The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 19 May 1955, p. 6

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a Page Four. JE (HALL F Yan RUNS © i The Public Library , will be closed on Victoria Day, May 23rd Mr. and Mrs. Santord MclIn- tyre and tamily spent the week- end with relatives in Cache Bay. Mrs. C. H. Empy of North Bay was a Monday visitor with Mrs. Harry Burton. Alex Briden left this week for Labrador where he will spend the summer months. Mrs. T. Blackman has returned from Florida where she spent the winter months. Miss Agnes Chesser leit on Tuesday to spend a holiday with friends in Southern Ontario. Mr. Boyd Empie of North Bap spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A] Hargrave and family. Mrs. Harry Weiss and family of Rouyn visited with her sister; Mrs. Alfie Weiss, |My. Weiss and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Bailey were in Atlantic City, where Mr. Bail- ey attended a conference of The Great West Assurance Co. Mrs. E. Boyer of North Bay was a visitor in town on Friday and attended the funeral of Bis- hop Rheaume. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walker will leave on Friday for Nelson, B.C., where they will visit with Mr. Walker's parents. Canon and Mrs. Cyril Goodier will arrive home on Saturday from a four-week visit in the States. BORN--To Mr. and Mrs. John Preston Edwards (nee Jane Teed of Sudbury) on May 12th, 1955, a daughter, Susan Jone. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dickson and family of South Porcupine visited with Mrs. Dickson's mother, Mrs. Maude Mawhinney Miss Laura Burse and Mrs. D Timmins were week-end guests Condensed Ads FOR SALE--Heavy duty electric Range. Price $25.00 Also Girls' Bicycle, $8.00. Phone 203 11-1-c FOUND--Brownie Camera orig- inally taken from car in Cobalt area, middle of April. Contact Phone 221, Haileybury '1-1-c FOR SALE--Beatty Range, re- quires new element.and switch. Phone 462. 11-1l-c FOR SALE--Apartment size pi- ano, reliable make. Phone 86 after 6 p.m. 11-1l-c at the home of Misses Rose and Annual Meeting of R. N. A. Q. Mary Labine. BORN--Mr, and Mrs. Max Day- man (nee Marjorie Tulloch) are happy to announce the birth ofa son at the Western Hospital, a] Toronto, on Friday, May 6th. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Cawley of Noranda visited with parents. Mr. ond Mrs. H.E. Caw- held in Church, their nurses attended the service rendered the 92nd Psalm and the service by Rev. A. Denholm was one thought for rededication of ourselves. During the service the nurses gave the Florence Nightingale Pledge. The Catholic nurses will hold Held in New Liskeard (Continued from Page 1) On Sunday the Nurses Nation- Memorial church service was St. Andrew's United Haileybury, Thirty ~ this Sunday in the Holy Cross Mrs. Andrew Denholm sweetly Church, Haileybury. ley and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Speicher over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nicholls and family of Burlington arrived in town Thursday, to visit with Mr. Nicholls' mother, Mrs. L. Nic- holls, who was celebrating her 80th birthday on May 12th. BORN -- At Ross Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Sunday, May 15th, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Faweett, a brother, Donald Andrew, for Paul, Peter and Mary Frances. Mrs. T. J. O'Shaugnessy mo- tored to Deep River. Arnprior and Kingston last week-end and was accompanied home by her son, "Bob", a cadet at Royal Military College, Kingston. Mrs. Alex Bouley and her dau- ghter Carol visited with her daughter, Mrs. Denis McNama- mara and Mr. McNamara of Penetang. Guests at the home of Mrs. Harry Burton over the week-end were her son, James Burton, Mrs" Burton and David and Keith of Blind River and Bobby an dJim- my Birch of Beamsville. The tax remands for the Town of Haileybury are delayed be- cause the necessary approval of the budget by the Department of Municipal Affairs has not been received. Department officials will visit the Town Office early | in June to give their approval. } THEATRE New Liskeard EMPIR Mon. to Sat.--Doors open at 6.30 p.m. Show at 7 and 9 p.m single bill. On Double bills, last complete show' at 8.15 p.m LAST TIMES TODAY "BAD AND BEAUTIFUL" (Adult) THURSDAY NITE IS PHOTO-NITE This Week's Cash Offers Total $625.00 FRIDAY, SATURDAY MAY 20th and 21st "Three Ring Circus" DEAN MARTIN JERRY News, Cartoon Sunday Midnite Mon., Tues. MAY 23rd and 24th "Rear Window" JAMES STEWART, GRACE KELLY. Matinee Monday, May 23rd, 2:00 p.m. LEWIS News. Cartoon WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, ) MAY 25th and 26th ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "Prisoner of War" Cartoon Coming! Fri., Sat., May 27th, 28th their National Memorial Service KING RICHARD AND THE CRUSADERS" Cinemascope Though horse-racing existed over 3000 years ago, the Thoroughbred is a modern development. Nearly every thoroughbred racing today is descended from one of three stallions imported to England from the Near East around 1728. These horses, incidentally, are the only animals termed "Thoroughbreds" Pedigreed dogs, cattle, ete, are called "Pure-bred" Another sports fact worth remembering! One /éis O'KEEFE'S BREWING COMPANY LIMITED 212s LAND AVAILABLE for summe cottage, on Quebec shore oppo" site Hafileybury. Write Mr. Albert Marin, Guilgues, Que. 11-3-* THREE LOTS for Sale -- near Curling Rink. Mrs. E. Boyer, 351 Worthington St. E., Apt. 32, Norh Bay 11-1-* WANTED -- Girl for Genera] Housework, to sleep in. Phone 11-1-c FOR SALE--1 3-piece Chester- field Suite, 1 solid oak den table 1 large size doll carriage, 1 coal oil heater. Phone 182. 1-3-* FOR SALE -- An Internationa} \panel Truck, good truck for reasonable amount. P. Mar- tin, Cobalt. 10-2-* HOUSEKEEPER WANTED -- Apply Mrs. A. J. Murphy, 100 Lake Shore Road. 10-t.f. FOR SALE--Mahogany Buffet: good condition; reasonble. Phone 633 after 6 p.m. 10-3-c FOR SALE -- Several Houses both large and small. Apply E. M. McCuaig, Real Estate Broker, Phone 135 10--t.f. HOUSE FOR SALE--and Cub Tractor with 10 pieces of equip- ment. Phone 619W 9-3* Party of The CCF believes The CCF is the The letters CCF stand for Co-operative Commonwealth Federation. CO-OPERATION that the idea of co-operation, which has proved so beneficial in farmers' marketing organizations, credit unions and consumers' co-ops, should also apply in our government. The public health insurance and auto insurance programs adyo- eated by the CCF are examples of how we can co-operate through our government for our own benefit. Look to Your Future! VOTE CCF Published by Co-Operative Commonwealth Federation (Ontario Section), 565 Jarvis St., Toronto 5. When you'd like to do business promptly .. . add days to vacations . . . or be home sooner-- get there oe. REAL ECONOMY, TOO! fly CPA. You'll discover speed, comfort and hospitality that gets you there fresher than you started, at the thriftiest fares ever. to: TORONTO ssi $22.80 > tiy Canadian Pacific _ FASTEST TO 5 CONTINENTS AND 65 COMMUNITIES IN CANADA ~ _! John' MILLS, ~~ = HAILEYBURY -- LAST TIMES TODAY COBALT -- FRIDAY, SATURDAY, May 20th, 21st : starring PAUL PATRICIA + HENRED - MEDINA ; SSN A coLuMBIA PicTuRE a te a color by TECHNICOLOR Story and Screen Play by ALLEN MARCH * Produced by SAM KATZMAN © Directed by FELIX FEIST S --Second -Hi t----------_ -- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT -- 66RR bd Wyoming Renegades" Color by Technicolor Phil CAREY, Martha HYER, Gene EVANS "WYOMING RENEGADES" will be replaced at the SATURDAY MATINEE PERFORMANCE by "Mir. Muggs Rides Again" . With the Bowery Boys HAILEYBURY -- FRI., SAT., COBALT--MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 20th and 2'st MAY 23, 24 starring GEQRGE MONTGOMERY ----Added Attraction 66% on e 'Without Reservations" JOHN WAYNE CLAUDETTE COLBERT Plus News and Cartoon 5 ota aaa alte ad ss tlie atteet adie aetna' pattnnatineed HAILEYBURY--After Sun. Midnight, Mon., Tues., May 23, 24 COBALT -- WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 26th and introducing camaDa's © LORNE GREENE in his FIRST motion re ance .- - 2 ia ore HE MIRACLES Added Attraction----_ "The Weak and the Wicked" John GREGSON, Jane HYLTON HAILEYBURY--WED. and THURS., COBALT--FRI. and SAT., MAY 25th and 26th MAY 27th and 28th Wonderful is the word for with this exciting combination of Academy Award Stars) Humplaey Added Attractio "Mir. Denning Drives North" Phyllis CALVERT, Herbert LOM

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