The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 26 May 1955, p. 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 26th, 1955 THE HAILEYBURIAN Page Three ' Account Parcel Description Area Amount 5 (Acres) Due Government Notice NUMBERED CLAIMS AND LOCATIONS : Under The Mining Amendment Act 1270 3121 TEM --C. 1220, Gillies Ligit .....5.-ssveessseseseeesssiceneees 19.66 11.79 ie : 3 CNND! "MinineRie tener Perea 175 Lands and, or Mining Rights To Be Forfeited For Acreage Tax Arrears T.674 7222 NND Mining pe +3 oe eee hes =a, has vise is ce J Te74 7467 NND Mining Rights, CE. Sygevittien Uap. a. «- cscs sk 4: 50.5 24.80 ' PURSUANT to the provisions of Subsection 2, Section 219 of The Mining Amendment Act, a oe eon Mining Rights, H.F. 166, McVittie Twp. .........+.-+s0000, 39.8 25.11 i the following list of lands and mining rights in respect of which acreage tax, penalties and costs to - ie as MOR hughts, HLF. I71, Mc Vittie DU Dies 2 seve Saree ee 43.9 27.40 ] Decmber 31st, 1954, imposed by the said Act are two years or more in default, notice is hereby T 3x8 6584 NND ee South) Lorrain Township OO a alii a Mc Yk 75 13.36 q given that, unless the amount due as shown is paid on or before December 3lst, 1955, in the day fol- 7388 6589 NND -R. 230, South Lorrain Township .. 5 12.84 lowing shall be forfeited to and vested in the Crown, but shall not be open for propsecting, staking: ree Aeon ae HLR. a South Lorrain Township .. 13.84 ia out, sale or lease until published in one issue of THE ONTARIO GAZETTE. e ose <aea Hee tea! FLR. 232, South Lorrain Township Bes ca NEES SA, sin p19 yet 14.12 4 : j aos 0587 NND AER: 23S 2 SOuthelegundin Show OSDIp sejt)< sys oc ot ecco cele Gas we : 14.09 } _ Those lands and mining rights and other lands forfeited to and vested in the Crown and ape oe NG nae a South Penraan Township sete ccegeiels ehecis bisa' 14.21 published in one issue of THE ONTARIO GAZETTE during the month of May, 1956, shall be open| 328 6509 NND Hk. 230 oan Lorrain Township .....-++..--.-++++200. . 14.05 for prospecting, staking out, 'sale or lease at and after 7 o'clock standard time in the forenoon @}i|| 2 mary PRS Sle), Sek leh Ilona Township .....+..eeseeeesee eee ee . 13.69 Ist. 1956 7.388 6591 NND ELRo 2373 southwlonrain) ROWOSRIp yc cies. sss ccc steecs tes 75 14.09 June Ist, 1956. . 7.388 0592 NND H.R. 238, South Lorrain Township ................c0.00., 14.21 " ae 2 ; ; ; : 593 NND H.R. 239, South Lorrain Township ..............0-00-0- 05 ie come emo Pepaesing this matter should be directed to the undersigned, at the) p39. 6504 NND HR. 240, South Lorrain oetehig Es EA 428 arliament Buildings, Toronto 2. T.560 4725 CST Mininaphiphtswnehewo2osebeck "Mownshi, .....0.6+++.--ee 2.0 14.70 7.385 2792 SST _Mining Rights, H.S. 47, Coleman Township ...............+ 40.0 14.24 April 26th, 1955, T.288 PHAR OS: li, Mining Rights, H.5.92, (L.9514) McVittie Township ... .. 39.18 25.01 GuiarioeDepattment of Mines, : H. C. RICKABY, 1.288 2232 CS Mining Kights,| H.S. 93, (L.9536) McVittie Township ...... 37.81 24.29 TORONTO, Ontario. Deputy Minister of Mines, T.776A 7513 NND Mining Rights, H.S. 902, Hearst Township ... 39.8 19.50 ; T.432 8890 NND Mining Kights ,H.S. 913, Hearst Township ............... 175 9.04 ; T.432 7801 NND ae eu cence Se ig of that part situated in e e e e ea ownship, Skead and Rattray Townships............ 44.3 15.2 ae District of Timiskaming a -7737 NM Meena ieansnit Ase. se 40.1 re 1.7708. 7/789 NND Mining Kights, H.S. 924, Hearst Township ............... 43.85 20.95 om L./05 12008 SSL Mining Rights, H.S. 1102 and Island number 10, Coleman <I'p. 19.88 9. cou) rr 4 0: Area Amoun 2 " i ? b eman Reve) 9.84 IN ot patel Description (hes) ae : ce ar Rat Mining gece a ie number Y) Coleman T outs 52 7.43 x YD } ML FES aden (YZ; >Vittie T. shipyse Sr cyeret eres 3 3 Benoit Township 'V.074 2591 EM Manic Rights L.2022, Mevitte eee RE Om ee ee ies 7.266 6972 CST Mining Rights, S.W.%4 of N.% or Lot 10, Con. 5 (1.39549) .. 39.75 $1894) 2:430A 2984 TEM 16-2078; Lebel Township ..... 2022-6. de cece essen sn eee 48.4 16.18 4.730A 2983 LEM EZ Smmisebel: LO wasiaipirr seen reile ei clei ra (o.c tives o'cis-alk/alioven 32.58 13.35 ; : Bryce Townshig L.YS3A 6640 CST Wibjenitors Ista, Ibo aetosh, ICES Mommthn Seoodssbentenessener 46.85 22.04 7123) 0974 SSI) | NUE14 of NIGZ of Wot 10) Gon.)4; (0256919) ...2.....3...-.. 40.0 14.24] 123A 0040 CS1 Mining Kights, 1.2964, Teck Township .................... 48.15 22.51 Ties) 9975. SSM NaWég4) of N-34)08 Wot 10, Con: 4)1(0.25092) 4. a.-.5--.- 40.0 14.24] 1-995A 0040 ,CST Mining Rights, L.2905, Teck Township ................... 36.44 18.24 Ts 6384 SSE S.Pit4 or Nw of Lot 10) Gon. 44<(024229) ck... 40.0 14.24] 1-288 1008 CST 1.6325, Morrissette Township ....,..........s0eeseeee eee 57.1 19,92 Ties Gees SSI | SANG GE NGA Caiuen WUC M1, (GN,. tonatceadescode 40.0 Wipmigices 1002; (Cola 9126324) Morrissette Vownship . 900.2... 20. ..s..see sees. 39.8 15.25 sit23) <0976" SS ND aZeomiN Alot bot die Con)4, (25693) @-2..--2-.-s 40.0 14.24] 7-288 1609 CST 1.6325, Morrissette Township ..............--.sssee sees eee 55.8 42.48 7123 9977. SST NAW On NE rota om ll@anaanGieesG04)i i aoe oho 40.0 14.24| 2- 65 1103 CST L.6353, Bernhardt Township wha Wn tetal- Jo. siakhie ris Giaiate te von vnoe0 6 48.5 16.20 1123 6385 SST Si SiN at, Wot {ly Conk, (T-24228)h Sic. oan tomb. 40.0 14.24 eo 1104 CST L.6354, Bernhardt Township aera Peete terete ete esac eeeey & 37.0 13.88 T.123 9978 SST S.W.% of N.Y% of Lot 11, Con. 4, (7.25695) eh eg SEN ges 40.0 14.24 TO40A 7422 SST L.7807 (L.20552) Boston Township J Lodeoc Joo abo Pee cd oaberena 36.2 13.78 7.123 9982 SST NE. Part of N. Part of Broken Lot 12, Gon. 4 (1.25696) .... 40.36 14.33 T.940A 7424 SST L.7808 (L.26554) Boston Township 2 POO OOOO 6 OC ORDO COE ae 35.0 13.63 7.123 9983 SST S.E. Part of N: Part Broken Lot 12, Con. 4 (T.25697) ...... 39.86 14.23| 1-939A 7421 SST _L..7809 (1.26557) Boston Township ............----+.-+20.5 < 35.6 13.71 : A -s T.940A 7423 SST TE O20 Gle2O5DS) MBOStONMUOWISHIP waccscitwice acer citices sess. 41.7 14.64 Bucke Township ' - | T.939A 7419 SST E77O2 ie (ee 2559) BD OStOne ML OWISUID Ws piace lee ees see ones Ot 17.36 Pe GOT WHnIHS TRieies (Paros Proket Lot 7-Conet <2...) 505 AoG 13,00] 1.9394 7420 SST --_L.7854 (L.26556) Boston Township ......-.-..s00e00ee0000 35.1 13.65 } T.61ZA 9558 SST ~ Mining Rights, N-E.%4 of N.¥4 of Lot-1,Con-2--.+--~------~ 40.0 14.24] 2-723 1599 CST L.8201, Morrissette Township ........ 102 Coane oboe sn bener ends 30.8 13.13 i T165 3401 NND Mining Rights, N.W.% of N.4 of Lot 10, Con.2..... Sita 40.0 18.76 T.828A 6032 CST Mining Rights, L.8575, Wielbamlo wiShipreritis ais sis sles «tele 43.5 16.08 | T.616A 11941 SST Mining Rights, N.E. %4 of S.1%4 of Lot 2, Con. 3 .........0-.. 40.125 14.26 aaa oe eee Bini ene ba, Melba Township .................. 41.3 15.28 I ini ights, N.¥ BE ay Wa ata te tana ada i 44: . . MBIECICL el ONVSIAIN oe ctteateteieintc clare eis eters a\nicie's + qvie'eld » alpine 6 = 37.04 13.88 CBA ae NN MiningeR ightss Way ob Cary soe % B08 Ve CST 1.8669, Lebel Township ER ROE ee iss. 38.76 14.10 ' 5 T.730A 1723 CST IL;SoseO}, IL cys enrages). | iso (Oe coc obo eto UR GOB OOneE donaee 39.92 14.23 Cag Be AOAVI2 en CSin ma cos ebel Upywastip Stee eens ee ccs. cs sap eee 37.33 13.91 T.598A 6619 SST Mining Rights, N.W.%4 of N.% of Lot 5, Con. 2............ 40.375 - 14.33} T.730A 1610 CST ILS CHA, ILE INS nalatys) sos Son DO OOSOdRU OD ORGE OOD ECE ee 38.9 14.11 Sipe T.828A 6032 CST Mining Rights, L.8687, Melba Township .................. Ad 16.40 Catharine Township : i T.730A 1804 CST IL LOSO, Leet AMOK TINY Genogocdsbdcocsdcosouedbe Somes ate V2 12.31 5 G 925 AG Ware 5 7 /T.926A7432 SST SLE. Part of N. Part' of Lot, 7, Con. 6 (1.34750) .......200004 40.0 REL ace SUCHE oan pel nes a iacamae hal anean aa) see T.926A 6339 SST S.W. Part of N. Part of Lot, 7, Con. 6 (L.34751) ....-.e0e- 000s 40.0 BEA IGI2 CST. 1.9414, Lebel Township .......0cccscoscccecseceecseceeesse 49.24 16.36 ¥ re MRS 2233. CST Mining Rights, L.9561, McVittie Township ................ 2.0 20.44 Coleman. Township 7.288 2234 CST Mining Rights, L.9582, McVittie Towaship Ree FE ET ea 43.0 26.94 = T.705 10671 SST Mining Rights, Part of Lot 1, Con. 2 (C349) ................ 12.5 8.04] T.712A 2852 CST ILO LVS IkaigotnS Weyer, sapdeococcaboodourosadoddsonenoe AER 13.01 T.705 11323 SST Mining Rights, Part-of Lot 1, (Casi GYO\ aetaescouace cores 20.0 9.86] T.712A 2853 CST HERLOOZ4 Katrine: UG walsitiprrds st eistetieysiere ticretele oi h/aisistelaictainials elle « 43.6 15.08 e705 MW3Z23-- Sol Mining Rights, Part of Lot 1 Con. 2, (C.39) .... ..-..-.----- 20.0 9.85| T.712A 2551 CST Wal Ooo Katrineesh OwrnShipe: sickest. «as sc seackteee eas 614 53.5 17.35 T.705 12069. SST Mining Rights, Part of Lot 1, Con. 2, (SZOLEAN. so oviggersctsistee 20.0 9.86} T.712A 2552 CST IL MOPS) eeiniinar Alois onig toac ore obodooGGoORUN 2 4p¢bocUnO $319 17.45 ®T.705 10671 SST Mining Rights, S. Part of Lot 1, Cons2; (CME) ce mirctae cite 25.5 11.19] T.712A 2549 CST USS peleathinee ho WiMSIM pit ele sig sels s x!c'cjslula'sie's wins eel o's cas 43.0 14.93 T.705 10879 SST Mining Rights, Part of S.% of Lot 1, Con. 3, (E.% of S.E. T.712A 2893 CST ILO), Isagani: "INoninyejenec odacc cocucpononngoduucdoGcuoS 43.0 14.93 Tot Szhof Wot) Con. 3, (E9238) wor. wwicies oeln oyrisie » aielais ci" 20.0 9.86} T.712A 2854 CST NEAT Ala Sea PETE NOW MSHI Po steiesn elelaicie clelsiciele «)*1s10/0/-1= ole'elele olnlgie 44.0 15.16 705). 93827. SSP Mining Rights, N.E. Part of Broken Lot 9, Con. 4 (N.Y% L.712ZA 2894 . CST JE ANea, Iai sy onyakynriy, "pdaue Coun ADOC SO OROOCOOBORODOED 44.9 15.37 of N.E. % of N. % of Broken Lot 9, Con. 4) (C.919) +... 20.0 98.6} T.712A 2593 CST IL ILE Zia Mendis "Iie rldevjn; Seo gocosodes Ore POOOdECOOOp. 005 38.5 14.05 le O5e 525 Son), Mining Rights, N.E. Part of Broken Lot 10, Con. 4, (E.% of N.E. T.712A 2548 USL LMA, Tenet Toinsie oc conecoounoeU CCD CO OMNeUodD In Odc 30.3 13.06 ; 4 of N.% of Broken Lot 10, Con. 4 (C.696).............---- 20.0 9.86] £.712A 2554 UST ILA) Lei vats IMO aii), eaoo Soc conn bce cucueonuaoer doo 59.9 25.66 T.1039A 9322 SST Mining Rights, N.W. Part of Lot 19, Con. 4-(C.245) ........ 35.0 13/08) -792ZA5537 CST ILA, lanes "Wowie conpoocur oconUCOCOCODONOURD GD 36.5 13.81 1.705, 8566> Sor Mining Rights, Part of Lot 8, Con. 5 (E.% of N.W. % of T.820A 2049 CST Mining Kights, L.12302, McGarry Township ..........-.... ¢ 32.6 15.32 Saori rokent otro Connon) (ClOSa)uiacte secre cies 20.0 9.86] 1.8ZUA zo+o Col Minng Rignts, 1.12303, McGarry Township ................ 26.1 13.24 : 7 T.705 9624. SST Mining Rights, Part of Broken Lot 8, Con. 5 (W.% of N.W. T.Y53A 0640 CST Mining tights, L.13441, Leck Township 30.95 16.25 : VY, of'S.14 of Broken' Lot'8, Con. 5 (C-1964) ~..:°-...---.2. 20.0 9.86| 1.288 3639 CS1 L.16161, Lebel 'Lownship 50.03 $8.57 7059830, SSa Mining Rights, Part of N.E. Part of S. Part of Lot 8, Con. WZeemesecs (CST Part of L.16164 (Part not covtred by waters of McTavish 5, (WY of N.E.% of S% of Broken Lot 8, Con. 5) (1.21028) 20.0 9.86 Leis) ILQr al "Monette GoaoesenceocokdodacoovcenoceoduaD 8.41 15.01 HO) SRO) SSE Mining Rights, Part of S.E. Part of Lot 8, Con. 5. (W% T.2883002/7 CST IL ZOKU ILGEat Tonite) Gey clupdor reps occu BDC boob oncsooCon 62.0 46.63 of S.E.% of S.% of Broken Lot 8, Con. 5 (1.21030) --......... 20.0 . 9.86] T.71Z2A 5312 CST IL ARLOZ0), Wey iettS Ikon@ehy. mepooorucnopobocouoss-o0ro-a5n0n 31.85 13.25 AZO) WiLBy45} - SS\IP Mining Rights, E.% of S.W.% of S.% of Broken Lot 8, T.776A 6296 SST Mining' Rights, 125077, Hearst Township ................. 28.36 15.34 (Corns i (ERY)? oe ee Bs Eee Seo AAD oOo 20.0 9.86] T.776A 6299 SST Mining Rights, L.25078, Hearst Township ................ ¢ 39.26 19.30 W705 85660) S50 Mining Rights, S.% of N.E. 40 acres of Lot 9, Con. 5 : T.776A 6297. SST Mining Rights, L.25079, Hearst Township ................. 4 32.07 16.68 (S.% of N.E.% of N. % of Lot 9, Con. 5) (S%2.G: 166). 2. 20.0 ~ 9,86} T.776A 6298 SST Mining Rights, L.25080, Hearst Township ................. 46.08 21.79 ADVAol) Ins Ze) SISIP Mining Rights, S.W. Part of Broken Lot 9, Con. 5, 2 T.776A 7304 SST Mining Rights, L.25083, Hearst Township .................. 28.04 15.20 (S.W.% of S.% of Lot 9, Con. 5) (C.80) ......- eee reece eee 40.0 14.72] T.776A 7303 SST Mining Rights, L.25084, Hearst Township ............4.... 22.62 13.23 { T.639A 10044 SST Mining Rights, L.25316, (L.39038) Hearst Township ........ 29.83 12.31 i b F Eby Township ; T.693A 10045 SST Mining Rights, L.25585 (1.39039) Hearst Township ........ 52.33 13.00 i ; 4 rit Mini i s, L.2558 3S ynshipy, .j-10 vps leo 28 | PGMA ED SS ee aie oe eee ree 40.0 Aoo |e: aeeeeeteE Meee are eects fac eee ee ee he Rak | TO I 8 Me tee ee ea oe a co 14.90] 77124 5316 CST 1.26507, Katrine Township ......ssssssseseeeeesseeeagecees 4715 15.88 T.681A 9374 SST eee Ros . Lot 2, Con. 5, (Except H-E.P:C. Trans. ape 9.90 T.940A 7430 SST L.26690, Boston Township ..........s0...csnesecseceer sees 12.80 10.95 ae ee Byes 22 OC 68 0 SURESH Ca aa 9 SU LO A ae 2 ™| T.940A 7433 SST eA CoN, Woieray IWonmeiye ¢ concgudod Jun ooRena heaeot nae 20.1 11.83 Pes inoati St NW jAsct 5/2 at Lot 2,.Con. 3, (Somept aes Trans. T9404 7434 SST 1.26692, Boston Township ..........-.-- a ne a 30.5 13.08 1 Line 3.44 ac. oe Sadie whan ete of 2.861 ae T674 6156 CST Mining Rights, L.29068, McVittie Township ............... 35.91 19.08 f esp epmate' ee ae 2 HEEEST ES) EU 30.5 14.90 7.674 6157 CST Mining Rights, Part of L.29069, (Part not covered by waters ] own on Survey Plan P. )) Ghcdabooosbooss Soavooude : . 7 (oe ae) ava io wneiie DS hs ae ea coe ees ; 4 3 : ining Rights, L.29070, McVittie Township ............... 27.2: 5.66 Lorrain_ Township 7.674 6154 CST Mining Rights, 1.29810, McVittie Township ............-.. 18.52 12.25 | TRB FOI WD INUD RG OF Ilo By (Coin, So anascddenaboodsesocdsouddosn 40.0 14.24 oe 6153 CST Mining Rights, L.29811, McVittie Township ............... 41.59 21.31 | T.674 6160 CST Mining Rights, L.30884, McVittie Township ............... 24.89 14.76 Maisonville T. hi : T.674 6161 CST Mining Rights, L.31361, McVittie Township ........-..-..-. 2.99 8.92 SS ty a erree T776A 10168 SST Mining Rights, L.45833, Hearst Township .................. 30.92 12.14 T910A 291 CST SE. Part of N. Part of Broken Lot 10, Con.1.............. 4.0 12.27 1965 NND Mining Rights, Mining Location, L.O. 5A, S. bank of Montreal River, West of Location L.O. 5, Coleman Twp. ..... 4.0 7.00 i Otto Township : T.870A 1626 CST Mining Rights, L.S. 109 (Except Surface Rights of that portion i MIVA IAOE ESM. GNLEAK of15.24 of Lot 102 Con. 5... camntecerase Women ners 39.875 1-23. a a eee FAR deere ae aed ae eaemira: Reape aM t R : a T.870A 3340 CST Mining Rights, L.S.111, Lebel Townshipry.4 nen came >>. 46.4 16.89 q Pacaud Township '| £8704 1690 CST LS. 250, (Except the Right-of-way of H.E.P.C.) Lebel Twp. . 61: 20.64 192641160 SST Mining Rights, N.14 of Lot 7, Con. 6 ...--...020-see0ee es 161.0 42.19| T.870A 1623 CST LS. 251, (Excepting the Right-of-way of H.E.P.C. Trans. Lines) Lebel Township, 02.00... 5.2 sso os oeisie ceireiseuwivns 46.1 16.82 SlesdiTowashin T STON BORMTESHE © WIS: AS2, TcHel-Townwhip: ab bs). ac -cco! -- Seren eeweees 41.3 15.59 [218 8713 SST Mining Rights, N.W.% of N.% of Lot 4, Con. 6 (L.25705) .... 40.75 19.76 et W729 Csi L.S. 453, Lebel Township hs :: ee ppm Bote ciaey a eRe Seesaw tee 46.9 17.02 ~ [218 7315. SST Mining Rights, S.E. 14 of N.4 of Lot 4, Con. 6 (L.25707) ... 40.75 19.90| 7.870A 1705 CST L.S.455, (Excepting Right-of-way of H.E.P.C. Trans. Line 5 ue218) 7367 Sor Mining Rights, S.W.% of N.% of Lot 4, Con. 6 (L.25708) .... 40.75 19.00 Lebel Township ...... ie ee Hap tin wn ng nie 4 eee re S37 14.34 7.218 7429 SST Mining Rights, N.E.%4 of S.% of Lot 4, Con. 6 (L.25706) .... 40.75 19.76 | T.870A 1706 CST 1.S3456; Webel Lown stitpas oc +58 «oft ccs ons sie malpimicn sn e'rieo oo ¢ 272 13.38 M2ISR 7425) Sou Mining Rights, N.E.% of N.% of Lot 6, Con. 6 (L.27664) .... 41.0 19.86 | T.870A. 1707 CST L.S. 457 (Excepting Right-of-way of H.E.P.C. Trans Line T.218 8787 SST Mining Rights, N.W.14 of N.% of Lot 6, Con. 6 (L.27663) .... 41.0 19.07 MahelhDovatehlip: 20s pee intie oe Syl eeyeemnaise= eave aa 34.7 14.48 7.218 2812 SST Mining Rights, S.E.%4 of N.% of Lot 6, Con.6....-.......- 41.0 19.344 [870A 1675 CST LAS. 497 (Excepting Right-of-way of H.E.P.C. Trans. Line) 7.218 2780 SST Mining Behe ee ee of Lot 2 Con. 6, ........+++- aig Hae Pichelo wi stint £5 sie Meee ah jhe ig mete Mee 38.6 15.05 T2718 e28lt sSsG Mining Rights, N.E.%4 of S.% of Lot 6, Con. 6, ...........- a F : aa ere g T218 2781 SST Mining Rights, N.W.%4 of S.%4 of Lot 6, Con. 6, ....... poe 40 er egg SSS een a aaa a ania aeircseeane a ads 7218 2813 SST Mining Rights, S.E.%4 of S.% of Lot 6, Con. 6, ............ 41.0 » 19.34 5 1 Ae ie AN il ad ake ag A 3 A ae ' : 7.218 2782 SST Mining Rights, S.W.% of S¥% of Hoti6, ComsGs cecelrvacen« 4h 19.33 (Continued on Page Six)

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