Page Four » JHE HAILEYBURIAN THURSDAY, MAY 12th, 195: Mr. M. J. Gutcher. of Drdato. "fayor of the Cobalt museum said nated by Bob Hetbert€ The! wa- = Social Notes Uranium Mines, visited here-over that the Government would grant ter skiers, w hich proved: Falun the week-end. Returning with $600 for\ the pkeep of the mu- success last year*at tHe Jubilee him was his wife end danghter, seum-and he feels that some- Celebration are being' asked for Mrs. R. Philibert is in North Debbie, who have taken up rest- uae in the way of a grant for a return engagement. Bay visiting relatives. dence in Blind River. ua we might be {t was moved by D. Hogan and Mrs. Edith Lyon has returned home after spending a holiday in Florida. Dr. J. C. A. Crawford 'will at- tend the dentists convention at the Royal York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sanderson have arrived home from a S1x- week holiday in the Southern United States. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Hope of Toronto visited with their son, John Hope, Mrs. Hope: and ta- mily over the week-end. Miss Iris Creighton and Tony Hong of North Bay were week- end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie. Henry Gutcher, who is employ- ed with the C.1.P., South Temis- kaming, spent last week-end here visiting his mother, Mrs. \J. Gut- and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C.- J. motored to Windsor on the week- end and were accompanied home by their son, Gerry, who isa student at the Assumption Col- lege in that city cher Mrs. Elmer Campbell informed the office about 4.30 on Wednes- day afternoon that she and her husband saw a very large moose at the old race track. It came to the back of the Charlie Canip- bell property, came out and stood on the road, looking around and then disappeared into the bush. Condensed Ads APARTMENT FOR RENT. Ap- ply A. W. Sanderson. -- 10-le FOR SALE--1 3-piece Chester- field Suite, 1 solid oak den table 1 large size doll carriage, 1 coal oil heater. Phone 182. 1-3-* FOR SALE--Large late model Frigidaire; perfect condition reasonable price. 30x 323. Phone 123. E 10-tf FOR SALE -- 'An Internationa] \panel Truck, good truck for reasonable amount. P. Mar- tin, Cobalt. 10-2-* FOR RENT -- Heated 2-reom partment, newly decorated, front ground floor, partly furnished or without furniture; --2-piece bath, lights. cold and hot wa- ter supplied; suitable for work- ing couple. Phone 169 10-1-* FOR SALE--One seven-reomed House. fully insulated; lot 200 x100; Russell St. Phone 465. 10-1-c WANTED--Housework by the day or hour; also will baby sit. Phone 604. 10-1-* HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- Apply Mrs. A. J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 10-t.f. FOR SALE--Mahogany Buffet good condition; reasonble. Phone 633 after 6 p.m. 10-3-c FEMALE HELP WANTED -- Experienced Stenographer and also a Switchboard Operator forthesummer months Apply to The Temiskaming Construc- tion Co. Ltd. 10-1-c FOR SALE -- Several Houses both large and small. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Real Estate Broker, Phone 135 /10--t.f. HOUSE FOR SALE--and Cub Tractor with 10 pieces of equip- ment. Phone 619W 9-3* CLEANING of Chairs, CHES- TERFIELDS, Rugs, Upholst- ering, etc., now possible in the Convenience of your own home at lowest spring prices by John & Eddy. For free estimates and appointment. Phone 558. 9-2-* HOUSE FOR SALE--Brewster St. Five rooms plus sunroom. Beautifu] view. Modern kit- chen. Hot water oil heated. Full size basement; immediate possession. Phone 213. 8-tf FOR SALE--Well-bui!t Cabin 2 bedrooms. living room. sep- arate kitchen, some furniture; located one mile from Goward on Cedar Lake. Apply in writing to Box 153, Hailey- bury, Ont. 5 7-1-c; WANTED--Young Man over the > Donegan * Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hennessy and daughter, Mary,;Di, will leave on the week-end for Kimberly, B.C., where they will attend the wedding of their daughter, Miss Catherine Hennessy, RN. to-Nor- man Stephen Thomos of Calgary Mrs. J. Gutcher is spending a week in Blind Rier visiting he1 son, M. J. Gutcher, Mrs. Gutcher and Debbie, also her daughter, Mrs. Charles MacDonald, Mr MacDonald and Colleen, forme residents of Haileybury, Mrs. Charles East arrived Fri- day from London, Ont., for an indefinite stay with her brother- in-law and sister, Mr.and Mrs. Ray de Souza, Brewster Street. She will leave latér for Sault Ste --Chamber of Commerce (Continued from Page 1) Marie to take up residence when her husband arrives from Jamai- cay Bi Wels : a museum should be established and the logical place for #c was Cobalt. Mr. Herbert ites in TOWN OF HAILEYBURY TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5.00 p.m. (E.D.S.T.) WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th, 1955 for excavation and lay- ign of 1,132 ft. of 6' Water Main on Albert and Lawlor Street between Georgina and _ Rorke Ave. at a dapth of 6 feet. Tenders must be separate for excavation and for laying of\pipe- line Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. C. C.D, PRINGEE; Clerk, Haileybury, Ont. 7 YEARS AHEAD IN PROVEN © STANDARD ON 1955 CARS LINE OF HADLEY'S White Rose Servite Stavion Ignition "--- Carburetors Haileybury Phone 404 The perennial question about a flashing light for the corner at Main St. and Rorke Avenue was brought up and it was decided to send a letter to the M.P.P. so that he might take the matter up with the Department of High- ways. Town by-laws was another issue and Max Whitby moved that the Town Fathers be asked to enforce the parking by-law in the downtown area. Ian Mac- Diarmid moved that Georgina and Meridian be made through streets. Plans for a Civic Holiday celebration in August are under way, with the Rotary Club and Cobalt-Haileybury Curling Clul combining to make it a real cele- bration. Plans are being made to hold a teeen-age square dance contest with a trophy being do- seconded by N. D. Mclsaac that complaints be registered with the Department of Highways for some relief from the effect of the chemicals used on the roads during the winter months. The meeting, which was a lengthy one, closed with a vote of thanks from the Chamber to the managemetn of Hotel Hail- eybury for the use of the Blue Room for their meeting. FOR SALE--Owner leaving town; first time offered; 3- bedroom, fully insulated house with many other de- sirable. features; very de- sirable location. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Real Estate Broker. Phone 135 Phone Foil Wrap, 25 feet Kellogg Corn Flakes, 12-0z. . Chickens, Sausage Pure Bacon, Swift's Pkg. Pork Loin, lb. Bologna, piece, 1). Pork, lb. EDEY'S Food Market Dollar Day Specials Maxwell House Coffee, reg. Ib. .........5.00---45 $1.00 Sockeye Salmon, Coldstream fancy %-lb......-. 3 for $1.00 Clark's Pork and Beans, 20-07 .;...........5 6 for $1.00 Eddy's White Swan Toilet Tissue ............ 10 for $1.00 Green Giant Niblet Corn, I4-0z. ..............- 6 for $1.00 Home Brand Catsup, 11-02z,:;.... .....2.5.-> 5 for $1.00 Kleenexiie ses. tac. nee eee ee eee 6 for $1.08 Dessert Pears, whole 20-02-.55.--.7-- 0... +00 6 for $1.00 Green Giant Wax Beans. 15-0z............... 8 for $1.00 Tomato Juice Clark's. 20° 027). 0¢.0.......... 6 for $1.00 Milk, Carnation, 16-07. ...... KRAFT SPECIAL-- One Parkay Margene One Cheese Whiz, 8-02. ..... $1.00 Two Kraft Dinner Meat Departsnent Eviscerated-Vac-Pac, lb. Labo & 23-5 Age ease cas say iste 4 for $1.00 2 gi Did RS Oe OO 7 for $1.0 see os ob Rees 4 for $1.00 EMPIR THEATRE New Liskeard single bill. On Double bills, last Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m complete show: at 8.15 p.m LAST TIMES TODAY "HUMAN DESIRE"_ (Adult) THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Cash Offers Total $610.00 FRIDAY, SATURDAY Mickey Rooney, "Atomic Kid" Blaine Davis; MAY 13th and 14th Cartoon Added Shorts MONDAY, TUESDAY FRED ASTAIRE "Bandwagon" MAY 16th and 17th News, Cartoon WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, KIRK DOUGLAS, LANA ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "The Bad and the Beautiful" TURNER. MAY 18th and 19th Cartoon age of=2t-who~would-like-to..._ J enter the hote] business, Apply Hote] Haileybury. Sipe 99 Haileybury, 2-2¢ the catcher In 1949, a baseball game at E San Antonio, Texas, was called E> because the mosquitos were so thick the pitcher couldn't pitch, /_ the batter couldn't bat! a An unusual sports incident worth remembering! oreere's BREWING: COMPANY LIMITED, couldn't catch, and HAILEYBURY -- LAST sates TODAY COBALT--FRI. and SAT., "Rear Window' with James Stewart & Grace Kelly Plus "Tarzan's Hidden Jungle" MAY 13th and 14th HAILEYBURY -- FRI., SAT., COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY, que PICTURE THAT'S TOO BIG FOR WORDS: © -- with this sensational cast of stars! MAY 13, 14 MAY 16, 17 CARY GRANT- VICTOR McLAGLEN DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR.- JOAN FONTAINE in Re-released by 4 PANDRO $. BERMAN in chorge of production Produced and directed by GEORGE STEVENS * From a story by Ben Hecht and Chorles MacArthur ® Screen Play by Jowl Soyre ond Fred Guiol. Added Attraction "Valley of the Sun" Lucille BALL, Dean JAGGER, Sir Cedric HARDWICKE HAILEYBURY--After Sun. Midnight, Mon., Tues., May 16, 17 PLAYING HAILEYBURY ONLY we to Bee. color and Brau A Cin . + ton BLYTH Edmund PURDON ~ John ERICSON - Louis CALHERN with EDMUND GWENN - S. Z."CUDDLES" SAKALL BETTA ST. JOHN + John Williams + Evelyn Varden AND THE rere, Mario LANZA TWO mOMETEIE SHOWINGS at 7 and 9 p.m. COBALT -- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 19 PLAYING CLASSIC THEATRE Cobalt Only eel M-G-M brings you the spectacular sweep of the -world-famed romance . . . its first production in the matchless CinemaScoPE Plus "The Diamond Wizard" DENNIS O'KEEFE PHILIP FRIEND HAILEYBURY--WED, and THURS., COBALT -- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, MAY 20th, 21st MAY 19th, 20th Pal PATRG 4 HENREID - MEDINA 'Mh, 'A COLUMBIA PICTURE Ss Foci 06 WATE » Dad by FEL FUSE ty erro % ge Pe ee tas Becond Hit -- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- "Wyoming Renegades" Color by Technicolor o@ ~Phil CAREY, i. Martha HYER, Gene EVANS = _ COMING SOON "HH WATCH FOR PLAY DATE! ! "THE SILVER CHALICE" in Cinemascope