The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 26 May 1955, p. 1

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HAILEYBURY, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1955 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year Vol. 51; No. 12 Temiskaming Presbyterial Holds Rules Governing Annual Meeting at Englehar The 29th annual meeting of Temiskaming Presbyterial of the Womens Missionary Socie- ty of the United Church of Can- ada was ueld in the United Church, Englehart, Thursday, May 19th. The president. Mrs. QO, I. Orr who, presided at all sessions, extended a warm wel- come to the delegates, number- ing well over a hundred and com- ing from, as far north-east as Noranda and all intermediate points to as far south as Latch- tord, with guest speakers from Toronto, A very impressive worship service was conudcted by Charl- ton Affiliated Society on the theme "The Hope of the World." Chrisianity is the hope of the world and is brought about by prayer. To pray we must have Faith and it is by prayer that we enter Heaven. 'The serving of communion by the pastor Rev. F. S, Jennings concfuded the worship service, A moment of silent prayer was observed in memory of those members who had gone on to higheésr service. during the past pear. Reports presented by the var- bous secretaries were most en- couraging. They revealed an increase in membership, keener interest in the work and alloca- tions generously over-subscrib- ed. Several discussion groups were conducted by the secretar- ies affording new afficers an ap- portunity to present any problem appertaining to their work. The guest speaker for the af- ternoon session was Mrs. G, K. Howe of Toronto, Ist vice presi- dent of the the Toronto Confer- ence Woman's Missionary Socie- ty, She spoke on "Life's Fifth Dimension" or "The Shadow Cast by Our Unconscious Influ- ence." We cast a smafl or large shadow of influence on everyone withwhom we comein contact. Is our loyalty to God or to man? Mrs. Howe asked the thought-provoking question: "What Shadow of influence are we exerting today that makes young graduates ask as they t Rotary Club's Square Dancing Contest seek their first pesition ,What - : money can I make" ingtead of The Haileybury Rotary Club "How can I serve?" Mrs, Howe wishes to announce a square reviewed the work of the Wo- dance contest for Primary -- and man's Missionary Society", Secondary Schools of Temiska- drawing the attention of the ming and district to be held at gathering to the fact that ser- the Rotary Summer Fair in Hail- vice is rendered to people of all eybury at the Armouries July ages, from the new born babe 28 29, 30. All schools in Temis- to those in the twilight years of kaming and district from Tem- life. In raising the standard of agami to Elk Lake and Gow- living through improved food ganda are invited to send entries, production. sanitation, medical Trophies and plaques will be asstasnc and education, the presented to the winning teams. Woman's: ) Missionary ~ Socitty Children dancing to help the- endeavours to serve God by ser- ving man. Mrs, Howe concluded her address by emphasizing that all money contributed to the organization must be used 1 for their ever-increasing pro- igramme of service to mankind. Rotary Club raise money to help Cripple Children, Rules and Regulations . Each set shall consist of four boys and four girls. 5 set, for their optional, dance shall Mrs, Fick reported "for the have either a boy or girl caller. nominating committee, herslate 9 Ay individual shall call or of officers accepted as read and dance for one set only. f Mrs. Howe conducted the im-. 3. All participants from Pri- pressive installation service, the Mary Schools must be in Grades : : : 5, 6, 7 or 8. All participants Sean ae Penna from Secondary Schools must be ' " attend'ng the school they repre- ag attend'ng the ) pdesident Mrs. O, T. Orr; t sibs vice-president Mrs, J. Muir; Ss ae opi Eastern area vice- president of Entries close on July 28th Mrs. C. O. Biggings; Central teHic ahaa : : area vice-president Mrs. R. 5. A registration fee of two dollars ($2.00) must accompany "all entries. This amount will be refunded following the compe- tition, Brown; southern area vice-pres- ident Mrs, R. Ramsay; recording secretary Mrs. R. J. McClanahan SESS Pama Sega i 6. All sets will be scored on a Det Christian Stewardship Pont basis. The highest point- secretary Mrs. H., G, Pickard; 8. sets in each evenings pre- Mission Circles secretary Mrs. S. pee, ue rae back BY Jeffery... Afhliated -C.Gi1-Ty. =*0. COMPELS a eS: cee Mrs, R.W, Thompson; . eeagees Chak eis sheet Mission and Affiliated Explorer in mary and Seconc ary groups secretary Mrs. P. Fulkerson; attached. Baby Band Secretary, Mrs, Mc- Askill; Associate Members. sec- retary Mrs. N.J. Sullivan; Supply secretary Mrs. Robt. McKnight; Community Friendship secretary Mrs. Hrushowy; Literature sec- retary Mrs. R. T. Bowman; Missionary Monthly and World 9 Friends secretary Mrs. S. Mac- Donald; Christian Citizenship secretary Mrs. C, R. Plaskett; Press Mrs. M. F. Cook. A delicious dinner was served (Continued on Page Seven) 8. Recorded music will be used for all preliminaries, Live Mu- sic will be provided for finals. "9. A panel of judges will be provided. 10. Compulsory Dances -- The Tournament Caller will call one f the following dances: Dip and ive. Forward For on -the Head, or the Texas Star. Each _ set will draw for the dance before going on stage. 11.Optional Dances -- Each will be required to dance on change of their own choosing. vvY vvVvVyY Three Ontario School Champion Sets from North Bay HAILEYBURY Saturday, 7.30 p.m. to be held in the GOLF CLUB LOUNGE FRIDAY, MAY 27 Door Admission 50c Square Dancing change must not last over seven minutes. The call may be in French if desired. 12, Variations -- for the Com- pulsory Dance, the Tournament caller may call at his own discre-- tion; Allemande left, allemande 'ight, grand chain, do-si-do, promenade, swing. saute yout partners, salute your corners cirdle left, or any combination of these. 13. Dress -- The type and style of dress is entirely at the disce- tion of the competitors. School colors would add greatly to the interest of the competition. However, as indicated in the scoring sheet. reasonable uni- formity is desirable, 14. Time of Competition -- Commencing at 7:15 p.m, on the evenings of July 28, 29,30. Ex- act times for each set to be an-- nounced, 15. Each school may enter two » ia din Aint in dt ill nl On nn ln il CHILDREN'S PUTO EXHIBITION ARMOURIES June 4th SNE CARS RT CN OOO PU. we ON No Accidents Reported in Tri-Town Over Week-End Canada reported 69 holiday week-end fatalities, while the Tri-Town area was blemish free. OPP officers here reported that the week-end was unevent- ful and quiet, As the weather was mostly sunny and warm, lots of Tri- Towners headed away from their homes on motor or fishing trips and general recreation, In a tight traffic situation 'would your car hold up? Don't wait for a crisis to find out. The Ontario Safety League says Prize Everyone Welcome of Course check your car and you check accidents. Each. Rebekah Lodges St, Mary's Academy Scene of Graduation Exercises hold School of lastruction Mrs, Betty Anderson of North Bey, past president of the Re- bekah Assembly of Ontario pre- Aided at the School of Instruc- tion held in the Community Hall in. New Liskeard Wednesday, May 19th. Lodges from Kirk. land Lake, Englehart, New Lis- 'seard, Haileybury and Cobalt atcended the afternoon and night Sessiotts. __ In the afternoon the work of the lodge was exempified wlth dittc-ent lodges participating. Mrs. Anderson congratulated the lodges on their work, "At six o'clock a very delicious tutkey dinner was served by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church, .in the evening the degree was conierred on four candidates by Lakeside Lodge, New Liskeard. Tiis was beautifully done, One hundred and_ sixty eight attended the evening session and one hundred and nineteen in the afternoon. Attending from Nor- thern Light, Haileybury, were Mrs, Olive Childs , Mrs. Sandy Melntyre, Mrs. Harry Burton, Mrs, Tom Cragg, Mrs. William Taylor, Mrs. isa MacNaught Mrs, Sylvia Bolger. Mrs. Beulah Lathem Mrs. John Clow, Mrs. R. F. Richardson, Mrs, Wilmot McFarlane, Mrs. George Har. grave, Mrs. Robert Jenkins and Mrs. Nellie Austin. Mrs. Anderson said it was a pleasure to visit with the lodges of the north and that she was very pleased when asked to ful. fillthe duties of the president of the Rebekah Assembly, who was unable to attend. Bee. : ,<sOguay Save your life if your Car gets the ten-point safety ehttk recommended by the On- tario Safety League. Have an expert check and--if necessary-- fix your brakes, jheadlights, rear and stop lights, tires, windshield wipers, muffler and exhaust system, steering, glass, horn, and rear view mirror. You'll help check accidents if you check your car--today. Vest Pocket Editorial-- A na- tion's wealth and economic strength lies in industrial plants, rail transport systems, agricul- ture natural resources and the people's ability and willingness to work, Bad Parking Causes Accident® Bad parking practices are the cause of many accidents in town, police point out. Street parking rules are laid down in the Haileybury parking by-law | Coming Events Fri, May 27th -- Haileybury Golf Club Stag. Fri., May 27th--United Church Rummage Sale, Church base- ment ot 7.15 p.m. Sat., May 28--in the Auditor- ium of the School, IODE Hat Derby, Tea and Produce Sale from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m, Mon., May 30--in the IOOF Hall rally of the Ladies Auxi- liary to the Legion. Haileybury members to meet at the Legion hall at 7.30 p.m. sharp. Wed., June 1--Northern Light Rebekah Lodge meets in the lodge rooms. Thurs., June 2nd--Recital by pupils of Miss Edna Maher, A.T. C.M.;. R.M.T., to be held in the Blue Room of Hotel Haileybury. Silver collection. Thurs.. June 2nd----Monthly mecting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion in the Legion Halll. Commencement exerciss of the Seniorand Junior Matriculation Glasses of St. Mary's Academy took place in the auditorium on Monday night, May 23rd under the distinguished chairmanship of His Excellency Msgr, Tessier Bishop of the Diocese. Accompanied by their flower girls in floor length gowns, the graduates of Grade A111, dress- in white in floor lengin owns and wearing white mortar hats marched in -to the accompani- ment of "Land of Hope ond Glory' and solemnly ascended the steps of the stage to be crowned by His Ercellency and receive from him their diploma. iile graduates Of Grade ALL wore long white floor length gowns ald \bandeaux ot roses, 4 ile selung tor the exercises was against gold and blue satin draperies, the scnooi colors, and a wmuniature garden of tlowers and apple blossoms. lhe programme tor the even- ing featured the graduats and was as follows: Piano duet--Conter Dance by beethoven waspresentad by Miss jeannine Morris, Misg Patricia vannier, Miss Marcelle Soucie Miss Yolande Desjardins, Miss Lucille Manderville and Miss Jeannine Quellette (3 pianos) The address in French was delivered by Rev. Father Lafon- taine, parish priest at Cartier. Que.and he was presented by Rev' R. Audet from Kirkland Lake. The address in English given by Rev. jH- G. Jones parish priest of Kirkland Lake and he Re v; R. B cotte. The choir sang "Louez Le Signeur (Praise the Lord) by Handel extract from de 1'Ora- torio Josue. Miss Rachelle Carr rendered very sweetly "Danzo" by Durante and this was follow. edby the presentation of prizes to the Senior Matriculation class. A vocal solo Le Ruisseau (The Brook) by Schubert was given by 'Miss Denise Degeroseilliers. Mrs. Antoinette Larocque fa- voured with a violin solo "Ma- zurka by Henry and this was followed bp distribution of prizes to. the Junior Matriculation cdass, Miss Marcelle \Soucie featured with a vocal solo "Love Has Wings" by Schumann. Mss Jeannine Morris gave a piano solo "Caprice" by Schu. mann, Each year a certain number of outstanding persons in the edu- cational field are granted spe- cial honors for their enviable achievements. This is known ad "French Week." Tihs year three persons were chosen from Haileybury: Mr. R. Maurice, Seporote School Inspector; Rev. Mother Therese de St. Augustin Provincial Superior at St. Mary's and Rev, Sr. Aimee-des Anges. Mr. Maurice was presented with a lamp and Mrs. Maurice a corsage. A vocal trio-- Jardin d'Amou," by Folklore francais was given by Miss Rachel Carr, Miss Mar- celle Soucie and Denise Desgroseillers. The valedictory was given by Misgy Denise Desgroseilliers. The graduates sang the Hymn "To the Blessed Virgin Mary" and the final address was given byj.Bishop Tessier. "O Canada" closed the programme. Following is a list of the Grade XIII graduates: Lorraine Bedard, North Bay; (Continued on Page 2) THE WEER'S WEATHER Week ending May 25th, 1955 Miss Min Max. Bhursdane sn... sa 6 Bye (8) Pridavea)s-osicsiwce ADue OZ Saturday ees SO ZO Susdays seagate eas 55, #83 Mondays) = 222 oe 63. 81 Tuesday «: seus 49 70 Wednesday ........ AEST $f 333%. Ae15 Rummage Sale! Auspices of W. A. of the United Church United Church Basement Friday, May 27th t 2 p-m. bo oabtignesecsss PUBLIC MEETING HAILEYBURY HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Friday, May 27th at 8:00 p.m. Hear the Honourable DANA PORTE ATTORNEY-GENERAL, ONTARIO BOB HERBERT PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE You Are Invited! This Meeting is under the Auspices of The Haileybury Progressive Conservative Association Sponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary ee aoa | (eae -% Bingo! at LEGION HALL TUE., JUNE Vth , 20 Games for 50c 4 Special Games Door Prize: $25.00 Blackout Starts at 8.30 p.m. "OSCAR" will be an ordinary Bingo starting at $10.00 on Eight Numbers and increasing in value $5.00 and 1 number per Bingo. Four Corners wiil be called an ordinary Bingo !

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