The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 28 Apr 1955, p. 3

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THURSDAY, APRIL 28th, 1955 NVINAGASIIVH AHL Page Three Temagami Area Not Affected By Fumes trom Sudbury The special sulphur dioxide in- vesigating committee empower- ed by the Ontario Department of Mines to look into claims of damage to forest and farm craps from the smelting operations in the Sudbury Basin, has decided conclusively that these fumes have never contributed to the damage to trees in the Temagami Lake area. The committee. which met in Toronto on Friday, April 15th. agreed to continue its year round investigation of damage by fumes in a limited area which will exclude Temagami. Seven recorders wil] continue in operation around the Sudbury smelting area with the most dis- tant 42 miles northeast of. the city of Sudbury. Plot observa-- tions and growth studies as to both forests and agricultural de- velopment will be continued. vue vl the more important' Papers to be reau at the meetuny was of Dr. Morris\itatz ot the Detence Kesearch board. Among the Officials attending the meeting' were K. H. Wad- Oimgton and ©. UV. berguson ot the international Nickei Com- pany; N. M. McKillop. R. C. Mott and Reg. Campbell of Fal- conbridge Nickel Company; A W.- McCallum, S. N. Linzon. L.i. White and John E. Bier ot the Federal Department of Agri- culture; T. E. Mackey, K. At- chison. J. M. Whalen. J. E. Barnes, E. L. Ward and R: N. Johnston of the Ontario Depart- ment of Lands and Forests; D. B.Delura of the Ontario Research Foundation; Morris Katz of the Defense Research Board. The Deputy Minister, H. C. Ricka- by. D. P. Douglas and R. H. Murray. the Sulphur Fumes Ar- bitrator, represented the Onta- rio Department of Mines. WOLICK TO CHEDITONS AND OLHEKS im the Estate ot Sydney bean- land. All persons having ciaums asainst the Estate ot Sydney Beanland, late of Haileyoury, Unt., Deceased, uv died on or about tae idtn day of February, 1955. are here- by notified to send in to the un- dersigned Personal Representa- tive of the said deaceasedon or before thé 12th day of May. 1955, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Personal Rep- resentative will distribute the assets of the said deaceased hav- ing regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED at Haileybury, this 5th day of April, 1955. National Trust Company Limited 20 King St. E., Toronto, Ont. _ and R. D. Cumming, Q.C., Haileybury, Ont. Executors, by Robert D. Cummings, Q.C., Haileybury, Ont., 6-3¢ Their Solicitors herein Phone 52 Modern Taxi Hotel Haileybury C. J. HOVEY Repairs on All Makes of RADIOS 21 Lake Shore Road Phone 509 New Liskeard Ackroyd and Son PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 'New Liskeard : Ontario Phones 442 and 442-B Geological Report on Ashmore Township A comprehensive geological report On One of Ontario's im- portant gold-mining areas will beready for ditribution by the provincial Department of Mires next Monday, April 18th. The report on Ashmore Township, at the east end of the Little Long Lac region was compiled jointly by two of the Department's statt geologists, the late Dr- H.C. Hor- wood and E. G. Pye, now the resident geologist at Port Arthur. Dr. Horwood made a prelim- inary survey of the township in 1941. and did further work be- tween 1946 and the time of his death in 1948. Pye completed the survey work in 1950 and subsequently compiled all the data which the two had gather- ed- The report. outlines the history of mining development in the area, gives a detailed analysis of the geological structures, and describes the mining properties which have been developed. The rdport which will be found as Part Five of Volume 60 of the Department's annual reports is accompanied by a colored geo- logical map of the township and level plans of the MacLeod Cockshutt and Hard Rock Mines. Try Condensed Advertising LEO'S TAXI Phone 311 Leo Deraiche, Prop. HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO TRIPS EACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 9.10 a.m. °4.25 p.m. 11.59 p.m. DAYLIGHT TIME Single Return $7.15 $12.90 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY PHONE 101-2-3 They'll Be at the Jamboree Here is a list of the 46 coun- tries which have informed the CanadianScout headquarters they will be represented at the . 8th World Jamboree to be held in August 18 to 28 at Niagara-on- the-Lake :Armenian Scout in France, Australia. Barbadoes. Belgium. Berumda. Bolivia, Bra- zil, British Guiana. Ceylon. Chi- na. Cuba. Denmark, Ecuador Egypt; El Salvador. Finland. France. Germany, Gold Coast. Great Britain, Greece. Iceland. India, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, Ja- pan, Luxembourg, Malaya, Mal- ta, Mexico, Netherlands, Nether- lands West Indies, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Portugal. Southern Rhodesia, South Africa, Sweden, Switzarland, Trinidad and Tobago, United States of America, Venezuela , and _ the Windward Isands. Want Ads. Bring Results! 1955 Public Safety Award Again Public this year, the annual}, Adolph elena Wins =a for the watch drawn for at the Adolph Belanger, North Co- Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Club alt, was the lucky ticket holder stag on Friday evening. Safety Awards of the Ontario Safety League will be presented to newspapers, radio and'television stations, business publications and service organ- ization. who have made an out- standing contribution to the cause of public safety during the past year. The ,League's Public Safety award is intended to express ap preciation for your efforts to promote safety awareness in the minds of the people of Ontario. It recognizesthat the support and assistance of every medium of public information is vitally im- portant to success in the never- ending fight to reduce the fright- ful slaughter caused by prevent- able accident. rm Temiskaming Construction Limited ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Operation Electrical and Mechanical Installations O BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702- Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Sudbury, Ont. Phone 517 Phone EM 6-9357 Your accident prevention ac- tivities may qualify you for one of the 1955 Public Safety awards. for low-cost family travel CPA's Family Plan Fares mean thrifty : travel for your whole family. One adult all others half fare, while children under 2 go free. pays full fare... to TORONTO ° for husband, wife and two children aged 13 and 4. 74 Phone 23 - 5 Meat Department RORKY CHOPS: per lb! San eek tcp eee oe 49c ROASTING CHICKENS. per Ib. .................... 6% HAMS--Schneider Ready-to-Serve, |b). ....... 79c BOLOGNA nieces per Iba ct... c ieee. ooo. ecco 25c SAUSAGE, Pure Pork, per Ib. .............. 45c BIRD'S EYE FROZEN FOODS Fruits and Vegetables ORANGES, Sunkist, 252s, dozen ................. 43c BANANAS jelbamaetre isnt tig ue aire 19c GUCUMBERS Weaght ass), sve gene er he) ee ee 19c RHUBARE Hot Honsesibo <2 eo. . kote 25c PINEAPPLES) cachiin) >... . cased, Sete 35c ONION: SERS tulbaiciasa io. eevee ake mae 25x ROTATOES j#PBilionl Qglbwcw) kicker ca. sae os 89c Best Food Buys CORN FLAKES, Kelloge's, 8-oz. ............. 2 for 35c OGILVIE'S WHITE CAKE MIX, 8c off ........... 27c PUFFED WHEAT, Quaker, 4-0z. ............2 for 23c DIELTRICKEESeViork'" 207. ve in, ae 29c COFFEE, Fresh Ground Astor, lb. ............. 99 SHORTNING, Snowflake, 1-Ib. ................... 23c MARGARENE, Solo 1-Ib. 0. 0 Pcs. Sine. o, 3lc GENERAL MOTORS VALUE 0-1055D like a dream--but mo Wy It looks like a dream--drives like a dream--rides are enjoying the realities bE cr that owning an Oldsmobile gives. Inside an the newest new ideas on wheels. Power, color, styling, comfort--you'll find that Oldsmobile gives far more of these than any other car on the road. Try one yourself today--prove to yourself that Oldsmobile makes all your motoring dreams come true. re people than ever before out, it's new with all MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TO TRY A NEW OLDSMOBILE SOON. PHONE YOUR LOCAL DEALER Haileyb

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