrss. Clarke on 14th. The citizens of the town behalf of the Assembly. Arnold have in former years been verp Olsen, president of the Young co-operative and we hope that People's presented Ruth with a the same spirit will be used again watch. R ev. and Mrs. Clarke this year. The Guides and and Ruth replied in an apprecia-~ Brownies have been busy this tive manner. week canvassing thetown and if The evening concluded with anyone hasbeen missed your or- 'prayer by Rev. Clarke, and the der will be cheerfully accepted by 'ladies served refreshments. phoning 59 or 507 before Satur- The new pastor, Rev. W. day. Thanks to all who have Churchill was pastor of the civen their orders. Timmins charge. There are two children iin the family and ' : Mr. and Mrs Churchill are tal- At the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, on April 14th, a total of 59 students participated in the graduation exercises of the Diploma Course designed The Haileybury Rotary Club specifically for farm boys who have been noted for their many Plan to return to the farm. charitable acts and good deeds The boys were presented for and through their efforts the the /Diploma by Dr. N H. Wigh, Department of Public Works at Director of the Diploma Course, Ottawa have re-covered the ramp and several outstanding students approach to the airport dock and Were recognized. the dock itself was re-covered For Temiskaming, P. A. Tes- Thi adds to the beautification of sier, Elk Take was the student the town. Thanks, Rotarians. who was successful. ented musicians. Loca] Organization Aids Rummage Sale! UNDER AUSPICES OF THE ANGLICAN W.A. IN THE PARISH HALL Friday, May 6th BEGINNING AT 9:00 a.m. Anyone Wishing Articles to be picked up Call Mrs. A. T. HUMPHREY, 541 St. Mary's Academy Student Winner in All Ontario Contest Tréva Legault, a Grade XII student of St. Mary's Academy of Haileybury, was awarded top prize in the recent Ontario Lan- guage Contest for Bilingual Schools held recently in Ottawa. As a result of first success in French at Haileybury and after Kapuskasing, where she competed with other High Schools of Nor- thern Ontario, she was an entrant at Ottawa. Here she became the winner of the top award. At Kapuskasing, she won first iprize in oral and written com- positions and the second prize in Literature. At Ottawa, she was again awarded first prize in oral and written compositions, plus a $600.00 scholarship donated by "PAssociation Canadienne-fran- caise d'Education d'Ontario" for her victory in the provincial con- test. Several volumes, many gifts and other [prizes as well, were presented to her by people of distinction such as Honorable Yvon Hyppolite, general-consul of Haiti to Canada, Rev. Father Louis-Philippe Pelletier,O.M.1. Rev. Mother St-André-Corsini Superior General of the Ordet of the Grey Nuns, Ottawa, Mr. Thomas Moncion of Hull, and Marcil Freres of Ottawa. Tréva Legault visited her pa- rents for a few days and return- ed to Haileybury to resume her Grade XII work. She is the 17- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Legault of Lindsay and the granddaughter of of Mr' and Mrs. J. L. Gignac of Hail- eybury. She wishes to thank most heartily the staff and student of St. Mary's Academy who -- have contributed to her success, espe- cially her most devoted teacher, Rev. Sister St. Jean de-Sienne and her classmates. Tact A certain young man jproved wise beyond his years when he paused before answering a widow who had asked him to guess her 'You must have some idea" age she said. "T have several ideas," said smile. the young man with a "The only trouble is that I hesi- tate whether to make you ten years younger on account of your looks, or ten years older on ac- count of your intelligence." ATTENTION! All those in- terested in playing, coaching or managing the Town's entry in the Haileybury Fastball League are asked to be at the Legion Hall at 2:00 p.m. Sunday after- will noon. Election of officers also take place. St. John, N.B, is Canada's oldest incorporated city. WHAT PRICE CROW "The Grey Cup game will never go to Vancouver' is what sport Dave Price has said over and over again on his weekly "Canadian Sports Roundup". In fact he also said he would "eat crow" if it did. Well, here he is, eating crow as promised. Rotary Club Has Celebration For Fiftieth Anniversary On Monday evening the Hail- cybury Rotary Club celebrated the 50th anniversary of the or- ganization at a banquet held in the Blue Room of Hotel Hailey- bury. Approximately seventy guests enjoyed a turkey dinner. _ The guest speaker of the even- ing was R. D. Cumming who spoke on the 50th anniversary of its founding. He told how it was started and how it has spread to every country except those be- hind the Iron Curtain. Alex Mosher proposed the toast to The Ladies and Mrs. Robert D.. Cumming responded. Dancing was enjoyed to the music supplied by the Rhythm Four. - The Club extends their appre- ciation to Mr. Miller of Miller's Cahins for the donation of flags. Scouts Meeting Tht annual meeting of the Canadian General Counci] ofthe Boy Scouts Association will be held in tht Chateau Laurier. in Ottawa at 3:00 p.m. Friday. April 29th' 3 @e Junior's Problems 'Too many scoldings and too firm discipline may defeat their own ends and create behavior problems in a youngster. If he ftels that his own family does not love and want him, his _ re- action may be to disobey his parents and to draw attention to himself by angry outbursts. Ifa child shows signs of abnormal behavior of any sort, consulta- tion with the local child guidance clinic will usually aid in discover-_ inje the basic cause. ~~ LIVING WITH ELAINE { In a gay mood is vivacious Elaine Grand, the editor-in- chief of "Liying': A CBC television show, it covers the gamut of subjects from fa- shion to furniture, from cook- ing to carpentry. Mrs. Stella Blanchette of North Bay was a visitor to Hail- eybury fora few days last week. Guests over the week-end of Mr. and Mrs. John Hope and family, Mrs. Hope's father, F. W. Manson, her brother, Porter Manson and Mrs. Manson of To- ronto and her aunt, Mrs. Gladys Manson of Port Hope who is remaining to spend a week. Lawn Cleaning & Caretaking --o-- H. FLEURY Phone 427-J Haileybury get your model started. Lecky -will also be in charge of RAR A RAR RADARS PN Former HaileYbury Resident Died Recently in Rouyn The death occurred of Mrs. Phoebe J. Wherry on Saturday evening, April 23rd in Rouyn. Mr. Wherry lived in Hailey- bury from 1908 until the early 1930's when she left to live with her son, Frank, who is manager of the Reilly Hardware Company in Rouyn. She was born in Plymouth, England, on May 28th, 1875. Her 'husband, William Wherry _ pre- deceased her on November 4th, 1924. She is survived by her only son, Frank of Rouyn anda brother, John H. Lindey of Toronto. Haileybury Rebekahs Plan For School of Instruction Northern Light Rebekah Lodge made plans for the school of instruction to be held in New Liskeard Community Hall on Wednesday, May 18th for Co- balt District No, 37' A practice was heldand Mrs. Arnold Demp- ster, N.G., conducted the meet- ing. Several items of business were discussed and Lodge closed in form after which bingo was played. Mrs. Olive Childs pro- vided the prizes and Mrs. Beu- lah Lathem donated the special prize won by Mrs. Bill Taylor Mrs. Olive McIntyre and her social committee served light refreshments and very enjoyable evening was had by all. Haileybury Chapter, 1.0.D-E. Plan Special Tea - Hat Derby The regular monthly meeting of the Haileybury Chapter, 1.O. D.E. was held Monday evening, April 18th at the Cobalt Chemi- cals Lodge. The usual business was dealt with. Plans for a tea were discussed. Mrs. Jack 4Lecky will be publicity convenor for the tea. There will be a hat derby contest, so gongs atea and Mrs. this event. Mrs. Arnoid Deinp- ter will convene the» tea with Mrs. George Morgan in charge of the produce. Tickets will be sold on a picnic basket and Mrs. Gordon Kirk will be convenor. Mrs. Cliff Lowery will be in charge of the kitchen. Vhe Regent, Mrs. Jack Thom- son thanked the ladies of Cobalt Chemicals for being the hostesses and for the very enoyable even- ing enjoyed by all. The meeting closed with the flag being brought forward and the singing of God Save Our Queen. ser- Dainty refreshments were ved by the hostesses. Suck-A-Thumb " Thumb sucking in very small children need not be regarded as aproblem unless it continues be- yond his first year. The bigger child may suck his thumb as compensation because he is afraid, jealous, bored or has a fear of scoldings. THE WEEK'S WEATHER Week ending April 27th, 1955 Min Max. AEG oe onan des 40 61 Metin, sooctooceces 47. ~ 54, Saturday 2.2.14 44 57 Sundaye seers tiem 88 52 Miontkhy soanassdec 390" §1 ANGRY Gaonccance 40 60 Wednesdap ...----- Sy) (682) Late Daniel Hughes Former Resident; Mining Pioneer With his death at the age of 76 in the Sanatorium, Hailey- bury, on April 20th passed one of the few remaining old-timers identified with mining in Ontario for the past 60 years. i started at the Helen Mine in Michipokoten and then to the Shakespeart Gold Mine near Webbwood. The early days of Cobalt saw him, with his brother Jack who jpredeceased him 17 _ years ago and either seperately or together they carried out much of the underground devel- opment, more particularly in 'South Lorrain and Gowganda at such mines at the Keeley, Wett- laufr, Frontier, Castle Trethe- wey and Morrison. With the de- cline of silver they did consider- able shaft sinking in the Kirk-- lake area, the Bidgood and Town~ site amongst others. This was followed by an era of prospect ing and, with Martin Shunsby, they staked th Halcrow Swayze proptrty and carried out exten- sive underground work on that In recent years he was the Morrison property superintenderit of Mine in Gowganda and remained as watchman during a_ lengthy shut-down period. On _ retire- ment some five pears ago, he and Mrs. Hughes resided in Gow- ganda until failing health made it necessary for him to enter the San. His funeral service was from the Tulloch Funeral Home on Friday, the 22nd to Hailey- bury Cemetery. Besides his widow, a son, Romley (Rusty) lives with his wife in Syracuse, New York. Pe tS "i Mr. and Mrs. Jas. (Osborne) Burton and children, David and Keith of Bathurst, N.B. a few days with Mrs. Burton's Burton's mother, Mrs. Burton. | Coming Events | Sat., April 30th -- St. Paul's Altar Guild. Annual Spring Tea, Miscellaneous and Produce Table at the home of Mrs. H. E. Caw- ley, 3 to 6 p.m. The Carrie Gray of the United Church will meet on Monday evening in the basement of the Church. 4 C.W.L. will hold their mon- thly meeting on Tueday evening May 3rd,at 8 p.m. in the base- ment of Holy Cross Church. Tues.. May 3rd--Meeting of the W.A, of the United Church. Service in Church at 8 p.m. be- fore meeting. The W.A. of St. Paul's Angli- can Church will meet on Tues- day afternoon, May 3rd, at 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall' Northern Light Rebekah Lodge will meet on Wedneday, May 4th in the Lodge Room. Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion monthyl meeting will be held on Thursday evening, May Sth, in the Legion Hall. May 6th--St Paul's WA Rum- mage Sale Sat., May 7th--W.A. of the United Church, Spring Tea and Produce Table Church Basement Annual SP ST. PAUL'S ALTAR GUILD Miscellaneous & Produce Table RING TEA 3.00 p.m. Se ee ee ae ae le alla ale ale ale alle ileal AT THE HOME OF MRS. H. E. CAWLEY SAT., April SOth to 6 p.m. Bingo! ° 20 Games for 50c ponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at LEGION HALL 4 Special Games Grand Prize: $100.00 on 20 Numbers TUE., MAY 3rd Starts at 8.30 p.m. His career | "sptnt -- Harty ~ Pee] h ae | * ae % Re : ¥ e | "6 ?¢ 1 S vee 4 2, a on . | r | ot el :S ie Ce of "f 4

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