Leishman, Mrs, Jae Ub) HE HAILEYBURIAN Vol. 51; No. 9 HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY _ 5th, 1955 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Haileybury Children in Music Festival Show Great Promise Hats off this week to all the "little people" of the town who last week displayed their talents at the annual music Festival held in New Liskeard. We are indeed proud of you all. Following are list of winners: Vocal--15 and under--Sharon Byles, Ist. 14 and under--Daintryie Mc- Dougall, 14 and under; third. Piano--Open Class--Betty Lou Atchison, Beethoven, first. Betty Lou Atchison, 14 and under, first. Piano Duet--l4 and under-- Nancy Cockshutt and Susan Pringle, first. Carolyn Kingsmill--Piano, 13 and under, first. Piano duet. 11 and under--Joan Murphy and Joyce Hebner, first. Vocal Gill Kingsmill, 7 and under. first. Piano Duet--7 and under -- Gill Kingsmill and Cynthia Haw- kins second. Vocal, 6 and under--Cynthia Hawkins, third. School Choruses--Grades I and I]--Second. Grades III and [1V--Tiued. Grades V to VIII--2-part. second Three-Part--first United Church Girls Choir. under the leadership of Mrs. Andrew Denholm came first agair this year in 3-part sacred and unison hymn. Bingo Winners Mrs. Joe Leveille held the winning bingo card at the Cobatl- Haileybury Curling Club bingo held Saturday evening in the Club's lounge room. Mrs. Keith Valentine was the winner of the $15.00 blackout. At the bingo sponsored by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Legiin, Mrs. Percy Hitchen was the win- ner of the $10.00 door prize while other special winners were Mrs. Jack White, Mrs Vic Mc- Mahon and Mrs. Sureychuck of Cobalt. United Church CGIT ry Hold wear Meeting District Scouts and Well Known Couple St. Paul's Altar the reyutar meeting of the CUDS Hold Rally at Celebrate Golden New Liskeard May i/ Wedding Anniversary Successful Tea CGIT was held in the Unitea Church hall Tuesday, April 26th The meeting opened with the girls forming a circle to repeat the CGIT jpurpose and hymn Then Miss Anita Plaunt gave a very interesting demonstration on hair styling and care, which was very much enjoyed by girls. Then the business part of the meeting was conducted by Bar. Jensen, president and Kath- leen Rice, secretary. It was de- cided to hold a bake sale on Sat- urday. May 7th at Gibson's Ap- pliance Store béginning at 10 a.m. Plans were also made tg have a one-act play for the mo- ther and daughter night to be held May 27th in the United Church Hall. Craft period fol- lowed and then the worship ser- vice which was led by Mrs. W. Gibson, The meeting closed with taps and benediction. Girl Guides Meeting Held Last Wednesday The weekly meeting of the Girl Guides' Association was hejd schools auditorium Qn in the Abril 27th at 7.00 Wadnesday, p.m' The meeting opened with the Girl Guide Prayer. Practice for the Jamboree was held. The meeting closed with Taps --Margaret Daughney Girl Guide Wins Scholarship A former Haileyburian and now a resident of Ottawa, Miss Mar- guerite Forget won a $50 schol arship and 'passed first with 87 points for vioiln solo at a music festival held recently in the ! Capital City. Miss Forget was trained under Sister Jeanne du Socre Coeur of St. Mary's Academy and is now under the direction of Henri Laplaine of Ottawa University. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McDonald are in North Bay attending the graduation of their daughter, Jacqueline from St. Joseph's College there. Annual SPRING TEA 3 to 6 a a atl ln al alan lle alle ae alin teal Auspices of W. A. of the United Church United Church Basement SAT., May '7th I p.m. Annual Monday, at 8:00 p.m. Subjects to be discussed: Meeting of the HAILEYBURY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE will be held in Blue Room of Hotel Haileybury May 9th An event of great interest to Cubs and Scouts of the Engle- hart to Temagami area will take place on the evening of Tu esday, Park. At 7.30 p.m. a Rally will begin which will bring together for the first tinve all Cubs and Scouts of the above area. A two-hour programme 01 Cubbing and Scouting activities beginning with a March Past fol lowed by the opening ceremony Cub and Scout displays, and clos- ing with a campfire programme will make this a memorable sion. occa- Special guests of the rally will be Mr. B. H. Mortlock, execu- tive commissioner for publica- tions, Canadian Scout Headquar- ters. Mr. Mortlock, who will take the salute and speak at the Campfire~ program, is an out- standing 'personality with a wide and varied Scouting and news- paper background. The Cubs and Scouts irfvité aii parents and interested friends te attend this colorful event. If it should rain the Rally will be heldin the Haileybury Armou- ries, at the same time. May 7th--Annual Tea of the W.A. of the United Church in the basement of the Church' Mr' and Mrs. R. J. Poppleton have returned from a holiday in Florida. Production of sawn lumber and ties in British Columbia totalled 4,233,106,000 feet in 1954. Mr. and Mrs. V. Sulphur, residents of Haileybury for about 45 years, celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Sunday, the May 17th at New L iske ard Beach May Ist. A family dinner was held at noon anda reception in the even- ing. Bouquets of spring flowers adorned the rooms and for the Mrs. Sulphur chose a black dress with a corsage of pink and white carnations. Mr, and Mrs| Sulphur received their many fiends, neighbors auld iempbers of the C.W.L. the tea table was covered with a lace cloth, centred with a three-tier wedding cake in white and gold and yellow dattodils at Mrs. ©. Daoust of Lake, Mrs. lLouwuisa rembroke and Mrs. Haileybury daughters occasion either side, Nirkland johnson of fiarry Burton ot pourea tea and their assisted in serving the guests Many beautitul gifts, bouquets and telegrams were received by the bride and groom of fifty years from the tamily, friends, neighbors, members of the C. W.L. and relatives in the U.S. reeman Daoust proposed the toast to the bride and Mr. Sul- phur responded. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Sulphur were born in Renfrew and have ten cuildren; all but one (Annabelley Mrs. Clayton Moore of Yellow- knife, N.W.T., were able to attend. Family present were: Mr. and Mrs.John Sulphur, Haileybury: Mr. and Mrs. Bart Sulphur oi Blind River; Mrs. Bill (Grace) McRae of Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Armand (Edna) Carriere of Val d'Or, Mr. and Mrs. Free- (Myrtle) Daoust of Kirk- es Ta Pane ; Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don (Peggy) Mallinson of Elk Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Florence) Rouse of Haileybury and Mrs. Sulphur's sister, Mrs. ~wouisa Johnson of Pembroke. Also present from out-of-town: Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burton of Cobalt, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Thorne of Goward, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stubinski and Mr. and Mrs. M 3rown of North Cobalt. Sale of radios by Canadaian manufacturers dropped in 1954 to a post-war low of 487,237 set from 620,860 sets in 1953. VV VV VV VV VY Doherty Roadhouse & Co. Mem bers THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Wish to invite their Clients and Friends to see their NEW QUARTERS in the Building on Friday, AND ENLARGED Haileybury Hotel 'May 6th from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. aS IN HOME OR OFFICE *-INSHOP OR SCHOOL RUBBER STAMPS ARE ATIME SAVING TOOL ¢ By-Pass (Cobalt, Haileybury, New Liskeard) Flashlight Safety Lights near Schools. Town Grant, (Annual) Dusty Streets. Tourists. Haileybury Waterfront. Po eon > We can give quick service in supplying custom made rubber stamps...at budget prices. Drop in and tell us what you want - we'll have it ready for you with- in a couple of days. THE HAILEYBURIAN HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO + ACCURACY Guild Sponsors The home of Mrs. H. E. Caw- ley was the scene of one of the loveliest spring teas held by St Paul's Altar Guild on Saturday afternoon. Receiving the many guests were the President Mrs. C. C. D. Pringle and Mrs. H. E. Cawley. The tea table, covered with a lace cloth, pink snapdragons and pink tulips, crysal candelabra and silver appointments at either end. Pouring tea and coffee were Mrs. D. H. Angus, Mrs. S. Atkinson, Mrs. J. H. White and Mrs. H. L. R. Slaght. Mrs. J. M. Shouldice. convenor, was assisted by Mrs. E. E. Camp- bell, Mrs. C. J. Dunlop, Mrs. J. M. Robb, Mrs. J. C. Craw- ford, Mrs. A. N. MacLean and Mrs. C. F. Cockshutt. in the dining room were African violets to give a very colorful effect. The produce table with its many "goodies" was presided over by Mrs. H. C. Walker and Mrs. G. H. Morgan. The miscellaneous and fancy work table very lovely pieces was presided over by. Mrs. S. J. Mason and Mrs. D. K. Burke, Mrs. L. Nicholls and Miss Mary Flintoff conevned the kit- chen. Thanks is extended to Miss Alyce Ross and Mrs. D. H. An- gus for their very valuable as- sistance. Miss Mary Whitby and Mrs. W. McGaw delighted the guests with several piano selections during the afternoon. Mise GG bringle and Hrs. H. E. Cawley thank those who in any way made the tea such and outstanding success. Two tea assitant. Mrs. C. Gro- zelle and Mrs. W. ©. Inch were unable to be present. As of March, 1954, an estimat- ed 67,500 full-time students were en rolled in universities and col- leges across Canada. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Cotnam were their daughter, Mrs. Milas MacDonald, Mr. MacDonld of Markstay and their grandson, R. Cotnam of Powassan. with its B Chamber, Commerce Plans, Important Meeting May 9th The annual meeting of the Haileybury Chamber of Com- merce will be held in the Blue Room of the Hotel Haileybury Monday evening, May 9th. It is hoped that the citizens of Haijey- bury will attend this meeting as several important items of busi- ness are to be dealt with, in cluding By-Pass (Cobalt-Hailey- bury and New Liskeard) ; Flash- ing Safety Lights, near schools; Town Grant (annual) ; Dusty Streets; Tourist asnd Haileybury Waterfront. The items are of advantge to alland only through the co-oper- ation of the people of Hailey- bury can these things be accom- \plished. The Chamber of Commerce are trying to help you; are you trying to help them. | Coming Events St Paul's WA Rum- May 6th-- mage Sale Sat., May 7th--W.A. of the United Church, Spring Tea and Produce Table Church Basement May 9th--Monthly Meeting of 1.0.D.E. at the home of Mrs. N. ._Mclsaac. Mon. May , Oth--A meeting of the Camera Club in the Armor- ies, 8 p.m. sharp. All interested are welcome. H.W.1. will meet on Thurs- day, May 12th in the Legion Hall LOnDeE. silat Derbys Mea and Porduce Table at Schools' Auditorium, Saturday afternoon May 28th from 3 to 6 p.m. June 10 -- Tea and Produce Table, auspices of St. Paul's W. A. at the home of Mrs. Strong. THE 'WEEK'S WEATHER Week Ending May 4th, 1955 Min Max. ML Etinsdant aslo a aeons 40-7 Btidavae. «ees cee 43) 72 Sartaclanyie eets 53. 69 Simkin ce cae on Hoo AAs Mondawerae-... 6. 52 60 AREER EST Te eoartinr & Sle 163 Wednesday ....... 58 80 Temiskaming Construction Limited Sudbury, Ont. ENGINEERS Design, Construction, Mine Development, Electrical and Mechanical Installations O BRANCH OFFICE HEAD OFFICE TORONTO OFFICE Phone OS 3-5702: Haileybury, Ont. 2110--44 King St. W. Phone 517 Operation Phone EM 6-9357 Mother's Day HEDY HULL HAND THE SCARVES, BAGS, MATCHING GLOVES BLOUSES AND LINGERIE SHOPPE Gift Suggestions MADE JEWELLERY TRI-TOWN A.C. T.. Door Prize: $100. Value--Spinning Reel, Rod and Wades TRI-TOWN A.C.T. TAG! { FRIDAY, MAY 13th LEGION HALL, Haileybury STAG!