The Haileyburian (1912-1957), 2 Jun 1955, p. 1

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i Leishman, Mrs. J.T 153 HE HAILEYBURIAN '| No. 13 _HAILEYBURY, ONT ARIO_ _THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd,_ 1955 Subscription Rate: $2.00 per year District Rally of Ladies' Auxiliary of Canadian Legion One Rundeed: aa one members of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion attended a rally in Cobalt on Monday evening. Kepresentatives were present trom auxiliaries from Charlton, Lhornloe, Englehart. New Lis- keard, Haileybury, Cobalt and the youngest auxiliary, Temag- ami. _ Mrs. J. A. Underwood, pres- ident of the Cobalt Auxiliary, opened the meeting and welcom- ed the Command Officer, Chair- man of the Provincial Command, Mrs. P. Pegg and members. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs, E. M. Marsh of Englehart- Commander of Number 5 Zone. Mrs. A. Fleming, secretary of the Cobalt Auxiliary read the Eninutes of the rally held in New Liskeard last year, These were correct and adopted as read. The auxiliaries were then ask- ed to give their reports for the past year. Each and every auxil- lary gave a very splendid report and were complimented on their work. _Mrs, Pegg then spoke to the gathering saying "It was a plea- sure to be back in the north again as it had been some years since her last visit. She stressed the point of working in harmony and to help and support the new members but not to forget the pioneer membtrs. She congratulated the auxil- iaries on their gratifying reports and said she could see we were all working very hard. A question and answer period followed, after which the meet- ing was turned over to Mrs, Underwood forthe closing cere- mony. One as. silence was ob- served in memory of the com- s-who have departed from our midst. Before the meeting opened the the auxiliaries marched to the cenotaph where a wreath was placed by the Command officers. The Cobalt Auxiliary served a delicious buffet supper and a sing-song with Mrs, Stan. Tres- sider at the piano, was very much enjoyed. The rally will be held in Hail- eybury next year. Attending from Haileybury were Mrs. Alice Fleming, Mrs, Bill Taylor, Mrs. Phil. Libby, Mrs, John Dewson, Mrs. Vic. Camera Club Holds Regular pee inge = Armouries On Monday 'evening last, the Camera Club me¢ in the Armour ies with a good attendance. During the business of the meeting it was decided to hold regular meeting the last Monday of the month in the Armouries. Connie Vachon showed slides on yarious scenes, imcluding a trip in Florida, the Diamond Ju- bilee and the Cobalt Old Home Week. MRS. ANNA YOUNGBERG The death occurred of Mrs. Anna Youngberg in the Miseri™ cordia Hospital May 24th, 1955. Her husband Gust Youngberg predeceased her Feb. 22, 1952. They were both born in Ljusne Sweden, came to Haileybury in 1907. They ahd one child, a son, Manfred who was four years old when they came to Haileybury. He died in Kirkland Lake, Oct. 4th. 1932. Since her husband died, and her son, they had no relatfves in Canada, but she had many kind neighbours and loving friends and the many beautiful floral tributes showed the esteem in which she was held, and the many kind deeds from friends while in tha hospital. She was a Member of the Gospel Hall, a true Christian by faith. . They lived for on the West Road. fire in 1922, they built a on Lawlor Street. Since her husband's death she has _ lived three winters with an old friend, many years After the honfe Mrs. Swan J. Nelson and sons. But in her own home in town during summer. she left her friends on the West Road April 15th She was only a short time back inher own home when she took very sick and had to he taken to the hospital. where she seemed to be improving, and was preparing to leave the hos- pital when she very suddenly took a stroke and geemed to lose her speech and was unconscious till her death. Pallbearers were Messrs. Nath Oslund, Art Robertson, Walter McNaught. W. Fleming, S. Mc- Intyre and W. Reedge. McMahon, Mrs. Roy Johnston, Mrs. Margaret Weiss, Mrs. Gar- net Ross, Mrs, Bill Troke, Mrs. Harold Adams, Mrs. Ivan Sadler, Mrs. M. Hurst, Mrs, Lloyd De- mpster, Mrs. Frank Plaunt, Mrs, Buster McDonnell, Mrs. Jack Hughes and Mrs, Al. Hargrave. Tea and Produce Sale At the Home of MRS. H. F. STRONG, Ethel Street FRIDAY, JUNE 10th 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. UNDER AUSPICES OF ST. PAUL'S W.A. aa HAILEYBURY Saturday, 22 222222222222 2222222222 DODAAE Square Dancing © Three Ontario School Champion Sets from North Bay 7.30 p.m. CHILDREN'S EXHIBITION ARMOURIES June 4th POLED POSS S SSSR CCS CCC SCC CCCT OCC CCCCCOT 1.0.D.E. Hat Derhy and Tea Held in Schools' Auditorium Hats, hats, hats, little hats, big hats, pretty hats, ridiculous hats, hats of all styles when the ladies of Haileybury and district on Saturday afternoon enjoyed another Hat Derby Tea under the auspices of the local Chapter of the IODE held in the schools auditorium. Mrs, Jack Thom- son, the Regent, welcomed the guests. The tea table with a lace cloth and ~ centred a "chic chapeau', which was later drawn for and won by Mrs« George Pratt. Silver appoint- ments were used at either end. Pouring tea during the after- noon were Mrs. L, Nicholls, Mrs. S. McGillivray, Mrs, W. R. Lowery and Mrs. Jas. Grant Mrs. Arnold Dempster convened the tea table and Mrs. Jack Dunlop and Mrs, James Blair served the guests. Mrs. George Morgan was in charge of the produce which held many varieties home baking. Mrs, Cliff Lowery convened the kitchen and she was assisted by Mrs. Alex MacLean, Mrs. John Gilkes and Mrs. J, Hall- worth. e Mrs. Bill McGaw played sev- eral beautiful piano selections during the afternoon Judges for the Hat Derby were Jim Dunlop. Clarence Con- nelly and Bob Herbert. First prize for the fancy hat went to Miss Jean Grant; the most original, Mrs. M. Drew of Co- balt Chemicals and the most rid- icoulous, Mrs. Syd Rouse. The draw on the picnic basket convened by Mrs. Gordon Kirk was won by Mrs. J. Fulton of Virginiatown The IODE enblem and bou- was covered of quets of spring flowers graced 4" the auditorium, THE WEER'S WEATHER Week ending June Ist, 1955 Min Max. Mintirsdaysesee. oon 40 61 Bridaysos-naiace on 49 70 Saturday. vee. ee 58 68 Slnd ay: weet ci tens 58 68 Mondayateies. «me a 48° 55 Muesdayr farce: is 49 58 Northwood Camp Director R. W. Hopper, Executive Di- rector of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children announ- ced the re-appointment of Miss Anna Jean Holmes, Reg- istered Nurse, as Camp Direc- tor of Northwood Camp for crippled children, near Kirk- land Lake. Miss Holmes was- Camp Director of Northwood last year, andishe is a highly qualified person to direct the activities there. The Society owns and operates five crip- pled children's camps through~ out the province, where over twelve hundred .kéddies willl enjoy a holiday this year. It is an Easter Seal service. table - Observation Tower Does Double Duty; Tourist Attraction From the Great Lakes almost to the Arctic Circle, some 3]1 forest fire observation towers are spotted on strategic heights @cross Ontario, manned and alert all during the fire season from April to October's end, Most of them are 80 to 100 feet high, perched atop the highest point in the district from which forest are visible for 25 miles or more in all directions. Most of the towers are sfeel and most of them function unseen by aver- age woods travellers. An exception is the fire tower at Parry Sound. Its lookout actually is more than 170 feet above the waters of Georgian Bay and the tower surrounding grounds are visited by thou- sands of tourists every year. To make the tower safer for visitors, its stairway is being closed in with interlocking wire mesh, This precaution has been thought especially impor- tant because of the number of children who vist "Tower Hill" and, with adults, admire and photograph the flower gardens and reforested areas which have earned high praise for the De- partment of Lands and Forests there, H. W. Hummel, assistant District Forester at Parry Sound says: "Since June, 1927. the sur- rounding country has been sur- veyed from Tower Hill. From the lookout cabin, 171 feet above Georgian Bay, one can see the smoke of Copper Cliff smelter on a clear day or the flicker of the lighthouse on Western Is- land--25 miles as the crow flies, "Tower Hill, before erection of the tower, was barren of ites, Reforestation cured this today a fine young stand of pine gives cover to birds, shade to travellers and is an asset to the town. During a bad spring storm, hundreds of birds of many species may be foundin the plan- tation waiting for good weather # to proceed to their nesting places "The odd-shaped stones bor- dering the walks and flower beds were picked up on Georgian Bay and add much to the place's scenic beauty. "The sun-dial, with its inscrib- ed motto 'It's Later Than You Think' was carved by Peter Mc- Ewen, former district. forester at Parry Sound, who also engin- eered the whole tower project. People checking watches with the sun dial are apt to forget that sun time actually is about 20 minutes later than Standard Time, | Coming Events | Thurs., June 2nd--Recital by pupils of Miss Edna Maher, A.T. C.M.,. R.M.T., to be held in the Blue Room of Hotel Haileybury. Silver collection. Thurs.. June 2nd----Monthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion in the Legion Hall. Tues.. June 7--at 3 p.m. the regular monthly meeting of St. WA will be held in the Parish Hall, Thurs., June 9--At the home of Mrs. Taylor Pipe, Brewster Street, W A of the United Church supper party at 6.30 p.m. Fri., June 10--At the home of Mrs. H. F. Strong, a tea and produceisale, auspices of the WA of St: Paul's Anglican Church. Thurs., June 16--The Temisk- aming District Tuberculosis As- sociation will hold their annual meeting in Haileybury at the Hotel Haileybury;- meeting at ight o'clock. Square Dance Teams Former Students in Triple Drowning Local Armouries | Near Quebec Town This Saturday evening at 800 Two recent graduates of The p-m. in the Haileybury Armour- Provincial Institute of Mining ies there will be an exhibition of and a fourteen year old youth Square Dancing by the Primary ere the victims of a drowning and Secondary Schools of North accident in. Lake Demontigny in Exhibition at Bay. This exhibition is sponsor: seyen miles north of Val D'or, on ed by the Haileybury Rotary, Friday last. Club. It will show the children They were identified as Paul Gi- roux, 14, John McCallum, 25 and Derwin McKinley, 26. All three perished within thirty feet of a tauseway leading to Sisco Island. The two men drowned while trying to rescue the youth who had slipped into the water while fishing, _ McCallum tried to re- scue the lad and when he was un- able to, was joined by McKinley but all three were dragged into deep water and drowned, Derwood (Red) Arthur Mc- Kinley, son of Mr. and Mrs, W. of Temiskaming and area how good square dancing should be done and is done by the Ontario champions. This exhibition should prove of interest to all who intend en- tering the square dance contest at the Rotary Summer Fair to be be held July 28, 29, 30. A small admission fee will be charged. Local Girl Guide Company To Hold Jamboree on Friday Dancing, singing, semaphore Mekanley," Red Lake: Ont.) was drill, a play and a display of buried on W ednesday in Holy articles made by tt ls Cross Cemetery : here _following Tae eee Se gir rae mass in St, Patrick's Church, in some of the interesting events which will take place at the Jam- Cobalt. 5 boree to be held on Friday even- A graduate of the Haileybury ing at eight o'clock in the audi- Institute of Mining in Mz ay of toriunm of the school. 1952, he was the third prize win- There will be a presentation ner in General Proficiemcy and of badges and the public an honor student, cordially Thai' to attend. After graduating Mr. Mc- -- Kinley spent a year in Mexico, "Gardening Bits" and on returing to Canada ac~ cepted a position as metallurgist Dr, and aes J. re A. Crawford with East Sullivan Mines, are very. proud of their crab- John L. McCallum of Matach- apple trees in their splendour of ewan, graduated this past month pale pink and white blossoms. from the Provincial Institute of Mining and was also an honor Somehow or, other we think student having won the third pri- that Mr, and Mrs. D. R. Murray ze for General Proficiency. He will be the first Haileyburians was on the Engineering Staff of eating new potatoes out of their the Golden Manitou Mines. own garden this year, Mr. Mr, McCallum is being taken 'Murray planted hig potatoes on tg Ottawa for burial. April 28th and they are now upa = foot or more and are ready for second hoeing. Miss Hjordicas Isachsen of 6 SS Sa New York City spent a few days Mr. Cliff Ferguson of Mont- with Mrs. Iza McNaught and at- real. renewed acquaintances in tended the funeral of Mrs. Anna town this week. Youngberg, are Rummage Sale! Auspices of W. A. of the United Church United Church Basement Friday, June 10th 7:15 p.m. bose ss OPEN HOUSE at the New EDGEWATER MOTEL MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL TO VISIT OUR NEW MODERN MOTEL and COFFEE SHOP The Building is now completed and we would like this opportunity of showing you around OPEN HOUSE FROM 2:00 till 10:00 p.m. FREE Tea and Coffee Colesatonithe. Childven WE'RE PROUD OF OUR NEW MOTEL AND HOPE TO SEE YOU THEN! J. Cooper, Prop. Bingo! 20 Games for 50c ' Sponsored by Haileybury Legion Ladies' Auxiliary at LEGION HALL 4 Special Games Door Prize: $25.00 Blackout TUE., JUNE '7th Starts at 8.30 p.m. "OSCAR" will be an ordinary Bingo starting at $10.00 on Eight Numbers and increasing in value $5.00 and 1 number per Bingo. Four Corners wiil be called an ordinary Bingo !

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